1 (3) Number too large 2 (3) Incorrect format 3 (3) Line number too large 4 (3) No line number 5 (3) Wrong number of dimensions for "^a" 6 (3) Invalid function name "^a" 7 (3) Invalid statement 8 (3) Invalid variable "^a" 9 (3) Line too long 10 (3) No <NL> at end of source program 11 (3) String constant must end with quote after ^d 12 (4) ***COMPILER ERROR 13 (2) No end statement 14 (3) Program out of order 15 (3) Invalid "ASC" function arg 16 (3) Invalid operator "^a" 17 (3) Invalid character 18 (3) Invalid constant 19 (3) Too many constants 20 (3) Relational required 21 (3) Mixed string and numeric expression 22 (3) then or goto missing 23 (3) Mixed string and numeric assignment 24 (3) "=" required 25 (3) Unimplemented statement or operator 26 (3) Numeric expression required 27 (3) String expression required 28 (3) File expression required 29 (3) Wrong number of arguments for "^a" 30 (3) Parenthesis mismatch 31 (3) Punctuation not allowed 32 (3) Expression too complicated 33 (3) Invalid array name "^a" 34 (3) Invalid line number 35 (3) Line number required 36 (3) Too many missing lines 37 (3) then, goto, or gosub missng 38 (3) Wrong number of dimensions for "^a" 39 (3) ":" missing 40 (3) String reference required 41 (3) "^a" function not allowed 42 (3) Numeric variable required 43 (3) Next without for 44 (3) For-next mismatch 45 (3) For without next 46 (3) For statements nested too deep 47 (3) Too many data items 48 (3) Multiple commas not allowed 49 (3) Operation not allowed 50 (3) Integer constant required 51 (2) Unfinished function definition 52 (3) Fnend without def 53 (3) Nested function definition 54 (3) Function defined twice 55 (3) Invalid argument list 56 (3) Invalid function name in function definitin 57 (3) Redimensioning illegal 58 (3) Matrix required 59 (3) Numeric matrix required 60 (3) String matrix required 61 (3) Numeric list required 62 (3) Too many local variables or temporaries 63 (3) Array occurs more than once in sub statement 64 (3) End or subend must be last statement, 65 (3) End not allowed 66 (3) File occurs more than once in sub statement 67 (3) No subend statement 68 (3) Statement outside of program 69 (3) Sub statement not allowed 70 (3) Subroutine defined more than once 71 (3) Variable occurs more than once in sub statement 72 (3) String constant required 73 (3) Invalid subroutine name 74 (3) Invalid subroutine parameter 75 (3) Subend not allowed 76 (3) Array "^a" defined twice 77 (3) Too many subroutines 78 (3) Function occurs more than once in sub statement 79 (2) For without next 80 (2) Undefined function "^a" 81 (2) Undefined line number 82 (3) Function "^a" cannot be passed 83 (3) "=" not found where expected 84 (3) Source program too large 85 (3) Number too small 86 (3) Function "^a" not available yet, 95 (3) Zero power of zero 96 (3) Negative power of zero 97 (3) ***Runtime error deleting temporary file *** 99 (3) Unimplemented run-time operator 100 (3) Subscript out of bounds 101 (3) On evaluated out of range 102 (3) Return before gosub 103 (3) Out of data 104 (3) String too long 105 (3) Incorrect numeric input , retype 106 (3) Incorrect string input , retype 107 (3) Not enough input , add more 108 (3) Too much input , excess ignored 109 (3) Program halted 110 (3) Input line too long , retype 111 (3) Attempt to execute erroneous statement ^d 112 (3) Attempt to transfer to missing line 113 (3) Attempt to execute for without next 114 (3) Exp too small 115 (3) Exp too large 116 (3) Log of zero 117 (3) Log of negative number 118 (3) Atn of zero 119 (3) Sin or cos too large 120 (3) Square root of negative number 121 (3) Power of negative number 122 (3) Tan too large 123 (3) tan too close to singularity 124 (3) Invalid val argument 125 (3) Overflow 126 (3) Useless loop 127 (3) Attempt to transfer to missing function 128 (3) Function arguments incorrect 129 (3) Function return error 130 (3) Stack space exhausted, subroutine/function calls beyond maximum depth 131 (3) Invalid margin 132 (3) File type and usage conflict 133 (3) End-of-file 134 (3) Invalid file name 135 (3) Invalid file number 136 (3) Random file pointer invalid 137 (3) Redimension error 138 (3) Change error 139 (3) Array error 140 (3) Underflow 141 (3) Zero length print using string 142 (3) Invalid field in print using string 143 (3) Out of room 144 (3) Division by zero 145 (3) Incorrect format for file input 146 (3) Time up 147 (3) Could not open file 148 (3) Cannot write into file 149 (3) Input line too long 150 (3) Subroutine "^a" called with wrong number of parameters 151 (3) Subroutine "^a" called with wrong parameter type 152 (3) Subroutine "^a" cannot be called from ^d 153 (3) A string array cannot be passed to non-basic procedure "^a". Called from ^d 154 (3) A function cannot be passed to non-basic procedure "^a". Called from ^d 155 (3) A file cannot be passed to non-basic procedure "^a". Called from ^d 156 (3) Cannot read from file 157 (3) Cannot close file 158 (3) I/O error 159 (3) Cannot scratch file 160 (3) Subroutine "^A" called with wrong number of arguments. 161 (3) Subroutine "^A" called with incorrect argument type. 162 (3) No descriptors present in call of subroutine "^A". 163 (3) A string array cannot be received by subroutine "^A". 164 (3) A function cannot be received by subroutine "^A". 165 (3) A file cannot be received by subroutine "^A". 166 (3) Number of digits specified out of range 167 (1) Unimplemented statement ignored 168 (2) Illegal library name 169 (2) Too many constants used. Limit is 16282 words. 170 (2) Too much storage used for variables. 180 (5) No main program. 500 FAKE FINAL MESSAGE TO MAKE REAL LAST MESSAGE PRINTABLE (end) ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved