MULTICS TO UNIX MIGRATION PACKAGE SOFTWARE RELEASE BULLETIN RELEASE 2.0 PREPARED BY: ACTC TECHNOLOGIES INC. Copyright, (C) BULL HN Information Systems Inc., 1990 MUM2.0 1 12/19/90 MSRB2.0 TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories. MUM2.0 2 12/19/90 MSRB2.0 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes features of the Multics to UNIX Migration Package for Release 2.0 (MUM2.0). This package is intended for sites migrating from a Multics system to a DPX/2 system (For the purposes of this document, the term UNIX refers to the DPX/2.) Components of the MUM2.0 package reside on both the Multics and UNIX systems. A separate document, Migration Software Installation Bulletin (MSIB), is supplied with the release tapes. The MSIB describes contents of the release tapes and includes procedures for the installation of MUM2.0. For further information on any command or subroutine described in this document see the associated information file or the Multics/UNIX Product Differences Guide. Introduction 1-0 12/19/90 MSRB2.0 SECTION 2 CONTENTS OF THE MUM2.0 PACKAGE _C_O_M_M_A_N_D_S _A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E _O_N _U_N_I_X cdo The UNIX cdo command has been provided so that there is a facility functionally equivalent to the Multics cds command available on UNIX. cet The UNIX cet command has been added to provide support for a facility which is virtually equivalent to the Multics error table. help The Multics-like help facility for UNIX can be invoked from the "help" command; info files on UNIX are suffixed with the string ".i". list_help, lh The Multics-like list_help facility can now be invoked on UNIX through the "list_help" command. pl1 The UNIX pl1 command has been provided so that there is a UNIX facility that is functionally equivalent to the Multics pl1 command. rdc The UNIX rdc command has been implemented so that there is a facility on the UNIX system functionally equivalent to the Multics rdc command. Package Contents 2-1 12/19/90 MSRB2.0 _S_U_B_R_O_U_T_I_N_E_S _A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E _O_N _U_N_I_X create_data_object_ The create_data_object_ subroutine has been implemented on UNIX to provide functionality which is equivalent to the Multics subroutine create_data_segment_. uget_wdir_ The Multics subroutine get_wdir_ is now available for use on UNIX as uget_wdir_. ulex_error_ The UNIX ulex_error_ subroutine has been added to provide a UNIX facility equivalent to the Multics lex_error_ subroutine. ulex_string_ The UNIX ulex_string_ subroutine has been added to provide a UNIX facility equivalent to the Multics lex_string_ subroutine. upathname_ The Multics subroutine pathname_ is now available on UNIX as upathname_. rq_error The C subroutine rq_error, used for reporting request loop errors, has been made available for use on UNIX. rq_loop The C subroutine rq_loop, used for request loop handling, has been made available for use on UNIX. sp_error The C subroutine sp_error, used for reporting errors specific to the C search path utilities, has been made available for use on UNIX. sp_getpaths The C subroutine sp_getpaths, used for finding directories containing a specified file using search path environment variables, has been made available for use on UNIX. sp_parse The C subroutine sp_parse, used for parsing search path environment variable values, has been made available for use on UNIX. sp_verify The C subroutine sp_verify, used for performing syntatic verification of search path values, has been made available for use on UNIX. Package Contents 2-2 12/19/90 MSRB2.0 uabsolute_pathname_ The Multics entries absolute_pathname_ and absolute_pathname_$add_suffix are now available on UNIX as uabsolute_pathname_ and uabsolute_pathname_$add_suffix. uassign_ assign_ has been implemented as uassign_ on UNIX. uassign_ allows for full flexibility in the coercion of different data types. Due to the differences in hardware between UNIX and Multics, the data types supported are of a different internal representation. ucom_err_ The Multics com_err_ entries are now available on UNIX as ucom_err_ entries. These entrypoints support both the standard Multics error codes and the standard UNIX error numbers. uconvert_date_to_binary_ The Multics standard convert_date_to_binary_ entries are now available on UNIX as uconvert_date_to_binary_ entries. ucu_ The Multics cu_ entrypoints for handling argument lists, invoking the command processor, handling entry values, obtaining a caller pointer and generating calls are now available on the UNIX system via the ucu_ interface. udate_time_ The Multics standard date_time_ subroutine entries are now available on UNIX as udate_time_ subroutine entries. uexpand_pathname_ The Multics entries expand_pathname_ and expand_pathname_$add_suffix are now available on UNIX as uexpand_pathname_ and uexpand_pathname_$add_suffix. uioa_ ioa_ has been implemented as uioa_ on UNIX. Except for formatting discrepancies due to machine dependent differences (e.g. display of machine words and pointers), all other formatting works exactly as on Multics. The uioa_$fd and uioa_$fdnnl entries replace Multics' ioa_$switch/ioa_$stream and ioa_$switch_nnl/ioa_$stream_nnl respectively, requiring that a UNIX file descriptor be substituted for the iocb switch argument. Package Contents 2-3 12/19/90 MSRB2.0 uiox_ The Multics iox_ I/O system interface is now available on UNIX as uiox_. _I_/_O _M_O_D_U_L_E_S _A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E _O_N _U_N_I_X unix_io_ The I/O module unix_io_ has been added to provide communication to the UNIX standard I/O streams stdin, stdout, and stderr, or to arbitrary file descriptors using the uiox_ I/O interface. vfile_ The vfile_ I/O module is now available for use by Multics PL/I programs migrating to DPX/2 UNIX through the uiox_ I/O interface. Package Contents 2-4 12/19/90 MSRB2.0 SECTION 3 DOCUMENTATION RELEASED The following documents have been created for the Multics to UNIX Migration Package Release 2.0: The Multics to UNIX Migration Guide This document provides an understanding of the contents and use of the Migration Package as well as necessary background information relating to the porting of applications from Multics to UNIX. The Multics/UNIX Product Differences Guide This document describes differences between the UNIX products and their Multics equivalents (including restrictions or limitations) as such differences may affect their use in applications. Documentation Released 3-0 12/19/90 MSRB2.0 CONTENTS Page Section 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-0 Section 2 Contents of The MUM2.0 Package . . . . . 2-1 Commands available on UNIX . . . . . . 2-1 Subroutines available on UNIX . . . . 2-2 I/O Modules Available on UNIX . . . . 2-4 Section 3 Documentation Released . . . . . . . . . 3-0 iii MSRB2.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved