COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT fortran_storage_manager_ Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 29, of July 28, 1986 Compiled at: Honeywell Multics Op. - System M Compiled on: 11/20/86 1156.6 mst Thu Options: optimize list 1 /****^ ****************************************** 2* * * 3* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Limited, 1983 * 4* * * 5* ****************************************** */ 6 7 8 9 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 10* 1) change(86-08-20,DGHowe), approve(86-08-20,MCR7391), 11* audit(86-08-01,Schroth), install(86-11-20,MR12.0-1222): 12* removed unrequired declarations. 13* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 14 15 16 /* format: style3,^delnl,linecom */ 17 fortran_storage_manager_: 18 fsm_: 19 proc options (support); 20 21 /* Author: H. Hoover, University of Calgary, 82-08-12. */ 22 /* */ 23 /* Modified: */ 24 /* 84-10-10 by MM - 442: Set 256K switch once per process. Do not set */ 25 /* it prior to creating a segment. */ 26 /* 83-07-10 by TO: Set 256K switch prior to creating a 256K segment */ 27 /* 83-06-16 by TO: Use condition_info_header, have options (support). */ 28 /* 83-02-15 by TO: Create get_vla_segnos entry to return information to */ 29 /* run_ as to the segment numbers created for storage. */ 30 /* 83-01-19 by TO: Allow storage directory per-ring. */ 31 /* 83-01-19 by TO: Set maximum length of segments from */ 32 /* pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ for general runtime use. */ 33 /* 83-01-19 by TO: Set safety switch for fsm_dir, fsm_info and fsm_segs.*/ 34 /* 82-10-14 by HH: Allow storage to be allocated from anywhere in the */ 35 /* storage heirarchy (rather than just the process directory) and */ 36 /* allow multiple processes to share the same pool of free segments. */ 37 38 /* Function: to allocate, free and list storage in connection with large */ 39 /* and very large 'fortran' arrays. */ 40 41 /* Error processing: */ 42 /* */ 43 /* The entry points in this procedure do not return a status code if an */ 44 /* error occurs. Instead, the condition 'fortran_storage_manager_error' is */ 45 /* signalled with a description of what the error is. If the user chooses */ 46 /* to restart, we assume he has done something to fix the problem and we */ 47 /* retry the operation that detected the error. If the problem is not */ 48 /* fixed, we again signal the condition 'fortran_storage_manager_error'. */ 49 /* This continues ad nauseum until either the user fixes the problem or */ 50 /* gives up and releases. */ 51 52 dcl get_lock_id_ entry returns (bit (36) aligned); 53 54 dcl False bit (1) static options (constant) init ("0"b), 55 True bit (1) static options (constant) init ("1"b), 56 fsm_dir_name_master char (8) static options (constant) init ("fsm_dir_"), 57 fsm_info_name char (13) static options (constant) init ("fsm_info.fsm_"); 58 59 60 dcl 01 fsm_info aligned based (fsm_info_ptr), 61 02 lock bit (36), /* Lock word. */ 62 02 seg_cnt fixed bin, /* Total number of allocated and free segments. */ 63 02 seg (fsm_info.seg_cnt), 64 03 owning_process 65 bit (36), /* Lock ID for owning process. ""b => Free. */ 66 03 owner ptr unal, /* Pointer to owner of this segment. */ 67 03 first_seg_in_group 68 fixed bin, /* Index of first seg in this group. */ 69 03 next_seg_in_group 70 fixed bin, /* Index of next seg in this group. */ 71 03 seg_num fixed bin; /* Number under which segment is initiated. */ 72 73 dcl fsm_dir_path char (168) static init (""), 74 fsm_info_path char (168) static init (""), 75 fsm_info_ptr ptr static init (null), 76 fsm_info_ptr_valid bit (1) static init ("0"b); 77 78 dcl me ptr init (codeptr (fsm_)), 79 my_process bit (36) aligned init (get_lock_id_ ()); 80 81 82 return; /* Just ignore calls to the main entry point. */ 83 84 alloc: 85 entry (num_segs_desired, owner, first_seg_ptr); 86 87 /* Function: to allocate a specified number of segments with consecutive */ 88 /* segment numbers. The segments are created as needed. */ 89 90 /* Arguments: */ 91 /* */ 92 /* num_segs_desired (Input) */ 93 /* is the number of segments to be allocated. */ 94 /* */ 95 /* owner (Input) */ 96 /* is the address of a location which is considered to own the segments */ 97 /* to be allocated. It is used to identify the segments which are to be */ 98 /* deallocated by a call to the 'free' routine. */ 99 /* */ 100 /* first_seg_ptr (Output) */ 101 /* is the address of the base of the first segment allocated. (The */ 102 /* addresses of the other segments are obtained by incrementing the */ 103 /* segment number portion of the address of the first segment.) The */ 104 /* value 'null' is returned if 'num_segs_desired' is less than 1 or if */ 105 /* 'owner' is 'null' or the 'fortran_storage_manager_' entry point. */ 106 107 /* Error handling: */ 108 /* */ 109 /* If an error occurs during allocation, the 'fortran_storage_manager_error' */ 110 /* condition is signalled. If the user does not handle the condition, the */ 111 /* system will display a diagnostic describing the error that caused the */ 112 /* condition to be signalled and establish a new command level. The */ 113 /* 'start' command will cause the code that failed to be retried. If the */ 114 /* problem which caused the failure has been fixed, allocation will proceed */ 115 /* as though the error had never occurred; otherwise, the condition */ 116 /* 'fortran_storage_manager_error' will be signalled again. */ 117 /* */ 118 /* There is one error that can occur which the user need only restart the */ 119 /* allocation in order to correct: 'The segment number is in use.' This */ 120 /* should only occur if the user suspends the allocation process with a */ 121 /* 'quit' signal, does something that requires a new segment to be made */ 122 /* known, then restarts the allocation. If the new segment is made known */ 123 /* under a segment number that was to be used for one of the segments being */ 124 /* allocated, the above error occurs. Restarting after such an error will */ 125 /* cause a new set of sequential segment numbers to be chosen. */ 126 127 dcl num_segs_desired fixed bin, 128 owner ptr, 129 first_seg_ptr ptr; 130 131 dcl hcs_$initiate entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (1), fixed bin (2), ptr, fixed bin (35)), 132 hcs_$terminate_file entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (1), fixed bin (35)), 133 pathname_ entry (char (*), char (*)) returns (char (168)); 134 135 /* builtins */ 136 137 dcl (addr, addrel, baseno, baseptr, before, bin, char, codeptr, 138 fixed, hbound, index, lbound, length, ltrim, ptr, rel, rtrim, 139 size, substr, sum, unspec, verify, null) builtin; 140 141 dcl cleanup condition; 142 143 dcl first_seg_in_group fixed bin, 144 first_seg_num fixed bin, 145 prev_seg_in_group fixed bin, 146 seg_idx fixed bin, 147 seg_num fixed bin, 148 status fixed bin (35), 149 try_again bit (1); 150 151 152 /* Verify that the input arguments are valid. */ 153 154 first_seg_ptr = null; 155 if num_segs_desired <= 0 | owner = null | owner = me 156 then return; 157 158 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 159 call appropriate_fsm_info; 160 161 /* Allocate the requested segments, specifying this object segment as the */ 162 /* owner, so that if we have to do a clean up, we will know which segments */ 163 /* we must deallocate. */ 164 165 try_again = True; 166 do while (try_again); 167 try_again = False; 168 call pick_first_seg_num (num_segs_desired, first_seg_num); 169 do seg_num = first_seg_num to first_seg_num + num_segs_desired - 1 while (^try_again); 170 call pick_seg (seg_idx); 171 if seg_num = first_seg_num 172 then first_seg_in_group = seg_idx; 173 else fsm_info.seg (prev_seg_in_group).next_seg_in_group = seg_idx; 174 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = my_process; 175 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = me; 176 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).first_seg_in_group = first_seg_in_group; 177 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).next_seg_in_group = 0; 178 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).seg_num = seg_num; 179 call hcs_$initiate (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), "", 1, 0, baseptr (seg_num), status); 180 if status ^= 0 181 then do; 182 call signal_fsm_error (status, 183 "(Trying to initiate " || pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx)) 184 || " as segment " 185 || octal_representation (seg_num) || ")"); 186 do seg_idx = first_seg_in_group repeat fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).next_seg_in_group 187 while (seg_idx ^= 0); 188 call hcs_$terminate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 189 end; 190 try_again = True; 191 end; 192 prev_seg_in_group = seg_idx; 193 end; 194 end; 195 196 /* Transfer ownership of the allocated segments to the caller. */ 197 198 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 199 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = my_process & fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = me 200 then fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = owner; 201 end; 202 first_seg_ptr = baseptr (first_seg_num); 203 call release_fsm_info; 204 return; 205 206 free: 207 entry (owner); 208 209 /* Function: to free all segments previously allocated to a specified */ 210 /* owner. */ 211 212 /* Arguments: */ 213 /* */ 214 /* owner (Input) */ 215 /* is the address of the location that was specified (at allocation) to */ 216 /* be the owner of the segments that are now desired to be deallocated. */ 217 /* If there are no allocated segments with the specified owner, the */ 218 /* routine just returns, without comment. */ 219 220 dcl hcs_$truncate_file entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (19), fixed bin (35)); 221 222 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 223 call appropriate_fsm_info; 224 225 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 226 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = my_process & fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = owner 227 then do; 228 call hcs_$terminate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 229 call hcs_$truncate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 230 unspec (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx)) = ""b; 231 end; 232 end; 233 call release_fsm_info; 234 return; 235 236 get_owner: 237 entry (seg_ptr, owner); 238 239 /* Function: to return the owner of a specified managed segment. If the */ 240 /* specified segment is free or is not one of those managed by 'fsm_', */ 241 /* 'null' is returned. */ 242 243 /* Arguments: */ 244 /* */ 245 /* seg_ptr (Input) */ 246 /* is a pointer to any location in the segment whose owner is desired. */ 247 248 dcl seg_ptr ptr; 249 250 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 251 call appropriate_fsm_info; 252 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt 253 while (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process ^= my_process 254 | fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).seg_num ^= bin (baseno (seg_ptr))); 255 end; 256 if seg_idx <= fsm_info.seg_cnt 257 then owner = fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner; 258 else owner = null; 259 call release_fsm_info; 260 return; 261 262 get_vla_segnos: 263 entry (segment_map_bits); 264 265 /* Function: to return a bit array with bits set for each segment created */ 266 /* by fortran_storage_manager_ in this process. */ 267 268 /* Arguments: */ 269 /* */ 270 /* segment_map_bits (Input/Output) */ 271 /* is an array (*) of bits which is passed in. This routine will set */ 272 /* bits corresponding to the segment numbers of external storage segments*/ 273 274 dcl segment_map_bits (*) bit (1); 275 276 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 277 call appropriate_fsm_info; 278 279 /* Scan the groups of segments allocated to this process. */ 280 281 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 282 if fsm_info.owning_process (seg_idx) = my_process 283 then segment_map_bits (seg_idx) = "1"b; 284 end; 285 call release_fsm_info; 286 return; 287 288 list_fortran_storage: 289 lfs: 290 entry; 291 292 /* Function: to list (on the 'user_output' switch) the segments which are */ 293 /* currently allocated to this process. */ 294 295 dcl ioa_ entry options (variable); 296 297 dcl group_cnt fixed bin; 298 299 300 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 301 call appropriate_fsm_info; 302 303 /* Count the number of groups of segments that are allocated to this */ 304 /* process. */ 305 306 group_cnt = 0; 307 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 308 if fsm_info.owning_process (seg_idx) = my_process & fsm_info.first_seg_in_group (seg_idx) = seg_idx 309 then group_cnt = group_cnt + 1; 310 end; 311 312 /* If there are any segments allocated to this process, list them by owner */ 313 /* and group. */ 314 315 if group_cnt = 0 316 then call ioa_ ("No segments in ^a allocated to this process.", fsm_dir_path); 317 else do; 318 call ioa_ ("Segments in ^a allocated to this process:", fsm_dir_path); 319 call list_groups (group_cnt, my_process); 320 end; 321 call release_fsm_info; 322 return; 323 324 appropriate_fsm_info: 325 proc; 326 327 /* Function: to find and lock for this process 'fsm_info'. 'fsm_info' and */ 328 /* its containing directory will be created if necessary. */ 329 330 /* Global arguments: */ 331 /* */ 332 /* fsm_dir_name_master (Input) */ 333 /* is the name of the directory where the segment on which 'fsm_info' is */ 334 /* based resides. (Ring number will be added later to create the dir.) */ 335 /* */ 336 /* fsm_dir_path (Output) */ 337 /* is the absolute pathname of the directory where the segment on which */ 338 /* 'fsm_info' is based resides. */ 339 /* */ 340 /* fsm_info_name (Input) */ 341 /* is the name of the segment on which 'fsm_info' is based. */ 342 /* */ 343 /* fsm_info_ptr (Output) */ 344 /* is the address of the base of the segment on which 'fsm_info' is */ 345 /* based. */ 346 347 dcl error_table_$bad_segment 348 fixed bin (35) ext, 349 error_table_$invalid_lock_reset 350 fixed bin (35) ext, 351 error_table_$moderr fixed bin (35) ext, 352 error_table_$noentry 353 fixed bin (35) ext, 354 error_table_$notadir 355 fixed bin (35) ext, 356 error_table_$nomatch 357 fixed bin (35) ext; 358 359 dcl cu_$level_get entry returns (fixed bin (3)), 360 get_group_id_$tag_star 361 entry returns (char (32)), 362 get_system_free_area_ 363 entry returns (ptr), 364 hcs_$add_acl_entries 365 entry (char (*), char (*), ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin (35)), 366 hcs_$append_branchx 367 entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (5), (3) fixed bin (6), char (*), fixed bin (1), 368 fixed bin (1), 369 fixed bin (24), fixed bin (35)), 370 hcs_$make_seg entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (5), ptr, fixed bin (35)), 371 hcs_$set_safety_sw entry (char (*), char (*), bit (1), fixed bin (35)), 372 hcs_$set_256K_switch 373 entry (bit (2) aligned, bit (2) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 374 hcs_$star_ entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (2), ptr, fixed bin, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 375 hcs_$status_minf entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (1), fixed bin (2), fixed bin (24), fixed bin (35)), 376 pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ 377 fixed bin (19) external, 378 set_lock_$lock entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin (35)), 379 sys_info$max_seg_size 380 fixed bin (35) ext; 381 382 dcl cleanup condition; 383 384 dcl Chase_links fixed bin (1) static options (constant) init (1), 385 Max_wait_time fixed bin static options (constant) init (120); 386 387 dcl 01 acl aligned, 388 02 access_name char (32), 389 02 modes bit (36), 390 02 xmodes bit (36), 391 02 status fixed bin (35); 392 393 dcl bit_count fixed bin (24), 394 fsm_dir_dir_path char (168), 395 fsm_dir_name char (32), 396 i fixed bin, 397 max_seg_idx fixed bin, 398 primary_name char (32), 399 seg_cnt fixed bin, 400 seg_idx fixed bin, 401 status fixed bin (35), 402 system_free_area_ptr 403 ptr init (null), 404 type fixed bin (2); 405 406 407 dcl system_free_area area based (system_free_area_ptr); 408 409 dcl get_ring_ entry () returns (fixed bin (3)); 410 411 412 /* If the flag 'fsm_info_ptr_valid' is false, we must find 'fsm_info' and */ 413 /* store the address of its base in 'fsm_info_ptr'. If 'fsm_info' doesn't */ 414 /* exist, we must create it (and possibly its containing directory). If we */ 415 /* are unable to do this, we signal the 'fortran_storage_manager_error' */ 416 /* condition with a description of the problem. If the user restarts us, */ 417 /* we assume he has done something to correct the problem, and we try */ 418 /* again. */ 419 420 if ^fsm_info_ptr_valid 421 then do; 422 if pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ > sys_info$max_seg_size 423 then do; 424 call hcs_$set_256K_switch ("11"b, (""b), status); 425 if status ^= 0 426 then call signal_fsm_error (status, "Cannot set 256K switch"); 427 end; 428 fsm_info_ptr = null; 429 fsm_dir_name = fsm_dir_name_master || ltrim (char (get_ring_ ())); 430 do while (fsm_info_ptr = null); 431 call get_fsm_dir_dir_path (fsm_dir_dir_path); 432 fsm_dir_path = pathname_ (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_dir_name); 433 fsm_info_path = pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name); 434 call hcs_$status_minf (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_dir_name, Chase_links, type, bit_count, status); 435 if status = 0 436 then if type = star_DIRECTORY & bit_count = 0 437 then do; /* Find 'fsm_info', creating it if necessary. */ 438 call hcs_$make_seg (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name, "", RW_ACCESS_BIN, fsm_info_ptr, 439 status); 440 if status = error_table_$moderr 441 then do; /* Segment exists, but we don't have access. */ 442 acl.access_name = get_group_id_$tag_star (); 443 acl.modes = RW_ACCESS; 444 acl.xmodes = ""b; 445 call hcs_$add_acl_entries (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name, addr (acl), 1, 446 status); 447 if status = 0 448 then call hcs_$initiate (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name, "", 0, 0, 449 fsm_info_ptr, status); 450 end; 451 if fsm_info_ptr = null 452 then call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_info_path); 453 end; 454 else call signal_fsm_error (error_table_$notadir, fsm_dir_path); 455 else if status = error_table_$noentry 456 then do; /* Create 'fsm_dir' and 'fsm_info'. */ 457 call hcs_$append_branchx (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_dir_name, SMA_ACCESS_BIN, 458 cu_$level_get (), 459 get_group_id_$tag_star (), 1, 0, 0, status); 460 if status = 0 461 then do; /* Create 'fsm_info'. */ 462 call hcs_$set_safety_sw (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_dir_name, "1"b, status); 463 call hcs_$make_seg (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name, "", RW_ACCESS_BIN, 464 fsm_info_ptr, status); 465 if fsm_info_ptr = null 466 then call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_info_path); 467 call hcs_$set_safety_sw (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_info_name, "1"b, status); 468 end; 469 else call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_dir_path); 470 end; 471 else call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_dir_path); 472 end; 473 end; 474 475 /* We now have a pointer to 'fsm_info'. However, we cannot use 'fsm_info' */ 476 /* until we lock it so that we are safe from some other process altering it */ 477 /* while we use it. If some other process is currently using it, we must */ 478 /* wait for that process to unlock it. If that process doesn't unlock it */ 479 /* in a reasonable time, we signal the 'fortran_storage_manager_error' */ 480 /* condition, indicating that this has occurred. If the user restarts us, */ 481 /* we try again. */ 482 483 status = 1; 484 do while (status ^= 0); 485 call set_lock_$lock (fsm_info.lock, Max_wait_time, status); 486 if status = error_table_$invalid_lock_reset 487 then status = 0; 488 else if status ^= 0 489 then call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_info_path); 490 end; 491 492 /* We now have 'fsm_info' all to ourselves. However, it may not be valid. */ 493 /* It is fairly expensive to check for validity, so we only do it the first */ 494 /* time we access 'fsm_info'. This is reasonable, since serious problems */ 495 /* with the information in 'fsm_info' are rare and will be diagnosed later */ 496 /* anyway. */ 497 /* */ 498 /* There are two ways in which 'fsm_info' could be invalid. First, it may */ 499 /* not be consistent in that it knows about more or fewer managed segments */ 500 /* than actually exist in the directory. Second, it may be out of date in */ 501 /* that it has some segments allocated to processes that no longer exist. */ 502 /* */ 503 /* It is easy to tell if 'fsm_info' is inconsistent: We need only count */ 504 /* number of managed segments (i.e. segments whose first component is a */ 505 /* positive integer and whose second component is 'fsm_') and find the */ 506 /* managed segment whose first component is numerically largest. We have */ 507 /* consistency if and only if both these numbers equal 'fsm_info.seg_cnt'. */ 508 /* If 'fsm_info' is inconsistent, the 'fortran_storage_manager_error' */ 509 /* condition is signalled with a description of the problem. The user */ 510 /* probably cannot do anything about this, but if he chooses to restart, we */ 511 /* repeat the validity test. */ 512 /* */ 513 /* If 'fsm_info' is found to be consistent, we examine all allocated */ 514 /* segments and free any found to be allocated to nonexistent processes. */ 515 516 do while (^fsm_info_ptr_valid); 517 system_free_area_ptr = get_system_free_area_ (); 518 star_entry_ptr, star_names_ptr = null; 519 on cleanup 520 begin; /* Free anything that was allocated. */ 521 if star_names_ptr ^= null 522 then free star_names in (system_free_area); 523 if star_entry_ptr ^= null 524 then free star_entries in (system_free_area); 525 end; 526 call hcs_$star_ (fsm_dir_path, "*.fsm_", star_BRANCHES_ONLY, system_free_area_ptr, star_entry_count, 527 star_entry_ptr, star_names_ptr, status); 528 if status ^= 0 & status ^= error_table_$nomatch 529 then call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_info_path); 530 else do; /* Check validity of 'fsm_info_'. */ 531 seg_cnt, max_seg_idx = 0; 532 do i = 1 to star_entry_count; 533 primary_name = star_names (star_entries (i).nindex); 534 if verify (before (primary_name, "."), "0123456789") = 0 535 & substr (primary_name, 1, 1) ^= "0" 536 then do; /* This is a managed segment. */ 537 seg_cnt = seg_cnt + 1; 538 seg_idx = bin (before (primary_name, ".")); 539 if seg_idx > max_seg_idx 540 then max_seg_idx = seg_idx; 541 end; 542 end; 543 if star_names_ptr ^= null 544 then free star_names in (system_free_area); 545 if star_entry_ptr ^= null 546 then free star_entries in (system_free_area); 547 if max_seg_idx ^= seg_cnt | seg_cnt ^= fsm_info.seg_cnt 548 then call signal_fsm_error (error_table_$bad_segment, fsm_info_path); 549 else do; /* 'fsm_info' is consistent. */ 550 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 551 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process ^= ""b 552 then do; 553 call set_lock_$lock ((fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process), 0, status) 554 ; 555 if status = error_table_$invalid_lock_reset 556 then do; /* The owner is dead. */ 557 call hcs_$truncate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, 558 status); 559 unspec (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx)) = ""b; 560 end; 561 end; 562 end; 563 fsm_info_ptr_valid = True; 564 end; 565 end; 566 end; 567 return; 568 569 1 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE . . . star_structures.incl.pl1 */ 1 2 1 3 /* This include file contains structures for the hcs_$star_, 1 4* hcs_$star_list_ and hcs_$star_dir_list_ entry points. 1 5* 1 6* Written 23 October 1978 by Monte Davidoff. 1 7* Modified January 1979 by Michael R. Jordan to use unsigned and different pointers for different structures. 1 8* Modified June 1981 by C. Hornig to count link pathnames more efficiently. 1 9**/ 1 10 1 11 /* automatic */ 1 12 1 13 declare star_branch_count fixed binary; /* hcs_$star_list_, hcs_$star_dir_list_: matching branch count */ 1 14 declare star_entry_count fixed binary; /* hcs_$star_: number of matching entries */ 1 15 declare star_entry_ptr pointer; /* hcs_$star_: pointer to array of entry information */ 1 16 declare star_list_branch_ptr pointer; /* hcs_$star_list_, hcs_$star_dir_list_: ptr to array of info */ 1 17 declare star_link_count fixed binary; /* hcs_$star_list_, hcs_$star_dir_list_: matching link count */ 1 18 declare star_linkx fixed binary; /* hcs_$star_list_, hcs_$star_dir_list_: index into star_links */ 1 19 declare star_names_ptr pointer; /* hcs_$star_: pointer to array of entry names */ 1 20 declare star_list_names_ptr pointer; /* hcs_$star_list_, hcs_$star_dir_list_: ptr to entry names */ 1 21 declare star_select_sw fixed binary (3); /* hcs_$star_list_, hcs_$star_dir_list_: what info to return */ 1 22 1 23 /* based */ 1 24 1 25 /* hcs_$star_ entry structure */ 1 26 1 27 declare 1 star_entries (star_entry_count) aligned based (star_entry_ptr), 1 28 2 type fixed binary (2) unsigned unaligned, 1 29 /* storage system type */ 1 30 2 nnames fixed binary (16) unsigned unaligned, 1 31 /* number of names of entry that match star_name */ 1 32 2 nindex fixed binary (18) unsigned unaligned; 1 33 /* index of first name in star_names */ 1 34 1 35 /* hcs_$star_ name structure */ 1 36 1 37 declare star_names (sum (star_entries (*).nnames)) char (32) based (star_names_ptr); 1 38 1 39 /* hcs_$star_list_ branch structure */ 1 40 1 41 declare 1 star_list_branch (star_branch_count + star_link_count) aligned based (star_list_branch_ptr), 1 42 2 type fixed binary (2) unsigned unaligned, 1 43 /* storage system type */ 1 44 2 nnames fixed binary (16) unsigned unaligned, 1 45 /* number of names of entry that match star_name */ 1 46 2 nindex fixed binary (18) unsigned unaligned, 1 47 /* index of first name in star_list_names */ 1 48 2 dtcm bit (36) unaligned, /* date-time contents of branch were last modified */ 1 49 2 dtu bit (36) unaligned, /* date-time branch was last used */ 1 50 2 mode bit (5) unaligned, /* user's access mode to the branch */ 1 51 2 raw_mode bit (5) unaligned, /* user's ACL access mode */ 1 52 2 master_dir bit (1) unaligned, /* is branch a master directory */ 1 53 2 pad bit (7) unaligned, 1 54 2 records fixed binary (18) unsigned unaligned; 1 55 /* records used by branch */ 1 56 1 57 /* hcs_$star_dir_list_ branch structure */ 1 58 1 59 declare 1 star_dir_list_branch (star_branch_count + star_link_count) aligned based (star_list_branch_ptr), 1 60 2 type fixed binary (2) unsigned unaligned, 1 61 /* storage system type */ 1 62 2 nnames fixed binary (16) unsigned unaligned, 1 63 /* number of names of entry that match star_name */ 1 64 2 nindex fixed binary (18) unsigned unaligned, 1 65 /* index of first name in star_list_names */ 1 66 2 dtem bit (36) unaligned, /* date-time directory entry of branch was last modified */ 1 67 2 pad bit (36) unaligned, 1 68 2 mode bit (5) unaligned, /* user's access mode to the branch */ 1 69 2 raw_mode bit (5) unaligned, /* user's ACL access mode */ 1 70 2 master_dir bit (1) unaligned, /* is branch a master directory */ 1 71 2 bit_count fixed binary (24) unaligned; 1 72 /* bit count of the branch */ 1 73 1 74 /* hcs_$star_list_ and hcs_$star_dir_list_ link structure */ 1 75 1 76 declare 1 star_links (star_branch_count + star_link_count) aligned based (star_list_branch_ptr), 1 77 2 type fixed binary (2) unsigned unaligned, 1 78 /* storage system type */ 1 79 2 nnames fixed binary (16) unsigned unaligned, 1 80 /* number of names of entry that match star_name */ 1 81 2 nindex fixed binary (18) unsigned unaligned, 1 82 /* index of first name in star_list_names */ 1 83 2 dtem bit (36) unaligned, /* date-time link was last modified */ 1 84 2 dtd bit (36) unaligned, /* date-time the link was last dumped */ 1 85 2 pathname_len fixed binary (18) unsigned unaligned, 1 86 /* length of the pathname of the link */ 1 87 2 pathname_index fixed binary (18) unsigned unaligned; 1 88 /* index of start of pathname in star_list_names */ 1 89 1 90 /* hcs_$star_list_ and hcs_$star_dir_list_ name array */ 1 91 1 92 declare star_list_names char (32) based (star_list_names_ptr) 1 93 dimension (star_links (star_branch_count + star_link_count).nindex 1 94 + star_links (star_branch_count + star_link_count).nnames 1 95 + divide (star_links (star_branch_count + star_link_count).pathname_len + 31, 32, 17, 0) 1 96 * binary ( 1 97 (star_links (star_branch_count + star_link_count).type = star_LINK) 1 98 & (star_select_sw >= star_LINKS_ONLY_WITH_LINK_PATHS), 1)); 1 99 1 100 /* hcs_$star_list_ and hcs_$star_dir_list_ link pathname */ 1 101 1 102 declare star_link_pathname char (star_links (star_linkx).pathname_len) 1 103 based (addr (star_list_names (star_links (star_linkx).pathname_index))); 1 104 1 105 /* internal static */ 1 106 1 107 /* star_select_sw values */ 1 108 1 109 declare star_LINKS_ONLY fixed binary (2) internal static options (constant) initial (1); 1 110 declare star_BRANCHES_ONLY fixed binary (2) internal static options (constant) initial (2); 1 111 declare star_ALL_ENTRIES fixed binary (2) internal static options (constant) initial (3); 1 112 declare star_LINKS_ONLY_WITH_LINK_PATHS 1 113 fixed binary (3) internal static options (constant) initial (5); 1 114 declare star_ALL_ENTRIES_WITH_LINK_PATHS 1 115 fixed binary (3) internal static options (constant) initial (7); 1 116 1 117 /* storage system types */ 1 118 1 119 declare star_LINK fixed binary (2) unsigned internal static options (constant) initial (0); 1 120 declare star_SEGMENT fixed binary (2) unsigned internal static options (constant) initial (1); 1 121 declare star_DIRECTORY fixed binary (2) unsigned internal static options (constant) initial (2); 1 122 1 123 /* END INCLUDE FILE . . . star_structures.incl.pl1 */ 570 571 end appropriate_fsm_info; 572 573 description_of_location: 574 proc (location) returns (char (256) varying) recursive; 575 576 /* Function: to return a meaningful description of the location addressed */ 577 /* by a pointer variable. If the segment number of the location is not */ 578 /* valid, the description is just the ASCII representation of a pointer */ 579 /* and a comment indicating the segment number is invalid. Otherwise, */ 580 /* the segment number portion is replaced by the pathname of the segment */ 581 /* and the offset potion is dropped if it is zero, or replaced by the */ 582 /* entry name if the location is an entry point. If the location is in */ 583 /* an active stack frame or an external variable, the description will */ 584 /* include a comment indicating that. */ 585 586 /* Arguments: */ 587 /* */ 588 /* location (Input) */ 589 /* contains the address of the location whose description is desired. */ 590 591 dcl location ptr; 592 593 dcl get_entry_name_ entry (ptr, char (*), fixed bin (18), char (8) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 594 get_pdir_ entry returns (char (168)), 595 hcs_$fs_get_path_name 596 entry (ptr, char (*), fixed bin, char (*), fixed bin (35)); 597 598 dcl null builtin, 599 stackbaseptr builtin, 600 stackframeptr builtin; 601 602 dcl False bit (1) static options (constant) init ("0"b), 603 True bit (1) static options (constant) init ("1"b); 604 605 dcl bit_offset char (4) varying, 606 checking_external_variables 607 bit (1), 608 description char (256) varying, 609 dir_name char (168), 610 dir_name_len fixed bin, 611 entry_name char (32), 612 hash_table_idx fixed bin, 613 language char (8) aligned, 614 seg_name char (32), 615 seg_num fixed bin (18), 616 status fixed bin (35), 617 vnp ptr, 618 vthp ptr, 619 word_offset char (8) varying; 620 621 622 if location = null 623 then return ("null"); 624 625 /* Create character representations of the word and bit offsets. */ 626 627 if substr (unspec (location), 58, 6) = ""b /* Unfortunately, there is no builtin to get the bit offset. */ 628 then bit_offset = ""; 629 else do; 630 bit_offset = "("; 631 bit_offset = bit_offset || ltrim (char (fixed (substr (unspec (location), 58, 6)))); 632 bit_offset = bit_offset || ")"; 633 end; 634 if rel (location) = ""b & bit_offset = "" 635 then word_offset = ""; 636 else do; 637 word_offset = "|"; 638 word_offset = word_offset || octal_representation (fixed (rel (location))); 639 end; 640 641 /* Generate a meaningful description of the location, if possible. */ 642 643 call hcs_$fs_get_path_name (location, dir_name, dir_name_len, seg_name, status); 644 if status ^= 0 645 then do; /* Can't do much as the segment number is invalid. */ 646 description = octal_representation (fixed (baseno (location))); 647 description = description || word_offset; 648 description = description || bit_offset; 649 description = description || " (Segment number invalid)"; 650 end; 651 else do; /* We can at least give a pathname instead of a segment number. */ 652 if dir_name = ">" 653 then description = ""; 654 else if dir_name = get_pdir_ () 655 then description = "[pd]"; 656 else description = substr (dir_name, 1, dir_name_len); 657 description = description || ">"; 658 description = description || rtrim (seg_name); 659 call get_entry_name_ (location, entry_name, seg_num, language, status); 660 if status = 0 661 then do; /* Give the entry name instead of a word and bit offset. */ 662 description = description || "$"; 663 description = description || rtrim (entry_name); 664 end; 665 else do; /* Give the word and bit offset, if nonzero. */ 666 description = description || word_offset; 667 description = description || bit_offset; 668 end; 669 if ptr (location, 0) = stackbaseptr 670 then do; /* See if it's in an active stack frame. */ 671 sp = stackframeptr; 672 do while (rel (sp) > rel (location) & stack_frame.prev_sp ^= null); 673 sp = stack_frame.prev_sp; 674 end; 675 if rel (sp) <= rel (location) & rel (stack_frame.next_sp) > rel (location) 676 then do; /* Indicate who owns the stack frame. */ 677 description = description || " (stack_frame"; 678 if location ^= sp 679 then do; 680 description = description || "|"; 681 description = 682 description 683 || 684 octal_representation (fixed (rel (location)) - fixed (rel (sp))); 685 description = description || bit_offset; 686 end; 687 description = description || " of "; 688 description = description || description_of_location (stack_frame.entry_ptr); 689 description = description || ")"; 690 end; 691 end; 692 else if index (seg_name, ".area.linker") > 0 693 then do; /* See if the location is in an external variable. */ 694 sb = stackbaseptr; 695 vthp = stack_header.sys_link_info_ptr; 696 if vthp ^= null 697 then do; 698 checking_external_variables = True; 699 do hash_table_idx = lbound (vthp -> variable_table_header.hash_table, 1) 700 to hbound (vthp -> variable_table_header.hash_table, 1) 701 while (checking_external_variables); 702 do vnp = vthp -> variable_table_header.hash_table (hash_table_idx) 703 repeat vnp -> variable_node.forward_thread 704 while (vnp ^= null & checking_external_variables); 705 if baseno (vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr) = baseno (location) 706 then if rel (vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr) <= rel (location) 707 & 708 rel ( 709 addrel (vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr, 710 vnp -> variable_node.vbl_size)) 711 > rel (location) 712 then do; 713 /* Indicate the name of the external variable. */ 714 checking_external_variables = False; 715 description = description || " (External Variable "; 716 description = description || vnp ->; 717 if vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr ^= location 718 then do; 719 description = description || "|"; 720 description = 721 description 722 || 723 octal_representation ( 724 fixed (rel (location)) 725 - 726 fixed (rel (vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr)) 727 ); 728 description = description || bit_offset; 729 end; 730 description = description || ")"; 731 end; 732 end; 733 end; 734 end; 735 end; 736 end; 737 return (description); 738 739 2 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... stack_frame.incl.pl1 ... */ 2 2 2 3 /* format: off */ 2 4 2 5 /* Modified: 16 Dec 1977, D. Levin - to add fio_ps_ptr and pl1_ps_ptr */ 2 6 /* Modified: 3 Feb 1978, P. Krupp - to add run_unit_manager bit & main_proc bit */ 2 7 /* Modified: 21 March 1978, D. Levin - change fio_ps_ptr to support_ptr */ 2 8 /* Modified: 03/01/84, S. Herbst - Added RETURN_PTR_MASK */ 2 9 2 10 2 11 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 2 12* 1) change(86-09-15,Kissel), approve(86-09-15,MCR7473), 2 13* audit(86-10-01,Fawcett), install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1206): 2 14* Modified to add constants for the translator_id field in the stack_frame 2 15* structure. 2 16* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 2 17 2 18 2 19 dcl RETURN_PTR_MASK bit (72) int static options (constant) /* mask to be AND'd with stack_frame.return_ptr */ 2 20 init ("777777777777777777000000"b3); /* when copying, to ignore bits that a call fills */ 2 21 /* with indicators (nonzero for Fortran hexfp caller) */ 2 22 /* say: unspec(ptr) = unspec(stack_frame.return_ptr) & RETURN_PTR_MASK; */ 2 23 2 24 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_PL1V2 bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000000"b3); 2 25 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_ALM bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000001"b3); 2 26 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_PL1V1 bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000002"b3); 2 27 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_SIGNAL_CALLER bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000003"b3); 2 28 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_SIGNALLER bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000004"b3); 2 29 2 30 2 31 dcl sp pointer; /* pointer to beginning of stack frame */ 2 32 2 33 dcl stack_frame_min_length fixed bin static init(48); 2 34 2 35 2 36 dcl 1 stack_frame based(sp) aligned, 2 37 2 pointer_registers(0 : 7) ptr, 2 38 2 prev_sp pointer, 2 39 2 next_sp pointer, 2 40 2 return_ptr pointer, 2 41 2 entry_ptr pointer, 2 42 2 operator_and_lp_ptr ptr, /* serves as both */ 2 43 2 arg_ptr pointer, 2 44 2 static_ptr ptr unaligned, 2 45 2 support_ptr ptr unal, /* only used by fortran I/O */ 2 46 2 on_unit_relp1 bit(18) unaligned, 2 47 2 on_unit_relp2 bit(18) unaligned, 2 48 2 translator_id bit(18) unaligned, /* Translator ID (see constants above) 2 49* 0 => PL/I version II 2 50* 1 => ALM 2 51* 2 => PL/I version I 2 52* 3 => signal caller frame 2 53* 4 => signaller frame */ 2 54 2 operator_return_offset bit(18) unaligned, 2 55 2 x(0: 7) bit(18) unaligned, /* index registers */ 2 56 2 a bit(36), /* accumulator */ 2 57 2 q bit(36), /* q-register */ 2 58 2 e bit(36), /* exponent */ 2 59 2 timer bit(27) unaligned, /* timer */ 2 60 2 pad bit(6) unaligned, 2 61 2 ring_alarm_reg bit(3) unaligned; 2 62 2 63 2 64 dcl 1 stack_frame_flags based(sp) aligned, 2 65 2 pad(0 : 7) bit(72), /* skip over prs */ 2 66 2 xx0 bit(22) unal, 2 67 2 main_proc bit(1) unal, /* on if frame belongs to a main procedure */ 2 68 2 run_unit_manager bit(1) unal, /* on if frame belongs to run unit manager */ 2 69 2 signal bit(1) unal, /* on if frame belongs to logical signal_ */ 2 70 2 crawl_out bit(1) unal, /* on if this is a signal caller frame */ 2 71 2 signaller bit(1) unal, /* on if next frame is signaller's */ 2 72 2 link_trap bit(1) unal, /* on if this frame was made by the linker */ 2 73 2 support bit(1) unal, /* on if frame belongs to a support proc */ 2 74 2 condition bit(1) unal, /* on if condition established in this frame */ 2 75 2 xx0a bit(6) unal, 2 76 2 xx1 fixed bin, 2 77 2 xx2 fixed bin, 2 78 2 xx3 bit(25) unal, 2 79 2 old_crawl_out bit (1) unal, /* on if this is a signal caller frame */ 2 80 2 old_signaller bit(1) unal, /* on if next frame is signaller's */ 2 81 2 xx3a bit(9) unaligned, 2 82 2 xx4(9) bit(72) aligned, 2 83 2 v2_pl1_op_ret_base ptr, /* When a V2 PL/I program calls an operator the 2 84* * operator puts a pointer to the base of 2 85* * the calling procedure here. (text base ptr) */ 2 86 2 xx5 bit(72) aligned, 2 87 2 pl1_ps_ptr ptr; /* ptr to ps for this frame; also used by fio. */ 2 88 2 89 /* format: on */ 2 90 2 91 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... stack_frame.incl.pl1 */ 740 3 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... stack_header.incl.pl1 .. 3/72 Bill Silver */ 3 2 /* modified 7/76 by M. Weaver for *system links and more system use of areas */ 3 3 /* modified 3/77 by M. Weaver to add rnt_ptr */ 3 4 /* Modified April 1983 by C. Hornig for tasking */ 3 5 3 6 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 3 7* 1) change(86-06-24,DGHowe), approve(86-06-24,MCR7396), 3 8* audit(86-08-05,Schroth), install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1206): 3 9* added the heap_header_ptr definition. 3 10* 2) change(86-08-12,Kissel), approve(86-08-12,MCR7473), 3 11* audit(86-10-10,Fawcett), install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1206): 3 12* Modified to support control point management. These changes were actually 3 13* made in February 1985 by G. Palter. 3 14* 3) change(86-10-22,Fawcett), approve(86-10-22,MCR7473), 3 15* audit(86-10-22,Farley), install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1206): 3 16* Remove the old_lot pointer and replace it with cpm_data_ptr. Use the 18 3 17* bit pad after cur_lot_size for the cpm_enabled. This was done to save some 3 18* space int the stack header and change the cpd_ptr unal to cpm_data_ptr 3 19* (ITS pair). 3 20* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 3 21 3 22 /* format: style2 */ 3 23 3 24 dcl sb ptr; /* the main pointer to the stack header */ 3 25 3 26 dcl 1 stack_header based (sb) aligned, 3 27 2 pad1 (4) fixed bin, /* (0) also used as arg list by outward_call_handler */ 3 28 2 cpm_data_ptr ptr, /* (4) pointer to control point which owns this stack */ 3 29 2 combined_stat_ptr ptr, /* (6) pointer to area containing separate static */ 3 30 2 clr_ptr ptr, /* (8) pointer to area containing linkage sections */ 3 31 2 max_lot_size fixed bin (17) unal, /* (10) DU number of words allowed in lot */ 3 32 2 main_proc_invoked fixed bin (11) unal, /* (10) DL nonzero if main procedure invoked in run unit */ 3 33 2 have_static_vlas bit (1) unal, /* (10) DL "1"b if (very) large arrays are being used in static */ 3 34 2 pad4 bit (2) unal, 3 35 2 run_unit_depth fixed bin (2) unal, /* (10) DL number of active run units stacked */ 3 36 2 cur_lot_size fixed bin (17) unal, /* (11) DU number of words (entries) in lot */ 3 37 2 cpm_enabled bit (18) unal, /* (11) DL non-zero if control point management is enabled */ 3 38 2 system_free_ptr ptr, /* (12) pointer to system storage area */ 3 39 2 user_free_ptr ptr, /* (14) pointer to user storage area */ 3 40 2 null_ptr ptr, /* (16) */ 3 41 2 stack_begin_ptr ptr, /* (18) pointer to first stack frame on the stack */ 3 42 2 stack_end_ptr ptr, /* (20) pointer to next useable stack frame */ 3 43 2 lot_ptr ptr, /* (22) pointer to the lot for the current ring */ 3 44 2 signal_ptr ptr, /* (24) pointer to signal procedure for current ring */ 3 45 2 bar_mode_sp ptr, /* (26) value of sp before entering bar mode */ 3 46 2 pl1_operators_ptr ptr, /* (28) pointer to pl1_operators_$operator_table */ 3 47 2 call_op_ptr ptr, /* (30) pointer to standard call operator */ 3 48 2 push_op_ptr ptr, /* (32) pointer to standard push operator */ 3 49 2 return_op_ptr ptr, /* (34) pointer to standard return operator */ 3 50 2 return_no_pop_op_ptr 3 51 ptr, /* (36) pointer to standard return / no pop operator */ 3 52 2 entry_op_ptr ptr, /* (38) pointer to standard entry operator */ 3 53 2 trans_op_tv_ptr ptr, /* (40) pointer to translator operator ptrs */ 3 54 2 isot_ptr ptr, /* (42) pointer to ISOT */ 3 55 2 sct_ptr ptr, /* (44) pointer to System Condition Table */ 3 56 2 unwinder_ptr ptr, /* (46) pointer to unwinder for current ring */ 3 57 2 sys_link_info_ptr ptr, /* (48) pointer to *system link name table */ 3 58 2 rnt_ptr ptr, /* (50) pointer to Reference Name Table */ 3 59 2 ect_ptr ptr, /* (52) pointer to event channel table */ 3 60 2 assign_linkage_ptr ptr, /* (54) pointer to storage for (obsolete) hcs_$assign_linkage */ 3 61 2 heap_header_ptr ptr, /* (56) pointer to the heap header for this ring */ 3 62 2 trace, 3 63 3 frames, 3 64 4 count fixed bin, /* (58) number of trace frames */ 3 65 4 top_ptr ptr unal, /* (59) pointer to last trace frame */ 3 66 3 in_trace bit (36) aligned, /* (60) trace antirecursion flag */ 3 67 2 pad2 bit (36), /* (61) */ 3 68 2 pad5 pointer; /* (62) pointer to future stuff */ 3 69 3 70 /* The following offset refers to a table within the pl1 operator table. */ 3 71 3 72 dcl tv_offset fixed bin init (361) internal static; 3 73 /* (551) octal */ 3 74 3 75 3 76 /* The following constants are offsets within this transfer vector table. */ 3 77 3 78 dcl ( 3 79 call_offset fixed bin init (271), 3 80 push_offset fixed bin init (272), 3 81 return_offset fixed bin init (273), 3 82 return_no_pop_offset fixed bin init (274), 3 83 entry_offset fixed bin init (275) 3 84 ) internal static; 3 85 3 86 3 87 3 88 3 89 3 90 /* The following declaration is an overlay of the whole stack header. Procedures which 3 91* move the whole stack header should use this overlay. 3 92**/ 3 93 3 94 dcl stack_header_overlay (size (stack_header)) fixed bin based (sb); 3 95 3 96 3 97 3 98 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... stack_header.incl.pl1 */ 741 4 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... system_link_names.incl.pl1 */ 4 2 4 3 4 4 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 4 5* 1) change(86-06-24,DGHowe), approve(86-06-24,MCR7396), audit(86-11-12,Zwick), 4 6* install(86-11-20,MR12.0-1222): 4 7* added the declaration of the heap_header. 4 8* 2) change(86-10-20,DGHowe), approve(86-10-20,MCR7420), audit(86-11-12,Zwick), 4 9* install(86-11-20,MR12.0-1222): 4 10* add the seg ptr to the variable node structure. 4 11* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 4 12 4 13 4 14 /* created by M. Weaver 7/28/76 */ 4 15 /* Modified: 82-11-19 by T. Oke to add LIST_TEMPLATE_INIT. */ 4 16 /* Modified 02/11/83 by M. Weaver to add have_vla_variables flag */ 4 17 4 18 4 19 dcl 1 variable_table_header aligned based, /* header for name table */ 4 20 2 hash_table (0:63) ptr unaligned, /* hash table for variable nodes */ 4 21 2 total_search_time fixed bin (71), /* total time to search for variables */ 4 22 2 total_allocation_time fixed bin (71), /* total time spent allocating and initializing nodes and variables */ 4 23 2 number_of_searches fixed bin, /* number of times names were looked up */ 4 24 2 number_of_variables fixed bin (35), /* number of variables allocated by the linker, incl deletions */ 4 25 2 flags unaligned, 4 26 3 have_vla_variables bit (1) unaligned, /* on if some variables are > sys_info$max_seg_size */ 4 27 3 pad bit (11) unaligned, 4 28 2 cur_num_of_variables fixed bin (24) unal, /* current number of variables allocated */ 4 29 2 number_of_steps fixed bin, /* total number of nodes looked at */ 4 30 2 total_allocated_size fixed bin (35); /* current amount of storage in user area */ 4 31 4 32 4 33 dcl 1 variable_node aligned based, /* individual variable information */ 4 34 2 forward_thread ptr unaligned, /* thread to next node off same hash bucket */ 4 35 2 vbl_size fixed bin (24) unsigned unaligned, /* length in words of variable */ 4 36 2 init_type fixed bin (11) unaligned, /* 0=not init; 3=init template; 4=area 5=list_template*/ 4 37 2 time_allocated fixed bin (71), /* time when variable was allocated */ 4 38 2 vbl_ptr ptr, /* pointer to variable's storage */ 4 39 2 init_ptr ptr, /* pointer to original init info in object seg */ 4 40 2 name_size fixed bin(21) aligned, /* length of name in characters */ 4 41 2 name char (nchars refer (variable_node.name_size)), /* name of variable */ 4 42 2 seg_ptr pointer; 4 43 4 44 /* variable_node.seg_ptr 4 45* Is a pointer to the segment containing the initialization information 4 46* for this variable. It is used as a segment base pointer for external 4 47* pointer initialization via list_init_. 4 48* 4 49* The init_ptr can not be used as a reference to the defining segment 4 50* due to the possibility of set_fortran_common being used to initialize 4 51* the external variables. sfc will generate an initialization information 4 52* structure if multiple intialization sizes are found in the specified 4 53* segments. sfc stores the address of this structure in the init_ptr field. 4 54* This is one reason why sfc does not perform external pointer 4 55* initialization. 4 56* 4 57* The seg_ptr is set to point at the segment used to define the 4 58* initialization information. term_ sets this field to null on termination 4 59* due to the possiblity of executing a different segment which defines 4 60* initialization information. In this way the seg_ptr field will either 4 61* be valid or null. 4 62**/ 4 63 4 64 dcl 1 heap_header based, 4 65 2 version char(8), /* specifies the verison of the header */ 4 66 2 heap_name_list_ptr pointer, /* points to the variable_table_header for this heap */ 4 67 2 previous_heap_ptr pointer, /* points to the previous heap or is null */ 4 68 2 area_ptr pointer, /* points to the heap area */ 4 69 2 execution_level fixed bin (17); /* specifies the execution level this header deals with */ 4 70 4 71 dcl heap_header_version_1 char(8) static options (constant) 4 72 init ("Heap_v01"); 4 73 4 74 4 75 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... system_link_names.incl.pl1 */ 742 743 end description_of_location; 744 745 get_fsm_dir_dir_path: 746 proc (fsm_dir_dir_path); 747 748 /* Function: to return the pathname of the directory which will contain */ 749 /* the directory of segments managed by 'fsm_'. This pathname is */ 750 /* obtained from the variable 'fsm_dir_dir_path' in the user's per- */ 751 /* process value segment or default permanent value segment (with the */ 752 /* value in the perprocess value segment taking precedent if it is */ 753 /* defined differently in the two value segments). If neither of these */ 754 /* value segments define the variable, or if the value is "", then the */ 755 /* pathname of the process directory is returned. If the defined value */ 756 /* is not an absolute pathname (i.e. does not start with ">"), the */ 757 /* condition 'fortran_storage_manager_error' is signalled with a */ 758 /* description of the problem. If this occurs, the user should fixed the */ 759 /* value segment and restart. */ 760 761 /* Arguments: */ 762 /* */ 763 /* fsm_dir_dir_path (Output) */ 764 /* is the absolute pathname of the directory which will contain the */ 765 /* directory of segments managed by 'fsm_'. */ 766 767 dcl fsm_dir_dir_path char (*); 768 769 dcl error_table_$not_abs_path 770 fixed bin (35) ext; 771 772 dcl get_pdir_ entry returns (char (168)), 773 value_$get entry (ptr, bit (36) aligned, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)); 774 775 dcl status fixed bin (35); 776 777 778 fsm_dir_dir_path = ""; 779 do while (fsm_dir_dir_path = ""); 780 call value_$get (null, "11"b, "fsm_dir_dir_path", fsm_dir_dir_path, status); 781 if fsm_dir_dir_path = "" 782 then fsm_dir_dir_path = get_pdir_ (); 783 else if substr (fsm_dir_dir_path, 1, 1) ^= ">" 784 then do; 785 call signal_fsm_error (error_table_$not_abs_path, 786 "Value segment specifies 'fsm_dir_dir_path' = " || fsm_dir_dir_path); 787 fsm_dir_dir_path = ""; 788 end; 789 end; 790 end get_fsm_dir_dir_path; 791 792 list_groups: 793 proc (max_group_cnt, desired_process); 794 795 /* Function: to list (on the 'user_output' switch) the groups of segments */ 796 /* which are allocated to a specified process. The groups are listed by */ 797 /* owner. */ 798 799 /* Arguments: */ 800 /* */ 801 /* max_group_cnt (Input) */ 802 /* is the maximum number of groups to be listed. If there are more */ 803 /* groups than this, the excess are ignored without comment. */ 804 /* */ 805 /* desired_process (Input) */ 806 /* is the ID of the process whose groups are to be listed. */ 807 /* */ 808 809 dcl max_group_cnt fixed bin, 810 desired_process bit (36) aligned; 811 812 dcl get_line_length_$stream 813 entry (char (*), fixed bin (35)) returns (fixed bin), 814 ioa_$nnl entry options (variable); 815 816 dcl 01 expected_group aligned like group; 817 818 dcl 01 group (max_group_cnt) aligned, 819 02 owner ptr unaligned, 820 02 first_seg_in_group 821 fixed bin; 822 823 dcl expected_group_idx fixed bin, 824 group_cnt fixed bin, 825 group_idx fixed bin, 826 line_len fixed bin, 827 max_line_len fixed bin, 828 name char (32) varying, 829 prev_group_owner ptr unaligned, 830 seg_idx fixed bin, 831 status fixed bin (35), 832 trial_group_idx fixed bin; 833 834 /* Store in 'group' the owner and number of the first segment of each group */ 835 /* allocated to this process. */ 836 837 group_cnt = 0; 838 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt while (group_cnt < max_group_cnt); 839 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = desired_process 840 & fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).first_seg_in_group = seg_idx 841 then do; 842 group_cnt = group_cnt + 1; 843 group (group_cnt).owner = fsm_info.owner (seg_idx); 844 group (group_cnt).first_seg_in_group = fsm_info.first_seg_in_group (seg_idx); 845 end; 846 end; 847 848 /* Sort groups into ascending order of owner and number of first segment in */ 849 /* the group. */ 850 851 do group_idx = 1 to group_cnt - 1; 852 expected_group = group (group_idx); 853 expected_group_idx = group_idx; 854 do trial_group_idx = group_idx + 1 to group_cnt; 855 if unspec (group (trial_group_idx)) < unspec (expected_group) 856 then do; 857 expected_group = group (trial_group_idx); 858 expected_group_idx = trial_group_idx; 859 end; 860 end; 861 if group_idx ^= expected_group_idx 862 then do; 863 group (expected_group_idx) = group (group_idx); 864 group (group_idx) = expected_group; 865 end; 866 end; 867 868 /* List the groups. */ 869 870 max_line_len = get_line_length_$stream ("user_output", status); 871 unspec (prev_group_owner) = ""b; /* Start with an impossible owner. */ 872 do group_idx = 1 to group_cnt; 873 if group (group_idx).owner ^= prev_group_owner 874 then do; /* Describe new owner. */ 875 prev_group_owner = group (group_idx).owner; 876 call ioa_$nnl ("^/^a owns:^/", description_of_location ((prev_group_owner))); 877 end; 878 call ioa_$nnl ("^4x"); 879 line_len = 4; 880 do seg_idx = group (group_idx).first_seg_in_group repeat fsm_info.next_seg_in_group (seg_idx) 881 while (seg_idx ^= 0); 882 name = rtrim (seg_name (seg_idx)); 883 if line_len + 1 + length (name) <= max_line_len 884 then do; 885 line_len = line_len + 1 + length (name); 886 call ioa_$nnl (" ^a", name); 887 end; 888 else do; 889 line_len = 10 + length (name); 890 call ioa_$nnl ("^/^-^a", name); 891 end; 892 end; 893 call ioa_$nnl ("^/"); 894 end; 895 896 end list_groups; 897 898 octal_representation: 899 proc (value) returns (char (12) varying); 900 901 /* Function: to return the octal representation of an integer value. */ 902 903 /* Arguments: */ 904 /* */ 905 /* value (Input) */ 906 /* is the integer value whose octal representation is desired. */ 907 908 dcl value fixed bin; 909 910 dcl cv_bin_$oct entry (fixed bin, char (12) aligned); 911 912 dcl string char (12) aligned; 913 914 call cv_bin_$oct (value, string); 915 return (ltrim (string)); 916 end octal_representation; 917 918 pick_first_seg_num: 919 proc (num_segs_desired, first_seg_num); 920 921 /* Function: to find a set of a specified size of free, consecutive */ 922 /* segment numbers and return the first segment number of the set. */ 923 924 /* Arguments: */ 925 /* */ 926 /* num_segs_desired (Input) */ 927 /* is the number of consecutive segment numbers needed. */ 928 /* */ 929 /* first_seg_num (Output) */ 930 /* is the first segment number of the chosen set of consecutive segment */ 931 /* numbers. */ 932 933 dcl num_segs_desired fixed bin, 934 first_seg_num fixed bin; 935 936 dcl hcs_$high_low_seg_count 937 entry (fixed bin, fixed bin); 938 939 dcl best_hole_size fixed bin, 940 best_hole_start fixed bin, 941 cur_hole_size fixed bin, 942 found_highest_seg_num_in_use 943 bit (1), 944 high_seg_num fixed bin, 945 high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num 946 fixed bin, 947 low_seg_num fixed bin, 948 seg_num fixed bin; 949 950 /* Find the lowest segment number allowed to be used and the highest that */ 951 /* is currently in use. */ 952 953 call hcs_$high_low_seg_count (high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num, low_seg_num); 954 high_seg_num = high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num + low_seg_num; 955 low_seg_num = low_seg_num + 8; /* First 8 reserved for stacks. */ 956 found_highest_seg_num_in_use = False; 957 do while (^found_highest_seg_num_in_use); 958 if seg_num_free (high_seg_num) 959 then high_seg_num = high_seg_num - 1; 960 else found_highest_seg_num_in_use = True; 961 end; 962 963 /* Search from the lowest segment number allowed to be used to the highest */ 964 /* in use for the smallest set of consecutive segment numbers that is at */ 965 /* least as big as needed. */ 966 967 best_hole_size, cur_hole_size = 0; 968 do seg_num = low_seg_num to high_seg_num while (best_hole_size ^= num_segs_desired); 969 if seg_num_free (seg_num) 970 then cur_hole_size = cur_hole_size + 1; 971 else do; 972 if cur_hole_size >= num_segs_desired 973 then if best_hole_size = 0 | best_hole_size > cur_hole_size 974 then do; /* Latest hole is best fit so far. */ 975 best_hole_size = cur_hole_size; 976 best_hole_start = seg_num - best_hole_size; 977 end; 978 cur_hole_size = 0; 979 end; 980 end; 981 982 /* If we found a hole large enough, choose the first segment number in it */ 983 /* as the start of the desired set; otherwise, start the set immediately */ 984 /* following the highest segment number currently in use. */ 985 986 if best_hole_size < num_segs_desired 987 then first_seg_num = high_seg_num + 1; 988 else first_seg_num = best_hole_start; 989 end pick_first_seg_num; 990 991 pick_seg: 992 proc (seg_idx); 993 994 /* Function: to choose a free segment to be allocated. If there are none, */ 995 /* one is created. */ 996 997 /* Arguments: */ 998 /* */ 999 /* seg_idx (Output) */ 1000 /* is the index of the element in 'fsm_info.seg' which corresponds to */ 1001 /* the segment which has been chosen. */ 1002 1003 dcl seg_idx fixed bin; 1004 1005 dcl get_group_id_ entry returns (char (32)), 1006 hcs_$append_branch entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (5), fixed bin (35)), 1007 hcs_$replace_acl entry (char (*), char (*), ptr, fixed bin, bit (1), fixed bin (35)), 1008 hcs_$set_max_length entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (19), fixed bin (35)), 1009 hcs_$set_safety_sw entry (char (*), char (*), bit (1), fixed bin (35)), 1010 1011 pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ 1012 fixed bin (19) external; 1013 1014 dcl 01 acl aligned, 1015 02 access_name char (32), 1016 02 modes bit (36), 1017 02 xmodes bit (36), 1018 02 status fixed bin (35); 1019 1020 dcl status fixed bin (35); 1021 1022 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt while (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process ^= ""b); 1023 end; 1024 if seg_idx <= fsm_info.seg_cnt 1025 then do; /* Reuse free segment. */ 1026 acl.access_name = get_group_id_ (); 1027 acl.modes = RW_ACCESS; 1028 acl.xmodes = ""b; 1029 status = 1; 1030 do while (status ^= 0); 1031 call hcs_$replace_acl (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), addr (acl), 1, "0"b, status); 1032 if status ^= 0 1033 then call signal_fsm_error (status, pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx))); 1034 end; 1035 end; 1036 else do while (seg_idx > fsm_info.seg_cnt); /* Create a segment. */ 1037 call hcs_$append_branch (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), RW_ACCESS_BIN, status); 1038 if status = 0 1039 then do; 1040 fsm_info.seg_cnt = seg_idx; 1041 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = null; 1042 call hcs_$set_max_length (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 1043 pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_, status); 1044 if status ^= 0 1045 then call signal_fsm_error (status, pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx))); 1046 1047 call hcs_$set_safety_sw (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), "1"b, status); 1048 end; 1049 else call signal_fsm_error (status, pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx))); 1050 end; 1051 end pick_seg; 1052 1053 release_fsm_info: 1054 proc; 1055 1056 /* Function: to free any segments that have been allocated to 'fsm_', then */ 1057 /* to unlock 'fsm_info' so it can be used by other processes. */ 1058 1059 dcl hcs_$terminate_file entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (1), fixed bin (35)), 1060 set_lock_$unlock entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)); 1061 1062 dcl seg_idx fixed bin, 1063 status fixed bin (35); 1064 1065 1066 /* This routine may be called in response to a 'cleanup' condition before */ 1067 /* 'fsm_info' has been locked for this process, or possibly even found. */ 1068 /* Thus, we must be careful to check for these possibilities. */ 1069 1070 if fsm_info_ptr ^= null 1071 then if fsm_info.lock = my_process 1072 then do; /* 'fsm_info' is locked for this process. */ 1073 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 1074 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = my_process & fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = me 1075 then do; 1076 call hcs_$terminate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 1077 unspec (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx)) = ""b; 1078 end; 1079 end; 1080 status = 1; 1081 do while (status ^= 0); 1082 call set_lock_$unlock (fsm_info.lock, status); 1083 if status ^= 0 1084 then call signal_fsm_error (status, "Trying to unlock 'fsm_info'."); 1085 end; 1086 end; 1087 end release_fsm_info; 1088 1089 seg_name: 1090 proc (seg_idx) returns (char (32)); 1091 1092 /* Function: to return the name of the segment associated with a specified */ 1093 /* element of 'fsm_info.seg'. The name is 'N.fsm_', where 'N' is the */ 1094 /* decimal representation of the index of the specified element. */ 1095 1096 /* Arguments: */ 1097 /* */ 1098 /* seg_idx (Input) */ 1099 /* is the index of the element of 'fsm_info.seg' with which the segment */ 1100 /* is associated. */ 1101 1102 dcl seg_idx fixed bin; 1103 1104 return (ltrim (char (seg_idx)) || ".fsm_"); 1105 end seg_name; 1106 1107 seg_num_free: 1108 proc (seg_num) returns (bit (1)); 1109 1110 /* Function: to indicate whether a given segment number is currently in */ 1111 /* use. (Since there is no system function to do this, we fake it by */ 1112 /* asking for the unique-id of the segment corresponding to the segment */ 1113 /* number. If the return code is 'error_table_$invalidsegno', then the */ 1114 /* segment number is free.) */ 1115 1116 /* Arguments: */ 1117 /* */ 1118 /* seg_num (Input) */ 1119 /* is the segment number to be tested. */ 1120 1121 dcl seg_num fixed bin; 1122 1123 dcl error_table_$invalidsegno 1124 fixed bin (35) ext; 1125 1126 dcl hcs_$get_uid_seg entry (ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)); 1127 1128 dcl status fixed bin (35), 1129 uid bit (36) aligned; 1130 1131 call hcs_$get_uid_seg (baseptr (seg_num), uid, status); 1132 if status = error_table_$invalidsegno 1133 then return (True); 1134 else return (False); 1135 end seg_num_free; 1136 1137 signal_fsm_error: 1138 proc (status, details); 1139 1140 /* Function: to signal the restartable condition */ 1141 /* 'fortran_storage_manager_error'. */ 1142 1143 /* Arguments: */ 1144 /* */ 1145 /* status (Input) */ 1146 /* is a standard system status code describing why the condition is */ 1147 /* being signalled. */ 1148 /* */ 1149 /* details (Input) */ 1150 /* is supplementary information regarding why the condition is being */ 1151 /* signalled. */ 1152 1153 dcl status fixed bin (35), 1154 details char (*); 1155 1156 dcl signal_ entry options (variable); 1157 5 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE condition_info_header.incl.pl1 BIM 1981 */ 5 2 /* format: style2 */ 5 3 5 4 declare condition_info_header_ptr 5 5 pointer; 5 6 declare 1 condition_info_header 5 7 aligned based (condition_info_header_ptr), 5 8 2 length fixed bin, /* length in words of this structure */ 5 9 2 version fixed bin, /* version number of this structure */ 5 10 2 action_flags aligned, /* tell handler how to proceed */ 5 11 3 cant_restart bit (1) unaligned, /* caller doesn't ever want to be returned to */ 5 12 3 default_restart bit (1) unaligned, /* caller can be returned to with no further action */ 5 13 3 quiet_restart bit (1) unaligned, /* return, and print no message */ 5 14 3 support_signal bit (1) unaligned, /* treat this signal as if the signalling procedure had the support bit set */ 5 15 /* if the signalling procedure had the support bit set, do the same for its caller */ 5 16 3 pad bit (32) unaligned, 5 17 2 info_string char (256) varying, /* may contain printable message */ 5 18 2 status_code fixed bin (35); /* if^=0, code interpretable by com_err_ */ 5 19 5 20 /* END INCLUDE FILE condition_info_header.incl.pl1 */ 1158 1159 1160 dcl 01 condition_info aligned like condition_info_header; 1161 1162 condition_info.length = size (condition_info); 1163 condition_info.version = 1; 1164 unspec (condition_info.action_flags) = ""b; 1165 condition_info.info_string = rtrim (details); 1166 condition_info.status_code = status; 1167 call signal_ ("fortran_storage_manager_error", null, addr (condition_info)); 1168 end signal_fsm_error; 1169 6 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... access_mode_values.incl.pl1 6 2* 6 3* Values for the "access mode" argument so often used in hardcore 6 4* James R. Davis 26 Jan 81 MCR 4844 6 5* Added constants for SM access 4/28/82 Jay Pattin 6 6* Added text strings 03/19/85 Chris Jones 6 7**/ 6 8 6 9 6 10 /* format: style4,delnl,insnl,indattr,ifthen,dclind10 */ 6 11 dcl ( 6 12 N_ACCESS init ("000"b), 6 13 R_ACCESS init ("100"b), 6 14 E_ACCESS init ("010"b), 6 15 W_ACCESS init ("001"b), 6 16 RE_ACCESS init ("110"b), 6 17 REW_ACCESS init ("111"b), 6 18 RW_ACCESS init ("101"b), 6 19 S_ACCESS init ("100"b), 6 20 M_ACCESS init ("010"b), 6 21 A_ACCESS init ("001"b), 6 22 SA_ACCESS init ("101"b), 6 23 SM_ACCESS init ("110"b), 6 24 SMA_ACCESS init ("111"b) 6 25 ) bit (3) internal static options (constant); 6 26 6 27 /* The following arrays are meant to be accessed by doing either 1) bin (bit_value) or 6 28* 2) divide (bin_value, 2) to come up with an index into the array. */ 6 29 6 30 dcl SEG_ACCESS_MODE_NAMES (0:7) init ("null", "W", "E", "EW", "R", "RW", "RE", "REW") char (4) internal 6 31 static options (constant); 6 32 6 33 dcl DIR_ACCESS_MODE_NAMES (0:7) init ("null", "A", "M", "MA", "S", "SA", "SM", "SMA") char (4) internal 6 34 static options (constant); 6 35 6 36 dcl ( 6 37 N_ACCESS_BIN init (00000b), 6 38 R_ACCESS_BIN init (01000b), 6 39 E_ACCESS_BIN init (00100b), 6 40 W_ACCESS_BIN init (00010b), 6 41 RW_ACCESS_BIN init (01010b), 6 42 RE_ACCESS_BIN init (01100b), 6 43 REW_ACCESS_BIN init (01110b), 6 44 S_ACCESS_BIN init (01000b), 6 45 M_ACCESS_BIN init (00010b), 6 46 A_ACCESS_BIN init (00001b), 6 47 SA_ACCESS_BIN init (01001b), 6 48 SM_ACCESS_BIN init (01010b), 6 49 SMA_ACCESS_BIN init (01011b) 6 50 ) fixed bin (5) internal static options (constant); 6 51 6 52 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... access_mode_values.incl.pl1 */ 1170 1171 end fortran_storage_manager_; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 11/20/86 1142.5 fortran_storage_manager_.pl1 >special_ldd>install>MR12.0-1222>fortran_storage_manager_.pl1 570 1 06/10/82 1045.5 star_structures.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>star_structures.incl.pl1 740 2 11/07/86 1550.3 stack_frame.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>stack_frame.incl.pl1 741 3 11/07/86 1550.3 stack_header.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>stack_header.incl.pl1 742 4 11/20/86 1035.4 system_link_names.incl.pl1 >special_ldd>install>MR12.0-1222>system_link_names.incl.pl1 1158 5 03/24/82 1347.2 condition_info_header.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>condition_info_header.incl.pl1 1170 6 04/11/85 1452.6 access_mode_values.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>access_mode_values.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. Chase_links 000062 constant fixed bin(1,0) initial dcl 384 set ref 434* False constant bit(1) initial unaligned dcl 54 in procedure "fsm_" ref 167 956 1134 False constant bit(1) initial unaligned dcl 602 in procedure "description_of_location" ref 714 Max_wait_time 000000 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 384 set ref 485* RW_ACCESS constant bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 ref 443 1027 RW_ACCESS_BIN 000014 constant fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 set ref 438* 463* 1037* SMA_ACCESS_BIN 000001 constant fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 set ref 457* True constant bit(1) initial unaligned dcl 54 in procedure "fsm_" ref 165 190 563 960 1132 True constant bit(1) initial unaligned dcl 602 in procedure "description_of_location" ref 698 access_name 000106 automatic char(32) level 2 in structure "acl" dcl 387 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" set ref 442* access_name 000160 automatic char(32) level 2 in structure "acl" dcl 1014 in procedure "pick_seg" set ref 1026* acl 000160 automatic structure level 1 dcl 1014 in procedure "pick_seg" set ref 1031 1031 acl 000106 automatic structure level 1 dcl 387 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" set ref 445 445 addr builtin function dcl 137 ref 445 445 1031 1031 1167 1167 addrel builtin function dcl 137 ref 705 baseno builtin function dcl 137 ref 252 646 646 705 705 baseptr builtin function dcl 137 ref 179 179 202 1131 1131 before builtin function dcl 137 ref 534 538 best_hole_size 000140 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 939 set ref 967* 968 972 972 975* 976 986 best_hole_start 000141 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 939 set ref 976* 988 bin builtin function dcl 137 ref 252 538 bit_count 000121 automatic fixed bin(24,0) dcl 393 set ref 434* 435 bit_offset 000100 automatic varying char(4) dcl 605 set ref 627* 630* 631* 631 632* 632 634 648 667 685 728 char builtin function dcl 137 ref 429 631 1104 checking_external_variables 000102 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 605 set ref 698* 699 702 714* cleanup 000100 stack reference condition dcl 382 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" ref 519 cleanup 000104 stack reference condition dcl 141 in procedure "fsm_" ref 158 222 250 276 300 codeptr builtin function dcl 137 ref 78 condition_info 000100 automatic structure level 1 dcl 1160 set ref 1162 1167 1167 condition_info_header based structure level 1 dcl 5-6 cu_$level_get 000170 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 457 457 cur_hole_size 000142 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 939 set ref 967* 969* 969 972 972 975 978* cv_bin_$oct 000244 constant entry external dcl 910 ref 914 description 000103 automatic varying char(256) dcl 605 set ref 646* 647* 647 648* 648 649* 649 652* 654* 656* 657* 657 658* 658 662* 662 663* 663 666* 666 667* 667 677* 677 680* 680 681* 681 685* 685 687* 687 688* 688 689* 689 715* 715 716* 716 719* 719 720* 720 728* 728 730* 730 737 desired_process parameter bit(36) dcl 809 ref 792 839 details parameter char unaligned dcl 1153 ref 1137 1165 dir_name 000204 automatic char(168) unaligned dcl 605 set ref 643* 652 654 656 dir_name_len 000256 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 605 set ref 643* 656 entry_name 000257 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 605 set ref 659* 663 entry_ptr 26 based pointer level 2 dcl 2-36 set ref 688* error_table_$bad_segment 000154 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 347 set ref 547* error_table_$invalid_lock_reset 000156 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 347 ref 486 555 error_table_$invalidsegno 000270 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1123 ref 1132 error_table_$moderr 000160 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 347 ref 440 error_table_$noentry 000162 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 347 ref 455 error_table_$nomatch 000166 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 347 ref 528 error_table_$not_abs_path 000232 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 769 set ref 785* error_table_$notadir 000164 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 347 set ref 454* expected_group 000100 automatic structure level 1 dcl 816 set ref 852* 855 857* 864 expected_group_idx 000102 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 823 set ref 853* 858* 861 863 first_seg_in_group 000112 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 143 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 171* 176 186 first_seg_in_group 4 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 in structure "fsm_info" dcl 60 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 176* 308 839 844 first_seg_in_group 1 000102 automatic fixed bin(17,0) array level 2 in structure "group" dcl 818 in procedure "list_groups" set ref 844* 880 first_seg_num 000113 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 143 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 168* 169 169 171 202 first_seg_num parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 933 in procedure "pick_first_seg_num" set ref 918 986* 988* first_seg_ptr parameter pointer dcl 127 set ref 84 154* 202* fixed builtin function dcl 137 ref 631 638 638 646 646 681 681 720 720 forward_thread based pointer level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-33 ref 732 found_highest_seg_num_in_use 000143 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 939 set ref 956* 957 960* fsm_dir_dir_path 000122 automatic char(168) unaligned dcl 393 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" set ref 431* 432* 434* 457* 462* 467* fsm_dir_dir_path parameter char unaligned dcl 767 in procedure "get_fsm_dir_dir_path" set ref 745 778* 779 780* 781 781* 783 785 787* fsm_dir_name 000174 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 393 set ref 429* 432* 434* 457* 462* fsm_dir_name_master 000006 constant char(8) initial unaligned dcl 54 ref 429 fsm_dir_path 000010 internal static char(168) initial unaligned dcl 73 set ref 179* 182* 188* 228* 229* 315* 318* 432* 433* 438* 445* 447* 454* 463* 469* 471* 526* 557* 1031* 1032* 1032* 1037* 1042* 1044* 1044* 1047* 1049* 1049* 1076* fsm_info based structure level 1 dcl 60 fsm_info_name 000002 constant char(13) initial unaligned dcl 54 set ref 433* 438* 445* 447* 463* 467* fsm_info_path 000062 internal static char(168) initial unaligned dcl 73 set ref 433* 451* 465* 488* 528* 547* fsm_info_ptr 000134 internal static pointer initial dcl 73 set ref 173 174 175 176 177 178 189 198 199 199 199 225 226 226 230 252 252 252 256 256 281 282 307 308 308 428* 430 438* 447* 451 463* 465 485 547 550 551 553 559 838 839 839 843 844 892 1022 1022 1024 1036 1040 1041 1070 1070 1073 1074 1074 1077 1082 fsm_info_ptr_valid 000136 internal static bit(1) initial unaligned dcl 73 set ref 420 516 563* get_entry_name_ 000224 constant entry external dcl 593 ref 659 get_group_id_ 000250 constant entry external dcl 1005 ref 1026 get_group_id_$tag_star 000172 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 442 457 457 get_line_length_$stream 000240 constant entry external dcl 812 ref 870 get_lock_id_ 000140 constant entry external dcl 52 ref 78 get_pdir_ 000234 constant entry external dcl 772 in procedure "get_fsm_dir_dir_path" ref 781 get_pdir_ 000226 constant entry external dcl 593 in procedure "description_of_location" ref 654 get_ring_ 000222 constant entry external dcl 409 ref 429 get_system_free_area_ 000174 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 517 group 000102 automatic structure array level 1 dcl 818 set ref 852 855 857 863* 863 864* group_cnt 000103 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 823 in procedure "list_groups" set ref 837* 838 842* 842 843 844 851 854 872 group_cnt 000121 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 297 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 306* 308* 308 315 319* group_idx 000104 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 823 set ref 851* 852 853 854 861 863 864* 872* 873 875 880* hash_table based pointer array level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-19 ref 699 699 702 hash_table_idx 000267 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 605 set ref 699* 702* hbound builtin function dcl 137 ref 699 hcs_$add_acl_entries 000176 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 445 hcs_$append_branch 000252 constant entry external dcl 1005 ref 1037 hcs_$append_branchx 000200 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 457 hcs_$fs_get_path_name 000230 constant entry external dcl 593 ref 643 hcs_$get_uid_seg 000272 constant entry external dcl 1126 ref 1131 hcs_$high_low_seg_count 000246 constant entry external dcl 936 ref 953 hcs_$initiate 000142 constant entry external dcl 131 ref 179 447 hcs_$make_seg 000202 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 438 463 hcs_$replace_acl 000254 constant entry external dcl 1005 ref 1031 hcs_$set_256K_switch 000206 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 424 hcs_$set_max_length 000256 constant entry external dcl 1005 ref 1042 hcs_$set_safety_sw 000204 constant entry external dcl 359 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" ref 462 467 hcs_$set_safety_sw 000260 constant entry external dcl 1005 in procedure "pick_seg" ref 1047 hcs_$star_ 000210 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 526 hcs_$status_minf 000212 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 434 hcs_$terminate_file 000144 constant entry external dcl 131 in procedure "fsm_" ref 188 228 hcs_$terminate_file 000264 constant entry external dcl 1059 in procedure "release_fsm_info" ref 1076 hcs_$truncate_file 000150 constant entry external dcl 220 ref 229 557 high_seg_num 000144 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 939 set ref 954* 958* 958* 958 968 986 high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num 000145 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 939 set ref 953* 954 i 000204 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 393 set ref 532* 533* index builtin function dcl 137 ref 692 ioa_ 000152 constant entry external dcl 295 ref 315 318 ioa_$nnl 000242 constant entry external dcl 812 ref 876 878 886 890 893 language 000270 automatic char(8) dcl 605 set ref 659* lbound builtin function dcl 137 ref 699 length builtin function dcl 137 ref 883 885 889 line_len 000105 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 823 set ref 879* 883 885* 885 889* location parameter pointer dcl 591 set ref 573 622 627 631 634 638 638 643* 646 646 659* 669 672 675 675 678 681 705 705 705 717 720 lock based bit(36) level 2 dcl 60 set ref 485* 1070 1082* low_seg_num 000146 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 939 set ref 953* 954 955* 955 968 ltrim builtin function dcl 137 ref 429 631 915 1104 max_group_cnt parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 809 ref 792 818 838 max_line_len 000106 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 823 set ref 870* 883 max_seg_idx 000205 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 393 set ref 531* 539 539* 547 me 000100 automatic pointer initial dcl 78 set ref 78* 155 175 199 1074 modes 10 000106 automatic bit(36) level 2 in structure "acl" dcl 387 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" set ref 443* modes 10 000160 automatic bit(36) level 2 in structure "acl" dcl 1014 in procedure "pick_seg" set ref 1027* my_process 000102 automatic bit(36) initial dcl 78 set ref 78* 174 199 226 252 282 308 319* 1070 1074 name 11 based char level 2 in structure "variable_node" dcl 4-33 in procedure "description_of_location" ref 716 name 000107 automatic varying char(32) dcl 823 in procedure "list_groups" set ref 882* 883 885 886* 889 890* name_size 10 based fixed bin(21,0) level 2 dcl 4-33 ref 716 next_seg_in_group 5 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 dcl 60 set ref 173* 177* 189 892 next_sp 22 based pointer level 2 dcl 2-36 ref 675 nindex 0(18) based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 packed unsigned unaligned dcl 1-27 ref 533 nnames 0(02) based fixed bin(16,0) array level 2 packed unsigned unaligned dcl 1-27 ref 521 543 null builtin function dcl 137 in procedure "fsm_" ref 154 155 258 393 428 430 451 465 518 521 523 543 545 780 780 1041 1070 1167 1167 null builtin function dcl 598 in procedure "description_of_location" ref 622 672 696 702 num_segs_desired parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 127 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 84 155 168* 169 num_segs_desired parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 933 in procedure "pick_first_seg_num" ref 918 968 972 986 owner 000102 automatic pointer array level 2 in structure "group" packed unaligned dcl 818 in procedure "list_groups" set ref 843* 873 875 owner parameter pointer dcl 127 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 84 155 155 199 206 226 236 256* 258* owner 3 based pointer array level 3 in structure "fsm_info" packed unaligned dcl 60 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 175* 199 199* 226 256 843 1041* 1074 owning_process 2 based bit(36) array level 3 dcl 60 set ref 174* 199 226 252 282 308 551 553 839 1022 1074 pathname_ 000146 constant entry external dcl 131 ref 182 432 433 1032 1032 1044 1044 1049 1049 pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ 000262 external static fixed bin(19,0) dcl 1005 in procedure "pick_seg" set ref 1042* pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ 000214 external static fixed bin(19,0) dcl 359 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" ref 422 prev_group_owner 000120 automatic pointer unaligned dcl 823 set ref 871* 873 875* 876 prev_seg_in_group 000114 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 143 set ref 173 192* prev_sp 20 based pointer level 2 dcl 2-36 ref 672 673 primary_name 000206 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 393 set ref 533* 534 534 538 ptr builtin function dcl 137 ref 669 rel builtin function dcl 137 ref 634 638 638 672 672 675 675 675 675 681 681 705 705 705 705 720 720 rtrim builtin function dcl 137 ref 658 663 882 1165 sb 000316 automatic pointer dcl 3-24 set ref 694* 695 seg 2 based structure array level 2 dcl 60 set ref 230* 559* 1077* seg_cnt 000216 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 393 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" set ref 531* 537* 537 547 547 seg_cnt 1 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "fsm_info" dcl 60 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 198 225 252 256 281 307 547 550 838 1022 1024 1036 1040* 1073 seg_idx parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1003 in procedure "pick_seg" set ref 991 1022* 1022* 1024 1031* 1031* 1032* 1032* 1032* 1032* 1036 1037* 1037* 1040 1041 1042* 1042* 1044* 1044* 1044* 1044* 1047* 1047* 1049* 1049* 1049* 1049* seg_idx 000121 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 823 in procedure "list_groups" set ref 838* 839 839 839 843 844* 880* 880* 882* 892 seg_idx 000217 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 393 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" set ref 538* 539 539 550* 551 553 557* 557* 559* seg_idx 000100 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1062 in procedure "release_fsm_info" set ref 1073* 1074 1074 1076* 1076* 1077* seg_idx parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1102 in procedure "seg_name" ref 1089 1104 seg_idx 000115 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 143 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 170* 171 173 174 175 176 177 178 179* 179* 182* 182* 186* 186* 188* 188* 189 192 198* 199 199 199* 225* 226 226 228* 228* 229* 229* 230* 252* 252 252* 256 256 281* 282 282* 307* 308 308 308* seg_name 000272 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 605 set ref 643* 658 692 seg_num 6 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 in structure "fsm_info" dcl 60 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 178* 252 seg_num 000302 automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 605 in procedure "description_of_location" set ref 659* seg_num parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1121 in procedure "seg_num_free" ref 1107 1131 1131 seg_num 000147 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 939 in procedure "pick_first_seg_num" set ref 968* 969* 976* seg_num 000116 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 143 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 169* 171 178 179 179 182* seg_ptr parameter pointer dcl 248 ref 236 252 segment_map_bits parameter bit(1) array unaligned dcl 274 set ref 262 282* set_lock_$lock 000216 constant entry external dcl 359 ref 485 553 set_lock_$unlock 000266 constant entry external dcl 1059 ref 1082 signal_ 000274 constant entry external dcl 1156 ref 1167 size builtin function dcl 137 ref 1162 sp 000314 automatic pointer dcl 2-31 set ref 671* 672 672 673* 673 675 675 678 681 688 stack_frame based structure level 1 dcl 2-36 stack_header based structure level 1 dcl 3-26 stackbaseptr builtin function dcl 598 ref 669 694 stackframeptr builtin function dcl 598 ref 671 star_BRANCHES_ONLY 000060 constant fixed bin(2,0) initial dcl 1-110 set ref 526* star_DIRECTORY constant fixed bin(2,0) initial unsigned dcl 1-121 ref 435 star_entries based structure array level 1 dcl 1-27 ref 523 545 star_entry_count 000225 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1-14 set ref 521 523 526* 532 543 545 star_entry_ptr 000226 automatic pointer dcl 1-15 set ref 518* 521 523 523 526* 533 543 545 545 star_names based char(32) array unaligned dcl 1-37 ref 521 533 543 star_names_ptr 000230 automatic pointer dcl 1-19 set ref 518* 521 521 526* 533 543 543 status 000122 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 823 in procedure "list_groups" set ref 870* status 000220 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 393 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" set ref 424* 425 425* 434* 435 438* 440 445* 447 447* 451* 455 457* 460 462* 463* 465* 467* 469* 471* 483* 484 485* 486 486* 488 488* 526* 528 528 528* 553* 555 557* status 000173 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1020 in procedure "pick_seg" set ref 1029* 1030 1031* 1032 1032* 1037* 1038 1042* 1044 1044* 1047* 1049* status parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1153 in procedure "signal_fsm_error" ref 1137 1166 status 000117 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 143 in procedure "fsm_" set ref 179* 180 182* 188* 228* 229* status 000303 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 605 in procedure "description_of_location" set ref 643* 644 659* 660 status 000250 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 775 in procedure "get_fsm_dir_dir_path" set ref 780* status 000204 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1128 in procedure "seg_num_free" set ref 1131* 1132 status 000101 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1062 in procedure "release_fsm_info" set ref 1076* 1080* 1081 1082* 1083 1083* string 000100 automatic char(12) dcl 912 set ref 914* 915 substr builtin function dcl 137 ref 534 627 631 656 783 sum builtin function dcl 137 ref 521 543 sys_info$max_seg_size 000220 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 359 ref 422 sys_link_info_ptr 60 based pointer level 2 dcl 3-26 ref 695 system_free_area based area(1024) dcl 407 ref 521 523 543 545 system_free_area_ptr 000222 automatic pointer initial dcl 393 set ref 393* 517* 521 523 526* 543 545 trial_group_idx 000123 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 823 set ref 854* 855 857 858* try_again 000120 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 143 set ref 165* 166 167* 169 190* type 000224 automatic fixed bin(2,0) dcl 393 set ref 434* 435 uid 000205 automatic bit(36) dcl 1128 set ref 1131* unspec builtin function dcl 137 set ref 230* 559* 627 631 855 855 871* 1077* 1164* value parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 908 set ref 898 914* value_$get 000236 constant entry external dcl 772 ref 780 variable_node based structure level 1 dcl 4-33 variable_table_header based structure level 1 dcl 4-19 vbl_ptr 4 based pointer level 2 dcl 4-33 ref 705 705 705 717 720 vbl_size 1 based fixed bin(24,0) level 2 packed unsigned unaligned dcl 4-33 ref 705 verify builtin function dcl 137 ref 534 vnp 000304 automatic pointer dcl 605 set ref 702* 702* 705 705 705 705 716 717 720* 732 vthp 000306 automatic pointer dcl 605 set ref 695* 696 699 699 702 word_offset 000310 automatic varying char(8) dcl 605 set ref 634* 637* 638* 638 647 666 xmodes 11 000106 automatic bit(36) level 2 in structure "acl" dcl 387 in procedure "appropriate_fsm_info" set ref 444* xmodes 11 000160 automatic bit(36) level 2 in structure "acl" dcl 1014 in procedure "pick_seg" set ref 1028* NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. A_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 A_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 DIR_ACCESS_MODE_NAMES internal static char(4) initial array unaligned dcl 6-33 E_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 E_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 M_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 M_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 N_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 N_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 RETURN_PTR_MASK internal static bit(72) initial unaligned dcl 2-19 REW_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 REW_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 RE_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 RE_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 R_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 R_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 SA_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 SA_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 SEG_ACCESS_MODE_NAMES internal static char(4) initial array unaligned dcl 6-30 SMA_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 SM_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 SM_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 S_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 S_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 TRANSLATOR_ID_ALM internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 2-25 TRANSLATOR_ID_PL1V1 internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 2-26 TRANSLATOR_ID_PL1V2 internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 2-24 TRANSLATOR_ID_SIGNALLER internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 2-28 TRANSLATOR_ID_SIGNAL_CALLER internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 2-27 W_ACCESS internal static bit(3) initial unaligned dcl 6-11 W_ACCESS_BIN internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 6-36 call_offset internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-78 condition_info_header_ptr automatic pointer dcl 5-4 entry_offset internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-78 heap_header based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 4-64 heap_header_version_1 internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 4-71 push_offset internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-78 return_no_pop_offset internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-78 return_offset internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-78 stack_frame_flags based structure level 1 dcl 2-64 stack_frame_min_length internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 2-33 stack_header_overlay based fixed bin(17,0) array dcl 3-94 star_ALL_ENTRIES internal static fixed bin(2,0) initial dcl 1-111 star_ALL_ENTRIES_WITH_LINK_PATHS internal static fixed bin(3,0) initial dcl 1-114 star_LINK internal static fixed bin(2,0) initial unsigned dcl 1-119 star_LINKS_ONLY internal static fixed bin(2,0) initial dcl 1-109 star_LINKS_ONLY_WITH_LINK_PATHS internal static fixed bin(3,0) initial dcl 1-112 star_SEGMENT internal static fixed bin(2,0) initial unsigned dcl 1-120 star_branch_count automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1-13 star_dir_list_branch based structure array level 1 dcl 1-59 star_link_count automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1-17 star_link_pathname based char unaligned dcl 1-102 star_links based structure array level 1 dcl 1-76 star_linkx automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1-18 star_list_branch based structure array level 1 dcl 1-41 star_list_branch_ptr automatic pointer dcl 1-16 star_list_names based char(32) array unaligned dcl 1-92 star_list_names_ptr automatic pointer dcl 1-20 star_select_sw automatic fixed bin(3,0) dcl 1-21 tv_offset internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-72 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. alloc 000311 constant entry external dcl 84 appropriate_fsm_info 001613 constant entry internal dcl 324 ref 159 223 251 277 301 description_of_location 003331 constant entry internal dcl 573 ref 688 876 fortran_storage_manager_ 000275 constant entry external dcl 17 free 001003 constant entry external dcl 206 fsm_ 000264 constant entry external dcl 17 ref 78 get_fsm_dir_dir_path 004457 constant entry internal dcl 745 ref 431 get_owner 001207 constant entry external dcl 236 get_vla_segnos 001331 constant entry external dcl 262 lfs 001434 constant entry external dcl 288 list_fortran_storage 001445 constant entry external dcl 288 list_groups 004647 constant entry internal dcl 792 ref 319 octal_representation 005301 constant entry internal dcl 898 ref 182 638 646 681 720 pick_first_seg_num 005344 constant entry internal dcl 918 ref 168 pick_seg 005463 constant entry internal dcl 991 ref 170 release_fsm_info 006156 constant entry internal dcl 1053 ref 158 203 222 233 250 259 276 285 300 321 seg_name 006334 constant entry internal dcl 1089 ref 179 179 182 182 188 188 228 228 229 229 557 557 882 1031 1031 1032 1032 1032 1032 1037 1037 1042 1042 1044 1044 1044 1044 1047 1047 1049 1049 1049 1049 1076 1076 seg_num_free 006406 constant entry internal dcl 1107 ref 958 969 signal_fsm_error 006450 constant entry internal dcl 1137 ref 182 425 451 454 465 469 471 488 528 547 785 1032 1044 1049 1083 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 7726 10224 7010 7736 Length 10754 7010 276 513 715 130 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME fsm_ 342 external procedure is an external procedure. on unit on line 158 64 on unit on unit on line 222 64 on unit on unit on line 250 64 on unit on unit on line 276 64 on unit on unit on line 300 64 on unit appropriate_fsm_info 533 internal procedure enables or reverts conditions. on unit on line 519 64 on unit description_of_location 367 internal procedure calls itself recursively. get_fsm_dir_dir_path internal procedure shares stack frame of internal procedure appropriate_fsm_info. list_groups 179 internal procedure uses auto adjustable storage. octal_representation 74 internal procedure is called by several nonquick procedures. pick_first_seg_num internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure fsm_. pick_seg internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure fsm_. release_fsm_info 102 internal procedure is called by several nonquick procedures. seg_name 72 internal procedure is called by several nonquick procedures. seg_num_free internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure fsm_. signal_fsm_error 162 internal procedure is called during a stack extension. STORAGE FOR INTERNAL STATIC VARIABLES. LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME 000010 fsm_dir_path fsm_ 000062 fsm_info_path fsm_ 000134 fsm_info_ptr fsm_ 000136 fsm_info_ptr_valid fsm_ STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME appropriate_fsm_info 000106 acl appropriate_fsm_info 000121 bit_count appropriate_fsm_info 000122 fsm_dir_dir_path appropriate_fsm_info 000174 fsm_dir_name appropriate_fsm_info 000204 i appropriate_fsm_info 000205 max_seg_idx appropriate_fsm_info 000206 primary_name appropriate_fsm_info 000216 seg_cnt appropriate_fsm_info 000217 seg_idx appropriate_fsm_info 000220 status appropriate_fsm_info 000222 system_free_area_ptr appropriate_fsm_info 000224 type appropriate_fsm_info 000225 star_entry_count appropriate_fsm_info 000226 star_entry_ptr appropriate_fsm_info 000230 star_names_ptr appropriate_fsm_info 000250 status get_fsm_dir_dir_path description_of_location 000100 bit_offset description_of_location 000102 checking_external_variables description_of_location 000103 description description_of_location 000204 dir_name description_of_location 000256 dir_name_len description_of_location 000257 entry_name description_of_location 000267 hash_table_idx description_of_location 000270 language description_of_location 000272 seg_name description_of_location 000302 seg_num description_of_location 000303 status description_of_location 000304 vnp description_of_location 000306 vthp description_of_location 000310 word_offset description_of_location 000314 sp description_of_location 000316 sb description_of_location fsm_ 000100 me fsm_ 000102 my_process fsm_ 000112 first_seg_in_group fsm_ 000113 first_seg_num fsm_ 000114 prev_seg_in_group fsm_ 000115 seg_idx fsm_ 000116 seg_num fsm_ 000117 status fsm_ 000120 try_again fsm_ 000121 group_cnt fsm_ 000140 best_hole_size pick_first_seg_num 000141 best_hole_start pick_first_seg_num 000142 cur_hole_size pick_first_seg_num 000143 found_highest_seg_num_in_use pick_first_seg_num 000144 high_seg_num pick_first_seg_num 000145 high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num pick_first_seg_num 000146 low_seg_num pick_first_seg_num 000147 seg_num pick_first_seg_num 000160 acl pick_seg 000173 status pick_seg 000204 status seg_num_free 000205 uid seg_num_free list_groups 000100 expected_group list_groups 000102 group list_groups 000102 expected_group_idx list_groups 000103 group_cnt list_groups 000104 group_idx list_groups 000105 line_len list_groups 000106 max_line_len list_groups 000107 name list_groups 000120 prev_group_owner list_groups 000121 seg_idx list_groups 000122 status list_groups 000123 trial_group_idx list_groups octal_representation 000100 string octal_representation release_fsm_info 000100 seg_idx release_fsm_info 000101 status release_fsm_info signal_fsm_error 000100 condition_info signal_fsm_error THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. alloc_char_temp unpk_to_pk cat_realloc_chars call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out call_int_this_desc call_int_this call_int_other_desc call_int_other return_mac alloc_auto_adj mpfx2 enable_op shorten_stack ext_entry ext_entry_desc int_entry int_entry_desc set_chars_eis index_chars_eis any_to_any_truncate_set_support op_freen_ THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. cu_$level_get cv_bin_$oct get_entry_name_ get_group_id_ get_group_id_$tag_star get_line_length_$stream get_lock_id_ get_pdir_ get_pdir_ get_ring_ get_system_free_area_ hcs_$add_acl_entries hcs_$append_branch hcs_$append_branchx hcs_$fs_get_path_name hcs_$get_uid_seg hcs_$high_low_seg_count hcs_$initiate hcs_$make_seg hcs_$replace_acl hcs_$set_256K_switch hcs_$set_max_length hcs_$set_safety_sw hcs_$set_safety_sw hcs_$star_ hcs_$status_minf hcs_$terminate_file hcs_$terminate_file hcs_$truncate_file ioa_ ioa_$nnl pathname_ set_lock_$lock set_lock_$unlock signal_ value_$get THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. error_table_$bad_segment error_table_$invalid_lock_reset error_table_$invalidsegno error_table_$moderr error_table_$noentry error_table_$nomatch error_table_$not_abs_path error_table_$notadir pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ sys_info$max_seg_size CONSTANTS 006546 aa 403 040 022 146  f 006547 aa 040 321 000 000 Ñ 006550 aa 007777000001 006552 aa 000004000000 006553 aa 000000000000 006554 aa 600000000041 006555 aa 000147000000 006556 aa 600000000041 006557 aa 000356000000 006560 aa 000004000000 006561 aa 000000000000 006562 aa 600000000041 006563 aa 000144000000 006564 aa 600000000041 006565 aa 000356000000 006566 aa 403 040 022 140  ` 006567 aa 146 040 321 000 f Ñ 006570 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006571 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006572 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006573 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006574 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006575 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006576 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006577 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006600 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006601 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006602 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006603 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006604 aa 000 000 000 000 006605 aa 000 000 000 000 006606 aa 000 000 777 777 ÿÿ 006607 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006610 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006611 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006612 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006613 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 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777 ÿÿÿÿ 006755 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006756 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006757 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006760 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006761 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006762 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006763 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006764 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006765 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006766 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006767 aa 777 777 777 777 ÿÿÿÿ 006770 aa 000002000000 006771 aa 000002000000 006772 aa 600000000041 006773 aa 000122000000 006774 ta 000055000000 006775 aa 000000000000 006776 aa 403 040 022 141  a 006777 aa 040 321 000 000 Ñ 007000 aa 000002000000 007001 aa 000000000000 007002 aa 600000000041 007003 aa 000115000000 000000 aa 000000000170 000001 aa 000000000013 000002 aa 146 163 155 137 fsm_ 000003 aa 151 156 146 157 info 000004 aa 056 146 163 155 .fsm 000005 aa 137 000 000 000 _ 000006 aa 146 163 155 137 fsm_ 000007 aa 144 151 162 137 dir_ 000010 aa 524000000035 000011 aa 524000000034 000012 aa 524000000250 000013 aa 524000000002 000014 aa 000000000012 000015 aa 530000000040 000016 aa 040 136 141 000 ^a 000017 aa 524000000003 000020 aa 136 064 170 000 ^4x 000021 aa 524000000014 000022 aa 524000000013 000023 aa 524000000020 000024 aa 526077777777 000025 aa 040 157 146 040 of 007004 aa 044 000 000 000 $ 000026 aa 524000000010 000027 aa 404000000022 000030 aa 133 160 144 135 [pd] 007005 aa 076 000 000 000 > 007006 aa 174 000 000 000 | 000031 aa 156 165 154 154 null 000032 aa 524000000006 000033 aa 514000000001 000034 aa 404000000005 000035 aa 404000000030 000036 aa 526000000015 000037 aa 524000000026 000040 aa 404000000003 000041 aa 524000000051 000042 aa 524000000054 000043 aa 404000000023 007007 aa 051 000 000 000 ) 000044 aa 404000000043 000045 aa 404000000002 000046 aa 404000000001 000047 aa 524000000000 000050 aa 524000000040 000051 aa 516000000001 000052 aa 526000000040 000053 aa 530000000014 000054 aa 530000000400 000055 aa 526000000250 000056 aa 464000000000 000057 aa 404000000021 000060 aa 000000000002 000061 aa 514000000044 000062 aa 000000000001 000064 aa 056 146 163 155 .fsm 000065 aa 137 000 000 000 _ 000066 aa 136 057 136 055 ^/^- 000067 aa 136 141 000 000 ^a 000070 aa 000000000000 000071 aa 000000000000 000072 aa 052 056 146 163 *.fs 000073 aa 155 137 000 000 m_ 000074 aa 077777000043 000075 aa 000001000000 000076 aa 143 154 145 141 clea 000077 aa 156 165 160 000 nup 000100 aa 136 057 136 141 ^/^a 000101 aa 040 157 167 156 own 000102 aa 163 072 136 057 s:^/ 000103 aa 165 163 145 162 user 000104 aa 137 157 165 164 _out 000105 aa 160 165 164 000 put 000106 aa 056 141 162 145 .are 000107 aa 141 056 154 151 000110 aa 156 153 145 162 nker 000111 aa 060 061 062 063 0123 000112 aa 064 065 066 067 4567 000113 aa 070 071 000 000 89 000114 aa 040 141 163 040 as 000115 aa 163 145 147 155 segm 000116 aa 145 156 164 040 ent 000117 aa 146 163 155 137 fsm_ 000120 aa 144 151 162 137 dir_ 000121 aa 144 151 162 137 dir_ 000122 aa 160 141 164 150 path 000123 aa 040 050 163 164 (st 000124 aa 141 143 153 137 ack_ 000125 aa 146 162 141 155 fram 000126 aa 145 000 000 000 e 000127 aa 404100000006 000130 aa 000000000001 000131 aa 000000000003 000132 aa 000000000001 000133 aa 516100000001 000134 aa 400000000000 000135 aa 400000000000 000136 aa 400000000000 000137 aa 040 050 105 170 (Ex 000140 aa 164 145 162 156 tern 000141 aa 141 154 040 126 al V 000142 aa 141 162 151 141 aria 000143 aa 142 154 145 040 ble 000144 aa 050 124 162 171 (Try 000145 aa 151 156 147 040 ing 000146 aa 164 157 040 151 to i 000147 aa 156 151 164 151 niti 000150 aa 141 164 145 040 ate 000151 aa 103 141 156 156 Cann 000152 aa 157 164 040 163 ot s 000153 aa 145 164 040 062 et 2 000154 aa 065 066 113 040 56K 000155 aa 163 167 151 164 swit 000156 aa 143 150 000 000 ch 000157 aa 124 162 171 151 Tryi 000160 aa 156 147 040 164 ng t 000161 aa 157 040 165 156 o un 000162 aa 154 157 143 153 lock 000163 aa 040 047 146 163 'fs 000164 aa 155 137 151 156 m_in 000165 aa 146 157 047 056 fo'. 000166 aa 040 050 123 145 (Se 000167 aa 147 155 145 156 gmen 000170 aa 164 040 156 165 t nu 000171 aa 155 142 145 162 mber 000172 aa 040 151 156 166 inv 000173 aa 141 154 151 144 alid 000174 aa 051 000 000 000 ) 000175 aa 146 157 162 164 fort 000176 aa 162 141 156 137 ran_ 000177 aa 163 164 157 162 stor 000200 aa 141 147 145 137 age_ 000201 aa 155 141 156 141 mana 000202 aa 147 145 162 137 ger_ 000203 aa 145 162 162 157 erro 000204 aa 162 000 000 000 r 000205 aa 123 145 147 155 Segm 000206 aa 145 156 164 163 ents 000207 aa 040 151 156 040 in 000210 aa 136 141 040 141 ^a a 000211 aa 154 154 157 143 lloc 000212 aa 141 164 145 144 ated 000213 aa 040 164 157 040 to 000214 aa 164 150 151 163 this 000215 aa 040 160 162 157 pro 000216 aa 143 145 163 163 cess 000217 aa 072 000 000 000 : 000220 aa 116 157 040 163 No s 000221 aa 145 147 155 145 egme 000222 aa 156 164 163 040 nts 000223 aa 151 156 040 136 in ^ 000224 aa 141 040 141 154 a al 000225 aa 154 157 143 141 loca 000226 aa 164 145 144 040 ted 000227 aa 164 157 040 164 to t 000230 aa 150 151 163 040 his 000231 aa 160 162 157 143 proc 000232 aa 145 163 163 056 ess. 000233 aa 126 141 154 165 Valu 000234 aa 145 040 163 145 e se 000235 aa 147 155 145 156 gmen 000236 aa 164 040 163 160 t sp 000237 aa 145 143 151 146 ecif 000240 aa 151 145 163 040 ies 000241 aa 047 146 163 155 'fsm 000242 aa 137 144 151 162 _dir 000243 aa 137 144 151 162 _dir 000244 aa 137 160 141 164 _pat 000245 aa 150 047 040 075 h' = 000246 aa 040 000 000 000 BEGIN PROCEDURE fsm_ PROLOGUE SEQUENCE 000247 aa 6 00206 4401 00 sxl0 pr6|134 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 78 000250 aa 000014 3520 04 epp2 12,ic 000264 = 000540627000 000251 aa 6 00100 2521 00 spri2 pr6|64 me 000252 aa 6 00102 3521 00 epp2 pr6|66 my_process 000253 aa 6 00212 2521 00 spri2 pr6|138 000254 aa 6 00210 6211 00 eax1 pr6|136 000255 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 000256 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000257 la 4 00140 3521 20 epp2 pr4|96,* get_lock_id_ 000260 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out 000261 aa 6 00206 7201 00 lxl0 pr6|134 000262 aa 000000 7100 10 tra 0,0 MAIN SEQUENCE ENTRY TO fsm_ STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 17 fortran_storage_manager_: fsm_: proc options (support); 000263 da 000507200000 000264 aa 000540 6270 00 eax7 352 000265 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 000266 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 000267 aa 000000000000 000270 aa 000000000000 000271 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 000272 aa 777755 7000 04 tsx0 -19,ic 000247 000273 aa 000011 7100 04 tra 9,ic 000304 ENTRY TO fortran_storage_manager_ STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 17 fortran_storage_manager_: fsm_: proc options (support); 000274 da 000512200000 000275 aa 000540 6270 00 eax7 352 000276 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 000277 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 000300 aa 000000000000 000301 aa 000000000000 000302 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 000303 aa 777744 7000 04 tsx0 -28,ic 000247 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 82 return; 000304 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac ENTRY TO alloc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 84 alloc: entry (num_segs_desired, owner, first_seg_ptr); 000305 at 000003000057 000306 tt 000056000056 000307 ta 000305000000 000310 da 000517300000 000311 aa 000540 6270 00 eax7 352 000312 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 000313 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 000314 aa 000006000000 000315 aa 000000000000 000316 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 000317 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 000320 aa 7 00004 3715 20 epp5 pr7|4,* 000321 aa 6 00122 6515 00 spri5 pr6|82 000322 aa 777725 7000 04 tsx0 -43,ic 000247 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 154 first_seg_ptr = null; 000323 aa 777551 2370 04 ldaq -151,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 000324 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 000325 aa 7 00006 7571 20 staq pr7|6,* first_seg_ptr STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 155 if num_segs_desired <= 0 | owner = null | owner = me then return; 000326 aa 7 00002 2361 20 ldq pr7|2,* num_segs_desired 000327 aa 0 00631 6045 00 tmoz pr0|409 return_mac 000330 aa 6 00122 2371 20 ldaq pr6|82,* owner 000331 aa 777543 6770 04 eraq -157,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 000332 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 000333 aa 0 00631 6001 00 tze pr0|409 return_mac 000334 aa 6 00122 2371 20 ldaq pr6|82,* owner 000335 aa 6 00100 6771 00 eraq pr6|64 me 000336 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 000337 aa 0 00631 6001 00 tze pr0|409 return_mac STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 158 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 000340 aa 000007 7260 07 lxl6 7,dl 000341 aa 777535 3520 04 epp2 -163,ic 000076 = 143154145141 000342 aa 0 00717 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|463 enable_op 000343 aa 000004 7100 04 tra 4,ic 000347 000344 aa 000104000000 000345 aa 000016 7100 04 tra 14,ic 000363 BEGIN CONDITION cleanup.1 ENTRY TO cleanup.1 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 158 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 000346 da 000525200000 000347 aa 000100 6270 00 eax7 64 000350 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 000351 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 000352 aa 000000000000 000353 aa 000000000000 000354 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 000355 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 000356 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 000357 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 000360 aa 005576 3520 04 epp2 2942,ic 006156 = 000160627000 000361 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 000362 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END CONDITION cleanup.1 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 159 call appropriate_fsm_info; 000363 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 000364 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 000365 aa 001226 3520 04 epp2 662,ic 001613 = 001040627000 000366 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 165 try_again = True; 000367 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 000370 aa 6 00120 7551 00 sta pr6|80 try_again STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 166 do while (try_again); 000371 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 000372 aa 6 00120 2351 00 lda pr6|80 try_again 000373 aa 000340 6000 04 tze 224,ic 000733 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 167 try_again = False; 000374 aa 6 00120 4501 00 stz pr6|80 try_again STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 168 call pick_first_seg_num (num_segs_desired, first_seg_num); 000375 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 000376 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* num_segs_desired 000377 aa 6 00216 2521 00 spri2 pr6|142 000400 aa 6 00113 3521 00 epp2 pr6|75 first_seg_num 000401 aa 6 00220 2521 00 spri2 pr6|144 000402 aa 6 00214 3521 00 epp2 pr6|140 000403 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 000404 aa 2 00000 7571 00 staq pr2|0 000405 aa 004737 6700 04 tsp4 2527,ic 005344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 169 do seg_num = first_seg_num to first_seg_num + num_segs_desired - 1 while (^try_again); 000406 aa 6 00113 2361 00 ldq pr6|75 first_seg_num 000407 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 000410 aa 7 00002 0761 20 adq pr7|2,* num_segs_desired 000411 aa 000001 1760 07 sbq 1,dl 000412 aa 6 00124 7561 00 stq pr6|84 000413 aa 6 00113 2361 00 ldq pr6|75 first_seg_num 000414 aa 6 00116 7561 00 stq pr6|78 seg_num 000415 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 000416 aa 6 00116 2361 00 ldq pr6|78 seg_num 000417 aa 6 00124 1161 00 cmpq pr6|84 000420 aa 777752 6054 04 tpnz -22,ic 000372 000421 aa 6 00120 2351 00 lda pr6|80 try_again 000422 aa 777750 6010 04 tnz -24,ic 000372 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 170 call pick_seg (seg_idx); 000423 aa 006355 3520 04 epp2 3309,ic 007000 = 000002000000 000424 aa 005037 6700 04 tsp4 2591,ic 005463 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 171 if seg_num = first_seg_num then first_seg_in_group = seg_idx; 000425 aa 6 00116 2361 00 ldq pr6|78 seg_num 000426 aa 6 00113 1161 00 cmpq pr6|75 first_seg_num 000427 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 000433 000430 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 000431 aa 6 00112 7561 00 stq pr6|74 first_seg_in_group 000432 aa 000007 7100 04 tra 7,ic 000441 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 173 else fsm_info.seg (prev_seg_in_group).next_seg_in_group = seg_idx; 000433 aa 6 00114 2361 00 ldq pr6|76 prev_seg_in_group 000434 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 000435 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 000436 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 000437 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000440 ia 4 00134 7561 77 stq pr4|92,*7 fsm_info.next_seg_in_group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 174 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = my_process; 000441 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 000442 aa 6 00102 2351 00 lda pr6|66 my_process 000443 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000444 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 000445 aa 7 77775 7551 06 sta pr7|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 175 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = me; 000446 aa 6 00100 3715 20 epp5 pr6|64,* me 000447 aa 7 77776 5451 06 sprp5 pr7|-2,ql fsm_info.owner STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 176 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).first_seg_in_group = first_seg_in_group; 000450 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 000451 aa 6 00112 2361 00 ldq pr6|74 first_seg_in_group 000452 aa 7 77777 7561 17 stq pr7|-1,7 fsm_info.first_seg_in_group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 177 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).next_seg_in_group = 0; 000453 aa 7 00000 4501 17 stz pr7|0,7 fsm_info.next_seg_in_group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 178 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).seg_num = seg_num; 000454 aa 6 00116 2361 00 ldq pr6|78 seg_num 000455 aa 7 00001 7561 17 stq pr7|1,7 fsm_info.seg_num STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 179 call hcs_$initiate (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), "", 1, 0, baseptr (seg_num), status); 000456 aa 6 00115 3521 00 epp2 pr6|77 seg_idx 000457 aa 6 00226 2521 00 spri2 pr6|150 000460 aa 6 00214 3521 00 epp2 pr6|140 000461 aa 6 00230 2521 00 spri2 pr6|152 000462 aa 6 00224 6211 00 eax1 pr6|148 000463 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 000464 aa 005650 3520 04 epp2 2984,ic 006334 = 000120627000 000465 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 000466 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 000467 aa 6 00234 7561 00 stq pr6|156 000470 aa 6 00235 4501 00 stz pr6|157 000471 aa 6 00116 2361 00 ldq pr6|78 seg_num 000472 aa 6 00000 3525 00 epbp2 pr6|0 000473 aa 000000 3130 06 easp2 0,ql 000474 aa 6 00236 2521 00 spri2 pr6|158 000475 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000476 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 000477 aa 6 00242 2521 00 spri2 pr6|162 000500 aa 6 00214 3521 00 epp2 pr6|140 000501 aa 6 00244 2521 00 spri2 pr6|164 000502 aa 6 00207 3521 00 epp2 pr6|135 000503 aa 6 00246 2521 00 spri2 pr6|166 000504 aa 6 00234 3521 00 epp2 pr6|156 000505 aa 6 00250 2521 00 spri2 pr6|168 000506 aa 6 00235 3521 00 epp2 pr6|157 000507 aa 6 00252 2521 00 spri2 pr6|170 000510 aa 6 00236 3521 00 epp2 pr6|158 000511 aa 6 00254 2521 00 spri2 pr6|172 000512 aa 6 00117 3521 00 epp2 pr6|79 status 000513 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 000514 aa 777341 3520 04 epp2 -287,ic 000055 = 526000000250 000515 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 000516 aa 777332 3520 04 epp2 -294,ic 000050 = 524000000040 000517 aa 6 00262 2521 00 spri2 pr6|178 000520 aa 777327 3520 04 epp2 -297,ic 000047 = 524000000000 000521 aa 6 00264 2521 00 spri2 pr6|180 000522 aa 777324 3520 04 epp2 -300,ic 000046 = 404000000001 000523 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 000524 aa 777321 3520 04 epp2 -303,ic 000045 = 404000000002 000525 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 000526 aa 777330 3520 04 epp2 -296,ic 000056 = 464000000000 000527 aa 6 00272 2521 00 spri2 pr6|186 000530 aa 777314 3520 04 epp2 -308,ic 000044 = 404000000043 000531 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 000532 aa 6 00240 6211 00 eax1 pr6|160 000533 aa 034000 4310 07 fld 14336,dl 000534 la 4 00142 3521 20 epp2 pr4|98,* hcs_$initiate 000535 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 180 if status ^= 0 then do; 000536 aa 6 00117 2361 00 ldq pr6|79 status 000537 aa 000167 6000 04 tze 119,ic 000726 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 182 call signal_fsm_error (status, "(Trying to initiate " || pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx)) || " as segment " || octal_representation (seg_num) || ")"); 000540 aa 6 00116 3521 00 epp2 pr6|78 seg_num 000541 aa 6 00226 2521 00 spri2 pr6|150 000542 aa 6 00211 3521 00 epp2 pr6|137 000543 aa 6 00230 2521 00 spri2 pr6|152 000544 aa 6 00224 6211 00 eax1 pr6|148 000545 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 000546 aa 004533 3520 04 epp2 2395,ic 005301 = 000120627000 000547 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 000550 aa 000310 2360 07 ldq 200,dl 000551 aa 6 00210 0761 00 adq pr6|136 000552 aa 6 00234 7561 00 stq pr6|156 000553 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000554 aa 6 00207 7561 00 stq pr6|135 000555 aa 524000 2760 03 orq 174080,du 000556 aa 6 00235 7561 00 stq pr6|157 000557 aa 6 00115 3521 00 epp2 pr6|77 seg_idx 000560 aa 6 00226 2521 00 spri2 pr6|150 000561 aa 6 00214 3521 00 epp2 pr6|140 000562 aa 6 00230 2521 00 spri2 pr6|152 000563 aa 6 00224 6211 00 eax1 pr6|148 000564 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 000565 aa 005547 3520 04 epp2 2919,ic 006334 = 000120627000 000566 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 000567 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000570 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 000571 aa 6 00242 2521 00 spri2 pr6|162 000572 aa 6 00214 3521 00 epp2 pr6|140 000573 aa 6 00244 2521 00 spri2 pr6|164 000574 aa 6 00276 3521 00 epp2 pr6|190 000575 aa 6 00246 2521 00 spri2 pr6|166 000576 aa 777257 3520 04 epp2 -337,ic 000055 = 526000000250 000577 aa 6 00250 2521 00 spri2 pr6|168 000600 aa 6 00254 2521 00 spri2 pr6|172 000601 aa 777247 3520 04 epp2 -345,ic 000050 = 524000000040 000602 aa 6 00252 2521 00 spri2 pr6|170 000603 aa 6 00240 6211 00 eax1 pr6|160 000604 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 000605 la 4 00146 3521 20 epp2 pr4|102,* pathname_ 000606 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc 000607 aa 000274 2360 07 ldq 188,dl 000610 aa 0 00551 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|361 alloc_char_temp 000611 aa 040 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(040) 000612 aa 777333 00 0024 desc9a -293,20 000144 = 050124162171 000613 aa 2 00000 00 0024 desc9a pr2|0,20 000614 aa 040 100 100 500 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(040) 000615 aa 6 00276 00 0250 desc9a pr6|190,168 000616 aa 2 00005 00 0250 desc9a pr2|5,168 000617 aa 000310 2360 07 ldq 200,dl 000620 aa 0 00606 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|390 cat_realloc_chars 000621 aa 040 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(040) 000622 aa 777273 00 0014 desc9a -325,12 000114 = 040141163040 000623 aa 2 00057 00 0014 desc9a pr2|47,12 000624 aa 6 00234 2361 00 ldq pr6|156 000625 aa 0 00606 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|390 cat_realloc_chars 000626 aa 6 00210 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|136 000627 aa 040 140 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl),fill(040) 000630 aa 6 00211 00 0017 desc9a pr6|137,x7 000631 aa 2 00062 00 0017 desc9a pr2|50,x7 000632 aa 6 00207 2361 00 ldq pr6|135 000633 aa 0 00606 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|390 cat_realloc_chars 000634 aa 6 00234 2351 00 lda pr6|156 000635 aa 040 105 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,al),fill(040) 000636 aa 006152 00 0001 desc9a 3178,1 007007 = 051000000000 000637 aa 2 00000 00 0001 desc9a pr2|0,1 000640 aa 6 00244 2521 00 spri2 pr6|164 000641 aa 6 00117 3521 00 epp2 pr6|79 status 000642 aa 6 00242 2521 00 spri2 pr6|162 000643 aa 777201 3520 04 epp2 -383,ic 000044 = 404000000043 000644 aa 6 00250 2521 00 spri2 pr6|168 000645 aa 6 00235 3521 00 epp2 pr6|157 000646 aa 6 00252 2521 00 spri2 pr6|170 000647 aa 6 00240 6211 00 eax1 pr6|160 000650 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 000651 aa 005577 3520 04 epp2 2943,ic 006450 = 000260627000 000652 aa 0 00624 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|404 call_int_this_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 186 do seg_idx = first_seg_in_group repeat fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).next_seg_in_group while (seg_idx ^= 0); 000653 aa 0 01014 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|524 shorten_stack 000654 aa 6 00112 2361 00 ldq pr6|74 first_seg_in_group 000655 aa 6 00115 7561 00 stq pr6|77 seg_idx 000656 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 000657 aa 000045 6000 04 tze 37,ic 000724 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 188 call hcs_$terminate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 000660 aa 6 00115 3521 00 epp2 pr6|77 seg_idx 000661 aa 6 00216 2521 00 spri2 pr6|142 000662 aa 6 00224 3521 00 epp2 pr6|148 000663 aa 6 00220 2521 00 spri2 pr6|144 000664 aa 6 00214 6211 00 eax1 pr6|140 000665 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 000666 aa 005446 3520 04 epp2 2854,ic 006334 = 000120627000 000667 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 000670 aa 6 00235 4501 00 stz pr6|157 000671 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000672 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 000673 aa 6 00242 2521 00 spri2 pr6|162 000674 aa 6 00224 3521 00 epp2 pr6|148 000675 aa 6 00244 2521 00 spri2 pr6|164 000676 aa 6 00235 3521 00 epp2 pr6|157 000677 aa 6 00246 2521 00 spri2 pr6|166 000700 aa 6 00117 3521 00 epp2 pr6|79 status 000701 aa 6 00250 2521 00 spri2 pr6|168 000702 aa 777153 3520 04 epp2 -405,ic 000055 = 526000000250 000703 aa 6 00252 2521 00 spri2 pr6|170 000704 aa 777144 3520 04 epp2 -412,ic 000050 = 524000000040 000705 aa 6 00254 2521 00 spri2 pr6|172 000706 aa 777140 3520 04 epp2 -416,ic 000046 = 404000000001 000707 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 000710 aa 777134 3520 04 epp2 -420,ic 000044 = 404000000043 000711 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 000712 aa 6 00240 6211 00 eax1 pr6|160 000713 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 000714 la 4 00144 3521 20 epp2 pr4|100,* hcs_$terminate_file 000715 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 189 end; 000716 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 000717 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 000720 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000721 ia 4 00134 2361 66 ldq pr4|92,*ql fsm_info.next_seg_in_group 000722 aa 6 00115 7561 00 stq pr6|77 seg_idx 000723 aa 777733 7100 04 tra -37,ic 000656 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 190 try_again = True; 000724 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 000725 aa 6 00120 7551 00 sta pr6|80 try_again STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 191 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 192 prev_seg_in_group = seg_idx; 000726 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 000727 aa 6 00114 7561 00 stq pr6|76 prev_seg_in_group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 193 end; 000730 aa 6 00116 0541 00 aos pr6|78 seg_num 000731 aa 777465 7100 04 tra -203,ic 000416 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 194 end; 000732 aa 777440 7100 04 tra -224,ic 000372 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 198 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 000733 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000734 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 000735 aa 7 00001 2361 00 ldq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 000736 aa 6 00125 7561 00 stq pr6|85 000737 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 000740 aa 6 00115 7561 00 stq pr6|77 seg_idx 000741 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 000742 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 000743 aa 6 00125 1161 00 cmpq pr6|85 000744 aa 000022 6054 04 tpnz 18,ic 000766 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 199 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = my_process & fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = me then fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = owner; 000745 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 000746 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000747 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 000750 aa 7 77775 2351 06 lda pr7|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 000751 aa 6 00102 1151 00 cmpa pr6|66 my_process 000752 aa 6 00235 7561 00 stq pr6|157 000753 aa 000011 6010 04 tnz 9,ic 000764 000754 aa 6 00100 2371 00 ldaq pr6|64 me 000755 aa 0 00560 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|368 unpk_to_pk 000756 aa 6 00235 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|157 000757 aa 7 77776 1161 17 cmpq pr7|-2,7 fsm_info.owner 000760 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 000764 000761 aa 6 00122 3715 20 epp5 pr6|82,* owner 000762 aa 5 00000 3715 20 epp5 pr5|0,* owner 000763 aa 7 77776 5451 17 sprp5 pr7|-2,7 fsm_info.owner STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 201 end; 000764 aa 6 00115 0541 00 aos pr6|77 seg_idx 000765 aa 777755 7100 04 tra -19,ic 000742 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 202 first_seg_ptr = baseptr (first_seg_num); 000766 aa 6 00113 2361 00 ldq pr6|75 first_seg_num 000767 aa 6 00000 3525 00 epbp2 pr6|0 000770 aa 000000 3130 06 easp2 0,ql 000771 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 000772 aa 7 00006 2521 20 spri2 pr7|6,* first_seg_ptr STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 203 call release_fsm_info; 000773 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 000774 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 000775 aa 005161 3520 04 epp2 2673,ic 006156 = 000160627000 000776 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 204 return; 000777 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac ENTRY TO free STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 206 free: entry (owner); 001000 at 000001000056 001001 ta 001000000000 001002 da 000532300000 001003 aa 000540 6270 00 eax7 352 001004 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001005 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 001006 aa 000002000000 001007 aa 000000000000 001010 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001011 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 001012 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* 001013 aa 6 00122 6515 00 spri5 pr6|82 001014 aa 777233 7000 04 tsx0 -357,ic 000247 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 222 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 001015 aa 000007 7260 07 lxl6 7,dl 001016 aa 777060 3520 04 epp2 -464,ic 000076 = 143154145141 001017 aa 0 00717 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|463 enable_op 001020 aa 000004 7100 04 tra 4,ic 001024 001021 aa 000104000000 001022 aa 000016 7100 04 tra 14,ic 001040 BEGIN CONDITION cleanup.2 ENTRY TO cleanup.2 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 222 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 001023 da 000540200000 001024 aa 000100 6270 00 eax7 64 001025 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001026 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 001027 aa 000000000000 001030 aa 000000000000 001031 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001032 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 001033 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001034 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001035 aa 005121 3520 04 epp2 2641,ic 006156 = 000160627000 001036 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 001037 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END CONDITION cleanup.2 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 223 call appropriate_fsm_info; 001040 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001041 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001042 aa 000551 3520 04 epp2 361,ic 001613 = 001040627000 001043 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 225 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 001044 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001045 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001046 aa 7 00001 2361 00 ldq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 001047 aa 6 00126 7561 00 stq pr6|86 001050 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 001051 aa 6 00115 7561 00 stq pr6|77 seg_idx 001052 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 001053 aa 6 00126 1161 00 cmpq pr6|86 001054 aa 000122 6054 04 tpnz 82,ic 001176 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 226 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = my_process & fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = owner then do; 001055 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 001056 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001057 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001060 aa 7 77775 2351 06 lda pr7|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 001061 aa 6 00102 1151 00 cmpa pr6|66 my_process 001062 aa 000112 6010 04 tnz 74,ic 001174 001063 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 001064 aa 6 00122 2371 20 ldaq pr6|82,* owner 001065 aa 0 00560 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|368 unpk_to_pk 001066 aa 7 77776 1161 17 cmpq pr7|-2,7 fsm_info.owner 001067 aa 000105 6010 04 tnz 69,ic 001174 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 228 call hcs_$terminate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 001070 aa 6 00115 3521 00 epp2 pr6|77 seg_idx 001071 aa 6 00226 2521 00 spri2 pr6|150 001072 aa 6 00214 3521 00 epp2 pr6|140 001073 aa 6 00230 2521 00 spri2 pr6|152 001074 aa 6 00224 6211 00 eax1 pr6|148 001075 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001076 aa 005236 3520 04 epp2 2718,ic 006334 = 000120627000 001077 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 001100 aa 6 00235 4501 00 stz pr6|157 001101 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001102 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 001103 aa 6 00242 2521 00 spri2 pr6|162 001104 aa 6 00214 3521 00 epp2 pr6|140 001105 aa 6 00244 2521 00 spri2 pr6|164 001106 aa 6 00235 3521 00 epp2 pr6|157 001107 aa 6 00246 2521 00 spri2 pr6|166 001110 aa 6 00117 3521 00 epp2 pr6|79 status 001111 aa 6 00250 2521 00 spri2 pr6|168 001112 aa 776743 3520 04 epp2 -541,ic 000055 = 526000000250 001113 aa 6 00252 2521 00 spri2 pr6|170 001114 aa 776734 3520 04 epp2 -548,ic 000050 = 524000000040 001115 aa 6 00254 2521 00 spri2 pr6|172 001116 aa 776730 3520 04 epp2 -552,ic 000046 = 404000000001 001117 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 001120 aa 776724 3520 04 epp2 -556,ic 000044 = 404000000043 001121 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 001122 aa 6 00240 6211 00 eax1 pr6|160 001123 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 001124 la 4 00144 3521 20 epp2 pr4|100,* hcs_$terminate_file 001125 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 229 call hcs_$truncate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 001126 aa 6 00115 3521 00 epp2 pr6|77 seg_idx 001127 aa 6 00216 2521 00 spri2 pr6|142 001130 aa 6 00224 3521 00 epp2 pr6|148 001131 aa 6 00220 2521 00 spri2 pr6|144 001132 aa 6 00214 6211 00 eax1 pr6|140 001133 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001134 aa 005200 3520 04 epp2 2688,ic 006334 = 000120627000 001135 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 001136 aa 6 00235 4501 00 stz pr6|157 001137 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001140 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 001141 aa 6 00242 2521 00 spri2 pr6|162 001142 aa 6 00224 3521 00 epp2 pr6|148 001143 aa 6 00244 2521 00 spri2 pr6|164 001144 aa 6 00235 3521 00 epp2 pr6|157 001145 aa 6 00246 2521 00 spri2 pr6|166 001146 aa 6 00117 3521 00 epp2 pr6|79 status 001147 aa 6 00250 2521 00 spri2 pr6|168 001150 aa 776705 3520 04 epp2 -571,ic 000055 = 526000000250 001151 aa 6 00252 2521 00 spri2 pr6|170 001152 aa 776676 3520 04 epp2 -578,ic 000050 = 524000000040 001153 aa 6 00254 2521 00 spri2 pr6|172 001154 aa 776667 3520 04 epp2 -585,ic 000043 = 404000000023 001155 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 001156 aa 776666 3520 04 epp2 -586,ic 000044 = 404000000043 001157 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 001160 aa 6 00240 6211 00 eax1 pr6|160 001161 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 001162 la 4 00150 3521 20 epp2 pr4|104,* hcs_$truncate_file 001163 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 230 unspec (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx)) = ""b; 001164 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 001165 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 001166 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001167 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001170 aa 7 77775 3735 06 epp7 pr7|-3,ql 001171 aa 000 100 100 400 mlr (),(pr),fill(000) 001172 aa 000000 00 0000 desc9a 0,0 001173 aa 7 00000 00 0024 desc9a pr7|0,20 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 231 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 232 end; 001174 aa 6 00115 0541 00 aos pr6|77 seg_idx 001175 aa 777655 7100 04 tra -83,ic 001052 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 233 call release_fsm_info; 001176 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001177 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001200 aa 004756 3520 04 epp2 2542,ic 006156 = 000160627000 001201 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 234 return; 001202 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac ENTRY TO get_owner STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 236 get_owner: entry (seg_ptr, owner); 001203 at 000002000056 001204 ta 000056000000 001205 ta 001203000000 001206 da 000546300000 001207 aa 000540 6270 00 eax7 352 001210 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001211 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 001212 aa 000004000000 001213 aa 000000000000 001214 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001215 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 001216 aa 7 00004 3715 20 epp5 pr7|4,* 001217 aa 6 00122 6515 00 spri5 pr6|82 001220 aa 777027 7000 04 tsx0 -489,ic 000247 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 250 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 001221 aa 000007 7260 07 lxl6 7,dl 001222 aa 776654 3520 04 epp2 -596,ic 000076 = 143154145141 001223 aa 0 00717 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|463 enable_op 001224 aa 000004 7100 04 tra 4,ic 001230 001225 aa 000104000000 001226 aa 000016 7100 04 tra 14,ic 001244 BEGIN CONDITION cleanup.3 ENTRY TO cleanup.3 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 250 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 001227 da 000554200000 001230 aa 000100 6270 00 eax7 64 001231 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001232 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 001233 aa 000000000000 001234 aa 000000000000 001235 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001236 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 001237 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001240 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001241 aa 004715 3520 04 epp2 2509,ic 006156 = 000160627000 001242 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 001243 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END CONDITION cleanup.3 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 251 call appropriate_fsm_info; 001244 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001245 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001246 aa 000345 3520 04 epp2 229,ic 001613 = 001040627000 001247 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 252 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt while (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process ^= my_process | fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).seg_num ^= bin (baseno (seg_ptr))); 001250 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001251 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001252 aa 7 00001 2361 00 ldq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 001253 aa 6 00127 7561 00 stq pr6|87 001254 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 001255 aa 6 00115 7561 00 stq pr6|77 seg_idx 001256 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 001257 aa 6 00127 1161 00 cmpq pr6|87 001260 aa 000026 6054 04 tpnz 22,ic 001306 001261 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 001262 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001263 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001264 aa 7 77775 2351 06 lda pr7|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 001265 aa 6 00102 1151 00 cmpa pr6|66 my_process 001266 aa 6 00235 7561 00 stq pr6|157 001267 aa 000015 6010 04 tnz 13,ic 001304 001270 aa 6 00032 3715 20 epp5 pr6|26,* 001271 aa 5 00002 3535 20 epp3 pr5|2,* seg_ptr 001272 aa 3 00000 3535 20 epp3 pr3|0,* seg_ptr 001273 aa 3 00000 2131 00 epaq pr3|0 seg_ptr 001274 aa 077777 3750 03 ana 32767,du 001275 aa 000066 7730 00 lrl 54 001276 aa 6 00236 7571 00 staq pr6|158 001277 aa 6 00235 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|157 001300 aa 7 00001 2351 17 lda pr7|1,7 fsm_info.seg_num 001301 aa 000044 7330 00 lrs 36 001302 aa 6 00236 1171 00 cmpaq pr6|158 001303 aa 000003 6000 04 tze 3,ic 001306 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 255 end; 001304 aa 6 00115 0541 00 aos pr6|77 seg_idx 001305 aa 777751 7100 04 tra -23,ic 001256 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 256 if seg_idx <= fsm_info.seg_cnt then owner = fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner; 001306 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 001307 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001310 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001311 aa 7 00001 1161 00 cmpq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 001312 aa 000005 6054 04 tpnz 5,ic 001317 001313 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 001314 aa 7 77776 7651 06 lprp5 pr7|-2,ql fsm_info.owner 001315 aa 6 00122 6515 20 spri5 pr6|82,* owner 001316 aa 000003 7100 04 tra 3,ic 001321 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 258 else owner = null; 001317 aa 776555 2370 04 ldaq -659,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 001320 aa 6 00122 7571 20 staq pr6|82,* owner STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 259 call release_fsm_info; 001321 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001322 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001323 aa 004633 3520 04 epp2 2459,ic 006156 = 000160627000 001324 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 260 return; 001325 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac ENTRY TO get_vla_segnos STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 262 get_vla_segnos: entry (segment_map_bits); 001326 at 000001000133 001327 ta 001326000000 001330 da 000563300000 001331 aa 000540 6270 00 eax7 352 001332 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001333 aa 2 01046 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|550 ext_entry_desc 001334 aa 000002000000 001335 aa 000000000000 001336 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001337 aa 776710 7000 04 tsx0 -568,ic 000247 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 276 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 001340 aa 000007 7260 07 lxl6 7,dl 001341 aa 776535 3520 04 epp2 -675,ic 000076 = 143154145141 001342 aa 0 00717 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|463 enable_op 001343 aa 000004 7100 04 tra 4,ic 001347 001344 aa 000104000000 001345 aa 000016 7100 04 tra 14,ic 001363 BEGIN CONDITION cleanup.4 ENTRY TO cleanup.4 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 276 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 001346 da 000571200000 001347 aa 000100 6270 00 eax7 64 001350 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001351 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 001352 aa 000000000000 001353 aa 000000000000 001354 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001355 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 001356 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001357 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001360 aa 004576 3520 04 epp2 2430,ic 006156 = 000160627000 001361 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 001362 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END CONDITION cleanup.4 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 277 call appropriate_fsm_info; 001363 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001364 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001365 aa 000226 3520 04 epp2 150,ic 001613 = 001040627000 001366 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 281 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 001367 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001370 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001371 aa 7 00001 2361 00 ldq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 001372 aa 6 00130 7561 00 stq pr6|88 001373 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 001374 aa 6 00115 7561 00 stq pr6|77 seg_idx 001375 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 001376 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 001377 aa 6 00130 1161 00 cmpq pr6|88 001400 aa 000026 6054 04 tpnz 22,ic 001426 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 282 if fsm_info.owning_process (seg_idx) = my_process then segment_map_bits (seg_idx) = "1"b; 001401 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 001402 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001403 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001404 aa 7 77775 2351 06 lda pr7|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 001405 aa 6 00102 1151 00 cmpa pr6|66 my_process 001406 aa 000016 6010 04 tnz 14,ic 001424 001407 aa 6 00042 3715 20 epp5 pr6|34,* 001410 aa 5 00000 3535 20 epp3 pr5|0,* 001411 aa 3 00003 2361 00 ldq pr3|3 001412 aa 3 00001 4021 00 mpy pr3|1 001413 aa 6 00235 7561 00 stq pr6|157 001414 aa 3 00003 2361 00 ldq pr3|3 001415 aa 6 00115 4021 00 mpy pr6|77 seg_idx 001416 aa 6 00235 1761 00 sbq pr6|157 001417 aa 6 00032 3515 20 epp1 pr6|26,* 001420 aa 1 00002 3535 20 epp3 pr1|2,* 001421 aa 403 106 060 400 csl (),(pr,ql),fill(1),bool(move) 001422 aa 000000 00 0000 descb 0,0 001423 aa 3 00000 00 0001 descb pr3|0,1 segment_map_bits STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 284 end; 001424 aa 6 00115 0541 00 aos pr6|77 seg_idx 001425 aa 777751 7100 04 tra -23,ic 001376 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 285 call release_fsm_info; 001426 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001427 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001430 aa 004526 3520 04 epp2 2390,ic 006156 = 000160627000 001431 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 286 return; 001432 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac ENTRY TO lfs STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 288 list_fortran_storage: lfs: entry; 001433 da 000575200000 001434 aa 000540 6270 00 eax7 352 001435 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001436 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 001437 aa 000000000000 001440 aa 000000000000 001441 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001442 aa 776605 7000 04 tsx0 -635,ic 000247 001443 aa 000011 7100 04 tra 9,ic 001454 ENTRY TO list_fortran_storage STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 288 list_fortran_storage: lfs: entry; 001444 da 000606200000 001445 aa 000540 6270 00 eax7 352 001446 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001447 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 001450 aa 000000000000 001451 aa 000000000000 001452 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001453 aa 776574 7000 04 tsx0 -644,ic 000247 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 300 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 001454 aa 000007 7260 07 lxl6 7,dl 001455 aa 776421 3520 04 epp2 -751,ic 000076 = 143154145141 001456 aa 0 00717 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|463 enable_op 001457 aa 000004 7100 04 tra 4,ic 001463 001460 aa 000104000000 001461 aa 000016 7100 04 tra 14,ic 001477 BEGIN CONDITION cleanup.5 ENTRY TO cleanup.5 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 300 on cleanup call release_fsm_info; 001462 da 000614200000 001463 aa 000100 6270 00 eax7 64 001464 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001465 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 001466 aa 000000000000 001467 aa 000000000000 001470 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 001471 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 001472 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001473 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001474 aa 004462 3520 04 epp2 2354,ic 006156 = 000160627000 001475 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 001476 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END CONDITION cleanup.5 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 301 call appropriate_fsm_info; 001477 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001500 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001501 aa 000112 3520 04 epp2 74,ic 001613 = 001040627000 001502 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 306 group_cnt = 0; 001503 aa 6 00121 4501 00 stz pr6|81 group_cnt STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 307 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 001504 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001505 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001506 aa 7 00001 2361 00 ldq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 001507 aa 6 00131 7561 00 stq pr6|89 001510 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 001511 aa 6 00115 7561 00 stq pr6|77 seg_idx 001512 aa 6 00115 2361 00 ldq pr6|77 seg_idx 001513 aa 6 00131 1161 00 cmpq pr6|89 001514 aa 000016 6054 04 tpnz 14,ic 001532 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 308 if fsm_info.owning_process (seg_idx) = my_process & fsm_info.first_seg_in_group (seg_idx) = seg_idx then group_cnt = group_cnt + 1; 001515 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 001516 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001517 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 001520 aa 7 77775 2351 06 lda pr7|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 001521 aa 6 00102 1151 00 cmpa pr6|66 my_process 001522 aa 6 00235 7561 00 stq pr6|157 001523 aa 000005 6010 04 tnz 5,ic 001530 001524 aa 7 77777 2361 06 ldq pr7|-1,ql fsm_info.first_seg_in_group 001525 aa 6 00115 1161 00 cmpq pr6|77 seg_idx 001526 aa 000002 6010 04 tnz 2,ic 001530 001527 aa 6 00121 0541 00 aos pr6|81 group_cnt STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 310 end; 001530 aa 6 00115 0541 00 aos pr6|77 seg_idx 001531 aa 777761 7100 04 tra -15,ic 001512 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 315 if group_cnt = 0 then call ioa_ ("No segments in ^a allocated to this process.", fsm_dir_path); 001532 aa 6 00121 2361 00 ldq pr6|81 group_cnt 001533 aa 000022 6010 04 tnz 18,ic 001555 001534 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 001535 aa 776464 00 0054 desc9a -716,44 000220 = 116157040163 001536 aa 6 00240 00 0054 desc9a pr6|160,44 001537 aa 6 00240 3521 00 epp2 pr6|160 001540 aa 6 00300 2521 00 spri2 pr6|192 001541 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001542 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 001543 aa 6 00302 2521 00 spri2 pr6|194 001544 aa 776276 3520 04 epp2 -834,ic 000042 = 524000000054 001545 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 001546 aa 776307 3520 04 epp2 -825,ic 000055 = 526000000250 001547 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 001550 aa 6 00276 6211 00 eax1 pr6|190 001551 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001552 la 4 00152 3521 20 epp2 pr4|106,* ioa_ 001553 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc 001554 aa 000031 7100 04 tra 25,ic 001605 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 317 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 318 call ioa_ ("Segments in ^a allocated to this process:", fsm_dir_path); 001555 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 001556 aa 776430 00 0054 desc9a -744,44 000205 = 123145147155 001557 aa 6 00240 00 0054 desc9a pr6|160,44 001560 aa 6 00240 3521 00 epp2 pr6|160 001561 aa 6 00300 2521 00 spri2 pr6|192 001562 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001563 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 001564 aa 6 00302 2521 00 spri2 pr6|194 001565 aa 776254 3520 04 epp2 -852,ic 000041 = 524000000051 001566 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 001567 aa 776266 3520 04 epp2 -842,ic 000055 = 526000000250 001570 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 001571 aa 6 00276 6211 00 eax1 pr6|190 001572 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001573 la 4 00152 3521 20 epp2 pr4|106,* ioa_ 001574 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 319 call list_groups (group_cnt, my_process); 001575 aa 6 00121 3521 00 epp2 pr6|81 group_cnt 001576 aa 6 00216 2521 00 spri2 pr6|142 001577 aa 6 00102 3521 00 epp2 pr6|66 my_process 001600 aa 6 00220 2521 00 spri2 pr6|144 001601 aa 6 00214 6211 00 eax1 pr6|140 001602 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001603 aa 003044 3520 04 epp2 1572,ic 004647 = 000300627000 001604 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 320 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 321 call release_fsm_info; 001605 aa 6 00056 6211 00 eax1 pr6|46 001606 aa 000000 4310 07 fld 0,dl 001607 aa 004347 3520 04 epp2 2279,ic 006156 = 000160627000 001610 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 322 return; 001611 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1171 end fortran_storage_manager_; BEGIN PROCEDURE appropriate_fsm_info ENTRY TO appropriate_fsm_info STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 324 appropriate_fsm_info: proc; 001612 da 000625200000 001613 aa 001040 6270 00 eax7 544 001614 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 001615 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 001616 aa 000000000000 001617 aa 000000000000 001620 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 393 001621 aa 776253 2370 04 ldaq -853,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 001622 aa 6 00222 7571 00 staq pr6|146 system_free_area_ptr STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 420 if ^fsm_info_ptr_valid then do; 001623 ia 4 00136 2351 00 lda pr4|94 fsm_info_ptr_valid 001624 aa 000757 6010 04 tnz 495,ic 002603 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 422 if pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ > sys_info$max_seg_size then do; 001625 la 4 00214 2361 20 ldq pr4|140,* pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ 001626 la 4 00220 1161 20 cmpq pr4|144,* sys_info$max_seg_size 001627 aa 000041 6044 04 tmoz 33,ic 001670 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 424 call hcs_$set_256K_switch ("11"b, (""b), status); 001630 aa 600000 2350 03 lda 196608,du 001631 aa 6 00251 7551 00 sta pr6|169 001632 aa 000000 2350 07 lda 0,dl 001633 aa 6 00252 7551 00 sta pr6|170 001634 aa 6 00251 3521 00 epp2 pr6|169 001635 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 001636 aa 6 00252 3521 00 epp2 pr6|170 001637 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 001640 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 001641 aa 6 00262 2521 00 spri2 pr6|178 001642 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 001643 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 001644 la 4 00206 3521 20 epp2 pr4|134,* hcs_$set_256K_switch 001645 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 425 if status ^= 0 then call signal_fsm_error (status, "Cannot set 256K switch"); 001646 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 001647 aa 000021 6000 04 tze 17,ic 001670 001650 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 001651 aa 776301 00 0030 desc9a -831,24 000151 = 103141156156 001652 aa 6 00254 00 0030 desc9a pr6|172,24 001653 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 001654 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 001655 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 001656 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 001657 aa 776165 3520 04 epp2 -907,ic 000044 = 404000000043 001660 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 001661 aa 776156 3520 04 epp2 -914,ic 000037 = 524000000026 001662 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 001663 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 001664 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 001665 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001666 aa 004562 3520 04 epp2 2418,ic 006450 = 000260627000 001667 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 427 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 428 fsm_info_ptr = null; 001670 aa 776204 2370 04 ldaq -892,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 001671 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001672 ia 4 00134 7571 00 staq pr4|92 fsm_info_ptr STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 429 fsm_dir_name = fsm_dir_name_master || ltrim (char (get_ring_ ())); 001673 aa 6 00252 3521 00 epp2 pr6|170 001674 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 001675 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 001676 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 001677 la 4 00222 3521 20 epp2 pr4|146,* get_ring_ 001700 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out 001701 aa 000 100 301 500 btd (pr),(pr) 001702 aa 6 00252 00 0004 desc9a pr6|170,4 001703 aa 6 00251 01 0003 desc9ls pr6|169,3,0 001704 aa 6 00301 4501 00 stz pr6|193 001705 aa 100 004 024 500 mvne (pr),(ic),(pr) 001706 aa 6 00251 01 0003 desc9ls pr6|169,3,0 001707 aa 005071 00 0006 desc9a 2617,6 006776 = 403040022141 001710 aa 6 00300 00 0005 desc9a pr6|192,5 001711 aa 000 000 164 500 tct (pr) 001712 aa 6 00300 00 0005 desc9a pr6|192,5 001713 aa 0 76605 0001 00 arg pr0|-635 = 777777777777 001714 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 001715 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 001716 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 001717 aa 6 00251 7561 00 stq pr6|169 001720 aa 000005 2360 07 ldq 5,dl 001721 aa 6 00251 1761 00 sbq pr6|169 001722 aa 6 00252 7561 00 stq pr6|170 001723 aa 000010 0760 07 adq 8,dl 001724 aa 0 00551 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|361 alloc_char_temp 001725 aa 040 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(040) 001726 aa 776061 00 0010 desc9a -975,8 000006 = 146163155137 001727 aa 2 00000 00 0010 desc9a pr2|0,8 001730 aa 6 00251 2351 00 lda pr6|169 001731 aa 6 00253 7561 00 stq pr6|171 001732 aa 6 00252 2361 00 ldq pr6|170 001733 aa 040 140 100 545 mlr (pr,rl,al),(pr,rl),fill(040) 001734 aa 6 00300 00 0006 desc9a pr6|192,ql 001735 aa 2 00002 00 0006 desc9a pr2|2,ql 001736 aa 6 00253 2351 00 lda pr6|171 001737 aa 040 100 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr),fill(040) 001740 aa 2 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr2|0,al 001741 aa 6 00174 00 0040 desc9a pr6|124,32 fsm_dir_name STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 430 do while (fsm_info_ptr = null); 001742 aa 0 01014 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|524 shorten_stack 001743 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 001744 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001745 ia 4 00134 2371 00 ldaq pr4|92 fsm_info_ptr 001746 aa 776126 6770 04 eraq -938,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 001747 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 001750 aa 000633 6010 04 tnz 411,ic 002603 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 431 call get_fsm_dir_dir_path (fsm_dir_dir_path); 001751 aa 005017 3520 04 epp2 2575,ic 006770 = 000002000000 001752 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001753 aa 002504 6700 04 tsp4 1348,ic 004457 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 432 fsm_dir_path = pathname_ (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_dir_name); 001754 aa 6 00122 3521 00 epp2 pr6|82 fsm_dir_dir_path 001755 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 001756 aa 6 00174 3521 00 epp2 pr6|124 fsm_dir_name 001757 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 001760 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001761 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 001762 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 001763 aa 776072 3520 04 epp2 -966,ic 000055 = 526000000250 001764 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 001765 aa 6 00316 2521 00 spri2 pr6|206 001766 aa 776064 3520 04 epp2 -972,ic 000052 = 526000000040 001767 aa 6 00314 2521 00 spri2 pr6|204 001770 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 001771 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 001772 la 4 00146 3521 20 epp2 pr4|102,* pathname_ 001773 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 433 fsm_info_path = pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name); 001774 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001775 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 001776 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 001777 aa 776003 3520 04 epp2 -1021,ic 000002 = 146163155137 002000 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 002001 ia 4 00062 3521 00 epp2 pr4|50 fsm_info_path 002002 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 002003 aa 776052 3520 04 epp2 -982,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002004 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 002005 aa 6 00316 2521 00 spri2 pr6|206 002006 aa 776030 3520 04 epp2 -1000,ic 000036 = 526000000015 002007 aa 6 00314 2521 00 spri2 pr6|204 002010 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 002011 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 002012 la 4 00146 3521 20 epp2 pr4|102,* pathname_ 002013 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 434 call hcs_$status_minf (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_dir_name, Chase_links, type, bit_count, status); 002014 aa 6 00122 3521 00 epp2 pr6|82 fsm_dir_dir_path 002015 aa 6 00322 2521 00 spri2 pr6|210 002016 aa 6 00174 3521 00 epp2 pr6|124 fsm_dir_name 002017 aa 6 00324 2521 00 spri2 pr6|212 002020 aa 776042 3520 04 epp2 -990,ic 000062 = 000000000001 002021 aa 6 00326 2521 00 spri2 pr6|214 002022 aa 6 00224 3521 00 epp2 pr6|148 type 002023 aa 6 00330 2521 00 spri2 pr6|216 002024 aa 6 00121 3521 00 epp2 pr6|81 bit_count 002025 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 002026 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002027 aa 6 00334 2521 00 spri2 pr6|220 002030 aa 776025 3520 04 epp2 -1003,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002031 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 002032 aa 776020 3520 04 epp2 -1008,ic 000052 = 526000000040 002033 aa 6 00340 2521 00 spri2 pr6|224 002034 aa 776012 3520 04 epp2 -1014,ic 000046 = 404000000001 002035 aa 6 00342 2521 00 spri2 pr6|226 002036 aa 776007 3520 04 epp2 -1017,ic 000045 = 404000000002 002037 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 002040 aa 775775 3520 04 epp2 -1027,ic 000035 = 404000000030 002041 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 002042 aa 776002 3520 04 epp2 -1022,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002043 aa 6 00350 2521 00 spri2 pr6|232 002044 aa 6 00320 6211 00 eax1 pr6|208 002045 aa 030000 4310 07 fld 12288,dl 002046 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002047 la 4 00212 3521 20 epp2 pr4|138,* hcs_$status_minf 002050 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 435 if status = 0 then if type = star_DIRECTORY & bit_count = 0 then do; 002051 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 002052 aa 000227 6010 04 tnz 151,ic 002301 002053 aa 6 00224 2361 00 ldq pr6|148 type 002054 aa 000002 1160 07 cmpq 2,dl 002055 aa 000205 6010 04 tnz 133,ic 002262 002056 aa 6 00121 2361 00 ldq pr6|81 bit_count 002057 aa 000203 6010 04 tnz 131,ic 002262 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 438 call hcs_$make_seg (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name, "", RW_ACCESS_BIN, fsm_info_ptr, status); 002060 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002061 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 002062 aa 6 00322 2521 00 spri2 pr6|210 002063 aa 775717 3520 04 epp2 -1073,ic 000002 = 146163155137 002064 aa 6 00324 2521 00 spri2 pr6|212 002065 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 002066 aa 6 00326 2521 00 spri2 pr6|214 002067 aa 775725 3520 04 epp2 -1067,ic 000014 = 000000000012 002070 aa 6 00330 2521 00 spri2 pr6|216 002071 ia 4 00134 3521 00 epp2 pr4|92 fsm_info_ptr 002072 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 002073 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002074 aa 6 00334 2521 00 spri2 pr6|220 002075 aa 775760 3520 04 epp2 -1040,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002076 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 002077 aa 775737 3520 04 epp2 -1057,ic 000036 = 526000000015 002100 aa 6 00340 2521 00 spri2 pr6|224 002101 aa 775746 3520 04 epp2 -1050,ic 000047 = 524000000000 002102 aa 6 00342 2521 00 spri2 pr6|226 002103 aa 775731 3520 04 epp2 -1063,ic 000034 = 404000000005 002104 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 002105 aa 775751 3520 04 epp2 -1047,ic 000056 = 464000000000 002106 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 002107 aa 775735 3520 04 epp2 -1059,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002110 aa 6 00350 2521 00 spri2 pr6|232 002111 aa 6 00320 6211 00 eax1 pr6|208 002112 aa 030000 4310 07 fld 12288,dl 002113 la 4 00202 3521 20 epp2 pr4|130,* hcs_$make_seg 002114 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 440 if status = error_table_$moderr then do; 002115 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 002116 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002117 la 4 00160 1161 20 cmpq pr4|112,* error_table_$moderr 002120 aa 000117 6010 04 tnz 79,ic 002237 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 442 acl.access_name = get_group_id_$tag_star (); 002121 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 002122 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 002123 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 002124 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 002125 la 4 00172 3521 20 epp2 pr4|122,* get_group_id_$tag_star 002126 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out 002127 aa 000 100 100 500 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(000) 002130 aa 6 00254 00 0040 desc9a pr6|172,32 002131 aa 6 00106 00 0040 desc9a pr6|70,32 acl.access_name STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 443 acl.modes = RW_ACCESS; 002132 aa 500000 2350 03 lda 163840,du 002133 aa 6 00116 7551 00 sta pr6|78 acl.modes STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 444 acl.xmodes = ""b; 002134 aa 6 00117 4501 00 stz pr6|79 acl.xmodes STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 445 call hcs_$add_acl_entries (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name, addr (acl), 1, status); 002135 aa 6 00106 3735 00 epp7 pr6|70 acl 002136 aa 6 00300 6535 00 spri7 pr6|192 002137 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 002140 aa 6 00253 7561 00 stq pr6|171 002141 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002142 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 002143 aa 6 00322 2521 00 spri2 pr6|210 002144 aa 775636 3520 04 epp2 -1122,ic 000002 = 146163155137 002145 aa 6 00324 2521 00 spri2 pr6|212 002146 aa 6 00300 3521 00 epp2 pr6|192 002147 aa 6 00326 2521 00 spri2 pr6|214 002150 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 002151 aa 6 00330 2521 00 spri2 pr6|216 002152 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002153 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 002154 aa 775701 3520 04 epp2 -1087,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002155 aa 6 00334 2521 00 spri2 pr6|220 002156 aa 775660 3520 04 epp2 -1104,ic 000036 = 526000000015 002157 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 002160 aa 775676 3520 04 epp2 -1090,ic 000056 = 464000000000 002161 aa 6 00340 2521 00 spri2 pr6|224 002162 aa 775675 3520 04 epp2 -1091,ic 000057 = 404000000021 002163 aa 6 00342 2521 00 spri2 pr6|226 002164 aa 775660 3520 04 epp2 -1104,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002165 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 002166 aa 6 00320 6211 00 eax1 pr6|208 002167 aa 024000 4310 07 fld 10240,dl 002170 la 4 00176 3521 20 epp2 pr4|126,* hcs_$add_acl_entries 002171 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 447 if status = 0 then call hcs_$initiate (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name, "", 0, 0, fsm_info_ptr, status); 002172 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 002173 aa 000044 6010 04 tnz 36,ic 002237 002174 aa 6 00251 4501 00 stz pr6|169 002175 aa 6 00252 4501 00 stz pr6|170 002176 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002177 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 002200 aa 6 00354 2521 00 spri2 pr6|236 002201 aa 775601 3520 04 epp2 -1151,ic 000002 = 146163155137 002202 aa 6 00356 2521 00 spri2 pr6|238 002203 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 002204 aa 6 00360 2521 00 spri2 pr6|240 002205 aa 6 00251 3521 00 epp2 pr6|169 002206 aa 6 00362 2521 00 spri2 pr6|242 002207 aa 6 00252 3521 00 epp2 pr6|170 002210 aa 6 00364 2521 00 spri2 pr6|244 002211 ia 4 00134 3521 00 epp2 pr4|92 fsm_info_ptr 002212 aa 6 00366 2521 00 spri2 pr6|246 002213 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002214 aa 6 00370 2521 00 spri2 pr6|248 002215 aa 775640 3520 04 epp2 -1120,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002216 aa 6 00372 2521 00 spri2 pr6|250 002217 aa 775617 3520 04 epp2 -1137,ic 000036 = 526000000015 002220 aa 6 00374 2521 00 spri2 pr6|252 002221 aa 775626 3520 04 epp2 -1130,ic 000047 = 524000000000 002222 aa 6 00376 2521 00 spri2 pr6|254 002223 aa 775623 3520 04 epp2 -1133,ic 000046 = 404000000001 002224 aa 6 00400 2521 00 spri2 pr6|256 002225 aa 775620 3520 04 epp2 -1136,ic 000045 = 404000000002 002226 aa 6 00402 2521 00 spri2 pr6|258 002227 aa 775627 3520 04 epp2 -1129,ic 000056 = 464000000000 002230 aa 6 00404 2521 00 spri2 pr6|260 002231 aa 775613 3520 04 epp2 -1141,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002232 aa 6 00406 2521 00 spri2 pr6|262 002233 aa 6 00352 6211 00 eax1 pr6|234 002234 aa 034000 4310 07 fld 14336,dl 002235 la 4 00142 3521 20 epp2 pr4|98,* hcs_$initiate 002236 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 450 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 451 if fsm_info_ptr = null then call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_info_path); 002237 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002240 ia 4 00134 2371 00 ldaq pr4|92 fsm_info_ptr 002241 aa 775633 6770 04 eraq -1125,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 002242 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 002243 aa 777501 6010 04 tnz -191,ic 001744 002244 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002245 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 002246 ia 4 00062 3521 00 epp2 pr4|50 fsm_info_path 002247 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 002250 aa 775574 3520 04 epp2 -1156,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002251 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 002252 aa 775603 3520 04 epp2 -1149,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002253 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 002254 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 002255 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 002256 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 002257 aa 004171 3520 04 epp2 2169,ic 006450 = 000260627000 002260 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 453 end; 002261 aa 777463 7100 04 tra -205,ic 001744 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 454 else call signal_fsm_error (error_table_$notadir, fsm_dir_path); 002262 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002263 la 4 00164 3521 20 epp2 pr4|116,* error_table_$notadir 002264 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 002265 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 002266 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 002267 aa 775555 3520 04 epp2 -1171,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002270 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 002271 aa 775564 3520 04 epp2 -1164,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002272 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 002273 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 002274 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 002275 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 002276 aa 004152 3520 04 epp2 2154,ic 006450 = 000260627000 002277 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc 002300 aa 777444 7100 04 tra -220,ic 001744 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 455 else if status = error_table_$noentry then do; 002301 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002302 la 4 00162 1161 20 cmpq pr4|114,* error_table_$noentry 002303 aa 000262 6010 04 tnz 178,ic 002565 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 457 call hcs_$append_branchx (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_dir_name, SMA_ACCESS_BIN, cu_$level_get (), get_group_id_$tag_star (), 1, 0, 0, status); 002304 aa 6 00252 3521 00 epp2 pr6|170 002305 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 002306 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 002307 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 002310 la 4 00170 3521 20 epp2 pr4|120,* cu_$level_get 002311 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out 002312 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 002313 aa 6 00232 7561 00 stq pr6|154 002314 aa 6 00252 2361 00 ldq pr6|170 002315 aa 6 00232 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|154 002316 aa 6 00253 7561 17 stq pr6|171,7 002317 aa 6 00232 2361 00 ldq pr6|154 002320 aa 6 00232 0541 00 aos pr6|154 002321 aa 000003 1160 07 cmpq 3,dl 002322 aa 777772 6040 04 tmi -6,ic 002314 002323 aa 6 00264 3521 00 epp2 pr6|180 002324 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 002325 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 002326 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 002327 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002330 la 4 00172 3521 20 epp2 pr4|122,* get_group_id_$tag_star 002331 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out 002332 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 002333 aa 6 00252 7561 00 stq pr6|170 002334 aa 6 00251 4501 00 stz pr6|169 002335 aa 6 00253 4501 00 stz pr6|171 002336 aa 6 00122 3521 00 epp2 pr6|82 fsm_dir_dir_path 002337 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 002340 aa 6 00174 3521 00 epp2 pr6|124 fsm_dir_name 002341 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 002342 aa 775437 3520 04 epp2 -1249,ic 000001 = 000000000013 002343 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 002344 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 002345 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 002346 aa 6 00264 3521 00 epp2 pr6|180 002347 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 002350 aa 6 00252 3521 00 epp2 pr6|170 002351 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 002352 aa 6 00251 3521 00 epp2 pr6|169 002353 aa 6 00426 2521 00 spri2 pr6|278 002354 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 002355 aa 6 00430 2521 00 spri2 pr6|280 002356 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002357 aa 6 00432 2521 00 spri2 pr6|282 002360 aa 775475 3520 04 epp2 -1219,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002361 aa 6 00434 2521 00 spri2 pr6|284 002362 aa 775470 3520 04 epp2 -1224,ic 000052 = 526000000040 002363 aa 6 00436 2521 00 spri2 pr6|286 002364 aa 775450 3520 04 epp2 -1240,ic 000034 = 404000000005 002365 aa 6 00440 2521 00 spri2 pr6|288 002366 aa 775541 3520 04 epp2 -1183,ic 000127 = 404100000006 002367 aa 6 00442 2521 00 spri2 pr6|290 002370 aa 775460 3520 04 epp2 -1232,ic 000050 = 524000000040 002371 aa 6 00444 2521 00 spri2 pr6|292 002372 aa 775454 3520 04 epp2 -1236,ic 000046 = 404000000001 002373 aa 6 00446 2521 00 spri2 pr6|294 002374 aa 6 00450 2521 00 spri2 pr6|296 002375 aa 775440 3520 04 epp2 -1248,ic 000035 = 404000000030 002376 aa 6 00452 2521 00 spri2 pr6|298 002377 aa 775445 3520 04 epp2 -1243,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002400 aa 6 00454 2521 00 spri2 pr6|300 002401 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 002402 aa 044000 4310 07 fld 18432,dl 002403 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002404 la 4 00200 3521 20 epp2 pr4|128,* hcs_$append_branchx 002405 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 460 if status = 0 then do; 002406 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 002407 aa 000137 6010 04 tnz 95,ic 002546 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 462 call hcs_$set_safety_sw (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_dir_name, "1"b, status); 002410 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 002411 aa 6 00253 7551 00 sta pr6|171 002412 aa 6 00122 3521 00 epp2 pr6|82 fsm_dir_dir_path 002413 aa 6 00322 2521 00 spri2 pr6|210 002414 aa 6 00174 3521 00 epp2 pr6|124 fsm_dir_name 002415 aa 6 00324 2521 00 spri2 pr6|212 002416 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 002417 aa 6 00326 2521 00 spri2 pr6|214 002420 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002421 aa 6 00330 2521 00 spri2 pr6|216 002422 aa 775433 3520 04 epp2 -1253,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002423 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 002424 aa 775426 3520 04 epp2 -1258,ic 000052 = 526000000040 002425 aa 6 00334 2521 00 spri2 pr6|220 002426 aa 775405 3520 04 epp2 -1275,ic 000033 = 514000000001 002427 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 002430 aa 775414 3520 04 epp2 -1268,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002431 aa 6 00340 2521 00 spri2 pr6|224 002432 aa 6 00320 6211 00 eax1 pr6|208 002433 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 002434 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002435 la 4 00204 3521 20 epp2 pr4|132,* hcs_$set_safety_sw 002436 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 463 call hcs_$make_seg (fsm_dir_path, fsm_info_name, "", RW_ACCESS_BIN, fsm_info_ptr, status); 002437 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002440 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 002441 aa 6 00322 2521 00 spri2 pr6|210 002442 aa 775340 3520 04 epp2 -1312,ic 000002 = 146163155137 002443 aa 6 00324 2521 00 spri2 pr6|212 002444 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 002445 aa 6 00326 2521 00 spri2 pr6|214 002446 aa 775346 3520 04 epp2 -1306,ic 000014 = 000000000012 002447 aa 6 00330 2521 00 spri2 pr6|216 002450 ia 4 00134 3521 00 epp2 pr4|92 fsm_info_ptr 002451 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 002452 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002453 aa 6 00334 2521 00 spri2 pr6|220 002454 aa 775401 3520 04 epp2 -1279,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002455 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 002456 aa 775360 3520 04 epp2 -1296,ic 000036 = 526000000015 002457 aa 6 00340 2521 00 spri2 pr6|224 002460 aa 775367 3520 04 epp2 -1289,ic 000047 = 524000000000 002461 aa 6 00342 2521 00 spri2 pr6|226 002462 aa 775352 3520 04 epp2 -1302,ic 000034 = 404000000005 002463 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 002464 aa 775372 3520 04 epp2 -1286,ic 000056 = 464000000000 002465 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 002466 aa 775356 3520 04 epp2 -1298,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002467 aa 6 00350 2521 00 spri2 pr6|232 002470 aa 6 00320 6211 00 eax1 pr6|208 002471 aa 030000 4310 07 fld 12288,dl 002472 la 4 00202 3521 20 epp2 pr4|130,* hcs_$make_seg 002473 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 465 if fsm_info_ptr = null then call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_info_path); 002474 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002475 ia 4 00134 2371 00 ldaq pr4|92 fsm_info_ptr 002476 aa 775376 6770 04 eraq -1282,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 002477 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 002500 aa 000016 6010 04 tnz 14,ic 002516 002501 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002502 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 002503 ia 4 00062 3521 00 epp2 pr4|50 fsm_info_path 002504 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 002505 aa 775337 3520 04 epp2 -1313,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002506 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 002507 aa 775346 3520 04 epp2 -1306,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002510 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 002511 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 002512 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 002513 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 002514 aa 003734 3520 04 epp2 2012,ic 006450 = 000260627000 002515 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 467 call hcs_$set_safety_sw (fsm_dir_dir_path, fsm_info_name, "1"b, status); 002516 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 002517 aa 6 00253 7551 00 sta pr6|171 002520 aa 6 00122 3521 00 epp2 pr6|82 fsm_dir_dir_path 002521 aa 6 00322 2521 00 spri2 pr6|210 002522 aa 775260 3520 04 epp2 -1360,ic 000002 = 146163155137 002523 aa 6 00324 2521 00 spri2 pr6|212 002524 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 002525 aa 6 00326 2521 00 spri2 pr6|214 002526 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002527 aa 6 00330 2521 00 spri2 pr6|216 002530 aa 775325 3520 04 epp2 -1323,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002531 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 002532 aa 775304 3520 04 epp2 -1340,ic 000036 = 526000000015 002533 aa 6 00334 2521 00 spri2 pr6|220 002534 aa 775277 3520 04 epp2 -1345,ic 000033 = 514000000001 002535 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 002536 aa 775306 3520 04 epp2 -1338,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002537 aa 6 00340 2521 00 spri2 pr6|224 002540 aa 6 00320 6211 00 eax1 pr6|208 002541 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 002542 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002543 la 4 00204 3521 20 epp2 pr4|132,* hcs_$set_safety_sw 002544 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 468 end; 002545 aa 777177 7100 04 tra -385,ic 001744 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 469 else call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_dir_path); 002546 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002547 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 002550 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002551 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 002552 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 002553 aa 775271 3520 04 epp2 -1351,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002554 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 002555 aa 775300 3520 04 epp2 -1344,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002556 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 002557 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 002560 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 002561 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 002562 aa 003666 3520 04 epp2 1974,ic 006450 = 000260627000 002563 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 470 end; 002564 aa 777160 7100 04 tra -400,ic 001744 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 471 else call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_dir_path); 002565 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002566 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 002567 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 002570 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 002571 aa 775253 3520 04 epp2 -1365,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002572 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 002573 aa 775262 3520 04 epp2 -1358,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002574 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 002575 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 002576 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 002577 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 002600 aa 003650 3520 04 epp2 1960,ic 006450 = 000260627000 002601 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 472 end; 002602 aa 777142 7100 04 tra -414,ic 001744 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 473 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 483 status = 1; 002603 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 002604 aa 6 00220 7561 00 stq pr6|144 status STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 484 do while (status ^= 0); 002605 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 002606 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 002607 aa 000042 6000 04 tze 34,ic 002651 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 485 call set_lock_$lock (fsm_info.lock, Max_wait_time, status); 002610 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002611 ia 4 00134 3521 20 epp2 pr4|92,* fsm_info.lock 002612 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 002613 aa 775165 3520 04 epp2 -1419,ic 000000 = 000000000170 002614 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 002615 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002616 aa 6 00262 2521 00 spri2 pr6|178 002617 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 002620 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 002621 la 4 00216 3521 20 epp2 pr4|142,* set_lock_$lock 002622 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 486 if status = error_table_$invalid_lock_reset then status = 0; 002623 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 002624 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002625 la 4 00156 1161 20 cmpq pr4|110,* error_table_$invalid_lock_reset 002626 aa 000003 6010 04 tnz 3,ic 002631 002627 aa 6 00220 4501 00 stz pr6|144 status 002630 aa 777756 7100 04 tra -18,ic 002606 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 488 else if status ^= 0 then call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_info_path); 002631 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 002632 aa 777754 6000 04 tze -20,ic 002606 002633 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002634 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 002635 ia 4 00062 3521 00 epp2 pr4|50 fsm_info_path 002636 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 002637 aa 775205 3520 04 epp2 -1403,ic 000044 = 404000000043 002640 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 002641 aa 775214 3520 04 epp2 -1396,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002642 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 002643 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 002644 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 002645 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 002646 aa 003602 3520 04 epp2 1922,ic 006450 = 000260627000 002647 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 490 end; 002650 aa 777736 7100 04 tra -34,ic 002606 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 516 do while (^fsm_info_ptr_valid); 002651 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 002652 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002653 ia 4 00136 2351 00 lda pr4|94 fsm_info_ptr_valid 002654 aa 000453 6010 04 tnz 299,ic 003327 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 517 system_free_area_ptr = get_system_free_area_ (); 002655 aa 6 00222 3521 00 epp2 pr6|146 system_free_area_ptr 002656 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 002657 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 002660 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 002661 la 4 00174 3521 20 epp2 pr4|124,* get_system_free_area_ 002662 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 518 star_entry_ptr, star_names_ptr = null; 002663 aa 775211 3734 24 epp7 -1399,ic* 002664 aa 6 00226 6535 00 spri7 pr6|150 star_entry_ptr 002665 aa 6 00230 6535 00 spri7 pr6|152 star_names_ptr STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 519 on cleanup begin; 002666 aa 000007 7260 07 lxl6 7,dl 002667 aa 775207 3520 04 epp2 -1401,ic 000076 = 143154145141 002670 aa 0 00717 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|463 enable_op 002671 aa 000004 7100 04 tra 4,ic 002675 002672 aa 000100000000 002673 aa 000054 7100 04 tra 44,ic 002747 BEGIN CONDITION cleanup.6 ENTRY TO cleanup.6 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 519 on cleanup begin; 002674 da 000633200000 002675 aa 000100 6270 00 eax7 64 002676 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 002677 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 002700 aa 000000000000 002701 aa 000000000000 002702 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 521 if star_names_ptr ^= null then free star_names in (system_free_area); 002703 aa 6 00040 3735 20 epp7 pr6|32,* 002704 aa 7 00230 2371 00 ldaq pr7|152 star_names_ptr 002705 aa 775167 6770 04 eraq -1417,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 002706 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 002707 aa 000030 6000 04 tze 24,ic 002737 002710 aa 775160 2370 04 ldaq -1424,ic 000070 = 000000000000 000000000000 002711 aa 7 00240 7571 00 staq pr7|160 002712 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 002713 aa 7 00232 7561 00 stq pr7|154 002714 aa 6 00040 3735 20 epp7 pr6|32,* 002715 aa 7 00232 7271 00 lxl7 pr7|154 002716 aa 7 00226 3715 20 epp5 pr7|150,* star_entry_ptr 002717 aa 5 77777 2351 17 lda pr5|-1,7 star_entries.nnames 002720 aa 000002 7350 00 als 2 002721 aa 000070 7730 00 lrl 56 002722 aa 000044 7770 00 llr 36 002723 aa 000044 7330 00 lrs 36 002724 aa 7 00240 0771 00 adaq pr7|160 002725 aa 7 00240 7571 00 staq pr7|160 002726 aa 7 00232 2361 00 ldq pr7|154 002727 aa 7 00232 0541 00 aos pr7|154 002730 aa 7 00225 1161 00 cmpq pr7|149 star_entry_count 002731 aa 777763 6040 04 tmi -13,ic 002714 002732 aa 000010 2360 07 ldq 8,dl 002733 aa 7 00240 3521 00 epp2 pr7|160 002734 aa 0 00671 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|441 mpfx2 002735 aa 7 00230 3715 00 epp5 pr7|152 star_names_ptr 002736 aa 0 01404 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|772 op_freen_ STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 523 if star_entry_ptr ^= null then free star_entries in (system_free_area); 002737 aa 6 00040 3735 20 epp7 pr6|32,* 002740 aa 7 00226 2371 00 ldaq pr7|150 star_entry_ptr 002741 aa 775133 6770 04 eraq -1445,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 002742 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 002743 aa 000003 6000 04 tze 3,ic 002746 002744 aa 7 00226 3715 00 epp5 pr7|150 star_entry_ptr 002745 aa 0 01404 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|772 op_freen_ STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 525 end; 002746 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END CONDITION cleanup.6 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 526 call hcs_$star_ (fsm_dir_path, "*.fsm_", star_BRANCHES_ONLY, system_free_area_ptr, star_entry_count, star_entry_ptr, star_names_ptr, status); 002747 aa 775123 2370 04 ldaq -1453,ic 000072 = 052056146163 155137000000 002750 aa 6 00300 7571 00 staq pr6|192 002751 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002752 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 002753 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 002754 aa 6 00300 3521 00 epp2 pr6|192 002755 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 002756 aa 775102 3520 04 epp2 -1470,ic 000060 = 000000000002 002757 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 002760 aa 6 00222 3521 00 epp2 pr6|146 system_free_area_ptr 002761 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 002762 aa 6 00225 3521 00 epp2 pr6|149 star_entry_count 002763 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 002764 aa 6 00226 3521 00 epp2 pr6|150 star_entry_ptr 002765 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 002766 aa 6 00230 3521 00 epp2 pr6|152 star_names_ptr 002767 aa 6 00426 2521 00 spri2 pr6|278 002770 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 002771 aa 6 00430 2521 00 spri2 pr6|280 002772 aa 775063 3520 04 epp2 -1485,ic 000055 = 526000000250 002773 aa 6 00432 2521 00 spri2 pr6|282 002774 aa 775036 3520 04 epp2 -1506,ic 000032 = 524000000006 002775 aa 6 00434 2521 00 spri2 pr6|284 002776 aa 775047 3520 04 epp2 -1497,ic 000045 = 404000000002 002777 aa 6 00436 2521 00 spri2 pr6|286 003000 aa 775056 3520 04 epp2 -1490,ic 000056 = 464000000000 003001 aa 6 00440 2521 00 spri2 pr6|288 003002 aa 6 00444 2521 00 spri2 pr6|292 003003 aa 6 00446 2521 00 spri2 pr6|294 003004 aa 775053 3520 04 epp2 -1493,ic 000057 = 404000000021 003005 aa 6 00442 2521 00 spri2 pr6|290 003006 aa 775036 3520 04 epp2 -1506,ic 000044 = 404000000043 003007 aa 6 00450 2521 00 spri2 pr6|296 003010 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 003011 aa 040000 4310 07 fld 16384,dl 003012 la 4 00210 3521 20 epp2 pr4|136,* hcs_$star_ 003013 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 528 if status ^= 0 & status ^= error_table_$nomatch then call signal_fsm_error (status, fsm_info_path); 003014 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 003015 aa 000022 6000 04 tze 18,ic 003037 003016 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003017 la 4 00166 1161 20 cmpq pr4|118,* error_table_$nomatch 003020 aa 000017 6000 04 tze 15,ic 003037 003021 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 003022 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 003023 ia 4 00062 3521 00 epp2 pr4|50 fsm_info_path 003024 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 003025 aa 775017 3520 04 epp2 -1521,ic 000044 = 404000000043 003026 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 003027 aa 775026 3520 04 epp2 -1514,ic 000055 = 526000000250 003030 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 003031 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 003032 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 003033 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 003034 aa 003414 3520 04 epp2 1804,ic 006450 = 000260627000 003035 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc 003036 aa 777614 7100 04 tra -116,ic 002652 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 530 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 531 seg_cnt, max_seg_idx = 0; 003037 aa 6 00216 4501 00 stz pr6|142 seg_cnt 003040 aa 6 00205 4501 00 stz pr6|133 max_seg_idx STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 532 do i = 1 to star_entry_count; 003041 aa 6 00225 2361 00 ldq pr6|149 star_entry_count 003042 aa 6 00233 7561 00 stq pr6|155 003043 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 003044 aa 6 00204 7561 00 stq pr6|132 i 003045 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 003046 aa 6 00204 2361 00 ldq pr6|132 i 003047 aa 6 00233 1161 00 cmpq pr6|155 003050 aa 000056 6054 04 tpnz 46,ic 003126 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 533 primary_name = star_names (star_entries (i).nindex); 003051 aa 6 00226 3735 20 epp7 pr6|150,* star_entry_ptr 003052 aa 7 77777 2361 06 ldq pr7|-1,ql star_entries.nindex 003053 aa 0 00374 3771 00 anaq pr0|252 = 000000000000 000000777777 003054 aa 000003 7360 00 qls 3 003055 aa 6 00230 3715 20 epp5 pr6|152,* star_names_ptr 003056 aa 5 77770 3715 06 epp5 pr5|-8,ql star_names 003057 aa 040 100 100 500 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(040) 003060 aa 5 00000 00 0040 desc9a pr5|0,32 star_names 003061 aa 6 00206 00 0040 desc9a pr6|134,32 primary_name STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 534 if verify (before (primary_name, "."), "0123456789") = 0 & substr (primary_name, 1, 1) ^= "0" then do; 003062 aa 000 003 124 500 scm (pr),(du),mask(000) 003063 aa 6 00206 00 0040 desc9a pr6|134,32 primary_name 003064 aa 056000 00 0001 desc9a 23552,1 003065 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 003066 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 003067 aa 6 00253 7561 00 stq pr6|171 003070 aa 000 000 164 540 tct (pr,rl) 003071 aa 6 00206 00 0006 desc9a pr6|134,ql primary_name 003072 aa 003500 0000 04 arg 1856,ic 006570 = 777777777777 003073 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 003074 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 003075 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 003076 aa 000002 6070 04 ttf 2,ic 003100 003077 aa 000001 3360 07 lcq 1,dl 003100 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 003101 aa 000023 6010 04 tnz 19,ic 003124 003102 aa 6 00206 2351 00 lda pr6|134 primary_name 003103 aa 0 00022 3771 00 anaq pr0|18 = 777000000000 000000000000 003104 aa 060000 1150 03 cmpa 24576,du 003105 aa 000017 6000 04 tze 15,ic 003124 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 537 seg_cnt = seg_cnt + 1; 003106 aa 6 00216 0541 00 aos pr6|142 seg_cnt STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 538 seg_idx = bin (before (primary_name, ".")); 003107 aa 6 00206 3535 00 epp3 pr6|134 primary_name 003110 aa 6 00253 2361 00 ldq pr6|171 003111 aa 000053 7270 07 lxl7 43,dl 003112 aa 6 00300 3515 00 epp1 pr6|192 003113 aa 000107 2350 07 lda 71,dl 003114 aa 000004 7260 07 lxl6 4,dl 003115 aa 6 00456 3715 00 epp5 pr6|302 003116 aa 0 01257 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|687 any_to_any_truncate_ 003117 aa 6 00300 2371 00 ldaq pr6|192 003120 aa 6 00217 7561 00 stq pr6|143 seg_idx STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 539 if seg_idx > max_seg_idx then max_seg_idx = seg_idx; 003121 aa 6 00205 1161 00 cmpq pr6|133 max_seg_idx 003122 aa 000002 6044 04 tmoz 2,ic 003124 003123 aa 6 00205 7561 00 stq pr6|133 max_seg_idx STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 541 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 542 end; 003124 aa 6 00204 0541 00 aos pr6|132 i 003125 aa 777721 7100 04 tra -47,ic 003046 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 543 if star_names_ptr ^= null then free star_names in (system_free_area); 003126 aa 6 00230 2371 00 ldaq pr6|152 star_names_ptr 003127 aa 774745 6770 04 eraq -1563,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 003130 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 003131 aa 000027 6000 04 tze 23,ic 003160 003132 aa 774736 2370 04 ldaq -1570,ic 000070 = 000000000000 000000000000 003133 aa 6 00234 7571 00 staq pr6|156 003134 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 003135 aa 6 00232 7561 00 stq pr6|154 003136 aa 6 00232 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|154 003137 aa 6 00226 3735 20 epp7 pr6|150,* star_entry_ptr 003140 aa 7 77777 2351 17 lda pr7|-1,7 star_entries.nnames 003141 aa 000002 7350 00 als 2 003142 aa 000070 7730 00 lrl 56 003143 aa 000044 7770 00 llr 36 003144 aa 000044 7330 00 lrs 36 003145 aa 6 00234 0771 00 adaq pr6|156 003146 aa 6 00234 7571 00 staq pr6|156 003147 aa 6 00232 2361 00 ldq pr6|154 003150 aa 6 00232 0541 00 aos pr6|154 003151 aa 6 00225 1161 00 cmpq pr6|149 star_entry_count 003152 aa 777764 6040 04 tmi -12,ic 003136 003153 aa 000010 2360 07 ldq 8,dl 003154 aa 6 00234 3521 00 epp2 pr6|156 003155 aa 0 00671 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|441 mpfx2 003156 aa 6 00230 3715 00 epp5 pr6|152 star_names_ptr 003157 aa 0 01404 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|772 op_freen_ STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 545 if star_entry_ptr ^= null then free star_entries in (system_free_area); 003160 aa 6 00226 2371 00 ldaq pr6|150 star_entry_ptr 003161 aa 774713 6770 04 eraq -1589,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 003162 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 003163 aa 000003 6000 04 tze 3,ic 003166 003164 aa 6 00226 3715 00 epp5 pr6|150 star_entry_ptr 003165 aa 0 01404 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|772 op_freen_ STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 547 if max_seg_idx ^= seg_cnt | seg_cnt ^= fsm_info.seg_cnt then call signal_fsm_error (error_table_$bad_segment, fsm_info_path); 003166 aa 6 00205 2361 00 ldq pr6|133 max_seg_idx 003167 aa 6 00216 1161 00 cmpq pr6|142 seg_cnt 003170 aa 000006 6010 04 tnz 6,ic 003176 003171 aa 6 00216 2361 00 ldq pr6|142 seg_cnt 003172 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003173 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 003174 aa 7 00001 1161 00 cmpq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 003175 aa 000020 6000 04 tze 16,ic 003215 003176 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003177 la 4 00154 3521 20 epp2 pr4|108,* error_table_$bad_segment 003200 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 003201 ia 4 00062 3521 00 epp2 pr4|50 fsm_info_path 003202 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 003203 aa 774641 3520 04 epp2 -1631,ic 000044 = 404000000043 003204 aa 6 00274 2521 00 spri2 pr6|188 003205 aa 774650 3520 04 epp2 -1624,ic 000055 = 526000000250 003206 aa 6 00276 2521 00 spri2 pr6|190 003207 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 003210 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 003211 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 003212 aa 003236 3520 04 epp2 1694,ic 006450 = 000260627000 003213 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc 003214 aa 777436 7100 04 tra -226,ic 002652 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 549 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 550 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 003215 aa 7 00001 2361 00 ldq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 003216 aa 6 00236 7561 00 stq pr6|158 003217 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 003220 aa 6 00217 7561 00 stq pr6|143 seg_idx 003221 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 003222 aa 6 00217 2361 00 ldq pr6|143 seg_idx 003223 aa 6 00236 1161 00 cmpq pr6|158 003224 aa 000077 6054 04 tpnz 63,ic 003323 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 551 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process ^= ""b then do; 003225 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 003226 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003227 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 003230 aa 7 77775 2351 06 lda pr7|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 003231 aa 000070 6000 04 tze 56,ic 003321 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 553 call set_lock_$lock ((fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process), 0, status) ; 003232 aa 6 00253 7551 00 sta pr6|171 003233 aa 6 00251 4501 00 stz pr6|169 003234 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 003235 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 003236 aa 6 00251 3521 00 epp2 pr6|169 003237 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 003240 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 003241 aa 6 00262 2521 00 spri2 pr6|178 003242 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 003243 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 003244 la 4 00216 3521 20 epp2 pr4|142,* set_lock_$lock 003245 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 555 if status = error_table_$invalid_lock_reset then do; 003246 aa 6 00220 2361 00 ldq pr6|144 status 003247 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003250 la 4 00156 1161 20 cmpq pr4|110,* error_table_$invalid_lock_reset 003251 aa 000050 6010 04 tnz 40,ic 003321 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 557 call hcs_$truncate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 003252 aa 6 00217 3521 00 epp2 pr6|143 seg_idx 003253 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 003254 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 003255 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 003256 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 003257 aa 6 00264 6211 00 eax1 pr6|180 003260 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 003261 aa 003053 3520 04 epp2 1579,ic 006334 = 000120627000 003262 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 003263 aa 6 00251 4501 00 stz pr6|169 003264 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003265 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 003266 aa 6 00322 2521 00 spri2 pr6|210 003267 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 003270 aa 6 00324 2521 00 spri2 pr6|212 003271 aa 6 00251 3521 00 epp2 pr6|169 003272 aa 6 00326 2521 00 spri2 pr6|214 003273 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 status 003274 aa 6 00330 2521 00 spri2 pr6|216 003275 aa 774560 3520 04 epp2 -1680,ic 000055 = 526000000250 003276 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 003277 aa 774551 3520 04 epp2 -1687,ic 000050 = 524000000040 003300 aa 6 00334 2521 00 spri2 pr6|220 003301 aa 774542 3520 04 epp2 -1694,ic 000043 = 404000000023 003302 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 003303 aa 774541 3520 04 epp2 -1695,ic 000044 = 404000000043 003304 aa 6 00340 2521 00 spri2 pr6|224 003305 aa 6 00320 6211 00 eax1 pr6|208 003306 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 003307 la 4 00150 3521 20 epp2 pr4|104,* hcs_$truncate_file 003310 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 559 unspec (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx)) = ""b; 003311 aa 6 00217 2361 00 ldq pr6|143 seg_idx 003312 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 003313 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003314 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 003315 aa 7 77775 3735 06 epp7 pr7|-3,ql 003316 aa 000 100 100 400 mlr (),(pr),fill(000) 003317 aa 000000 00 0000 desc9a 0,0 003320 aa 7 00000 00 0024 desc9a pr7|0,20 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 560 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 561 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 562 end; 003321 aa 6 00217 0541 00 aos pr6|143 seg_idx 003322 aa 777700 7100 04 tra -64,ic 003222 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 563 fsm_info_ptr_valid = True; 003323 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 003324 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003325 ia 4 00136 7551 00 sta pr4|94 fsm_info_ptr_valid STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 564 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 565 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 566 end; 003326 aa 777324 7100 04 tra -300,ic 002652 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 567 return; 003327 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 571 end appropriate_fsm_info; END PROCEDURE appropriate_fsm_info BEGIN PROCEDURE description_of_location ENTRY TO description_of_location STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 573 description_of_location: proc (location) returns (char (256) varying) recursive; 003330 da 000644220000 003331 aa 000560 6270 00 eax7 368 003332 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 003333 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 003334 aa 000004000000 003335 aa 000000000000 003336 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 622 if location = null then return ("null"); 003337 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 003340 aa 7 00002 2371 20 ldaq pr7|2,* location 003341 aa 774533 6770 04 eraq -1701,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 003342 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 003343 aa 000007 6010 04 tnz 7,ic 003352 003344 aa 774465 2350 04 lda -1739,ic 000031 = 156165154154 003345 aa 7 00004 7551 20 sta pr7|4,* 003346 aa 000004 2360 07 ldq 4,dl 003347 aa 7 00004 3715 20 epp5 pr7|4,* 003350 aa 5 77777 7561 00 stq pr5|-1 003351 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 627 if substr (unspec (location), 58, 6) = ""b /* Unfortunately, there is no builtin to get the bit offset. */ then bit_offset = ""; 003352 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* 003353 aa 5 00001 2351 00 lda pr5|1 003354 aa 000025 7350 00 als 21 003355 aa 0 00014 3771 00 anaq pr0|12 = 770000000000 000000000000 003356 aa 6 00320 7551 00 sta pr6|208 003357 aa 000003 6010 04 tnz 3,ic 003362 003360 aa 6 00100 4501 00 stz pr6|64 bit_offset 003361 aa 000053 7100 04 tra 43,ic 003434 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 629 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 630 bit_offset = "("; 003362 aa 050000 2350 03 lda 20480,du 003363 aa 6 00101 7551 00 sta pr6|65 bit_offset 003364 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 003365 aa 6 00100 7561 00 stq pr6|64 bit_offset STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 631 bit_offset = bit_offset || ltrim (char (fixed (substr (unspec (location), 58, 6)))); 003366 aa 6 00320 2351 00 lda pr6|208 003367 aa 000102 7730 00 lrl 66 003370 aa 6 00332 7571 00 staq pr6|218 003371 aa 000 100 301 500 btd (pr),(pr) 003372 aa 6 00332 00 0010 desc9a pr6|218,8 003373 aa 6 00334 01 0030 desc9ls pr6|220,24,0 003374 aa 100 004 024 500 mvne (pr),(ic),(pr) 003375 aa 6 00334 01 0030 desc9ls pr6|220,24,0 003376 aa 003172 00 0007 desc9a 1658,7 006566 = 403040022140 003377 aa 6 00322 00 0032 desc9a pr6|210,26 003400 aa 000 000 164 500 tct (pr) 003401 aa 6 00322 00 0032 desc9a pr6|210,26 003402 aa 0 76605 0001 00 arg pr0|-635 = 777777777777 003403 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 003404 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 003405 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 003406 aa 6 00320 7561 00 stq pr6|208 003407 aa 000032 2360 07 ldq 26,dl 003410 aa 6 00320 1761 00 sbq pr6|208 003411 aa 6 00331 7561 00 stq pr6|217 003412 aa 6 00320 2351 00 lda pr6|208 003413 aa 000004 2360 07 ldq 4,dl 003414 aa 6 00100 1761 00 sbq pr6|64 bit_offset 003415 aa 6 00331 1161 00 cmpq pr6|217 003416 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 003420 003417 aa 6 00331 2361 00 ldq pr6|217 003420 aa 6 00100 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|64 bit_offset 003421 aa 6 00100 0561 00 asq pr6|64 bit_offset 003422 aa 040 157 100 545 mlr (pr,rl,al),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 003423 aa 6 00322 00 0006 desc9a pr6|210,ql 003424 aa 6 00101 00 0006 desc9a pr6|65,ql bit_offset STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 632 bit_offset = bit_offset || ")"; 003425 aa 6 00100 2361 00 ldq pr6|64 bit_offset 003426 aa 000004 1160 07 cmpq 4,dl 003427 aa 000005 6050 04 tpl 5,ic 003434 003430 aa 6 00100 0541 00 aos pr6|64 bit_offset 003431 aa 040 106 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,ql),fill(040) 003432 aa 003356 00 0001 desc9a 1774,1 007007 = 051000000000 003433 aa 6 00101 00 0001 desc9a pr6|65,1 bit_offset STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 633 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 634 if rel (location) = ""b & bit_offset = "" then word_offset = ""; 003434 aa 7 00002 3535 20 epp3 pr7|2,* location 003435 aa 3 00000 3535 20 epp3 pr3|0,* location 003436 aa 3 00000 6351 00 eaa pr3|0 location 003437 aa 6 00320 7551 00 sta pr6|208 003440 aa 000010 6010 04 tnz 8,ic 003450 003441 aa 6 00100 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|64 bit_offset 003442 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 003443 aa 6 00101 00 0017 desc9a pr6|65,x7 bit_offset 003444 aa 003342 00 0000 desc9a 1762,0 007004 = 044000000000 003445 aa 000003 6010 04 tnz 3,ic 003450 003446 aa 6 00310 4501 00 stz pr6|200 word_offset 003447 aa 000033 7100 04 tra 27,ic 003502 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 636 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 637 word_offset = "|"; 003450 aa 174000 2350 03 lda 63488,du 003451 aa 6 00311 7551 00 sta pr6|201 word_offset 003452 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 003453 aa 6 00310 7561 00 stq pr6|200 word_offset STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 638 word_offset = word_offset || octal_representation (fixed (rel (location))); 003454 aa 6 00320 2351 00 lda pr6|208 003455 aa 000066 7730 00 lrl 54 003456 aa 6 00331 7561 00 stq pr6|217 003457 aa 6 00331 3521 00 epp2 pr6|217 003460 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 003461 aa 6 00335 3521 00 epp2 pr6|221 003462 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 003463 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 003464 aa 6 00342 6211 00 eax1 pr6|226 003465 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 003466 aa 001613 3520 04 epp2 907,ic 005301 = 000120627000 003467 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 003470 aa 000010 2360 07 ldq 8,dl 003471 aa 6 00310 1761 00 sbq pr6|200 word_offset 003472 aa 6 00334 1161 00 cmpq pr6|220 003473 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 003475 003474 aa 6 00334 2361 00 ldq pr6|220 003475 aa 6 00310 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|200 word_offset 003476 aa 6 00310 0561 00 asq pr6|200 word_offset 003477 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 003500 aa 6 00335 00 0006 desc9a pr6|221,ql 003501 aa 6 00311 00 0006 desc9a pr6|201,ql word_offset STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 639 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 643 call hcs_$fs_get_path_name (location, dir_name, dir_name_len, seg_name, status); 003502 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 003503 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* location 003504 aa 6 00354 2521 00 spri2 pr6|236 003505 aa 6 00204 3521 00 epp2 pr6|132 dir_name 003506 aa 6 00356 2521 00 spri2 pr6|238 003507 aa 6 00256 3521 00 epp2 pr6|174 dir_name_len 003510 aa 6 00360 2521 00 spri2 pr6|240 003511 aa 6 00272 3521 00 epp2 pr6|186 seg_name 003512 aa 6 00362 2521 00 spri2 pr6|242 003513 aa 6 00303 3521 00 epp2 pr6|195 status 003514 aa 6 00364 2521 00 spri2 pr6|244 003515 aa 774341 3520 04 epp2 -1823,ic 000056 = 464000000000 003516 aa 6 00366 2521 00 spri2 pr6|246 003517 aa 774336 3520 04 epp2 -1826,ic 000055 = 526000000250 003520 aa 6 00370 2521 00 spri2 pr6|248 003521 aa 774336 3520 04 epp2 -1826,ic 000057 = 404000000021 003522 aa 6 00372 2521 00 spri2 pr6|250 003523 aa 774327 3520 04 epp2 -1833,ic 000052 = 526000000040 003524 aa 6 00374 2521 00 spri2 pr6|252 003525 aa 774317 3520 04 epp2 -1841,ic 000044 = 404000000043 003526 aa 6 00376 2521 00 spri2 pr6|254 003527 aa 6 00352 6211 00 eax1 pr6|234 003530 aa 024000 4310 07 fld 10240,dl 003531 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003532 la 4 00230 3521 20 epp2 pr4|152,* hcs_$fs_get_path_name 003533 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 644 if status ^= 0 then do; 003534 aa 6 00303 2361 00 ldq pr6|195 status 003535 aa 000065 6000 04 tze 53,ic 003622 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 646 description = octal_representation (fixed (baseno (location))); 003536 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 003537 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* location 003540 aa 5 00000 3715 20 epp5 pr5|0,* location 003541 aa 5 00000 2131 00 epaq pr5|0 location 003542 aa 077777 3750 03 ana 32767,du 003543 aa 000066 7730 00 lrl 54 003544 aa 6 00331 7561 00 stq pr6|217 003545 aa 6 00331 3521 00 epp2 pr6|217 003546 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 003547 aa 6 00335 3521 00 epp2 pr6|221 003550 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 003551 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 003552 aa 6 00342 6211 00 eax1 pr6|226 003553 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 003554 aa 001525 3520 04 epp2 853,ic 005301 = 000120627000 003555 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 003556 aa 6 00334 2361 00 ldq pr6|220 003557 aa 6 00103 7561 00 stq pr6|67 description 003560 aa 040 140 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl),fill(040) 003561 aa 6 00335 00 0006 desc9a pr6|221,ql 003562 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 647 description = description || word_offset; 003563 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 003564 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 003565 aa 6 00310 1161 00 cmpq pr6|200 word_offset 003566 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 003570 003567 aa 6 00310 2361 00 ldq pr6|200 word_offset 003570 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 003571 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 003572 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 003573 aa 6 00311 00 0006 desc9a pr6|201,ql word_offset 003574 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 648 description = description || bit_offset; 003575 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 003576 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 003577 aa 6 00100 1161 00 cmpq pr6|64 bit_offset 003600 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 003602 003601 aa 6 00100 2361 00 ldq pr6|64 bit_offset 003602 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 003603 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 003604 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 003605 aa 6 00101 00 0006 desc9a pr6|65,ql bit_offset 003606 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 649 description = description || " (Segment number invalid)"; 003607 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 003610 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 003611 aa 000031 1160 07 cmpq 25,dl 003612 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 003614 003613 aa 000031 2360 07 ldq 25,dl 003614 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 003615 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 003616 aa 040 157 100 444 mlr (rl,ic),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 003617 aa 774350 00 0006 desc9a -1816,ql 000166 = 040050123145 003620 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 650 end; 003621 aa 000626 7100 04 tra 406,ic 004447 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 651 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 652 if dir_name = ">" then description = ""; 003622 aa 040 004 106 500 cmpc (pr),(ic),fill(040) 003623 aa 6 00204 00 0250 desc9a pr6|132,168 dir_name 003624 aa 003163 00 0001 desc9a 1651,1 007005 = 076000000000 003625 aa 000003 6010 04 tnz 3,ic 003630 003626 aa 6 00103 4501 00 stz pr6|67 description 003627 aa 000031 7100 04 tra 25,ic 003660 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 654 else if dir_name = get_pdir_ () then description = "[pd]"; 003630 aa 6 00400 3521 00 epp2 pr6|256 003631 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 003632 aa 6 00334 6211 00 eax1 pr6|220 003633 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 003634 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003635 la 4 00226 3521 20 epp2 pr4|150,* get_pdir_ 003636 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out 003637 aa 040 100 106 500 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 003640 aa 6 00204 00 0250 desc9a pr6|132,168 dir_name 003641 aa 6 00400 00 0250 desc9a pr6|256,168 003642 aa 000006 6010 04 tnz 6,ic 003650 003643 aa 774165 2350 04 lda -1931,ic 000030 = 133160144135 003644 aa 6 00104 7551 00 sta pr6|68 description 003645 aa 000004 2360 07 ldq 4,dl 003646 aa 6 00103 7561 00 stq pr6|67 description 003647 aa 000011 7100 04 tra 9,ic 003660 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 656 else description = substr (dir_name, 1, dir_name_len); 003650 aa 6 00256 2361 00 ldq pr6|174 dir_name_len 003651 aa 000400 1160 07 cmpq 256,dl 003652 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 003654 003653 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 003654 aa 6 00103 7561 00 stq pr6|67 description 003655 aa 040 140 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl),fill(040) 003656 aa 6 00204 00 0006 desc9a pr6|132,ql dir_name 003657 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 657 description = description || ">"; 003660 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 description 003661 aa 000400 1160 07 cmpq 256,dl 003662 aa 000005 6050 04 tpl 5,ic 003667 003663 aa 6 00103 0541 00 aos pr6|67 description 003664 aa 040 106 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,ql),fill(040) 003665 aa 003121 00 0001 desc9a 1617,1 007005 = 076000000000 003666 aa 6 00104 00 0001 desc9a pr6|68,1 description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 658 description = description || rtrim (seg_name); 003667 aa 000 000 165 500 tctr (pr) 003670 aa 6 00272 00 0040 desc9a pr6|186,32 seg_name 003671 aa 0 76605 0001 00 arg pr0|-635 = 777777777777 003672 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 003673 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 003674 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 003675 aa 6 00331 7561 00 stq pr6|217 003676 aa 000040 2360 07 ldq 32,dl 003677 aa 6 00331 1761 00 sbq pr6|217 003700 aa 6 00331 7561 00 stq pr6|217 003701 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 003702 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 003703 aa 6 00331 1161 00 cmpq pr6|217 003704 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 003706 003705 aa 6 00331 2361 00 ldq pr6|217 003706 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 003707 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 003710 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 003711 aa 6 00272 00 0006 desc9a pr6|186,ql seg_name 003712 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 659 call get_entry_name_ (location, entry_name, seg_num, language, status); 003713 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 003714 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* location 003715 aa 6 00354 2521 00 spri2 pr6|236 003716 aa 6 00257 3521 00 epp2 pr6|175 entry_name 003717 aa 6 00356 2521 00 spri2 pr6|238 003720 aa 6 00302 3521 00 epp2 pr6|194 seg_num 003721 aa 6 00360 2521 00 spri2 pr6|240 003722 aa 6 00270 3521 00 epp2 pr6|184 language 003723 aa 6 00362 2521 00 spri2 pr6|242 003724 aa 6 00303 3521 00 epp2 pr6|195 status 003725 aa 6 00364 2521 00 spri2 pr6|244 003726 aa 774130 3520 04 epp2 -1960,ic 000056 = 464000000000 003727 aa 6 00366 2521 00 spri2 pr6|246 003730 aa 774122 3520 04 epp2 -1966,ic 000052 = 526000000040 003731 aa 6 00370 2521 00 spri2 pr6|248 003732 aa 774075 3520 04 epp2 -1987,ic 000027 = 404000000022 003733 aa 6 00372 2521 00 spri2 pr6|250 003734 aa 774072 3520 04 epp2 -1990,ic 000026 = 524000000010 003735 aa 6 00374 2521 00 spri2 pr6|252 003736 aa 774106 3520 04 epp2 -1978,ic 000044 = 404000000043 003737 aa 6 00376 2521 00 spri2 pr6|254 003740 aa 6 00352 6211 00 eax1 pr6|234 003741 aa 024000 4310 07 fld 10240,dl 003742 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 003743 la 4 00224 3521 20 epp2 pr4|148,* get_entry_name_ 003744 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 660 if status = 0 then do; 003745 aa 6 00303 2361 00 ldq pr6|195 status 003746 aa 000035 6010 04 tnz 29,ic 004003 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 662 description = description || "$"; 003747 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 description 003750 aa 000400 1160 07 cmpq 256,dl 003751 aa 000005 6050 04 tpl 5,ic 003756 003752 aa 6 00103 0541 00 aos pr6|67 description 003753 aa 040 106 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,ql),fill(040) 003754 aa 003031 00 0001 desc9a 1561,1 007004 = 044000000000 003755 aa 6 00104 00 0001 desc9a pr6|68,1 description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 663 description = description || rtrim (entry_name); 003756 aa 000 000 165 500 tctr (pr) 003757 aa 6 00257 00 0040 desc9a pr6|175,32 entry_name 003760 aa 0 76605 0001 00 arg pr0|-635 = 777777777777 003761 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 003762 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 003763 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 003764 aa 6 00331 7561 00 stq pr6|217 003765 aa 000040 2360 07 ldq 32,dl 003766 aa 6 00331 1761 00 sbq pr6|217 003767 aa 6 00331 7561 00 stq pr6|217 003770 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 003771 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 003772 aa 6 00331 1161 00 cmpq pr6|217 003773 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 003775 003774 aa 6 00331 2361 00 ldq pr6|217 003775 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 003776 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 003777 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004000 aa 6 00257 00 0006 desc9a pr6|175,ql entry_name 004001 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 664 end; 004002 aa 000025 7100 04 tra 21,ic 004027 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 665 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 666 description = description || word_offset; 004003 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004004 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004005 aa 6 00310 1161 00 cmpq pr6|200 word_offset 004006 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004010 004007 aa 6 00310 2361 00 ldq pr6|200 word_offset 004010 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004011 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004012 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004013 aa 6 00311 00 0006 desc9a pr6|201,ql word_offset 004014 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 667 description = description || bit_offset; 004015 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004016 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004017 aa 6 00100 1161 00 cmpq pr6|64 bit_offset 004020 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004022 004021 aa 6 00100 2361 00 ldq pr6|64 bit_offset 004022 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004023 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004024 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004025 aa 6 00101 00 0006 desc9a pr6|65,ql bit_offset 004026 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 668 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 669 if ptr (location, 0) = stackbaseptr then do; 004027 aa 6 00000 3525 00 epbp2 pr6|0 004030 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 004031 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 004032 aa 7 00002 3515 20 epp1 pr7|2,* location 004033 aa 1 00000 3511 20 epbp1 pr1|0,* location 004034 aa 6 00452 2515 00 spri1 pr6|298 004035 aa 6 00452 2371 00 ldaq pr6|298 004036 aa 6 00332 6771 00 eraq pr6|218 004037 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 004040 aa 000174 6010 04 tnz 124,ic 004234 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 671 sp = stackframeptr; 004041 aa 6 00314 6521 00 spri6 pr6|204 sp STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 672 do while (rel (sp) > rel (location) & stack_frame.prev_sp ^= null); 004042 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 004043 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* location 004044 aa 5 00000 3715 20 epp5 pr5|0,* location 004045 aa 5 00000 6351 00 eaa pr5|0 location 004046 aa 6 00331 7551 00 sta pr6|217 004047 aa 6 00314 6351 20 eaa pr6|204,* sp 004050 aa 6 00331 1151 00 cmpa pr6|217 004051 aa 6 00320 7551 00 sta pr6|208 004052 aa 000012 6020 04 tnc 10,ic 004064 004053 aa 000011 6000 04 tze 9,ic 004064 004054 aa 6 00314 3535 20 epp3 pr6|204,* sp 004055 aa 3 00020 2371 00 ldaq pr3|16 stack_frame.prev_sp 004056 aa 774016 6770 04 eraq -2034,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 004057 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 004060 aa 000004 6000 04 tze 4,ic 004064 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 673 sp = stack_frame.prev_sp; 004061 aa 3 00020 3515 20 epp1 pr3|16,* stack_frame.prev_sp 004062 aa 6 00314 2515 00 spri1 pr6|204 sp STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 674 end; 004063 aa 777757 7100 04 tra -17,ic 004042 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 675 if rel (sp) <= rel (location) & rel (stack_frame.next_sp) > rel (location) then do; 004064 aa 6 00320 2351 00 lda pr6|208 004065 aa 6 00331 1151 00 cmpa pr6|217 004066 aa 000002 6000 04 tze 2,ic 004070 004067 aa 000360 6030 04 trc 240,ic 004447 004070 aa 6 00314 3535 20 epp3 pr6|204,* sp 004071 aa 3 00022 6351 20 eaa pr3|18,* stack_frame.next_sp 004072 aa 6 00331 1151 00 cmpa pr6|217 004073 aa 000354 6020 04 tnc 236,ic 004447 004074 aa 000353 6000 04 tze 235,ic 004447 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 677 description = description || " (stack_frame"; 004075 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004076 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004077 aa 000015 1160 07 cmpq 13,dl 004100 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004102 004101 aa 000015 2360 07 ldq 13,dl 004102 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004103 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004104 aa 040 157 100 444 mlr (rl,ic),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004105 aa 774017 00 0006 desc9a -2033,ql 000123 = 040050163164 004106 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 678 if location ^= sp then do; 004107 aa 7 00002 2371 20 ldaq pr7|2,* location 004110 aa 6 00314 6771 00 eraq pr6|204 sp 004111 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 004112 aa 000054 6000 04 tze 44,ic 004166 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 680 description = description || "|"; 004113 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 description 004114 aa 000400 1160 07 cmpq 256,dl 004115 aa 000005 6050 04 tpl 5,ic 004122 004116 aa 6 00103 0541 00 aos pr6|67 description 004117 aa 040 106 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,ql),fill(040) 004120 aa 002667 00 0001 desc9a 1463,1 007006 = 174000000000 004121 aa 6 00104 00 0001 desc9a pr6|68,1 description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 681 description = description || octal_representation (fixed (rel (location)) - fixed (rel (sp))); 004122 aa 6 00320 2351 00 lda pr6|208 004123 aa 000066 7730 00 lrl 54 004124 aa 6 00454 7571 00 staq pr6|300 004125 aa 6 00331 2351 00 lda pr6|217 004126 aa 000066 7730 00 lrl 54 004127 aa 6 00454 1771 00 sbaq pr6|300 004130 aa 6 00321 7561 00 stq pr6|209 004131 aa 6 00321 3521 00 epp2 pr6|209 004132 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 004133 aa 6 00335 3521 00 epp2 pr6|221 004134 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 004135 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 004136 aa 6 00342 6211 00 eax1 pr6|226 004137 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 004140 aa 001141 3520 04 epp2 609,ic 005301 = 000120627000 004141 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 004142 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004143 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004144 aa 6 00334 1161 00 cmpq pr6|220 004145 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004147 004146 aa 6 00334 2361 00 ldq pr6|220 004147 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004150 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004151 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004152 aa 6 00335 00 0006 desc9a pr6|221,ql 004153 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 685 description = description || bit_offset; 004154 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004155 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004156 aa 6 00100 1161 00 cmpq pr6|64 bit_offset 004157 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004161 004160 aa 6 00100 2361 00 ldq pr6|64 bit_offset 004161 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004162 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004163 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004164 aa 6 00101 00 0006 desc9a pr6|65,ql bit_offset 004165 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 686 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 687 description = description || " of "; 004166 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004167 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004170 aa 000004 1160 07 cmpq 4,dl 004171 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004173 004172 aa 000004 2360 07 ldq 4,dl 004173 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004174 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004175 aa 040 157 100 444 mlr (rl,ic),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004176 aa 773630 00 0006 desc9a -2152,ql 000025 = 040157146040 004177 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 688 description = description || description_of_location (stack_frame.entry_ptr); 004200 aa 6 00314 3735 20 epp7 pr6|204,* sp 004201 aa 7 00026 3521 00 epp2 pr7|22 stack_frame.entry_ptr 004202 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 004203 aa 6 00457 3521 00 epp2 pr6|303 004204 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 004205 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 004206 aa 6 00342 6211 00 eax1 pr6|226 004207 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 004210 aa 777121 3520 04 epp2 -431,ic 003331 = 000560627000 004211 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 004212 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004213 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004214 aa 6 00456 1161 00 cmpq pr6|302 004215 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004217 004216 aa 6 00456 2361 00 ldq pr6|302 004217 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004220 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004221 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004222 aa 6 00457 00 0006 desc9a pr6|303,ql 004223 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 689 description = description || ")"; 004224 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 description 004225 aa 000400 1160 07 cmpq 256,dl 004226 aa 000005 6050 04 tpl 5,ic 004233 004227 aa 6 00103 0541 00 aos pr6|67 description 004230 aa 040 106 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,ql),fill(040) 004231 aa 002557 00 0001 desc9a 1391,1 007007 = 051000000000 004232 aa 6 00104 00 0001 desc9a pr6|68,1 description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 690 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 691 end; 004233 aa 000214 7100 04 tra 140,ic 004447 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 692 else if index (seg_name, ".area.linker") > 