09/22/87 enter_problem_report, epr Syntax: epr {-control_args} Function: enters problem reports concerning installed Multics software or documentation. Use enter_suggestion (es) to enter suggestions, and enter_question (eq) to enter questions about Multics. Use add_to_trouble_report (attr) to add information to an existing report. Use answer_trouble_report (atr) to answer an existing report. Control arguments: -brief, -bf suppresses printing of some explanatory messages, briefly prompts for information. -long, -lg prints full explanatory messages and information prompts. (Default) -verbose, -vb describes each question in detail as it is asked. The information describes how to end the question, lists possible answers, etc. -tr_log, -trl adds a summary of the report to the user's TR log ([hd]>Person_id.tr_log). The log helps track TR activity. It can be edited when a new Multics release is installed to remove log entries for fixed TRs. (Default) -no_tr_log, -ntrl suppresses logging. -terminal_input, -ti prompts for information needed to submit a report. After user answers questions, requests can be issued to print or edit information and to submit completed report. (Default) -input_file path, -if path parses segment named by path for information needed to submit a report. The segment contains the same information fields which would be prompted for in -terminal_input. After parsing, epr prompts for any required information not in the segment, then enters the request loop. -request_loop, -rql enters the request loop immediately. Editing requests are used to supply information for the report. -request request_line, -rq request_line specifies a request line to be executed before entering the request loop. -quit stops execution after processing the requests given with the -request control argument. -update, -ud prints user's TR registration information and allows editing of the information. (Default - user asked to verify registration every 90 days) -no_update, -nud suppresses automatic verification of TR registration which normally occurs every 90 days. -editor editor_name uses named editor during this invocation of epr. Allowed editors are: edm, qedx (qx), ted, emacs, teco and tr_edit. tr_edit is invoked by the command line: tr_edit path_to_be_edited You can define an abbrev called tr_edit which invokes a private editor. (Default - use editor given in user's TR registration) -abbrev, -ab enables abbreviation expansion and editing of request lines. -no_abbrev, -nab disabled abbreviation expansion and editing of request lines. -profile PATH, -pf PATH specifies the pathname of the profile to use for abbreviation expansion. The suffix "profile" is added if necessary. This control argument implies -abbrev. -prompt STR changes the prompt for epr request lines to STR. If STR is "", the user is not prompted. -prompt accepts "STR^[(^d)^]: " which takes the form STR(N):, where N is the recursion level if greater than one. The default prompt is "epr(N): ", where N is the recursion level if greater than one. -no_prompt stops prompting for epr requests. Equivalent to -prompt "". Answer delimiters: The questions epr asks can be answered with 1-line answers or multi-line answers, depending upon the type of question. epr prompts for 1-line answers by printing a field name and colon (:), leaving the terminal positioned after the colon. epr prompts for multi-line answers by printing a field name and colon, leaving the terminal positioned on the line following the field name. The answer ends with a line containing just a period (.). List of field specs: Many epr requests accept a field specification which identifies information fields to be processed by the request. Field specs can be: field_name one of the field names allowed in the report. Use the list_fields request to print a list of acceptable field names. -required, -rqd all of the fields required to submit a report. More information fields are required for Site SAs and developers than for other users. Use list_fields request to determine which fields are required in your reports. -all, -a all fields even allowed in a report. This includes non-required fields, and even fields which developers and other users are not prompted for. List of requests: print {field_specs}, pr {field_specs} prints the specified fields. (Default- prints all answered fields) edit {field_specs}, ed {field_specs} edits the specified fields. (Default- edits all fields user would be prompted for in -terminal_input mode) add {field_specs} prompts for specified fields if they have not been answered. (Default- prompts for unanswered fields user would be prompted for in -terminal_input mode.) delete fields_specs, dl field_specs deletes the specified fields. replace field_specs, rp field_specs prompts for the specified fields, whether or not they have been previously answered. write {path}, w {path} saves fields entered so far in segment identified by pathname. If no pathname is given, report saved in segment given in previous write request. send {-ctl_args}, s {-ctl_args}, enter {-ctl_args}, en {-ctl_args} checks for validity and completeness of the report, then submits it to the TR Administrator. If ctl_args are given, the send_mail command is invoked after the TR is submitted to send the completed report to a savebox, to some other person, or to write the report in a segment. Most send_mail control arguments are allowed, plus -write, -append and -preface for putting the report in a segment. Use the "help send" request to get a complete list of control arguments. Note that "send -ack" does not give you an acknowledgment when the TR administrator reads the report. It invokes send_mail to send the report to another user (with acknowledgment), and then send_mail reports an error when it finds no user addresses have been specified. Upon completion, this request exits from epr. list_fields, lfl lists fields which are allowed in a report. Required fields are marked by (rqd). set_editor {editor_name}, sed {editor_name} sets the named editor for use during this invocation of epr. (Default- use editor given in user's TR registration) ? prints a list of requests. list_help, lh lists help topics available from help request. help {topic} prints information about specified topic. (Default- prints general information about use of epr) quit {-force}, q {-force} exits from epr request loop without submitting the report. Unless -force or -fc is given, user is queried before exiting. execute Multics_command, e Multics_command escapes to Multics command level to execute the given command. The command ends with the first semicolon (;), so that Multics commands and epr requests can be interspersed in the same request line. .. Multics_command_line executes the entire request line as a Multics command line. The .. must appear at the beginning of the request line. . prints name of this command. List of active requests: The following requests can be used in an active string in request lines. [execute Multics_active_function], [e Multics_active_function] returns the result of evaluating a Multics active function into the request line. ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved