Session 94

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 65 TE 6058

Over the next few days, we shop a bit, and Alynna goes and experiments with her funky cloth. Perhaps it will end up being puncture resistant shirts.

Imre tries to buy off the angry mob mentality with a mountain of coppers.

Oathar buys a new multiplier and tries to find a good gift for Alynna, but is thwarted.

Oathar also asks the Church of Neela about mermen. There are some in the waters off Nomar Tol who she thinks are peaceful.

Oathar has a party. Nesmoi, Aaron, and Arisia are invited too. Party members get presents.

Our wine cellar is restocked. The evil ones really had fun in there.

Orhan 5 Day 70 TE 6058

New Year's Celebrations. Imre give part of the service with the High Priestess. It's not inspirational, but we like it. Imre invites Good Mom. (Who has been stashed in Santa Vallandra.)

The mass goes along as expected. Lot's of candle lighting. It's pleasant. There are a lot of coughs in the audience this year. Very strange. There are extra prayers for the sick. Nothing happens.

So we head home for our late night dinner. We have dinner. Good mom was impressed by the lack of an attack of the Unlife. We explain that we don't get so much of that here. Nothing else terrible happens so we go to bed.

Imre and good mom stay up all night and bond.

Orhan 1 Day 1 TE 6059

New Year's Day! We survived!

We discuss, Earth Demon, Lugraki in Zor, the Iron Wind, Ardania, Necromancer Dude Ranch near Ardania, Lankonok, and other plans.

We head to Santa Vallandra. We scout the mountains.

Orhan 1 Day 11 TE 6059

Bands of 20-40 Lugraki have been coming down from the mountains and ambushing farms. We take the 1st, 3rd, and 5th companies on an expidition to the areas being raided and pillaged. We march east to the mountains.

Orhan 1 Day 16 TE 6059

We see smoke in the distance. Tradewind goes forth and investigates flames on houses. It seems the Lugraki have passed this way. Tradewind can't find survivors. They probably went and hid in the woods. (Both sides.) We investigate the village closely. The lugraki wore leather with shields and swords. The villagers were ill defends and armed with farm equipment. The villagers fled westard generally. The raiding party went south. One of the two villages in the area seems to be the likely target given that, so we think about defending it. Alynna hears a little girl crying while we are investigating tracks. Alynna lures her out. Her name is "Newt".

We proceed south. The girl attaches herself to Alynna.

We get to the second village and hear the sounds of combat. Charge!!!!

Battle is joined. We kill all four units of lugraki and take 13 permanent casulties among our three companies.