0 then do; 004234 aa 000040 2360 07 ldq 32,dl 004235 aa 6 00272 3521 00 epp2 pr6|186 seg_name 004236 aa 0 01227 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|663 set_chars_eis 004237 aa 000014 2360 07 ldq 12,dl 004240 aa 773646 3520 04 epp2 -2138,ic 000106 = 056141162145 004241 aa 0 01231 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|665 index_chars_eis 004242 aa 000205 6044 04 tmoz 133,ic 004447 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 694 sb = stackbaseptr; 004243 aa 6 00000 3531 00 epbp3 pr6|0 004244 aa 6 00316 2535 00 spri3 pr6|206 sb STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 695 vthp = stack_header.sys_link_info_ptr; 004245 aa 3 00060 3715 20 epp5 pr3|48,* stack_header.sys_link_info_ptr 004246 aa 6 00306 6515 00 spri5 pr6|198 vthp STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 696 if vthp ^= null then do; 004247 aa 6 00306 2371 00 ldaq pr6|198 vthp 004250 aa 773624 6770 04 eraq -2156,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 004251 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 004252 aa 000175 6000 04 tze 125,ic 004447 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 698 checking_external_variables = True; 004253 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 004254 aa 6 00102 7551 00 sta pr6|66 checking_external_variables STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 699 do hash_table_idx = lbound (vthp -> variable_table_header.hash_table, 1) to hbound (vthp -> variable_table_header.hash_table, 1) while (checking_external_variables); 004255 aa 6 00267 4501 00 stz pr6|183 hash_table_idx 004256 aa 6 00267 2361 00 ldq pr6|183 hash_table_idx 004257 aa 000077 1160 07 cmpq 63,dl 004260 aa 000167 6054 04 tpnz 119,ic 004447 004261 aa 6 00102 2351 00 lda pr6|66 checking_external_variables 004262 aa 000165 6000 04 tze 117,ic 004447 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 702 do vnp = vthp -> variable_table_header.hash_table (hash_table_idx) repeat vnp -> variable_node.forward_thread while (vnp ^= null & checking_external_variables); 004263 aa 6 00306 7671 66 lprp7 pr6|198,*ql variable_table_header.hash_table 004264 aa 6 00304 6535 00 spri7 pr6|196 vnp 004265 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 004266 aa 6 00304 2371 00 ldaq pr6|196 vnp 004267 aa 773605 6770 04 eraq -2171,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 004270 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 004271 aa 000154 6000 04 tze 108,ic 004445 004272 aa 6 00102 2351 00 lda pr6|66 checking_external_variables 004273 aa 000152 6000 04 tze 106,ic 004445 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 705 if baseno (vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr) = baseno (location) then if rel (vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr) <= rel (location) & rel ( addrel (vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr, vnp -> variable_node.vbl_size)) > rel (location) then do; 004274 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 004275 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* location 004276 aa 5 00000 3715 20 epp5 pr5|0,* location 004277 aa 5 00000 2131 00 epaq pr5|0 location 004300 aa 077777 3750 03 ana 32767,du 004301 aa 6 00321 7551 00 sta pr6|209 004302 aa 6 00304 3535 20 epp3 pr6|196,* vnp 004303 aa 3 00004 2131 20 epaq pr3|4,* variable_node.vbl_ptr 004304 aa 077777 3750 03 ana 32767,du 004305 aa 6 00321 1151 00 cmpa pr6|209 004306 aa 000134 6010 04 tnz 92,ic 004442 004307 aa 5 00000 6351 00 eaa pr5|0 location 004310 aa 6 00321 7551 00 sta pr6|209 004311 aa 3 00004 6351 20 eaa pr3|4,* variable_node.vbl_ptr 004312 aa 6 00321 1151 00 cmpa pr6|209 004313 aa 000002 6000 04 tze 2,ic 004315 004314 aa 000126 6030 04 trc 86,ic 004442 004315 aa 6 00331 7551 00 sta pr6|217 004316 aa 3 00001 2351 00 lda pr3|1 variable_node.vbl_size 004317 aa 000060 7730 00 lrl 48 004320 aa 3 00004 3521 66 epp2 pr3|4,*ql variable_node.vbl_ptr 004321 aa 000000 0520 03 adwp2 0,du 004322 aa 2 00000 6351 00 eaa pr2|0 004323 aa 6 00321 1151 00 cmpa pr6|209 004324 aa 000116 6020 04 tnc 78,ic 004442 004325 aa 000115 6000 04 tze 77,ic 004442 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 714 checking_external_variables = False; 004326 aa 6 00102 4501 00 stz pr6|66 checking_external_variables STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 715 description = description || " (External Variable "; 004327 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004330 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004331 aa 000024 1160 07 cmpq 20,dl 004332 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004334 004333 aa 000024 2360 07 ldq 20,dl 004334 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004335 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004336 aa 040 157 100 444 mlr (rl,ic),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004337 aa 773601 00 0006 desc9a -2175,ql 000137 = 040050105170 004340 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 716 description = description || vnp ->; 004341 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004342 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004343 aa 3 00010 1161 00 cmpq pr3|8 variable_node.name_size 004344 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004346 004345 aa 3 00010 2361 00 ldq pr3|8 variable_node.name_size 004346 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004347 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004350 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004351 aa 3 00011 00 0006 desc9a pr3|9,ql 004352 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 717 if vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr ^= location then do; 004353 aa 3 00004 2371 00 ldaq pr3|4 variable_node.vbl_ptr 004354 aa 7 00002 6771 20 eraq pr7|2,* location 004355 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 004356 aa 000055 6000 04 tze 45,ic 004433 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 719 description = description || "|"; 004357 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 description 004360 aa 000400 1160 07 cmpq 256,dl 004361 aa 000005 6050 04 tpl 5,ic 004366 004362 aa 6 00103 0541 00 aos pr6|67 description 004363 aa 040 106 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,ql),fill(040) 004364 aa 002423 00 0001 desc9a 1299,1 007006 = 174000000000 004365 aa 6 00104 00 0001 desc9a pr6|68,1 description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 720 description = description || octal_representation ( fixed (rel (location)) - fixed (rel (vnp -> variable_node.vbl_ptr)) ); 004366 aa 6 00331 2351 00 lda pr6|217 004367 aa 000066 7730 00 lrl 54 004370 aa 6 00454 7571 00 staq pr6|300 004371 aa 6 00321 2351 00 lda pr6|209 004372 aa 000066 7730 00 lrl 54 004373 aa 6 00454 1771 00 sbaq pr6|300 004374 aa 6 00320 7561 00 stq pr6|208 004375 aa 6 00454 2521 00 spri2 pr6|300 004376 aa 6 00320 3521 00 epp2 pr6|208 004377 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 004400 aa 6 00335 3521 00 epp2 pr6|221 004401 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 004402 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 004403 aa 6 00342 6211 00 eax1 pr6|226 004404 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 004405 aa 000674 3520 04 epp2 444,ic 005301 = 000120627000 004406 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 004407 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004410 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004411 aa 6 00334 1161 00 cmpq pr6|220 004412 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004414 004413 aa 6 00334 2361 00 ldq pr6|220 004414 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004415 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004416 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004417 aa 6 00335 00 0006 desc9a pr6|221,ql 004420 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 728 description = description || bit_offset; 004421 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 004422 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 description 004423 aa 6 00100 1161 00 cmpq pr6|64 bit_offset 004424 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004426 004425 aa 6 00100 2361 00 ldq pr6|64 bit_offset 004426 aa 6 00103 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|67 description 004427 aa 6 00103 0561 00 asq pr6|67 description 004430 aa 040 157 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl,x7),fill(040) 004431 aa 6 00101 00 0006 desc9a pr6|65,ql bit_offset 004432 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 729 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 730 description = description || ")"; 004433 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 description 004434 aa 000400 1160 07 cmpq 256,dl 004435 aa 000005 6050 04 tpl 5,ic 004442 004436 aa 6 00103 0541 00 aos pr6|67 description 004437 aa 040 106 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,ql),fill(040) 004440 aa 002350 00 0001 desc9a 1256,1 007007 = 051000000000 004441 aa 6 00104 00 0001 desc9a pr6|68,1 description STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 731 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 732 end; 004442 aa 6 00304 7671 20 lprp7 pr6|196,* variable_node.forward_thread 004443 aa 6 00304 6535 00 spri7 pr6|196 vnp 004444 aa 777622 7100 04 tra -110,ic 004266 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 733 end; 004445 aa 6 00267 0541 00 aos pr6|183 hash_table_idx 004446 aa 777610 7100 04 tra -120,ic 004256 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 734 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 735 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 736 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 737 return (description); 004447 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 description 004450 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 004451 aa 7 00004 3715 20 epp5 pr7|4,* 004452 aa 5 77777 7561 00 stq pr5|-1 004453 aa 040 140 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl),fill(040) 004454 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql description 004455 aa 5 00000 00 0006 desc9a pr5|0,ql 004456 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 743 end description_of_location; END PROCEDURE description_of_location BEGIN PROCEDURE get_fsm_dir_dir_path ENTRY TO get_fsm_dir_dir_path STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 745 get_fsm_dir_dir_path: proc (fsm_dir_dir_path); 004457 aa 6 00242 6501 00 spri4 pr6|162 004460 aa 6 00244 2521 00 spri2 pr6|164 004461 aa 2 00002 3521 01 epp2 pr2|2,au 004462 aa 6 00246 2521 00 spri2 pr6|166 004463 aa 2 00000 2361 20 ldq pr2|0,* 004464 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 004466 004465 aa 777777 3760 07 anq 262143,dl 004466 aa 0 00250 3761 00 anq pr0|168 = 000077777777 004467 aa 6 00714 7561 00 stq pr6|460 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 778 fsm_dir_dir_path = ""; 004470 aa 6 00244 3735 20 epp7 pr6|164,* 004471 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* 004472 aa 040 140 100 400 mlr (),(pr,rl),fill(040) 004473 aa 000000 00 0000 desc9a 0,0 004474 aa 5 00000 00 0006 desc9a pr5|0,ql fsm_dir_dir_path STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 779 do while (fsm_dir_dir_path = ""); 004475 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 004476 aa 6 00244 3735 20 epp7 pr6|164,* 004477 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* 004500 aa 6 00714 2351 00 lda pr6|460 004501 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 004502 aa 5 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr5|0,al fsm_dir_dir_path 004503 aa 002303 00 0000 desc9a 1219,0 007004 = 044000000000 004504 aa 000141 6010 04 tnz 97,ic 004645 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 780 call value_$get (null, "11"b, "fsm_dir_dir_path", fsm_dir_dir_path, status); 004505 aa 773367 3534 24 epp3 -2313,ic* 004506 aa 6 00716 2535 00 spri3 pr6|462 004507 aa 600000 2350 03 lda 196608,du 004510 aa 6 00715 7551 00 sta pr6|461 004511 aa 773406 2350 04 lda -2298,ic 000117 = 146163155137 004512 aa 773406 2360 04 ldq -2298,ic 000120 = 144151162137 004513 aa 6 00720 7571 00 staq pr6|464 004514 aa 773405 2350 04 lda -2299,ic 000121 = 144151162137 004515 aa 773405 2360 04 ldq -2299,ic 000122 = 160141164150 004516 aa 6 00722 7571 00 staq pr6|466 004517 aa 6 00716 3521 00 epp2 pr6|462 004520 aa 6 00726 2521 00 spri2 pr6|470 004521 aa 6 00715 3521 00 epp2 pr6|461 004522 aa 6 00730 2521 00 spri2 pr6|472 004523 aa 6 00720 3521 00 epp2 pr6|464 004524 aa 6 00732 2521 00 spri2 pr6|474 004525 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* fsm_dir_dir_path 004526 aa 6 00734 2521 00 spri2 pr6|476 004527 aa 6 00250 3521 00 epp2 pr6|168 status 004530 aa 6 00736 2521 00 spri2 pr6|478 004531 aa 773325 3520 04 epp2 -2347,ic 000056 = 464000000000 004532 aa 6 00740 2521 00 spri2 pr6|480 004533 aa 773326 3520 04 epp2 -2346,ic 000061 = 514000000044 004534 aa 6 00742 2521 00 spri2 pr6|482 004535 aa 773266 3520 04 epp2 -2378,ic 000023 = 524000000020 004536 aa 6 00744 2521 00 spri2 pr6|484 004537 aa 6 00246 3515 20 epp1 pr6|166,* 004540 aa 1 00000 3521 20 epp2 pr1|0,* 004541 aa 6 00746 2521 00 spri2 pr6|486 004542 aa 773302 3520 04 epp2 -2366,ic 000044 = 404000000043 004543 aa 6 00750 2521 00 spri2 pr6|488 004544 aa 6 00724 6211 00 eax1 pr6|468 004545 aa 024000 4310 07 fld 10240,dl 004546 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 004547 la 4 00236 3521 20 epp2 pr4|158,* value_$get 004550 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 781 if fsm_dir_dir_path = "" then fsm_dir_dir_path = get_pdir_ (); 004551 aa 6 00244 3735 20 epp7 pr6|164,* 004552 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* 004553 aa 6 00714 2351 00 lda pr6|460 004554 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 004555 aa 5 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr5|0,al fsm_dir_dir_path 004556 aa 002230 00 0000 desc9a 1176,0 007004 = 044000000000 004557 aa 000017 6010 04 tnz 15,ic 004576 004560 aa 6 00752 3521 00 epp2 pr6|490 004561 aa 6 00722 2521 00 spri2 pr6|466 004562 aa 6 00720 6211 00 eax1 pr6|464 004563 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 004564 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 004565 la 4 00234 3521 20 epp2 pr4|156,* get_pdir_ 004566 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out 004567 aa 6 00244 3735 20 epp7 pr6|164,* 004570 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* 004571 aa 6 00714 2351 00 lda pr6|460 004572 aa 040 140 100 500 mlr (pr),(pr,rl),fill(040) 004573 aa 6 00752 00 0250 desc9a pr6|490,168 004574 aa 5 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr5|0,al fsm_dir_dir_path 004575 aa 777701 7100 04 tra -63,ic 004476 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 783 else if substr (fsm_dir_dir_path, 1, 1) ^= ">" then do; 004576 aa 040 004 106 500 cmpc (pr),(ic),fill(040) 004577 aa 5 00000 00 0001 desc9a pr5|0,1 fsm_dir_dir_path 004600 aa 002207 00 0001 desc9a 1159,1 007005 = 076000000000 004601 aa 777675 6000 04 tze -67,ic 004476 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 785 call signal_fsm_error (error_table_$not_abs_path, "Value segment specifies 'fsm_dir_dir_path' = " || fsm_dir_dir_path); 004602 aa 000055 2360 07 ldq 45,dl 004603 aa 6 00714 0761 00 adq pr6|460 004604 aa 6 01024 7561 00 stq pr6|532 004605 aa 524000 2760 03 orq 174080,du 004606 aa 6 00715 7561 00 stq pr6|461 004607 aa 6 01024 2361 00 ldq pr6|532 004610 aa 0 00551 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|361 alloc_char_temp 004611 aa 040 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(040) 004612 aa 773422 00 0055 desc9a -2286,45 000233 = 126141154165 004613 aa 2 00000 00 0055 desc9a pr2|0,45 004614 aa 6 00714 2351 00 lda pr6|460 004615 aa 040 140 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl),fill(040) 004616 aa 5 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr5|0,al fsm_dir_dir_path 004617 aa 2 00013 20 0005 desc9a pr2|11(1),al 004620 aa 6 00730 2521 00 spri2 pr6|472 004621 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 004622 la 4 00232 3521 20 epp2 pr4|154,* error_table_$not_abs_path 004623 aa 6 00726 2521 00 spri2 pr6|470 004624 aa 773220 3520 04 epp2 -2416,ic 000044 = 404000000043 004625 aa 6 00734 2521 00 spri2 pr6|476 004626 aa 6 00715 3521 00 epp2 pr6|461 004627 aa 6 00736 2521 00 spri2 pr6|478 004630 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 004631 aa 6 00724 6211 00 eax1 pr6|468 004632 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 004633 aa 001615 3520 04 epp2 909,ic 006450 = 000260627000 004634 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 787 fsm_dir_dir_path = ""; 004635 aa 0 01014 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|524 shorten_stack 004636 aa 6 00244 3735 20 epp7 pr6|164,* 004637 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* 004640 aa 6 00714 2351 00 lda pr6|460 004641 aa 040 140 100 400 mlr (),(pr,rl),fill(040) 004642 aa 000000 00 0000 desc9a 0,0 004643 aa 5 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr5|0,al fsm_dir_dir_path STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 788 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 789 end; 004644 aa 777632 7100 04 tra -102,ic 004476 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 790 end get_fsm_dir_dir_path; 004645 aa 6 00242 6101 00 rtcd pr6|162 END PROCEDURE get_fsm_dir_dir_path BEGIN PROCEDURE list_groups ENTRY TO list_groups STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 792 list_groups: proc (max_group_cnt, desired_process); 004646 da 000652200000 004647 aa 000300 6270 00 eax7 192 004650 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 004651 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 004652 aa 000004000000 004653 aa 000000000000 004654 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 818 004655 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 004656 aa 7 00002 2361 20 ldq pr7|2,* max_group_cnt 004657 aa 6 00126 7561 00 stq pr6|86 004660 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 004661 aa 0 00661 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|433 alloc_auto_adj 004662 aa 6 00124 2521 00 spri2 pr6|84 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 837 group_cnt = 0; 004663 aa 6 00103 4501 00 stz pr6|67 group_cnt STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 838 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt while (group_cnt < max_group_cnt); 004664 ia 4 00134 3715 20 epp5 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 004665 aa 5 00001 2361 00 ldq pr5|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 004666 aa 6 00127 7561 00 stq pr6|87 004667 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 004670 aa 6 00121 7561 00 stq pr6|81 seg_idx 004671 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 004672 aa 6 00121 2361 00 ldq pr6|81 seg_idx 004673 aa 6 00127 1161 00 cmpq pr6|87 004674 aa 000034 6054 04 tpnz 28,ic 004730 004675 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 group_cnt 004676 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 004677 aa 7 00002 1161 20 cmpq pr7|2,* max_group_cnt 004700 aa 000030 6050 04 tpl 24,ic 004730 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 839 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = desired_process & fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).first_seg_in_group = seg_idx then do; 004701 aa 6 00121 2361 00 ldq pr6|81 seg_idx 004702 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 004703 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 004704 ia 4 00134 3715 20 epp5 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 004705 aa 5 77775 2351 06 lda pr5|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 004706 aa 7 00004 1151 20 cmpa pr7|4,* desired_process 004707 aa 6 00133 7561 00 stq pr6|91 004710 aa 000016 6010 04 tnz 14,ic 004726 004711 aa 5 77777 2361 06 ldq pr5|-1,ql fsm_info.first_seg_in_group 004712 aa 6 00121 1161 00 cmpq pr6|81 seg_idx 004713 aa 000013 6010 04 tnz 11,ic 004726 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 842 group_cnt = group_cnt + 1; 004714 aa 6 00103 0541 00 aos pr6|67 group_cnt STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 843 group (group_cnt).owner = fsm_info.owner (seg_idx); 004715 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 group_cnt 004716 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 004717 aa 6 00133 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|91 004720 aa 000000 6260 06 eax6 0,ql 004721 aa 5 77776 2361 17 ldq pr5|-2,7 fsm_info.owner 004722 aa 6 00124 3535 20 epp3 pr6|84,* 004723 aa 3 77776 7561 16 stq pr3|-2,6 group.owner STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 844 group (group_cnt).first_seg_in_group = fsm_info.first_seg_in_group (seg_idx); 004724 aa 5 77777 2361 17 ldq pr5|-1,7 fsm_info.first_seg_in_group 004725 aa 3 77777 7561 16 stq pr3|-1,6 group.first_seg_in_group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 845 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 846 end; 004726 aa 6 00121 0541 00 aos pr6|81 seg_idx 004727 aa 777743 7100 04 tra -29,ic 004672 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 851 do group_idx = 1 to group_cnt - 1; 004730 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 group_cnt 004731 aa 000001 1760 07 sbq 1,dl 004732 aa 6 00130 7561 00 stq pr6|88 004733 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 004734 aa 6 00104 7561 00 stq pr6|68 group_idx 004735 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 004736 aa 6 00104 2361 00 ldq pr6|68 group_idx 004737 aa 6 00130 1161 00 cmpq pr6|88 004740 aa 000063 6054 04 tpnz 51,ic 005023 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 852 expected_group = group (group_idx); 004741 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 004742 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 004743 aa 6 00124 3735 20 epp7 pr6|84,* 004744 aa 7 77776 2351 17 lda pr7|-2,7 group 004745 aa 7 77777 2361 17 ldq pr7|-1,7 group 004746 aa 6 00100 7571 00 staq pr6|64 expected_group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 853 expected_group_idx = group_idx; 004747 aa 6 00104 2361 00 ldq pr6|68 group_idx 004750 aa 6 00102 7561 00 stq pr6|66 expected_group_idx STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 854 do trial_group_idx = group_idx + 1 to group_cnt; 004751 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 group_cnt 004752 aa 6 00131 7561 00 stq pr6|89 004753 aa 6 00104 2361 00 ldq pr6|68 group_idx 004754 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 004755 aa 6 00123 7561 00 stq pr6|83 trial_group_idx 004756 aa 6 00123 2361 00 ldq pr6|83 trial_group_idx 004757 aa 6 00131 1161 00 cmpq pr6|89 004760 aa 000020 6054 04 tpnz 16,ic 005000 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 855 if unspec (group (trial_group_idx)) < unspec (expected_group) then do; 004761 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 004762 aa 6 00124 3735 20 epp7 pr6|84,* 004763 aa 6 00133 7561 00 stq pr6|91 004764 aa 7 77776 2351 06 lda pr7|-2,ql 004765 aa 7 77777 2361 06 ldq pr7|-1,ql 004766 aa 6 00100 1171 00 cmpaq pr6|64 004767 aa 000007 6030 04 trc 7,ic 004776 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 857 expected_group = group (trial_group_idx); 004770 aa 6 00133 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|91 004771 aa 7 77776 2351 17 lda pr7|-2,7 group 004772 aa 7 77777 2361 17 ldq pr7|-1,7 group 004773 aa 6 00100 7571 00 staq pr6|64 expected_group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 858 expected_group_idx = trial_group_idx; 004774 aa 6 00123 2361 00 ldq pr6|83 trial_group_idx 004775 aa 6 00102 7561 00 stq pr6|66 expected_group_idx STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 859 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 860 end; 004776 aa 6 00123 0541 00 aos pr6|83 trial_group_idx 004777 aa 777757 7100 04 tra -17,ic 004756 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 861 if group_idx ^= expected_group_idx then do; 005000 aa 6 00104 2361 00 ldq pr6|68 group_idx 005001 aa 6 00102 1161 00 cmpq pr6|66 expected_group_idx 005002 aa 000017 6000 04 tze 15,ic 005021 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 863 group (expected_group_idx) = group (group_idx); 005003 aa 6 00102 2361 00 ldq pr6|66 expected_group_idx 005004 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 005005 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 005006 aa 6 00104 2361 00 ldq pr6|68 group_idx 005007 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 005010 aa 000000 6260 06 eax6 0,ql 005011 aa 6 00124 3735 20 epp7 pr6|84,* 005012 aa 7 77776 2351 16 lda pr7|-2,6 group 005013 aa 7 77777 2361 16 ldq pr7|-1,6 group 005014 aa 7 77776 7551 17 sta pr7|-2,7 group 005015 aa 7 77777 7561 17 stq pr7|-1,7 group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 864 group (group_idx) = expected_group; 005016 aa 6 00100 2371 00 ldaq pr6|64 expected_group 005017 aa 7 77776 7551 16 sta pr7|-2,6 group 005020 aa 7 77777 7561 16 stq pr7|-1,6 group STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 865 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 866 end; 005021 aa 6 00104 0541 00 aos pr6|68 group_idx 005022 aa 777714 7100 04 tra -52,ic 004736 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 870 max_line_len = get_line_length_$stream ("user_output", status); 005023 aa 773060 2350 04 lda -2512,ic 000103 = 165163145162 005024 aa 773060 2360 04 ldq -2512,ic 000104 = 137157165164 005025 aa 6 00136 7571 00 staq pr6|94 005026 aa 773057 2350 04 lda -2513,ic 000105 = 160165164000 005027 aa 6 00140 7551 00 sta pr6|96 005030 aa 6 00136 3521 00 epp2 pr6|94 005031 aa 6 00144 2521 00 spri2 pr6|100 005032 aa 6 00122 3521 00 epp2 pr6|82 status 005033 aa 6 00146 2521 00 spri2 pr6|102 005034 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 max_line_len 005035 aa 6 00150 2521 00 spri2 pr6|104 005036 aa 772764 3520 04 epp2 -2572,ic 000022 = 524000000013 005037 aa 6 00152 2521 00 spri2 pr6|106 005040 aa 773004 3520 04 epp2 -2556,ic 000044 = 404000000043 005041 aa 6 00154 2521 00 spri2 pr6|108 005042 aa 773015 3520 04 epp2 -2547,ic 000057 = 404000000021 005043 aa 6 00156 2521 00 spri2 pr6|110 005044 aa 6 00142 6211 00 eax1 pr6|98 005045 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 005046 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005047 la 4 00240 3521 20 epp2 pr4|160,* get_line_length_$stream 005050 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 871 unspec (prev_group_owner) = ""b; 005051 aa 6 00120 4501 00 stz pr6|80 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 872 do group_idx = 1 to group_cnt; 005052 aa 6 00103 2361 00 ldq pr6|67 group_cnt 005053 aa 6 00132 7561 00 stq pr6|90 005054 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 005055 aa 6 00104 7561 00 stq pr6|68 group_idx 005056 aa 6 00104 2361 00 ldq pr6|68 group_idx 005057 aa 6 00132 1161 00 cmpq pr6|90 005060 aa 000217 6054 04 tpnz 143,ic 005277 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 873 if group (group_idx).owner ^= prev_group_owner then do; 005061 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 005062 aa 6 00124 3735 20 epp7 pr6|84,* 005063 aa 6 00141 7561 00 stq pr6|97 005064 aa 7 77776 2361 06 ldq pr7|-2,ql group.owner 005065 aa 6 00120 1161 00 cmpq pr6|80 prev_group_owner 005066 aa 000036 6000 04 tze 30,ic 005124 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 875 prev_group_owner = group (group_idx).owner; 005067 aa 6 00120 7561 00 stq pr6|80 prev_group_owner STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 876 call ioa_$nnl ("^/^a owns:^/", description_of_location ((prev_group_owner))); 005070 aa 773010 2370 04 ldaq -2552,ic 000100 = 136057136141 040157167156 005071 aa 6 00136 7571 00 staq pr6|94 005072 aa 773010 2350 04 lda -2552,ic 000102 = 163072136057 005073 aa 6 00140 7551 00 sta pr6|96 005074 aa 6 00120 7651 00 lprp5 pr6|80 prev_group_owner 005075 aa 6 00160 6515 00 spri5 pr6|112 005076 aa 6 00160 3521 00 epp2 pr6|112 005077 aa 6 00144 2521 00 spri2 pr6|100 005100 aa 6 00163 3521 00 epp2 pr6|115 005101 aa 6 00146 2521 00 spri2 pr6|102 005102 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 005103 aa 6 00142 6211 00 eax1 pr6|98 005104 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005105 aa 776224 3520 04 epp2 -876,ic 003331 = 000560627000 005106 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 005107 aa 6 00136 3521 00 epp2 pr6|94 005110 aa 6 00144 2521 00 spri2 pr6|100 005111 aa 6 00163 3521 00 epp2 pr6|115 005112 aa 6 00146 2521 00 spri2 pr6|102 005113 aa 772706 3520 04 epp2 -2618,ic 000021 = 524000000014 005114 aa 6 00150 2521 00 spri2 pr6|104 005115 aa 772737 3520 04 epp2 -2593,ic 000054 = 530000000400 005116 aa 6 00152 2521 00 spri2 pr6|106 005117 aa 6 00142 6211 00 eax1 pr6|98 005120 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005121 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005122 la 4 00242 3521 20 epp2 pr4|162,* ioa_$nnl 005123 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 877 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 878 call ioa_$nnl ("^4x"); 005124 aa 772674 2350 04 lda -2628,ic 000020 = 136064170000 005125 aa 6 00141 7551 00 sta pr6|97 005126 aa 6 00141 3521 00 epp2 pr6|97 005127 aa 6 00144 2521 00 spri2 pr6|100 005130 aa 772667 3520 04 epp2 -2633,ic 000017 = 524000000003 005131 aa 6 00146 2521 00 spri2 pr6|102 005132 aa 6 00142 6211 00 eax1 pr6|98 005133 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 005134 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005135 la 4 00242 3521 20 epp2 pr4|162,* ioa_$nnl 005136 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 879 line_len = 4; 005137 aa 000004 2360 07 ldq 4,dl 005140 aa 6 00105 7561 00 stq pr6|69 line_len STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 880 do seg_idx = group (group_idx).first_seg_in_group repeat fsm_info.next_seg_in_group (seg_idx) while (seg_idx ^= 0); 005141 aa 6 00104 2361 00 ldq pr6|68 group_idx 005142 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 005143 aa 6 00124 3735 20 epp7 pr6|84,* 005144 aa 7 77777 2361 06 ldq pr7|-1,ql group.first_seg_in_group 005145 aa 6 00121 7561 00 stq pr6|81 seg_idx 005146 aa 6 00121 2361 00 ldq pr6|81 seg_idx 005147 aa 000113 6000 04 tze 75,ic 005262 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 882 name = rtrim (seg_name (seg_idx)); 005150 aa 6 00121 3521 00 epp2 pr6|81 seg_idx 005151 aa 6 00164 2521 00 spri2 pr6|116 005152 aa 6 00142 3521 00 epp2 pr6|98 005153 aa 6 00166 2521 00 spri2 pr6|118 005154 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 005155 aa 6 00162 6211 00 eax1 pr6|114 005156 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005157 aa 001155 3520 04 epp2 621,ic 006334 = 000120627000 005160 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 005161 aa 000 000 165 500 tctr (pr) 005162 aa 6 00142 00 0040 desc9a pr6|98,32 005163 aa 0 76605 0001 00 arg pr0|-635 = 777777777777 005164 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 005165 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 005166 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 005167 aa 6 00141 7561 00 stq pr6|97 005170 aa 000040 2360 07 ldq 32,dl 005171 aa 6 00141 1761 00 sbq pr6|97 005172 aa 000040 1160 07 cmpq 32,dl 005173 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 005175 005174 aa 000040 2360 07 ldq 32,dl 005175 aa 6 00107 7561 00 stq pr6|71 name 005176 aa 040 140 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl),fill(040) 005177 aa 6 00142 00 0006 desc9a pr6|98,ql 005200 aa 6 00110 00 0006 desc9a pr6|72,ql name STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 883 if line_len + 1 + length (name) <= max_line_len then do; 005201 aa 6 00105 2361 00 ldq pr6|69 line_len 005202 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 005203 aa 6 00141 7561 00 stq pr6|97 005204 aa 6 00107 0761 00 adq pr6|71 name 005205 aa 6 00106 1161 00 cmpq pr6|70 max_line_len 005206 aa 000024 6054 04 tpnz 20,ic 005232 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 885 line_len = line_len + 1 + length (name); 005207 aa 6 00141 2361 00 ldq pr6|97 005210 aa 6 00107 0761 00 adq pr6|71 name 005211 aa 6 00105 7561 00 stq pr6|69 line_len STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 886 call ioa_$nnl (" ^a", name); 005212 aa 772604 2350 04 lda -2684,ic 000016 = 040136141000 005213 aa 6 00141 7551 00 sta pr6|97 005214 aa 6 00141 3521 00 epp2 pr6|97 005215 aa 6 00144 2521 00 spri2 pr6|100 005216 aa 6 00110 3521 00 epp2 pr6|72 name 005217 aa 6 00146 2521 00 spri2 pr6|102 005220 aa 772577 3520 04 epp2 -2689,ic 000017 = 524000000003 005221 aa 6 00150 2521 00 spri2 pr6|104 005222 aa 772573 3520 04 epp2 -2693,ic 000015 = 530000000040 005223 aa 6 00152 2521 00 spri2 pr6|106 005224 aa 6 00142 6211 00 eax1 pr6|98 005225 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005226 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005227 la 4 00242 3521 20 epp2 pr4|162,* ioa_$nnl 005230 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 887 end; 005231 aa 000023 7100 04 tra 19,ic 005254 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 888 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 889 line_len = 10 + length (name); 005232 aa 000012 2360 07 ldq 10,dl 005233 aa 6 00107 0761 00 adq pr6|71 name 005234 aa 6 00105 7561 00 stq pr6|69 line_len STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 890 call ioa_$nnl ("^/^-^a", name); 005235 aa 772631 2370 04 ldaq -2663,ic 000066 = 136057136055 136141000000 005236 aa 6 00160 7571 00 staq pr6|112 005237 aa 6 00160 3521 00 epp2 pr6|112 005240 aa 6 00144 2521 00 spri2 pr6|100 005241 aa 6 00110 3521 00 epp2 pr6|72 name 005242 aa 6 00146 2521 00 spri2 pr6|102 005243 aa 772567 3520 04 epp2 -2697,ic 000032 = 524000000006 005244 aa 6 00150 2521 00 spri2 pr6|104 005245 aa 772550 3520 04 epp2 -2712,ic 000015 = 530000000040 005246 aa 6 00152 2521 00 spri2 pr6|106 005247 aa 6 00142 6211 00 eax1 pr6|98 005250 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005251 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005252 la 4 00242 3521 20 epp2 pr4|162,* ioa_$nnl 005253 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 891 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 892 end; 005254 aa 6 00121 2361 00 ldq pr6|81 seg_idx 005255 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 005256 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005257 ia 4 00134 2361 66 ldq pr4|92,*ql fsm_info.next_seg_in_group 005260 aa 6 00121 7561 00 stq pr6|81 seg_idx 005261 aa 777665 7100 04 tra -75,ic 005146 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 893 call ioa_$nnl ("^/"); 005262 aa 136057 2350 03 lda 48175,du 005263 aa 6 00141 7551 00 sta pr6|97 005264 aa 6 00141 3521 00 epp2 pr6|97 005265 aa 6 00144 2521 00 spri2 pr6|100 005266 aa 772525 3520 04 epp2 -2731,ic 000013 = 524000000002 005267 aa 6 00146 2521 00 spri2 pr6|102 005270 aa 6 00142 6211 00 eax1 pr6|98 005271 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 005272 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005273 la 4 00242 3521 20 epp2 pr4|162,* ioa_$nnl 005274 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 894 end; 005275 aa 6 00104 0541 00 aos pr6|68 group_idx 005276 aa 777560 7100 04 tra -144,ic 005056 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 896 end list_groups; 005277 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END PROCEDURE list_groups BEGIN PROCEDURE octal_representation ENTRY TO octal_representation STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 898 octal_representation: proc (value) returns (char (12) varying); 005300 da 000663220000 005301 aa 000120 6270 00 eax7 80 005302 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 005303 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 005304 aa 000004000000 005305 aa 000000000000 005306 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 914 call cv_bin_$oct (value, string); 005307 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 005310 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* value 005311 aa 6 00106 2521 00 spri2 pr6|70 005312 aa 6 00100 3521 00 epp2 pr6|64 string 005313 aa 6 00110 2521 00 spri2 pr6|72 005314 aa 6 00104 6211 00 eax1 pr6|68 005315 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005316 la 4 00244 3521 20 epp2 pr4|164,* cv_bin_$oct 005317 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 915 return (ltrim (string)); 005320 aa 000 000 164 500 tct (pr) 005321 aa 6 00100 00 0014 desc9a pr6|64,12 string 005322 aa 0 76605 0001 00 arg pr0|-635 = 777777777777 005323 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 005324 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 005325 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 005326 aa 6 00103 7561 00 stq pr6|67 005327 aa 000014 2360 07 ldq 12,dl 005330 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 005331 aa 000014 1160 07 cmpq 12,dl 005332 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 005334 005333 aa 000014 2360 07 ldq 12,dl 005334 aa 6 00103 2351 00 lda pr6|67 005335 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 005336 aa 7 00004 3715 20 epp5 pr7|4,* 005337 aa 5 77777 7561 00 stq pr5|-1 005340 aa 040 140 100 545 mlr (pr,rl,al),(pr,rl),fill(040) 005341 aa 6 00100 00 0006 desc9a pr6|64,ql string 005342 aa 5 00000 00 0006 desc9a pr5|0,ql 005343 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 916 end octal_representation; END PROCEDURE octal_representation BEGIN PROCEDURE pick_first_seg_num ENTRY TO pick_first_seg_num STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 918 pick_first_seg_num: proc (num_segs_desired, first_seg_num); 005344 aa 6 00132 6501 00 spri4 pr6|90 005345 aa 6 00134 2521 00 spri2 pr6|92 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 953 call hcs_$high_low_seg_count (high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num, low_seg_num); 005346 aa 6 00145 3521 00 epp2 pr6|101 high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num 005347 aa 6 00352 2521 00 spri2 pr6|234 005350 aa 6 00146 3521 00 epp2 pr6|102 low_seg_num 005351 aa 6 00354 2521 00 spri2 pr6|236 005352 aa 6 00350 6211 00 eax1 pr6|232 005353 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005354 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005355 la 4 00246 3521 20 epp2 pr4|166,* hcs_$high_low_seg_count 005356 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 954 high_seg_num = high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num + low_seg_num; 005357 aa 6 00145 2361 00 ldq pr6|101 high_seg_num_minus_low_seg_num 005360 aa 6 00146 0761 00 adq pr6|102 low_seg_num 005361 aa 6 00144 7561 00 stq pr6|100 high_seg_num STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 955 low_seg_num = low_seg_num + 8; 005362 aa 000010 2360 07 ldq 8,dl 005363 aa 6 00146 0561 00 asq pr6|102 low_seg_num STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 956 found_highest_seg_num_in_use = False; 005364 aa 6 00143 4501 00 stz pr6|99 found_highest_seg_num_in_use STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 957 do while (^found_highest_seg_num_in_use); 005365 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 005366 aa 6 00143 2351 00 lda pr6|99 found_highest_seg_num_in_use 005367 aa 000014 6010 04 tnz 12,ic 005403 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 958 if seg_num_free (high_seg_num) then high_seg_num = high_seg_num - 1; 005370 aa 001170 3520 04 epp2 632,ic 006560 = 000004000000 005371 aa 001015 6700 04 tsp4 525,ic 006406 005372 aa 6 00356 2351 00 lda pr6|238 005373 aa 400000 3150 03 cana 131072,du 005374 aa 000004 6000 04 tze 4,ic 005400 005375 aa 000001 3360 07 lcq 1,dl 005376 aa 6 00144 0561 00 asq pr6|100 high_seg_num 005377 aa 777767 7100 04 tra -9,ic 005366 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 960 else found_highest_seg_num_in_use = True; 005400 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 005401 aa 6 00143 7551 00 sta pr6|99 found_highest_seg_num_in_use STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 961 end; 005402 aa 777764 7100 04 tra -12,ic 005366 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 967 best_hole_size, cur_hole_size = 0; 005403 aa 6 00140 4501 00 stz pr6|96 best_hole_size 005404 aa 6 00142 4501 00 stz pr6|98 cur_hole_size STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 968 do seg_num = low_seg_num to high_seg_num while (best_hole_size ^= num_segs_desired); 005405 aa 6 00144 2361 00 ldq pr6|100 high_seg_num 005406 aa 6 00150 7561 00 stq pr6|104 005407 aa 6 00146 2361 00 ldq pr6|102 low_seg_num 005410 aa 6 00147 7561 00 stq pr6|103 seg_num 005411 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 005412 aa 6 00147 2361 00 ldq pr6|103 seg_num 005413 aa 6 00150 1161 00 cmpq pr6|104 005414 aa 000034 6054 04 tpnz 28,ic 005450 005415 aa 6 00140 2361 00 ldq pr6|96 best_hole_size 005416 aa 6 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr6|92,* 005417 aa 7 00002 1161 20 cmpq pr7|2,* num_segs_desired 005420 aa 000030 6000 04 tze 24,ic 005450 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 969 if seg_num_free (seg_num) then cur_hole_size = cur_hole_size + 1; 005421 aa 001131 3520 04 epp2 601,ic 006552 = 000004000000 005422 aa 000764 6700 04 tsp4 500,ic 006406 005423 aa 6 00356 2351 00 lda pr6|238 005424 aa 400000 3150 03 cana 131072,du 005425 aa 000003 6000 04 tze 3,ic 005430 005426 aa 6 00142 0541 00 aos pr6|98 cur_hole_size 005427 aa 000017 7100 04 tra 15,ic 005446 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 971 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 972 if cur_hole_size >= num_segs_desired then if best_hole_size = 0 | best_hole_size > cur_hole_size then do; 005430 aa 6 00142 2361 00 ldq pr6|98 cur_hole_size 005431 aa 6 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr6|92,* 005432 aa 7 00002 1161 20 cmpq pr7|2,* num_segs_desired 005433 aa 000012 6040 04 tmi 10,ic 005445 005434 aa 6 00140 2361 00 ldq pr6|96 best_hole_size 005435 aa 000003 6000 04 tze 3,ic 005440 005436 aa 6 00142 1161 00 cmpq pr6|98 cur_hole_size 005437 aa 000006 6044 04 tmoz 6,ic 005445 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 975 best_hole_size = cur_hole_size; 005440 aa 6 00142 2361 00 ldq pr6|98 cur_hole_size 005441 aa 6 00140 7561 00 stq pr6|96 best_hole_size STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 976 best_hole_start = seg_num - best_hole_size; 005442 aa 6 00147 2361 00 ldq pr6|103 seg_num 005443 aa 6 00140 1761 00 sbq pr6|96 best_hole_size 005444 aa 6 00141 7561 00 stq pr6|97 best_hole_start STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 977 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 978 cur_hole_size = 0; 005445 aa 6 00142 4501 00 stz pr6|98 cur_hole_size STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 979 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 980 end; 005446 aa 6 00147 0541 00 aos pr6|103 seg_num 005447 aa 777743 7100 04 tra -29,ic 005412 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 986 if best_hole_size < num_segs_desired then first_seg_num = high_seg_num + 1; 005450 aa 6 00140 2361 00 ldq pr6|96 best_hole_size 005451 aa 6 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr6|92,* 005452 aa 7 00002 1161 20 cmpq pr7|2,* num_segs_desired 005453 aa 000005 6050 04 tpl 5,ic 005460 005454 aa 6 00144 2361 00 ldq pr6|100 high_seg_num 005455 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 005456 aa 7 00004 7561 20 stq pr7|4,* first_seg_num 005457 aa 000003 7100 04 tra 3,ic 005462 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 988 else first_seg_num = best_hole_start; 005460 aa 6 00141 2361 00 ldq pr6|97 best_hole_start 005461 aa 7 00004 7561 20 stq pr7|4,* first_seg_num STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 989 end pick_first_seg_num; 005462 aa 6 00132 6101 00 rtcd pr6|90 END PROCEDURE pick_first_seg_num BEGIN PROCEDURE pick_seg ENTRY TO pick_seg STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 991 pick_seg: proc (seg_idx); 005463 aa 6 00152 6501 00 spri4 pr6|106 005464 aa 6 00154 2521 00 spri2 pr6|108 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1022 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt while (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process ^= ""b); 005465 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005466 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 005467 aa 7 00001 2361 00 ldq pr7|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 005470 aa 6 00174 7561 00 stq pr6|124 005471 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 005472 aa 2 00002 7561 20 stq pr2|2,* seg_idx 005473 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 005474 aa 6 00154 3735 20 epp7 pr6|108,* 005475 aa 7 00002 2361 20 ldq pr7|2,* seg_idx 005476 aa 6 00174 1161 00 cmpq pr6|124 005477 aa 000010 6054 04 tpnz 8,ic 005507 005500 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 005501 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005502 ia 4 00134 3715 20 epp5 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 005503 aa 5 77775 2351 06 lda pr5|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 005504 aa 000003 6000 04 tze 3,ic 005507 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1023 end; 005505 aa 7 00002 0541 20 aos pr7|2,* seg_idx 005506 aa 777766 7100 04 tra -10,ic 005474 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1024 if seg_idx <= fsm_info.seg_cnt then do; 005507 aa 7 00002 2361 20 ldq pr7|2,* seg_idx 005510 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005511 ia 4 00134 3715 20 epp5 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 005512 aa 5 00001 1161 00 cmpq pr5|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 005513 aa 000146 6054 04 tpnz 102,ic 005661 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1026 acl.access_name = get_group_id_ (); 005514 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 005515 aa 6 00372 2521 00 spri2 pr6|250 005516 aa 6 00370 6211 00 eax1 pr6|248 005517 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 005520 la 4 00250 3521 20 epp2 pr4|168,* get_group_id_ 005521 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out 005522 aa 000 100 100 500 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(000) 005523 aa 6 00360 00 0040 desc9a pr6|240,32 005524 aa 6 00160 00 0040 desc9a pr6|112,32 acl.access_name STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1027 acl.modes = RW_ACCESS; 005525 aa 500000 2350 03 lda 163840,du 005526 aa 6 00170 7551 00 sta pr6|120 acl.modes STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1028 acl.xmodes = ""b; 005527 aa 6 00171 4501 00 stz pr6|121 acl.xmodes STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1029 status = 1; 005530 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 005531 aa 6 00173 7561 00 stq pr6|123 status STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1030 do while (status ^= 0); 005532 aa 6 00173 2361 00 ldq pr6|123 status 005533 aa 000421 6000 04 tze 273,ic 006154 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1031 call hcs_$replace_acl (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), addr (acl), 1, "0"b, status); 005534 aa 6 00154 3735 20 epp7 pr6|108,* 005535 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* seg_idx 005536 aa 6 00376 2521 00 spri2 pr6|254 005537 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 005540 aa 6 00400 2521 00 spri2 pr6|256 005541 aa 6 00374 6211 00 eax1 pr6|252 005542 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005543 aa 000571 3520 04 epp2 377,ic 006334 = 000120627000 005544 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 005545 aa 6 00160 3735 00 epp7 pr6|112 acl 005546 aa 6 00404 6535 00 spri7 pr6|260 005547 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 005550 aa 6 00357 7561 00 stq pr6|239 005551 aa 000000 2350 07 lda 0,dl 005552 aa 6 00406 7551 00 sta pr6|262 005553 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005554 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 005555 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 005556 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 005557 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 005560 aa 6 00404 3521 00 epp2 pr6|260 005561 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 005562 aa 6 00357 3521 00 epp2 pr6|239 005563 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 005564 aa 6 00406 3521 00 epp2 pr6|262 005565 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 005566 aa 6 00173 3521 00 epp2 pr6|123 status 005567 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 005570 aa 772265 3520 04 epp2 -2891,ic 000055 = 526000000250 005571 aa 6 00426 2521 00 spri2 pr6|278 005572 aa 772256 3520 04 epp2 -2898,ic 000050 = 524000000040 005573 aa 6 00430 2521 00 spri2 pr6|280 005574 aa 772262 3520 04 epp2 -2894,ic 000056 = 464000000000 005575 aa 6 00432 2521 00 spri2 pr6|282 005576 aa 772261 3520 04 epp2 -2895,ic 000057 = 404000000021 005577 aa 6 00434 2521 00 spri2 pr6|284 005600 aa 772233 3520 04 epp2 -2917,ic 000033 = 514000000001 005601 aa 6 00436 2521 00 spri2 pr6|286 005602 aa 772242 3520 04 epp2 -2910,ic 000044 = 404000000043 005603 aa 6 00440 2521 00 spri2 pr6|288 005604 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 005605 aa 030000 4310 07 fld 12288,dl 005606 la 4 00254 3521 20 epp2 pr4|172,* hcs_$replace_acl 005607 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1032 if status ^= 0 then call signal_fsm_error (status, pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx))); 005610 aa 6 00173 2361 00 ldq pr6|123 status 005611 aa 777721 6000 04 tze -47,ic 005532 005612 aa 6 00154 3735 20 epp7 pr6|108,* 005613 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* seg_idx 005614 aa 6 00362 2521 00 spri2 pr6|242 005615 aa 6 00374 3521 00 epp2 pr6|252 005616 aa 6 00364 2521 00 spri2 pr6|244 005617 aa 6 00360 6211 00 eax1 pr6|240 005620 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005621 aa 000513 3520 04 epp2 331,ic 006334 = 000120627000 005622 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 005623 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005624 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 005625 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 005626 aa 6 00374 3521 00 epp2 pr6|252 005627 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 005630 aa 6 00442 3521 00 epp2 pr6|290 005631 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 005632 aa 772223 3520 04 epp2 -2925,ic 000055 = 526000000250 005633 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 005634 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 005635 aa 772213 3520 04 epp2 -2933,ic 000050 = 524000000040 005636 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 005637 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 005640 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 005641 la 4 00146 3521 20 epp2 pr4|102,* pathname_ 005642 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc 005643 aa 6 00173 3521 00 epp2 pr6|123 status 005644 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 005645 aa 6 00442 3521 00 epp2 pr6|290 005646 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 005647 aa 772175 3520 04 epp2 -2947,ic 000044 = 404000000043 005650 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 005651 aa 772141 3520 04 epp2 -2975,ic 000012 = 524000000250 005652 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 005653 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 005654 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005655 aa 000573 3520 04 epp2 379,ic 006450 = 000260627000 005656 aa 0 00624 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|404 call_int_this_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1034 end; 005657 aa 777653 7100 04 tra -85,ic 005532 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1035 end; 005660 aa 000274 7100 04 tra 188,ic 006154 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1036 else do while (seg_idx > fsm_info.seg_cnt); 005661 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 005662 aa 6 00154 3735 20 epp7 pr6|108,* 005663 aa 7 00002 2361 20 ldq pr7|2,* seg_idx 005664 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005665 ia 4 00134 3715 20 epp5 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 005666 aa 5 00001 1161 00 cmpq pr5|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 005667 aa 000265 6044 04 tmoz 181,ic 006154 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1037 call hcs_$append_branch (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), RW_ACCESS_BIN, status); 005670 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* seg_idx 005671 aa 6 00376 2521 00 spri2 pr6|254 005672 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 005673 aa 6 00400 2521 00 spri2 pr6|256 005674 aa 6 00374 6211 00 eax1 pr6|252 005675 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005676 aa 000436 3520 04 epp2 286,ic 006334 = 000120627000 005677 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 005700 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005701 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 005702 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 005703 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 005704 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 005705 aa 772107 3520 04 epp2 -3001,ic 000014 = 000000000012 005706 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 005707 aa 6 00173 3521 00 epp2 pr6|123 status 005710 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 005711 aa 772144 3520 04 epp2 -2972,ic 000055 = 526000000250 005712 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 005713 aa 772135 3520 04 epp2 -2979,ic 000050 = 524000000040 005714 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 005715 aa 772117 3520 04 epp2 -2993,ic 000034 = 404000000005 005716 aa 6 00426 2521 00 spri2 pr6|278 005717 aa 772125 3520 04 epp2 -2987,ic 000044 = 404000000043 005720 aa 6 00430 2521 00 spri2 pr6|280 005721 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 005722 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 005723 la 4 00252 3521 20 epp2 pr4|170,* hcs_$append_branch 005724 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1038 if status = 0 then do; 005725 aa 6 00173 2361 00 ldq pr6|123 status 005726 aa 000160 6010 04 tnz 112,ic 006106 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1040 fsm_info.seg_cnt = seg_idx; 005727 aa 6 00154 3735 20 epp7 pr6|108,* 005730 aa 7 00002 2361 20 ldq pr7|2,* seg_idx 005731 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005732 ia 4 00134 3715 20 epp5 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 005733 aa 5 00001 7561 00 stq pr5|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1041 fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = null; 005734 aa 7 00002 2361 20 ldq pr7|2,* seg_idx 005735 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 005736 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 005737 aa 000611 2360 04 ldq 393,ic 006550 = 007777000001 005740 aa 5 77776 7561 17 stq pr5|-2,7 fsm_info.owner STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1042 call hcs_$set_max_length (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_, status); 005741 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* seg_idx 005742 aa 6 00362 2521 00 spri2 pr6|242 005743 aa 6 00374 3521 00 epp2 pr6|252 005744 aa 6 00364 2521 00 spri2 pr6|244 005745 aa 6 00360 6211 00 eax1 pr6|240 005746 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 005747 aa 000365 3520 04 epp2 245,ic 006334 = 000120627000 005750 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 005751 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 005752 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 005753 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 005754 aa 6 00374 3521 00 epp2 pr6|252 005755 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 005756 la 4 00262 3521 20 epp2 pr4|178,* pl1_operators_$VLA_words_per_seg_ 005757 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 005760 aa 6 00173 3521 00 epp2 pr6|123 status 005761 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 005762 aa 772073 3520 04 epp2 -3013,ic 000055 = 526000000250 005763 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 005764 aa 772064 3520 04 epp2 -3020,ic 000050 = 524000000040 005765 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 005766 aa 772055 3520 04 epp2 -3027,ic 000043 = 404000000023 005767 aa 6 00426 2521 00 spri2 pr6|278 005770 aa 772054 3520 04 epp2 -3028,ic 000044 = 404000000043 005771 aa 6 00430 2521 00 spri2 pr6|280 005772 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 005773 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 005774 la 4 00256 3521 20 epp2 pr4|174,* hcs_$set_max_length 005775 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1044 if status ^= 0 then call signal_fsm_error (status, pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx))); 005776 aa 6 00173 2361 00 ldq pr6|123 status 005777 aa 000046 6000 04 tze 38,ic 006045 006000 aa 6 00154 3735 20 epp7 pr6|108,* 006001 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* seg_idx 006002 aa 6 00376 2521 00 spri2 pr6|254 006003 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 006004 aa 6 00400 2521 00 spri2 pr6|256 006005 aa 6 00374 6211 00 eax1 pr6|252 006006 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 006007 aa 000325 3520 04 epp2 213,ic 006334 = 000120627000 006010 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 006011 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006012 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 006013 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 006014 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 006015 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 006016 aa 6 00442 3521 00 epp2 pr6|290 006017 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 006020 aa 772035 3520 04 epp2 -3043,ic 000055 = 526000000250 006021 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 006022 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 006023 aa 772025 3520 04 epp2 -3051,ic 000050 = 524000000040 006024 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 006025 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 006026 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 006027 la 4 00146 3521 20 epp2 pr4|102,* pathname_ 006030 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc 006031 aa 6 00173 3521 00 epp2 pr6|123 status 006032 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 006033 aa 6 00442 3521 00 epp2 pr6|290 006034 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 006035 aa 772007 3520 04 epp2 -3065,ic 000044 = 404000000043 006036 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 006037 aa 771753 3520 04 epp2 -3093,ic 000012 = 524000000250 006040 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 006041 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 006042 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 006043 aa 000405 3520 04 epp2 261,ic 006450 = 000260627000 006044 aa 0 00624 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|404 call_int_this_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1047 call hcs_$set_safety_sw (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), "1"b, status); 006045 aa 6 00154 3735 20 epp7 pr6|108,* 006046 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* seg_idx 006047 aa 6 00362 2521 00 spri2 pr6|242 006050 aa 6 00374 3521 00 epp2 pr6|252 006051 aa 6 00364 2521 00 spri2 pr6|244 006052 aa 6 00360 6211 00 eax1 pr6|240 006053 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 006054 aa 000260 3520 04 epp2 176,ic 006334 = 000120627000 006055 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 006056 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 006057 aa 6 00406 7551 00 sta pr6|262 006060 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006061 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 006062 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 006063 aa 6 00374 3521 00 epp2 pr6|252 006064 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 006065 aa 6 00406 3521 00 epp2 pr6|262 006066 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 006067 aa 6 00173 3521 00 epp2 pr6|123 status 006070 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 006071 aa 771764 3520 04 epp2 -3084,ic 000055 = 526000000250 006072 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 006073 aa 771755 3520 04 epp2 -3091,ic 000050 = 524000000040 006074 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 006075 aa 771736 3520 04 epp2 -3106,ic 000033 = 514000000001 006076 aa 6 00426 2521 00 spri2 pr6|278 006077 aa 771745 3520 04 epp2 -3099,ic 000044 = 404000000043 006100 aa 6 00430 2521 00 spri2 pr6|280 006101 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 006102 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 006103 la 4 00260 3521 20 epp2 pr4|176,* hcs_$set_safety_sw 006104 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1048 end; 006105 aa 777555 7100 04 tra -147,ic 005662 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1049 else call signal_fsm_error (status, pathname_ (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx))); 006106 aa 6 00154 3735 20 epp7 pr6|108,* 006107 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* seg_idx 006110 aa 6 00376 2521 00 spri2 pr6|254 006111 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 006112 aa 6 00400 2521 00 spri2 pr6|256 006113 aa 6 00374 6211 00 eax1 pr6|252 006114 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 006115 aa 000217 3520 04 epp2 143,ic 006334 = 000120627000 006116 aa 0 00625 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|405 call_int_this 006117 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006120 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 006121 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 006122 aa 6 00360 3521 00 epp2 pr6|240 006123 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 006124 aa 6 00442 3521 00 epp2 pr6|290 006125 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 006126 aa 771727 3520 04 epp2 -3113,ic 000055 = 526000000250 006127 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 006130 aa 6 00424 2521 00 spri2 pr6|276 006131 aa 771717 3520 04 epp2 -3121,ic 000050 = 524000000040 006132 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 006133 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 006134 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 006135 la 4 00146 3521 20 epp2 pr4|102,* pathname_ 006136 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc 006137 aa 6 00173 3521 00 epp2 pr6|123 status 006140 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 006141 aa 6 00442 3521 00 epp2 pr6|290 006142 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 006143 aa 771701 3520 04 epp2 -3135,ic 000044 = 404000000043 006144 aa 6 00420 2521 00 spri2 pr6|272 006145 aa 771645 3520 04 epp2 -3163,ic 000012 = 524000000250 006146 aa 6 00422 2521 00 spri2 pr6|274 006147 aa 6 00410 6211 00 eax1 pr6|264 006150 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 006151 aa 000277 3520 04 epp2 191,ic 006450 = 000260627000 006152 aa 0 00624 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|404 call_int_this_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1050 end; 006153 aa 777507 7100 04 tra -185,ic 005662 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1051 end pick_seg; 006154 aa 6 00152 6101 00 rtcd pr6|106 END PROCEDURE pick_seg BEGIN PROCEDURE release_fsm_info ENTRY TO release_fsm_info STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1053 release_fsm_info: proc; 006155 da 000673200000 006156 aa 000160 6270 00 eax7 112 006157 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 006160 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 006161 aa 000000000000 006162 aa 000000000000 006163 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1070 if fsm_info_ptr ^= null then if fsm_info.lock = my_process then do; 006164 ia 4 00134 2371 00 ldaq pr4|92 fsm_info_ptr 006165 aa 771707 6770 04 eraq -3129,ic 000074 = 077777000043 000001000000 006166 aa 0 00460 3771 00 anaq pr0|304 = 077777000077 777777077077 006167 aa 000143 6000 04 tze 99,ic 006332 006170 ia 4 00134 2351 20 lda pr4|92,* fsm_info.lock 006171 aa 6 00040 3735 20 epp7 pr6|32,* 006172 aa 7 00102 1151 00 cmpa pr7|66 my_process 006173 aa 000137 6010 04 tnz 95,ic 006332 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1073 do seg_idx = 1 to fsm_info.seg_cnt; 006174 ia 4 00134 3715 20 epp5 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 006175 aa 5 00001 2361 00 ldq pr5|1 fsm_info.seg_cnt 006176 aa 6 00102 7561 00 stq pr6|66 006177 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 006200 aa 6 00100 7561 00 stq pr6|64 seg_idx 006201 aa 000000 0110 03 nop 0,du 006202 aa 6 00100 2361 00 ldq pr6|64 seg_idx 006203 aa 6 00102 1161 00 cmpq pr6|66 006204 aa 000066 6054 04 tpnz 54,ic 006272 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1074 if fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owning_process = my_process & fsm_info.seg (seg_idx).owner = me then do; 006205 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 006206 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006207 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 006210 aa 7 77775 2351 06 lda pr7|-3,ql fsm_info.owning_process 006211 aa 6 00040 3715 20 epp5 pr6|32,* 006212 aa 5 00102 1151 00 cmpa pr5|66 my_process 006213 aa 000055 6010 04 tnz 45,ic 006270 006214 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 006215 aa 5 00100 2371 00 ldaq pr5|64 me 006216 aa 0 00560 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|368 unpk_to_pk 006217 aa 7 77776 1161 17 cmpq pr7|-2,7 fsm_info.owner 006220 aa 000050 6010 04 tnz 40,ic 006270 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1076 call hcs_$terminate_file (fsm_dir_path, seg_name (seg_idx), 0, status); 006221 aa 6 00100 3521 00 epp2 pr6|64 seg_idx 006222 aa 6 00116 2521 00 spri2 pr6|78 006223 aa 6 00104 3521 00 epp2 pr6|68 006224 aa 6 00120 2521 00 spri2 pr6|80 006225 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 006226 aa 6 00114 6211 00 eax1 pr6|76 006227 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 006230 aa 000104 3520 04 epp2 68,ic 006334 = 000120627000 006231 aa 0 00627 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|407 call_int_other 006232 aa 6 00103 4501 00 stz pr6|67 006233 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006234 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 fsm_dir_path 006235 aa 6 00126 2521 00 spri2 pr6|86 006236 aa 6 00104 3521 00 epp2 pr6|68 006237 aa 6 00130 2521 00 spri2 pr6|88 006240 aa 6 00103 3521 00 epp2 pr6|67 006241 aa 6 00132 2521 00 spri2 pr6|90 006242 aa 6 00101 3521 00 epp2 pr6|65 status 006243 aa 6 00134 2521 00 spri2 pr6|92 006244 aa 771611 3520 04 epp2 -3191,ic 000055 = 526000000250 006245 aa 6 00136 2521 00 spri2 pr6|94 006246 aa 771602 3520 04 epp2 -3198,ic 000050 = 524000000040 006247 aa 6 00140 2521 00 spri2 pr6|96 006250 aa 771576 3520 04 epp2 -3202,ic 000046 = 404000000001 006251 aa 6 00142 2521 00 spri2 pr6|98 006252 aa 771572 3520 04 epp2 -3206,ic 000044 = 404000000043 006253 aa 6 00144 2521 00 spri2 pr6|100 006254 aa 6 00124 6211 00 eax1 pr6|84 006255 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 006256 la 4 00264 3521 20 epp2 pr4|180,* hcs_$terminate_file 006257 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1077 unspec (fsm_info.seg (seg_idx)) = ""b; 006260 aa 6 00100 2361 00 ldq pr6|64 seg_idx 006261 aa 000005 4020 07 mpy 5,dl 006262 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006263 ia 4 00134 3735 20 epp7 pr4|92,* fsm_info_ptr 006264 aa 7 77775 3735 06 epp7 pr7|-3,ql 006265 aa 000 100 100 400 mlr (),(pr),fill(000) 006266 aa 000000 00 0000 desc9a 0,0 006267 aa 7 00000 00 0024 desc9a pr7|0,20 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1078 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1079 end; 006270 aa 6 00100 0541 00 aos pr6|64 seg_idx 006271 aa 777711 7100 04 tra -55,ic 006202 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1080 status = 1; 006272 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 006273 aa 6 00101 7561 00 stq pr6|65 status STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1081 do while (status ^= 0); 006274 aa 6 00101 2361 00 ldq pr6|65 status 006275 aa 000035 6000 04 tze 29,ic 006332 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1082 call set_lock_$unlock (fsm_info.lock, status); 006276 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006277 ia 4 00134 3521 20 epp2 pr4|92,* fsm_info.lock 006300 aa 6 00116 2521 00 spri2 pr6|78 006301 aa 6 00101 3521 00 epp2 pr6|65 status 006302 aa 6 00120 2521 00 spri2 pr6|80 006303 aa 6 00114 6211 00 eax1 pr6|76 006304 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 006305 la 4 00266 3521 20 epp2 pr4|182,* set_lock_$unlock 006306 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1083 if status ^= 0 then call signal_fsm_error (status, "Trying to unlock 'fsm_info'."); 006307 aa 6 00101 2361 00 ldq pr6|65 status 006310 aa 777764 6000 04 tze -12,ic 006274 006311 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 006312 aa 771646 00 0034 desc9a -3162,28 000157 = 124162171151 006313 aa 6 00104 00 0034 desc9a pr6|68,28 006314 aa 6 00101 3521 00 epp2 pr6|65 status 006315 aa 6 00126 2521 00 spri2 pr6|86 006316 aa 6 00104 3521 00 epp2 pr6|68 006317 aa 6 00130 2521 00 spri2 pr6|88 006320 aa 771524 3520 04 epp2 -3244,ic 000044 = 404000000043 006321 aa 6 00134 2521 00 spri2 pr6|92 006322 aa 771467 3520 04 epp2 -3273,ic 000011 = 524000000034 006323 aa 6 00136 2521 00 spri2 pr6|94 006324 aa 000001 7270 07 lxl7 1,dl 006325 aa 6 00124 6211 00 eax1 pr6|84 006326 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 006327 aa 000121 3520 04 epp2 81,ic 006450 = 000260627000 006330 aa 0 00626 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|406 call_int_other_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1085 end; 006331 aa 777743 7100 04 tra -29,ic 006274 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1086 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1087 end release_fsm_info; 006332 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END PROCEDURE release_fsm_info BEGIN PROCEDURE seg_name ENTRY TO seg_name STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1089 seg_name: proc (seg_idx) returns (char (32)); 006333 da 000701220000 006334 aa 000120 6270 00 eax7 80 006335 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 006336 aa 2 01047 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|551 int_entry 006337 aa 000004000000 006340 aa 000000000000 006341 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1104 return (ltrim (char (seg_idx)) || ".fsm_"); 006342 aa 6 00032 3735 20 epp7 pr6|26,* 006343 aa 7 00002 3715 20 epp5 pr7|2,* 006344 aa 000 100 301 500 btd (pr),(pr) 006345 aa 5 00000 00 0004 desc9a pr5|0,4 seg_idx 006346 aa 6 00104 01 0010 desc9ls pr6|68,8,0 006347 aa 100 004 024 500 mvne (pr),(ic),(pr) 006350 aa 6 00104 01 0010 desc9ls pr6|68,8,0 006351 aa 000177 00 0006 desc9a 127,6 006546 = 403040022146 006352 aa 6 00100 00 0012 desc9a pr6|64,10 006353 aa 000 000 164 500 tct (pr) 006354 aa 6 00100 00 0012 desc9a pr6|64,10 006355 aa 0 76605 0001 00 arg pr0|-635 = 777777777777 006356 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 006357 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 006360 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 006361 aa 6 00103 7561 00 stq pr6|67 006362 aa 000012 2360 07 ldq 10,dl 006363 aa 6 00103 1761 00 sbq pr6|67 006364 aa 6 00106 7561 00 stq pr6|70 006365 aa 000005 0760 07 adq 5,dl 006366 aa 0 00551 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|361 alloc_char_temp 006367 aa 6 00103 2351 00 lda pr6|67 006370 aa 6 00107 7561 00 stq pr6|71 006371 aa 6 00106 2361 00 ldq pr6|70 006372 aa 040 140 100 545 mlr (pr,rl,al),(pr,rl),fill(040) 006373 aa 6 00100 00 0006 desc9a pr6|64,ql 006374 aa 2 00000 00 0006 desc9a pr2|0,ql 006375 aa 040 106 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr,ql),fill(040) 006376 aa 771467 00 0005 desc9a -3273,5 000064 = 056146163155 006377 aa 2 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr2|0,5 006400 aa 7 00004 3535 20 epp3 pr7|4,* 006401 aa 6 00107 2351 00 lda pr6|71 006402 aa 040 100 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr),fill(040) 006403 aa 2 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr2|0,al 006404 aa 3 00000 00 0040 desc9a pr3|0,32 006405 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1105 end seg_name; END PROCEDURE seg_name BEGIN PROCEDURE seg_num_free ENTRY TO seg_num_free STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1107 seg_num_free: proc (seg_num) returns (bit (1)); 006406 aa 6 00176 6501 00 spri4 pr6|126 006407 aa 6 00200 2521 00 spri2 pr6|128 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1131 call hcs_$get_uid_seg (baseptr (seg_num), uid, status); 006410 aa 2 00002 2361 20 ldq pr2|2,* seg_num 006411 aa 6 00000 3511 00 epbp1 pr6|0 006412 aa 000000 3104 06 easp1 0,ql 006413 aa 6 00514 2515 00 spri1 pr6|332 006414 aa 6 00514 3521 00 epp2 pr6|332 006415 aa 6 00520 2521 00 spri2 pr6|336 006416 aa 6 00205 3521 00 epp2 pr6|133 uid 006417 aa 6 00522 2521 00 spri2 pr6|338 006420 aa 6 00204 3521 00 epp2 pr6|132 status 006421 aa 6 00524 2521 00 spri2 pr6|340 006422 aa 6 00516 6211 00 eax1 pr6|334 006423 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 006424 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006425 la 4 00272 3521 20 epp2 pr4|186,* hcs_$get_uid_seg 006426 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1132 if status = error_table_$invalidsegno then return (True); 006427 aa 6 00204 2361 00 ldq pr6|132 status 006430 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 006431 la 4 00270 1161 20 cmpq pr4|184,* error_table_$invalidsegno 006432 aa 000007 6010 04 tnz 7,ic 006441 006433 aa 6 00200 3735 20 epp7 pr6|128,* 006434 aa 7 00004 3715 20 epp5 pr7|4,* 006435 aa 403 100 060 400 csl (),(pr),fill(1),bool(move) 006436 aa 000000 00 0000 descb 0,0 006437 aa 5 00000 00 0001 descb pr5|0,1 006440 aa 6 00176 6101 00 rtcd pr6|126 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1134 else return (False); 006441 aa 6 00200 3735 20 epp7 pr6|128,* 006442 aa 7 00004 3715 20 epp5 pr7|4,* 006443 aa 003 100 060 400 csl (),(pr),fill(0),bool(move) 006444 aa 000000 00 0000 descb 0,0 006445 aa 5 00000 00 0001 descb pr5|0,1 006446 aa 6 00176 6101 00 rtcd pr6|126 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1135 end seg_num_free; END PROCEDURE seg_num_free BEGIN PROCEDURE signal_fsm_error ENTRY TO signal_fsm_error STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1137 signal_fsm_error: proc (status, details); 006447 da 000711200000 006450 aa 000260 6270 00 eax7 176 006451 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 006452 aa 2 01050 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|552 int_entry_desc 006453 aa 000004000000 006454 aa 000000000000 006455 aa 0 01372 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|762 set_support 006456 aa 6 00042 3735 20 epp7 pr6|34,* 006457 aa 7 00002 2361 20 ldq pr7|2,* 006460 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 006462 006461 aa 777777 3760 07 anq 262143,dl 006462 aa 0 00250 3761 00 anq pr0|168 = 000077777777 006463 aa 6 00205 7561 00 stq pr6|133 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1162 condition_info.length = size (condition_info); 006464 aa 000105 2360 07 ldq 69,dl 006465 aa 6 00100 7561 00 stq pr6|64 condition_info.length STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1163 condition_info.version = 1; 006466 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 006467 aa 6 00101 7561 00 stq pr6|65 condition_info.version STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1164 unspec (condition_info.action_flags) = ""b; 006470 aa 6 00102 4501 00 stz pr6|66 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1165 condition_info.info_string = rtrim (details); 006471 aa 6 00032 3715 20 epp5 pr6|26,* 006472 aa 5 00004 3535 20 epp3 pr5|4,* 006473 aa 6 00205 2351 00 lda pr6|133 006474 aa 000 000 165 540 tctr (pr,rl) 006475 aa 3 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr3|0,al details 006476 aa 0 76605 0001 00 arg pr0|-635 = 777777777777 006477 aa 6 00056 0001 00 arg pr6|46 006500 aa 6 00056 2361 00 ldq pr6|46 006501 aa 0 00242 3761 00 anq pr0|162 = 000777777777 006502 aa 6 00206 7561 00 stq pr6|134 006503 aa 6 00205 2361 00 ldq pr6|133 006504 aa 6 00206 1761 00 sbq pr6|134 006505 aa 000400 1160 07 cmpq 256,dl 006506 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 006510 006507 aa 000400 2360 07 ldq 256,dl 006510 aa 6 00103 7561 00 stq pr6|67 condition_info.info_string 006511 aa 040 140 100 540 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl),fill(040) 006512 aa 3 00000 00 0006 desc9a pr3|0,ql details 006513 aa 6 00104 00 0006 desc9a pr6|68,ql condition_info.info_string STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1166 condition_info.status_code = status; 006514 aa 5 00002 2361 20 ldq pr5|2,* status 006515 aa 6 00204 7561 00 stq pr6|132 condition_info.status_code STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1167 call signal_ ("fortran_storage_manager_error", null, addr (condition_info)); 006516 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 006517 aa 771457 00 0040 desc9a -3281,32 000175 = 146157162164 006520 aa 6 00210 00 0040 desc9a pr6|136,32 006521 aa 771353 3514 24 epp1 -3349,ic* 006522 aa 6 00220 2515 00 spri1 pr6|144 006523 aa 6 00100 3735 00 epp7 pr6|64 condition_info 006524 aa 6 00222 6535 00 spri7 pr6|146 006525 aa 6 00210 3521 00 epp2 pr6|136 006526 aa 6 00226 2521 00 spri2 pr6|150 006527 aa 6 00220 3521 00 epp2 pr6|144 006530 aa 6 00230 2521 00 spri2 pr6|152 006531 aa 6 00222 3521 00 epp2 pr6|146 006532 aa 6 00232 2521 00 spri2 pr6|154 006533 aa 771255 3520 04 epp2 -3411,ic 000010 = 524000000035 006534 aa 6 00234 2521 00 spri2 pr6|156 006535 aa 771321 3520 04 epp2 -3375,ic 000056 = 464000000000 006536 aa 6 00236 2521 00 spri2 pr6|158 006537 aa 6 00240 2521 00 spri2 pr6|160 006540 aa 6 00224 6211 00 eax1 pr6|148 006541 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 006542 la 4 00274 3521 20 epp2 pr4|188,* signal_ 006543 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 1168 end signal_fsm_error; 006544 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return_mac END PROCEDURE signal_fsm_error END PROCEDURE fsm_