09/10/87 Virtual Pointers The cv_ptr_ function converts virtual pointers that contain one or two components -- a segment identifier and an optional offset into the segment. Altogether, seventeen forms are accepted. They are shown in the list below. In the list that follows, W is an octal word offset from the beginning of the segment. It may have a value from 0 to 777777 inclusive. B is a decimal bit offset within the word. It may have a value from 0 to 35 inclusive. List of virtual pointers: path|W(B) points to octal word W, decimal bit B of segment or MSF identified by absolute or relative pathname path. If the path given identifies a multisegment file, the offset given is in component 0 of the MSF. path|W same as path|W(0). path| same as path|0(0). path same as path|0(0). path|entry_pt points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in the object file (segment or MSF) identified by path. dir>entry$entry_pt points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in the object file identified by pathname dir>entry. entry$entry_pt points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in the object file identified by pathname entry.