MULTICS DESIGN DOCUMENT                                   MDD-002

To:       MDD Distribution

From:     R. Michael Tague

Date:     August 1, 1985

Subject:  Multics Security Model - Bell and LaPadula


The  Multics  system  enforces  a  security  policy  that  is  an
implementation  of the  security model  described by  Bell and La
Padula.   This   Multics  Design  Document  (MDD)   presents  the
relationship between the actual implementation in Multics and the


         REVISION  DATE           AUTHOR
         initial   85-06-01       Benson I. Margulies
         01        85-08-01       R. Michael Tague


Multics Design Documents are  the official design descriptions of
the Multics Trusted Computing Base.  They are internal documents,
which may be released outside  of Multics System Development only
with the approval of the Director.

                              - i -
MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model



                 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
                 Multics Objects  . . . . . . . . . . .   1
                    Segments  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
                    The ROOT Directory  . . . . . . . .   2
                    Directories . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
                    Message Segments  . . . . . . . . .   2
                    Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
                    Non-system I/O Devices, Disk and
                     Tape Volumes . . . . . . . . . . .   3
                    Communication Channels  . . . . . .   4
                    System Disk Volumes (Logical
                     Volumes) . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
                    Processes (Interprocess
                     Communication) . . . . . . . . . .   5
                 Multics Subjects . . . . . . . . . . .   5
                    Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
                 Multics Access Control - Its
                  Relationship with the Model . . . . .   6
                    Discretionary Access - Access
                     Control List Matching  . . . . . .   7
                    Mandatory Access Control - Security
                     Label Comparison . . . . . . . . .   8
                 Object Access Modes - Their
                  Correspondence to the Model . . . . .   9
                    Segment Access Modes  . . . . . . .   9
                    Directory access modes: . . . . . .   10
                    Message Segment extended access
                     modes: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12
                    RCP access modes: . . . . . . . . .   14
                    Logical Volume access modes:  . . .   15
                    Communication Channel access modes    15
                    Process access modes  . . . . . . .   16
                 Directory Visibility and the
                  Compatibility Axiom . . . . . . . . .   16

Multics Security Model                                    MDD-002


Bell and  La Padula's "Unified Exposition"(1)  describes the Bell
and La Padula formal model  of computer system security.  Section
III of the report described  the correspondence between the model
and the Multics  system of the time as they  understood it.  This
MDD describes  the correspondence between the Bell  and La Padula
model and Multics as it exists today.

We describe the Multics Objects, e.g., segments, directories, and
message segments, the Multics  Subjects:  the process, the access
modes that Multics defines for these objects, and we describe how
each  Multics access  mode corresponds  to a  Bell and  La Padula
access mode.  We show how the  four system state variables of the
model:   current  access  set,  access  permission  matrix, level
function,  and hierarchy  are represented  in Multics structures.
We  further show  how access   to each  object respects  the five
axioms  of the   model:  Compatibility,  Tranquility, Activation,
Simple Security, and the *-property.

Throughout  this report  the Bell   and La  Padula model  will be
referred to as the B&L model or simply the model.

_M_U_L_T_I_C_S _O_B_J_E_C_T_S

     This section lists all  the Trusted Computing Base protected
(TCB)  objects, identifies the  software that controls  access to
the object (resource), describes  where their discretionary (ACL)
and  mandatory  (label)  access  control  attributes  are stored,
describes how the security label of the object is set and to what
levels  the security  label may  be  set  so as  to maintain  the
compatibility  of   the  hierarchy  (H)  in  the   sense  of  the
compatibility  axiom of  the  model,  describes the  creation and
destruction or activation and deactivation of objects (Activation

     Once  set, the  security label  cannot be  changed except by
privilege or by returning the  object to the system (unassignment
for devices and communications channels, release and clearing for
volumes,  deletion  for  all  other  objects).   This insures the
tranquility of the hierarchy (tranquility axiom of model).


(1) Bell, D. E.   and La Padula, L. J. ,  Secure Computer System:
    Unified     Exposition     and     Multics    Interpretation.
    ESD-TR-75-306, Mitre Technical Report MTR-2997 Rev.  1, March

MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model


     Segments are containers for  information.  Segments can also
be  used as  access control   objects by  associating a  specific
segment (and its ACL) with  another object.  Segments are managed
by  the "file  system" in  ring zero.   The ACL  is stored in the
containing directory,  the security label  is stored in  both the
containing directory and Volume  Table Of Contents Entry (VTOCE).
The  security  level  is  set  to  the  level  of  the containing
directory,  which must  be equal  to that  of the  active process
creating the segment (compatibility).  The security level must be
within the range permissible for  the logical volume on which the
segment resides (see below).

_T_h_e _R_O_O_T _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y

     The  ROOT directory  is a  container for  segments and other
objects just as other directories  are, except that there is only
one ROOT directory  and it has no parent.   All other directories
in  the system have  the ROOT as  the highest directory  in their
parent chain of directories.  The  ROOT directory is managed like
other directories by the "file system"  in ring zero.  Its ACL is
implicit and  is equivalent to status (s)  permission to everyone
and  status-modify-append (sma)   permission to  the Initializer.
The  security label of  the ROOT is  also implicit and  is system
low.  Compatibility is trivial since the ROOT's security level is
dominated by all  other security levels and the ROOT  is the root
of the hierarchy H.


     Directories are  containers for segments and  other objects:
the building blocks of the hierarchy  H.  They are managed by the
"file system" in ring zero.  The  ACL is stored in the containing
directory, the  security label is  stored in both  the containing
directory  and VTOCE.   Unless specified  otherwise, the security
level is set  to that of the containing directory,  which must be
equal  to that of  the process doing  the creation; however,  the
creating  process can  specify any  higher (dominating)  security
level up to the maximum permitted for the user (compatibility).

_M_e_s_s_a_g_e _S_e_g_m_e_n_t_s

     Message  segments are  containers for  messages.  There  are
three  different  types  of   message  segments:   queue  message
segments,  used primarily  as queues   for requests  to a  server
process; mailbox message segments,  used for mail and interactive
messages between  users; and user-message message  segments, used
for communication between the  user processes and the Initializer

Multics Security Model                                    MDD-002

process.  The  different types of message  segments all implement
the  same access  modes (or  a subset  for some  types of message
segments).  Message  segments are managed by  segment control and
directory control in ring zero.   The message segment software is
in ring one.  All user access  to message segments is mediated by
the ring one TCB.  The ACL of  a message segment is stored in the
containing directory, and the security label in the directory and
VTOCE.  The  security level is  set to the  maximum permitted for
the user creating the message segment, and the message segment is
allowed  to contain  messages of  any level  between that  of the
containing   directory    and   the   message    segment   itself


     Messages are the individual entries in a message segment (or
mailbox).  They  are managed by  the message segment  software in
ring  one.  They  have no  explicit ACL's;  rather, discretionary
control depends only on the author  of the message and the ACL on
the containing  message segment.  Each message  has an individual
security label stored in the message header, and a single message
segment  may contain  messages with  many different  labels.  The
security level is set by default  to that of the sending process,
but can be increased (upgraded)  either explicitly by the sending
process, or automatically if a  higher level process receives the
corresponding  wakeup  at  the  time  the  message  is sent.  The
security  level  of  a  message  can  be  no  lower  than that of
directory containing  the message segment and no  higher that the
maximun  level  set  when  the  process  is  created,  hence  the
compatibility axiom is maintained.

_N_o_n_-_s_y_s_t_e_m _I_/_O _D_e_v_i_c_e_s_, _D_i_s_k _a_n_d _T_a_p_e _V_o_l_u_m_e_s

     These objects are  RCP-controlled (Resource Control Package)
I/O devices and  volumes with no internal structure  known to the
TCB.  They are managed in ring  one by RCP.  They are recorded in
the RCP registries, which are segments managed by RCP in ring one
and  inaccessible outside  of RCP.   By default,  the ACL permits
access  only to the  original owner of  the object.  This  can be
changed by  recording the pathname of  an owner-specified segment
in the registry;  the ACL of that segment is used  as the ACL for
the object.

     The security  label, actually a range, for  these objects is
stored  in the  registry entry.   Compatibility is  maintained by
restricting the use of these  objects to processes whose security
level falls within the range.   The object range must fall within
the range allowed for the object  type as defined in the Resource
Type  Definition  Table,  a  system  table  writable  only by the
Initializer.  When an RCP object (resource) is acquired by a user

MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model

it receives a  security label with equal upper  and lower limits,
both  set to  the current  level of  the acquiring  process.  For
devices  (which  have  no  memory  of  previous activation), this
assignment  is temporary:   when  the  user releases  the device,
another user at  a different level can acquire  it.  For volumes,
the  assignment is  permanent:  once  the volume  is written,  it
retains the label it received until it is explicitly cleared by a
security administrator.   Thus the transition between  active and
inactive is controlled.

_C_o_m_m_u_n_i_c_a_t_i_o_n _C_h_a_n_n_e_l_s

     These resources are recorded in the Channel Definition Table
(CDT), a system table  writable only by the Initializer.SysDaemon
process.   All  management  of  channels  to  other  processes is
performed by the Initializer.  The ACL for a channel is kept on a
segment of the channel's name in a system directory (>sc1>rcp).

     The security label, actually a  range, is stored in the CDT.
As  for RCP devices,  the range restricts  use of the  channel to
processes whose  security level falls  within the range.   When a
channel is assigned to a  process, the current security level for
the  channel is  temporarily set   to the  security level  of the
requesting process.  Unassigned channels  have no implications on
the  security  model,  they   are  inactive.   The  compatibility
property is maintained by the trivial nature of the communication
channel hierarchy - CDT, channel.

_S_y_s_t_e_m _D_i_s_k _V_o_l_u_m_e_s _(_L_o_g_i_c_a_l _V_o_l_u_m_e_s_)

     Logical  volumes are  groups of  disks usable  by the  "file
system" (page control, segment control, directory control, etc.).
They  contain individually  labeled segments  and directories (as
opposed to RCP-controlled disks, which have no internal structure
known  to the  TCB).  Logical  volume registration  is managed in
ring  one by  the logical   volume and  master directory  control
software.   The ACL  for a  logical volume  is kept  on a segment
whose  location  is  stored  in  the  registration  segment.  The
security label, actually  a range, of a logical  volume is stored
in its registration segment, which  is kept in a system directory
(>lv) and  also in the volume  label of each disk  in the logical
volume.  The range restricts the  security levels of the segments
that are created on that  volume.  The minimum and maximum values
in the range  are specified by the system  administrator when the
volume  is initially  defined  to  the system.   Compatibility is
trivial  - registration,  volume.  Once  a volume  is created, it
remains active, hence inactive volumes are not a concern.

Multics Security Model                                    MDD-002

_P_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s _(_I_n_t_e_r_p_r_o_c_e_s_s _C_o_m_m_u_n_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_)

     The  only operation  a process  may perform  with respect to
another  process  is  communication.   Interprocess communication
(IPC) is  mediated in ring  zero by traffic  control (the process
scheduler).   Process creation  is performed  by the  Initializer
process.   Processes  have  no  explicit  ACL's;  however,  for a
process to be communicated with  it must have first published one
of  its  IPC  channel  names  (a  number)  in  some predetermined
location.  This provides discretionary control, since the channel
name will be unknown unless published and the names are generated
in such  a way as to  be a practical impossibility  to calculate.
The security label for a process  is stored in the Active Process
Table Entry (APTE) for the process,  as well as in various places
in per-process storage.  The label is derived at process creation
time from the security level  ranges stored in the administrative
tables   defining   users   (PNT),   projects   (SAT,  PDT),  and
communications channels (CDT).  The  security level of the object
process must dominate that of  the sending process.  There are no
compatibility implications,  and processes are never  inactive in
the Activity axiom sense.

_M_U_L_T_I_C_S _S_U_B_J_E_C_T_S

There  is only one  kind of subject  in the Multics  system:  the
Multics Process.


     The Multics  process is the  agent of change  in the Multics
system state.  A  Process may change the current  access set, the
hierarchy, and access permissions.   Processes may not change the
security  level of  objects other   than to  make them  active or
inactive.   All changes  that a  process may  make to  the system
state are constrained to conform  to the axioms of compatibility,
tranquility, simple security, and *-property  and to the axiom of
discretionary  security.   With  regard  to  the  activity axiom,
objects except  for channels and RCP controlled  devices cease to
exist when made inactive, channels and RCP controlled devices are
handled by the controlling subsystems such that this axiom is not

     Process  creation is  performed by  the Initializer process.
The security label for a process  is stored in the Active Process
Table Entry (APTE) for the process,  as well as in various places
in per-process storage.  The label is derived at process creation
time from the security level  ranges stored in the administrative
tables   defining   users   (PNT),   projects   (SAT,  PDT),  and
communications channels (CDT).  A process has a user ID stored in
the APTE which  is used to identify the  process in discretionary

MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model

access  control decisions.   This user  ID taken  with the Access
Control List (ACL)  of an object and applying  the matching rules
described  below  allow  the   system  to  calculate  the  access
permission  the subject  process has   to the  object, i.e.,  the
equivalent  of  looking  up  that  access  attribute  for a given
subject and object in the Access Matrix M described in the Model.

_M_U_L_T_I_C_S _A_C_C_E_S_S _C_O_N_T_R_O_L _- _I_T_S _R_E_L_A_T_I_O_N_S_H_I_P _W_I_T_H _T_H_E _M_O_D_E_L

     The next  section describes the  access modes a  subject may
have  with   respect  to  the   various  object  types   and  the
relationship these access modes have with the access modes of the
model.  A subject's "effective access" to an object is determined
by  the combination  of  its  Discretionary Access  Control (DAC)
access to  an object and  Mandatory Access Control  (MAC) access.
It represents the  set of operations a subject may  perform on an

     The system state variable M, the access matrix, of the model
corresponds   to  a   distributed  set   of  software  structures
throughout the Multics TCB.  For  most objects the information of
the access  matrix corresponds to the  information represented in
ACL's,   Access   Control   Lists,   stored   in  the  containing
directories.   Objects that  do not  exist directly  in the  file
system such  as RCP controlled devices and  logical volumes, have
Access  Control Segments (ACS's)  associated with them  which are
ordinary segments  created in the file system  whose only purpose
is to possess  an ACL that a TCB subsystem such  as RCP may match
with a subject.  The subject's access to the ACS is used to infer
that subject's  access to the associated  non-file system object.
These ACL's  taken with their rules  of interpretation elaborated
below specifically  correspond to entire  columns of M,  that is,
the  complete list of  access modes that  all subjects have  to a
single object.   For object processes, the  access matrix columns
are  implicit and  access exists   for sending  IPC wakeups  to a
process for  all subjects that  have been previously  informed by
the  object process of  a valid IPC  channel.  For messages,  the
access matrix column can be computed from the ACL associated with
the message segment taken together with the author subject stored
in the message itself.

     All references to objects are mediated through a combination
of trusted  software and hardware.  The system  state variable b,
the current access set, of the model corresponds to a distributed
set of  temporary, mostly per process,  software structures.  For
some objects such as messages  in message segments, elements of b
are  not stored  but are  calculated upon  each reference  to the
object.   For segments,  the first  reference to  the segment  is
mediated  by  software  which  computes  the  subject's effective
access to the segment and  builds a Segment Descriptor Word (SDW)
which  is  used  by  hardware  to  enforce  access  on subsequent

Multics Security Model                                    MDD-002

references to the segment.  This effective access is derived from
the  ACL in  combination with  the mandatory  access relationship
determined  by the  subject's current  security level  (SL(Si) or
fc(Si) as used in the  model) compared with the object's security
level (fo(Oj)).  Software invalidates these SDW's forcing them to
be recalculated when  a change in the current access  set (ACL on
the  segment) might make  the current access  granted by the  SDW
inaccurate.  These SDW's are stored in per process TCB data bases
in  the  process  directories  called  the  Known Segment Tables,
KST's.  For  directories, message segments, and  messages, access
is calculated upon each reference  by the associated TCB software
subsystem.   For  objects  that   have  Access  Control  Segments
associated  with them,  access is   calculated based  on the  ACS
segment  and then stored  in TCB data  bases associated with  the
subsystem  controlling access  and checked  upon each  reference.
Access  of subjects  to object  processes is  mediated upon  each
reference, each  IPC wakeup, by TCB software.   All references to
objects are initiated  by processes through calls to  the TCB via
the  TCB  interface  (subroutine  interface)  documented  in  the
Descriptive Top-Level Specification (DTLS)  or to segment objects
through machine instruction memory references.

_D_i_s_c_r_e_t_i_o_n_a_r_y _A_c_c_e_s_s _- _A_c_c_e_s_s _C_o_n_t_r_o_l _L_i_s_t _M_a_t_c_h_i_n_g

     Discretionary access for most objects is determined from the
Access Control List (ACL) associated with the object, and the set
of modes in the ACL term  matching the subject name.  An ACL term
may specify any combination of access modes for an object.

     The subject  name is the three component  user ID associated
with each Multics subject -  process.  The first component of the
user ID  is the account name,  this often corresponds to  a given
person's name.  The second component  is the project name, a user
is always registered on a least one project.  The third component
is  a  process  tag  which  by  convention  is  used  to identify
different  kinds of processes;  for example, an  interactive user
will have  a project tag of  "a", while an absentee  (batch) user
will  have a  tag of  "m".  A  typical user  ID would  look like:

     An ACL for an object is a  list of user ID's that may access
the  object and  which Multics  access modes,  read or  write for
example, that that subject has to the object.  The Multics system
implements  certain   ACL  related  conventions  that   make  the
maintenance  of a  large computer  system with  many objects  and
users feasible.

Four conventions are imposed:
  1) No access term can appear more than once in any ACL.

MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model

  2) There are eight groups of access terms which are arranged in
     an ACL in the following order:
     (1)  no asterisk component
     (2)  asterisk third component only
     (3)  asterisk second component only
     (4)  asterisk second and third component only
     (5)  asterisk first component only
     (6)  asterisk first and third component only
     (7)  asterisk first and second component only
     (8)  all asterisk components

  3) The entry that  matches a given subject is  the first access
     term on  the ordered ACL  that matches the  subject user ID.
     Where matching is component by component and an asterisk ACL
     term  component will  match any  value of  the corresponding
     user ID component.

  4) If no ACL term matches a given subject user ID, that subject
     has no access or "null" ("n") access to the object.

_M_a_n_d_a_t_o_r_y _A_c_c_e_s_s _C_o_n_t_r_o_l _- _S_e_c_u_r_i_t_y _L_a_b_e_l _C_o_m_p_a_r_i_s_o_n

     Multics  supports eight  hierarchically ordered  sensitivity
levels  and eighteen categories  which together form  a partially
ordered set  of security levels  under a dominate  function.  The
security level A  is said to dominate security level  B (SL(A) >=
SL(B)) if the hierarchical classification of A is greater than or
equal  to that  of B   and the  non-hierarchical categories  of A
include all those of B as a  subset.  Security level A is said to
equal  that  of  security  level  B  (SL(A)  =  SL(B)) if level A
dominates level B and level B dominates level A (SL(A) = SL(B) if
and only if SL(A) >= SL(B) and SL(B) >= SL(A)).  Security level A
is said to  be isolated from security level B  if neither level A
dominates level B nor level B dominates level A.

A subject's maximum security level is the minimum of:
  1) the maximum  user security level from the  Person Name Table
     (PNT)  which contains a  maximum and default  security level
     for each user,

  2) the   maximum  project   security  level   from  the  System
     Administrator  Table   (SAT)  which  contains   the  maximum
     security level  for each project  (users must login  to some

  3) the  maximum user  security level  for the  project from the
     Project  Definition Table (PDT)  which can impose  a maximum
     security level for a user on a particular project, and

  4) the  maximum communication  channel security  level from the
     Channel Definition Table (CDT).

Multics Security Model                                    MDD-002

The current subject security level is equal to the security level
specified  upon login,  or if  not given  explicitly, the default
security level specified in the PNT.   The user is not allowed to
login if  the current subject's  security level would  be greater
than that allowed by the subject's maximum security level (nor is
the user allowed to login if the current subject's security level
would be lower  than the maximum of the  minimum levels specified
for this user in the SAT, PDT, PNT, and CDT).

     Once a user's access to  login at a specified authorization,
security level, has been validated,  a process is created for the
user and the security level of the subject process is stored in a
TCB data base known as the  Active Process Table (APT) as well as
the  per process  data base   known as  the Process  Data Segment
(PDS).  This security level  corresponds to the subject's current
security level or fc(Si) in the model.

     The system state variable f,  the level function, made up of
the three  components:  fs, maximum subject security  level, fo -
object security level, and fc - current subject security level is
distributed among  several TCB data  bases in the  following way:
The  maximum  subject  security  level  and  the  current subject
security  level of a  given subject, process,  is stored in  that
process's  process directory  in the  Process Data  Segment.  For
objects whose discretionary access is controlled by ACS segments,
their  security level  is stored  in TCB  data bases  such as RCP
registries.  For  other objects, the security level  is stored in
the  same   structure  as  that  object's   discretionary  access
information, e.g., a segment's security  level is stored with its
ACL in its parent directory.  This state information is used with
discretionary access  information, the access matrix,  to compute
the effective access that is  checked and enforced throughout the
Multics TCB as described above.

_O_B_J_E_C_T _A_C_C_E_S_S _M_O_D_E_S _- _T_H_E_I_R _C_O_R_R_E_S_P_O_N_D_E_N_C_E _T_O _T_H_E _M_O_D_E_L

     The following subsections describe the access modes for each
type  of  Multics  object.   For  each  Multics  access  mode,  a
correspondence to the  access modes of the model is  made.  It is
through  Multics'  enforcement  of  its  access  modes with their
demonstrated correspondence to the access modes of the model that
Multics  enforces the  Simple Security  axiom and  the *-property

     Each  section begins  with a  statement of  mandatory access
rules that apply to all objects of this type.

MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model

_S_e_g_m_e_n_t _A_c_c_e_s_s _M_o_d_e_s

     For  segments,  the   mandatory  access  compatibility  rule
implies that SL(o)  for the segment is always equal  to SL(o) for
the containing directory.

   read      A   process   granted   read   access   can  execute
    (r)      instructions  that cause  data to  be fetched (read)
             from the segment.

             This read access maps directly to read access in the
             B&L model.  A subject is  granted read access if the
             matching  ACL  entry  specifies  _r  mode  and if the
             subject's  security  level  dominates  the segment's
             security level.  SL(s) >= SL(o).

   write     A   process  granted    write  access   can  execute
    (w)      instructions  that cause data  in the segment  to be

             This write access maps into read and write access in
             the B&L model.  A subject  is granted read and write
             access  if the matching  ACL entry specifies  _w mode
             and if the subject's security  level is equal to the
             segment's security level.  SL(s) = SL(o).

   execute   A  process granted  execute access  can transfer  to
    (e)      this segment and cause portions of the segment to be
             interpreted and executed as instructions.

             This execute access maps  into execute access in the
             B&L model, though it is  necessary to have Multics _r
             access to  execute a program.  A  subject is granted
             execute access if the matching ACL entry specifies _e
             mode and  if the subject's security  level dominates
             the segment's security level.  SL(s) >= SL(o).

   null      The process cannot access the segment in any way.
             This null access maps into no B&L model access (null
             set).   A  subject  is  granted  no  access  if  the
             matching ACL  entry specifies no access  modes or no
             ACL entry matches or if the subject's security level
             does not dominate the  object's security level.  not
             (SL(s) >= SL(o)).

_D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _a_c_c_e_s_s _m_o_d_e_s_:

For directories, the mandatory  access compatibility rule implies
that  SL(o)  for  a  directory  always  dominates  SL(o)  for the

Multics Security Model                                    MDD-002

containing directory.  The ROOT directory  is a special case, the
security level of  the ROOT is dominated by  all security levels.
SL(root) = system low.

   status    A   process  granted    status  access   can  obtain
    (s)      information about the attributes of the directory as
             well  as  attributes  of  segments,  directories and
             links contained in the directory.

             This status access maps into  read access in the B&L
             model.   A subject  is  granted  read access  if the
             matching  ACL  entry  specifies  _s  mode  and if the
             subject's  security level dominates  the directory's
             security level.  SL(s) >= SL(o).

   modify    A   process  granted    modify  access   can  modify
    (m)      attributes of the directory as well as attributes of
             the  segments, directories,  and links  contained in
             the directory.  Components in the directory can also
             be  deleted.   With  the  exception:   The bit count
             attribute   is  considered   part  of   a  segment's
             contents,  and therefore  requires _w  access to  the
             segment  whose bit  count is  to be  changed, rather
             than _m  to the directory.   The same is  true of the
             damaged switch.

             This modify  access maps into read  and write access
             in  the B&L  model.  A  subject is  granted read and
             write access  if the matching ACL  entry specifies _m
             mode and if the subject's security level is equal to
             the directory's security level.  SL(s) = SL(o).

   append    A  process  granted  append  access  can  create new
    (a)      directories, segments, and links in the directory.

             This append  access maps into read  and write access
             in  the B&L  model.  A  subject is  granted read and
             write access  if the matching ACL  entry specifies _a
             mode and if the subject's security level is equal to
             the directory's security level.  SL(s) = SL(o).

   null      A process  with no access  to a directory  can still
    (n)      reference  objects  contained  in  the  directory to
             which   it  has   non-null  access,   and  read  the
             attributes  of those  objects, but  cannot reference
             any other objects or attributes.

             This  null  access  maps  into  the  execute mode of
             access for  the B&L model.  A subject  is granted no
             access if the matching ACL entry specifies no access
             modes or  no ACL entry  matches or if  the subject's

MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model

             security  level does   not dominate  the directory's
             security level.  not (SL(s) >= SL(o)).

_M_e_s_s_a_g_e _S_e_g_m_e_n_t _e_x_t_e_n_d_e_d _a_c_c_e_s_s _m_o_d_e_s_:

When  a message segment  is created, it  is assigned an  SLmax(o)
equal  to the  maximum SL(s)  permitted for  the creating process
(message segments  are multilevel objects).  The  message segment
implementation  ensures  that  SLmax(o)  for  the message segment
always  dominates SL(o)  for any  messages placed  in the message
segment.  The mandatory access compatibility rule ensures, as for
segments, that SL(s) for any  reference to the message segment in
any way that SL(s) dominates  SL(o) for the containing directory.
Therefore, since SL(o) for a message  in a message segment is set
equal to SL(s) for the subject  adding it, SL(o) for all messages
in  a message  segment must   dominate SL(o)  for the  containing

In  addition to  the requirements  listed below,  for all message
segment operations,  a process may  perform the operation  if and
only if:  SLmax(segment) >= SL(s) and SL(s) >= SL(dir).

   add       A  process granted add  access to a  message segment
    (a)      can add a message.

             This add  access maps into  write access in  the B&L
             model.   A subject  is granted  write access  if the
             matching  ACL  entry  specifies  _a  mode  and if the
             messages'  security  level  dominates  that  of  the
             subject's.  SL(o) >= SL(s).

   delete    A process granted delete access to a message segment
    (d)      can delete any message.

             This delete  access maps into read  and write access
             in  the B&L  model.  A  subject is  granted read and
             write access  if the matching ACL  entry specifies _d
             mode and if the subject's security level is equal to
             the message's security level.  SL(s) = SL (o).

   read      A process  granted read access to  a message segment
    (r)      can read any message.

             This read  access maps into  read access in  the B&L
             model.   A subject  is  granted  read access  if the
             matching  ACL  entry  specifies  _r  mode  and if the
             subject's  security  level  dominates  the message's
             security level.  SL(s) >= SL(o).

Multics Security Model                                    MDD-002

   own       A  process granted own  access to a  message segment
    (o)      can read or delete its own messages.

             This own  access maps into read and  write access in
             the B&L model.  A subject  is granted read and write
             access  if the matching  ACL entry specifies  _o mode
             and if the subject's security  level is equal to the
             message's  security  level  for  deletion  or if the
             subject's  security  level  dominates  the message's
             security  level  for  reading.   SL(s)  =  SL(o) for
             delete, SL(s) >= SL(o) for read.

   status    A process granted status access to a message segment
    (s)      can find out how many messages there are.

             This status access maps into  read access in the B&L
             model.   A subject  is  granted  read access  if the
             matching  ACL  entry  specifies  _s  mode  and if the
             subject's  security  level  dominates  the messages'
             security level.  SL(s) >= SL(o).

   wakeup    A  process granted wakeup  access to a  mailbox type
    (w)      message segment  can send an interactive  message to
             the  mailbox.  This mode  is valid only  for mailbox
             message segments.

             This wakeup access maps into write access in the B&L
             model.   A subject  is granted  write access  if the
             matching  ACL  entry  specifies  _w  mode  and if the
             message's  security  level  dominates  the subject's
             security level.  SL(o) >= SL(s).

   urgent    A process granted urgent  wakeup access to a mailbox
    (u)      type message segment can send an interactive message
             to the mailbox with an  urgent wakeup.  This mode is
             valid only for mailbox message segments.

             This urgent wakeup access  maps into write access in
             the B&L model.  A subject is granted write access if
             the matching  ACL entry specifies _u mode  and if the
             message's  security  level  dominates  the subject's
             security level.  SL(o) >= SL(s).

   null      The process cannot access the message segment in any
    (n)      way.

             This null  access maps into no B&L  model access.  A
             subject  is granted  no access  if the  matching ACL
             entry  specifies no  access  modes  or no  ACL entry
             matches or if the subject's security level is not in
             the range of the message segment's security level.

MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model

_R_C_P _a_c_c_e_s_s _m_o_d_e_s_:

The ACL for a device is on the RESOURCE_NAME.acs segment for that
device.  The  ACL for a volume  can be found by  locating the ACS
segment   that   applies   to   the   volume   in   the  registry
RESOURCE_TYPE.rcpr.  If no  ACS segment is in the  registry for a
volume, defaults are applied.  Free resources known to the system
(inactive) have a security level  range specified in the registry
RESOURCE_NAME.rcpr (minimum  security level SLmin(o)  and maximum
security  level SLmax(o)).   While active,  a resource's security
level is set  to the subject's security level (SL(s)  = SL(o)) as
long as the subject's security level is within the objects range,
that is,  min and max are  both set to the  subject's level.  For
all RCP operations, in addition to the requirements listed below,
the operation may be performed if and only if:  SL(s) >= SLmin(o)
and SLmax(o) >= SL(s).

   read      A process granted read access to a resource can read
    (r)      the contents of the resource.

             This read  access maps into  read access in  the B&L
             model.   A subject  is  granted  read access  if the
             matching  ACL  entry  specifies  _r  mode  and if the
             subject's  security level  dominates the  resource's
             max security level.  SL(s) >= SL(o).

   write     A  process granted  write access  to a  resource can
    (w)      write the contents of the resource.

             This write access maps into read and write access in
             the B&L model.  A subject  is granted read and write
             access  if the matching  ACL entry specifies  _w mode
             and  if  the  subject's  security  level  equals the
             resource's security level.  SL(s) = SL(o).

   executive A process granted executive access to a resource can
    (e)      change  the attributes  of the  resource; in effect,
             grant  the  same  rights  to  the  resource  as  the
             resource owner.

             This  executive  access  maps  into  read  and write
             access in the B&L model.   A subject is granted read
             and write access if the matching ACL entry specifies
             _e  mode and if  the subject's security  level equals
             the resource's security level.  SL(s) = SL(o).

   null      The process cannot access the resource in any way.
             This null  access maps into no B&L  model access.  A
             subject  is granted  no access  if the  matching ACL
             entry  specifies no  access  modes  or no  ACL entry

Multics Security Model                                    MDD-002

             matches  or if the  subject's security level  is not
             dominated by the resource's security level.

_L_o_g_i_c_a_l _V_o_l_u_m_e _a_c_c_e_s_s _m_o_d_e_s_:

Logical volumes have an access  range rather than a single access

   read/     A process  granted read/write may mount  the logical
    write    volume.   Both _r and  _w must be  present in the  ACL
    (rw)     term of  the segment.  The subject's  security level
             must  dominate the  volume's minimum  security level
             and  be dominated  by the  volume's maximum security
             level.  SL(s) >= SLmin(o) and SLmax(o) >= SL(s).

   executive A  process  granted  executive  access  to a logical
    (e)      volume  can  change  the  attributes  of the logical
             volume  as   a  volume  administrator;   in  effect,
             granting  the same  rights  to  the resource  as the
             logical volume owner.   The subject's security level
             must equal the minimum security level of the volume.
             SL(s) = SLmin(o).

   null      The process cannot access  the logical volume in any
    (n)      way.   This  null  access  maps  into  no  B&L model
             access.   A  subject  is  granted  no  access if the
             matching ACL entry on  the corresponding ACS segment
             specifies no access modes or no ACL entry matches.

_C_o_m_m_u_n_i_c_a_t_i_o_n _C_h_a_n_n_e_l _a_c_c_e_s_s _m_o_d_e_s

Each  communication channel  is assigned  a minimum  SLmin(o) and
maximum  SLmax(o)  security  level,  in  addition  to the current
security level SL(o) it receives while in use.

   read/     A process  granted read/write access may  attach the
    write    channel and transmit data  across it.  Both read and
    (rw)     write  must be present  in the ACL  term of the  ACS
             segment.  The subject's security level must dominate
             the minimum security level of  the object as well as
             be  dominated by the  maximum security level  of the
             object.  SL(s) >= SLmin(o) and SLmax(o) >= SL(s).

   null      The  process cannot access  the channel in  any way.
    (n)      This null  access maps into no B&L  model access.  A
             subject  is granted  no access  if the  matching ACL
             entry on the corresponding  ACS segment specifies no
             access modes or no ACL entry matches.

MDD-002                                    Multics Security Model

_P_r_o_c_e_s_s _a_c_c_e_s_s _m_o_d_e_s

Processes are treated as  objects for interprocess communication.
Each process is assigned a  security level, SL(s) for the sending
process  and  SL(o)  for  the  receiving  process.   There  is no
explicit discretionary control for process objects.

   send      A  process  with  "send  wakeup"  access  to another
   wakeup    process may send a wakeup  and a 72-bit data message
    (w)      to that  process.  The subject's  (sending process')
             security  level must  by  dominated  by that  of the
             object (receiving process).  SL(o) >= S(s).

   null      The  process  cannot  send  a  wakeup  to  the other
    (n)      process.  The  process cannot access the  channel in
             any way.   This null access  maps into no  B&L model
             access.   A  subject  is  granted  no  access if the
             object's  security  level   does  not  dominate  the

_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y _V_I_S_I_B_I_L_I_T_Y _A_N_D _T_H_E _C_O_M_P_A_T_I_B_I_L_I_T_Y _A_X_I_O_M

In  Multics, directories  are used  to implement  the file system
hierarchy.  Most objects are  contained in directories, including
other  directories, and thus  the full name  of an object  is the
object  name  itself  concatenated  with  the  names  of  all the
containing directories.

Because null  access to directories maps into  the "execute" mode
of the model,  a subject may exercise access rights  to an object
regardless of the access rights to containing directories.  Thus,
it is possible for a  subject to sense, indirectly, the existence
of intermediate directories within the name of an object, even if
the  directories are  otherwise inaccessible,  because the object
itself is accessible.

The  "compatibility" restriction  on directories  requires that a
directory contain non-directory objects only at the same level as
the  directory, and  directory objects  at that  level or  above.
Consequently,   if  the   directory  is   at  a   security  level
inaccessible  to  the  subject,  all  objects  contained  in  the
directory,  or in other  directories contained in  the directory,
are guaranteed also to be inaccessible, and therefore there is no
way to  infer the existence  of a directory  that is inaccessible
due to the mandatory security policy.


Historical Background

This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated
to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. 
as a contribution to computer science knowledge.  
This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL
and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. 
Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970),
renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership
of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture 
for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems 
incorporated Multics principles.
Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., 
as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. .


Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without
fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies
and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting
documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission.
    Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc.
    Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc.
    Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS
    All Rights Reserved