:Info: tr_management_report: trmr: 03/15/88 tr_management_report Syntax: trmr {-control_args} Function: produces a report on the performance of selected MSD personnel in meeting TR processing goals. The report includes performance statistics, plus a summary of outstanding TRs. This command is restricted to use by developers only. Control arguments: -output_file path, -of path puts the report into the file specified by path. (default: put report into tr_report file in working directory). -release R, -rl R specifies the Multics software release period identification R to be used as a reference for calculating and reporting TR processing statistics and TR summaries. See "Notes on reporting period selection" below for more details. -from D, -fm D specifies the beginning of the period to be reported on. Only TRs entered on or after the date D are included in the report. (default: all TRs in the TR database are included). -to D specifies the end of the period to be reported on. Only TRs entered on or before date D are included in the report. (default: consider TRs entered up to the current point in time). -name Person_id, -nm Person_id report statistics only for the named individual, for people who work for him, and for his managers. (default: use Person_id of current user, unless -all is given). -individual_contributor, -ic when a manager's name is given with -name, then report statistics for the manager as an individual contributor, rather than statistics for his entire unit. If the summary of TRs is to be printed, then report on TRs assigned for the person specified only. -individual_contributor_summary, -ics If the summary of TRs is to be printed, then report on TRs assigned for the person specified only. -all, -a report on the TR performance of all people in tr_dev_table_. This table should include all people to whom TRs have been assigned. -depth N, -dh N when -all is given, report statistics for first N levels of the management hierarchy. (default: all levels of management hierarchy). When -all is not given, report statistics for the named individual, all managers above the individual and for N levels below that individual. (default: 1). -origin O, -orig O reports on TRs entered internal to HIS, or external customer-generated TRs. O can be: external, ext, e internal, int, i (default: report on both internal and external TRs). -summary {T} {P}, -sm {T} {P} includes a summary of TRs assigned to individual contributors listed in the statistics. T is an optional TR type, and P is an optional problem priority. These options control the type and priority of TRs listed in the summary. (default: include all TRs for the individual contributor in the summary). T can be: problem, prob, prb, pb, p question, ques, qs, q suggestion, sugg, sg, s The type may be preceded by ^ to have the given type excluded. (default: provide summary information for problems, questions and suggestions). P is an optional priority constraint applied to problems. It may have a value of: critical, c high, h normal, n The priority may be preceded by ^ to have the given priority excluded. See examples below. (default: all priorities). -no_summary suppresses creation of the summary. -retain, -ret Use a stored computed statistics in generating the report. See "Notes on retained statistics" below for more detail. -no_retain, -nret don't use stored computed statistics in generating the report. (default). Notes on reporting period selection: A reporting period is a Multics software release development period. The dates which denote each release period are established in the tr_dev_table_. To display the releases, their dates and the default release period, use the display_tr_dev_table -goals command. To select a release other than the default release, the -release control argument is used. Once a release period is established for reporting, the program will calculate performance with regard to TRs within the period. All TRs entered before or during the selected release are counted. Any TRs entered after the entry period of the release will not be reported on. Notes on retained statistics: The calculation of TR processing statistics is a relatively slow operation. When the trmr program is going to be run many times in succession such as is done when the statistics are reported for each developer in MDC, the -retain control can be very useful in speeding up processing time. This will cause the program to search a database for statistics that have already been calculated and add them to the TR report. Any missing statistics are calculated and added to both the TR report and the database. The database segment is located in the working directory where the trmr program is being run. The naming convention of the file is R.trmr_data where R is the Multics software release identification specified by -release R. Access required: access to read the TR data base. List of examples: trmr generates a report for the current user, and stores the report in the tr_report segment in the working directory. The report contains statistics for internal and external TRs of all types, and summaries of TRs assigned to each individual contributor listed in the statistics. The report includes only TRs entered during the current goaling period for TRs. trmr -a -tp p -orig e -no_summary generates a report giving TR processing statistics for external problem TRs for all people named in tr_dev_table_. trmr -name MDC_unit_mgr -ic generates a report giving TR processing statistics and summary information for MDC_unit_mgr as an individual contributor. Statistics and summary include all TRs in the TR DB. trmr -name MDC_unit_mgr -depth 2 -sm ^s ^n generates a report for MDC_unit_mgr as a manager, with a summary which includes only critical and high priority problems, plus questions (ie, normal problems and suggestions are excluded). :Info: tr_developer_summary: trds: 03/15/88 tr_developer_summary Syntax: trds {-control_arg} Function: produces a summary of outstanding reports assigned to a particular developer. This command is restricted to use by developers only. Control arguments: -output_file path, -of path puts the report into the file specified by path. (default: put report into tr_summary file in working directory). -release R, -rl R specifies the Multics software release period identification R to be used as a reference for calculating and reporting TR processing statistics and TR summaries. See "Notes on reporting period selection" below for more details. (default: established by tr_dev_table_). -from D, -fm D specifies the beginning of the period to be reported on. Only TRs entered on or after the date D are included in the summary. (default: start with earliest TR in TR data base). -to D specifies the end of the period to be reported on. Only TRs entered on or before date D are included in the summary. (default: consider TRs entered up to the current point in time). -name Person_id, -nm Person_id provide summary for the named individual. (default: use Person_id of current user). -individual_contributor, -ic when a manager's name is given with -name, then report summaries for the manager as an individual contributor, rather than for his entire unit. -individual_contributor_summary, -ics If the summary of TRs is to be printed, then report on TRs assigned for the person specified only. -depth N, -dh N Report summary of each TR for the named individual, and for N levels below that individual. (default: 1). -origin O, -orig O reports on TRs entered internal to HIS, or external customer-generated TRs. O can be: external, ext, e internal, int, i (default: report on both internal and external TRs). -type T {P}, -tp T {P} reports on TRs of type T. T can be: problem, prob, prb, pb, p question, ques, qs, q suggestion, sugg, sg, s The type may be preceded by ^ to have the given type excluded. (default: provide summary information for problems, questions and suggestions). P is an optional priority constraint applied to problems. It may have a value of: critical, c high, h normal, n The priority may be preceded by ^ to have the given priority excluded. See examples below. (default: all priorities). Notes on reporting period selection: The reporting period for TR statistics and summaries is set up in two ways. First, using the -from and -to controls, the range of TRs available for reporting on is established. Usually this is done automatically using the defaults. Second, the reference or focus of the report is established. The focus of the report is basically a way to format the summaries in relation to a Multics software release for which TR processing goals have been set. TR summaries will be printed for all unresolved TRs for the selected person grouped into those applying to the release processing period and those that are POST release. Finally, the release identity may be established by use of the -release control argument or by defaulting to the value established in the tr_dev_table_. Access required: access to read the TR data base. List of examples: trds -type ^suggestion ^normal provides a summary of critical and high priority problems, and of questions. trds -tp p ^n provides a summary of critical and high priority problems. ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved