ASSEMBLY LISTING OF SEGMENT >spec>on>06/27/83>lisp_gc_alm_.alm ASSEMBLED ON: 07/06/83 0927.3 mst Wed OPTIONS USED: list ASSEMBLED BY: ALM Version 6.4 April 1981 ASSEMBLER CREATED: 11/03/82 1423.6 mst Wed  1 " **************************************************************  2 " * *  3 " * Copyright, (C) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1973 *  4 " * *  5 " **************************************************************  6 "  7 " lisp_gc_alm_: ALM portion of lisp garbage collector  8 " Its history is unknown by the current maintainers.  9 "  10  11 tempd args(2)  12 tempd save_pr2 13 tempd array_data_ptr_ptr  14 tempd new_seg_ptr  15 tempd vector_ret  16 tempd cur_atom 17 tempd cur_bucket_cell 18 tempd old_nil  19 temp vector_left  20 temp cur_vec_entry 21 temp dope_vec_size 22 temp mark_size 23 temp copy_size 24 temp vector_thread 25 temp gctwa_flag  26 temp gctwa_thread  27 temp gctwa_final  28 include lisp_iochan  1-1  1-2 """ BEGIN INCLUDE FILE lisp_iochan.incl.alm 1-3  1-4 """ This is the format of the iochan block, which is used to control i/o operations 1-5 """ There is one iochan block for each logical channel. 1-6 """ A logical channel converses with a sequence of blocks,  1-7 """ which are buffers for a stream or segments for a(multi-seg)file.  1-8  000000 1-9 equ iochan.ioindex,0 current character position in buffer or segment  000001 1-10 equ iochan.iolength,1 number of characters in buffer or segment  000002 1-11 equ iochan.ioptr,2 -> buffer or base of segment  000004 1-12 equ iochan.thread,4 threaded list of all open iochans 000006 1-13 equ iochan.fcbp,6 for tssi_  000010 1-14 equ iochan.aclinfop,8 ..  000012 1-15 equ iochan.component,10 0 for stream, comp no for msf  000013 1-16 equ iochan.charpos,11  000014 1-17 equ iochan.linel,12  000015 1-18 equ iochan.flags,13  400000 1-19 bool iochan.seg,400000 1 => msf, 0 => stream  200000 1-20 bool,200000 0 => openi, 1 => not  100000 1-21 bool iochan.write,100000 0 => openo, 1 => not 040000 1-22 bool iochan.gc_mark,40000 for the garbage collector  020000 1-23 bool iochan.interactive,20000 1 => input => this is the tty  1-24 " output => flush buff after each operation  010000 1-25 bool iochan.must_reopen,10000 1 => saved iochan, must re-open before use  004000 1-26 bool iochan.nlsync,4000 1 => there is a NL in the buffer. 002000 1-27 bool iochan.charmode,2000 enables "instant" ios_$write 001000 1-28 bool iochan.extra_nl_done,1000 last char output was extra NL for chrct 000400 1-29 bool iochan.fixnum_mode,400 for use with in and out functions  000200 1-30 bool iochan.image_mode,200 just suppress auto-nl  210400 1-31 bool not_ok_to_read,210400 mask for checking input chan  110400 1-32 bool not_ok_to_write,110400 mask for checking output chan  1-33  000016 1-34 equ iochan.function,14 ** gc-able ** eoffn (input) or endpagefn (output) 000020 1-35 equ iochan.namelist,16 ** gc-able ** list of names, car is directory pathname  000022 1-36 equ,18 stream name or entry name  000032 1-37 equ iochan.pagel,26  000033 1-38 equ iochan.linenum,27  000034 1-39 equ iochan.pagenum,28  000035 1-40 equ iochan.End,29 size of this structure. 1-41  736777 1-42 bool flag_reset_mask,736777 anded into flags after each char  1-43  1-44 """ END INCLUDE FILE lisp_iochan.incl.alm  29 include lisp_object_types  2-1  2-2 " BEGIN INCLUDE FILE lisp_object_types.incl.alm 2-3 "  2-4 " D.A.Moon 14 July 72  2-5  2-6 "These are bit masks used to check or set the type bits in lisp pointers  2-7 "they should be used with cana instructions in the dl mode. 2-8 "  2-9 " Modified 1 Oct 1972 by Dan Bricklin to add bignum types.  2-10  2-11  2-12  077700 2-13 bool lisp_ptr.type,077700 "the whole type field  2-14  040000 2-15 bool Fixed,040000 "fixed number, stored in second word of ptr 020000 2-16 bool Float,020000 "floating number, stored in second word of ptr  061400 2-17 bool Numeric,061400 "fixed or float, big or little  010000 2-18 bool Atsym,010000 "Atomic symbol pointed at by ptr  077700 2-19 bool Atomic,077700 "any of these bits indicates an atom (non-list)  001000 2-20 bool Bignum,001000 "points to a bignum - fixed  060000 2-21 bool Uncollectable,060000 "not a pointer, also both bits on = "pdl_ptr"  004000 2-22 bool String,004000 "points at a lisp character string 002000 2-23 bool Subr,002000 "points at subr link 000400 2-24 bool System_Subr,000400 "marks a subr as being in the text of lisp bound seg. 000200 2-25 bool Array,000200 "points at an array,  2-26 " which is a special kind of subr  067500 2-27 bool Unevalable,067500 "any of these bits means  2-28 " does not have car and cdr  001000 2-29 bool Big_fixed,001000 "points to fixed bignum 000100 2-30 bool File,000100 "points to a file object (i.e. an iochan)  2-31  2-32 "fields for making numbers, a fault tag is included in case someone takes the car or cdr of it  2-33  040047 2-34 bool fixnum_type,040047  020047 2-35 bool flonum_type,020047  2-36  2-37 " END INCLUDE FILE: lisp_object_types.incl.alm  30 even  000000 aa 000000 000004 31 noargs: zero 0,4  000001 aa 000000 000000 32 zero 0,0  000002 aa 000002 000004 33 onearg: zero 2,4  000003 aa 000000 000000 34 zero 0,0  000004 aa 077777 000043 35 nullptr: its -1,1  000005 aa 000001 000000 36  000006 37 entry collect  000006 aa 000120 6270 00 38 collect: push  000007 aa 7 00040 2721 20 000010 aa 0 00002 2351 20 39 lda pr0|2,* " test for gctwa mode.  000011 aa 6 00100 7551 00 40 sta gctwa_flag 000012 4a 4 00010 2371 20 41 ldaq |[nil] 000013 aa 6 00070 7571 00 42 staq old_nil " copy for later use  000014 4a 4 00012 3715 20 43 epp5 |[cur_seg],* 000015 aa 0 00004 6515 20 44 spri5 pr0|4,* " return value is list of old segment.  000016 0a 000004 3714 20 45 epp5 nullptr,* 000017 0a 000753 7050 00 46 tsx5 get_initial_segment " this entry skips  000020 aa 000000 0110 00 47 nop  000021 0a 001006 3734 00 48 epp7 =0  000022 aa 6 00077 5471 00 49 sprp7 vector_thread  000023 aa 6 00101 5471 00 50 sprp7 gctwa_thread 000024 aa 6 00102 5471 00 51 sprp7 gctwa_final  52  000025 4a 4 00014 2351 20 53 lda |[number_gc_ptrs]  000026 aa 000000 5310 00 54 neg 0  000027 aa 6 00072 7551 00 55 sta vector_left  000030 4a 4 00016 3515 20 56 epp1 |[garbage_collected_ptrs]  000031 aa 6 00062 3571 00 57 stcd vector_ret  000032 0a 000054 7100 00 58 tra vector_loop  59  000033 4a 4 00020 3515 20 60 epp1 |[stack_ptr],* 000034 aa 1 00000 6351 00 61 eaa pr1|0  000035 aa 000023 7710 00 62 arl 18+1 "divide by 2 000036 aa 000000 5310 00 63 neg 0  000037 aa 6 00072 7551 00 64 sta vector_left  000040 aa 1 00000 3511 00 65 epbp1 pr1|0 " start at base of stack  000041 aa 6 00062 3571 00 66 stcd vector_ret  000042 0a 000054 7100 00 67 tra vector_loop  68  000043 69 handle_vectors_encountered: " this is now in vector_ret.  000043 aa 6 00077 7601 00 70 lprp0 vector_thread  000044 aa 0 00000 2341 00 71 szn pr0|0 " end of vector thread is a zero word.  000045 0a 000063 6000 00 72 tze gctwa_phs1 000046 aa 0 00001 2351 00 73 lda pr0|1  000047 aa 000000 5310 00 74 neg  000050 aa 6 00072 7551 00 75 sta vector_left  000051 aa 0 00002 2351 00 76 lda pr0|2  000052 aa 6 00077 7551 00 77 sta vector_thread  000053 aa 0 00000 7611 00 78 lprp1 pr0|0  79 " stcd vector_ret  80 " tra vector_loop  81 " tra handle_vectors_encountered  000054 82 vector_loop:  000054 aa 6 00073 5411 00 83 sprp1 cur_vec_entry "pr1 points to current slot in vector to ahndle.  000055 0a 000632 7040 00 84 tsx4 copylist  000056 aa 6 00073 7611 00 85 lprp1 cur_vec_entry  000057 aa 1 00002 3515 00 86 epp1 pr1|2 " move to next entry  000060 aa 6 00072 0541 00 87 aos vector_left  000061 0a 000054 6040 00 88 tmi vector_loop  000062 aa 6 00062 6101 00 89 rtcd vector_ret  90  000063 91 gctwa_phs1: " see if anything is on gctwa thread, 92 " process first element, then go back to  93 " handle any vectors encountered.  94 " this phase just collects all worthy atoms --  95 " those that have a value or non-nil plist. 000063 aa 6 00101 7611 00 96 lprp1 gctwa_thread 000064 aa 1 00000 2341 00 97 szn pr1|0 " test for empty thread 000065 0a 000126 6000 00 98 tze gctwa_phs2 " if no elements on list, handle rest of gctwa. 000066 aa 1 00000 7601 00 99 lprp0 pr1|0 " get pointer to obarray. 000067 aa 1 00001 2351 00 100 lda pr1|1 " and number of elements in it (buckets)  000070 aa 000000 5310 00 101 neg  000071 aa 6 00072 7551 00 102 sta vector_left  000072 aa 1 00002 2361 00 103 ldq pr1|2 " move down gctwa_thread  000073 aa 6 00101 7561 00 104 stq gctwa_thread  105  000074 aa 6 00102 2361 00 106 ldq gctwa_final " thread block onto phase 2 thread 000075 aa 1 00002 7561 00 107 stq pr1|2  000076 aa 6 00102 5411 00 108 sprp1 gctwa_final  109  000077 110 ph1_vec_loop: " loop over all buckets.  000077 aa 6 00073 5401 00 111 sprp0 cur_vec_entry  000100 aa 0 00000 3515 20 112 epp1 pr0|0,* " get first bucket ptr.  000101 113 ph1_lst_loop: " loop over list, until a cell already seen is encountered.  000101 aa 1 00000 2371 00 114 ldaq pr1|0 " get car of first cell.  000102 0a 000121 6040 00 115 tmi ph1_next_bucket  000103 aa 6 00064 7571 00 116 staq cur_atom " if not marked, must be atom (maybe worthwhile)  000104 aa 1 00002 2371 00 117 ldaq pr1|2 " get ptr to next cell 000105 aa 6 00066 7571 00 118 staq cur_bucket_cell  000106 aa 6 00064 3501 20 119 epp0 cur_atom,* " get ptr to atom 000107 aa 0 00000 2371 00 120 ldaq pr0|0 " and test its car.  000110 0a 000117 6040 00 121 tmi ph1_next_atom " already seen and marked,  000111 0a 000115 6054 00 122 tpnz worthy_atom " this is a worthy atom because it has a value.  000112 aa 0 00002 2371 00 123 ldaq pr0|2 " load plist ptr  000113 aa 6 00070 1171 00 124 cmpaq old_nil " nil should have been collected already!  000114 0a 000117 6000 00 125 tze ph1_next_atom  000115 126 worthy_atom:  000115 aa 6 00064 3515 00 127 epp1 cur_atom " collect the atom. We know it has not already been seen.  000116 0a 000634 7040 00 128 tsx4 cplistlp " SO, we call past the already_seen check.  000117 129 ph1_next_atom:  000117 aa 6 00066 3515 20 130 epp1 cur_bucket_cell,* " get ptr to next bucket cell.  000120 0a 000101 7100 00 131 tra ph1_lst_loop  000121 132 ph1_next_bucket:  000121 aa 6 00073 7601 00 133 lprp0 cur_vec_entry  000122 aa 0 00002 3501 00 134 epp0 pr0|2 " move to next bucket 000123 aa 6 00072 0541 00 135 aos vector_left  000124 0a 000077 6040 00 136 tmi ph1_vec_loop  137  000125 0a 000043 7100 00 138 tra handle_vectors_encountered " may have found new vectors or obarrays to collect.  139  000126 140 gctwa_phs2: 000126 aa 6 00102 7611 00 141 lprp1 gctwa_final  000127 aa 1 00000 2341 00 142 szn pr1|0  000130 0a 000166 6000 00 143 tze scan_maknum  000131 aa 1 00000 7601 00 144 lprp0 pr1|0 " get next element.  000132 aa 1 00001 2351 00 145 lda pr1|1  000133 aa 000000 5310 00 146 neg  000134 aa 6 00072 7551 00 147 sta vector_left  000135 aa 1 00002 2361 00 148 ldq pr1|2  000136 aa 6 00102 7561 00 149 stq gctwa_final " thread off list.  150  000137 151 ph2_vec_loop:  000137 aa 0 00000 3535 00 152 epp3 pr0|0 " keep ptr to place to patch in next bucket cell  000140 aa 0 00000 3515 20 153 epp1 pr0|0,* " get ptr to first cell in bucket.  000141 154 ph2_lst_loop:  000141 aa 1 00000 2371 00 155 ldaq pr1|0 " check for end (a marked cell)  000142 0a 000160 6040 00 156 tmi ph2_end_list  000143 aa 1 00000 2371 20 157 ldaq pr1|0,* " load car of atom to test if marked.  000144 0a 000156 6050 00 158 tpl ph2_worthless " if not seen yet, worthless.  000145 aa 400000 6750 03 159 era =o400000,du " clear mark bit, to get new location 000146 160 ph2_make_cell:  000146 aa 5 00002 3521 53 161 epp2 pr5|2,ad " allocate a cons cell to append to bucket  000147 0a 000153 6070 00 162 ttf ph2_made_cell  000150 0a 000751 7050 00 163 tsx5 tally_ran_out " handle tally runout  000151 0a 000153 7100 00 164 tra ph2_made_cell  000152 0a 000146 7100 00 165 tra ph2_make_cell  000153 166 ph2_made_cell:  000153 aa 2 00000 7571 00 167 staq pr2|0 " store worthy atom in car of cell 000154 aa 3 00000 2521 00 168 spri2 pr3|0 " patch new cell in at end of list  000155 aa 2 00002 3535 00 169 epp3 pr2|2 " and new place to patch is cdr of new cell.  000156 170 ph2_worthless:  000156 aa 1 00002 3515 20 171 epp1 pr1|2,* " get ptr to next cell  000157 0a 000141 7100 00 172 tra ph2_lst_loop  000160 173 ph2_end_list:  000160 aa 400000 6750 03 174 era =o400000,du " turn off mark bit to get ptr to tail of bucket list  000161 aa 3 00000 7571 00 175 staq pr3|0 " patch it into end of new list.  000162 aa 0 00002 3501 00 176 epp0 pr0|2 " move to next bucket  000163 aa 6 00072 0541 00 177 aos vector_left  000164 0a 000137 6040 00 178 tmi ph2_vec_loop  179  000165 0a 000126 7100 00 180 tra gctwa_phs2 " and go handle next obarray  181  182  000166 183 scan_maknum:  000166 4a 4 00022 3515 20 184 epp1 |[maknum_table_ptr],*  000167 4a 4 00024 2361 20 185 ldq |[maknum_mask]  000170 aa 000001 0760 07 186 adq 1,dl  000171 0a 000257 6000 00 187 tze retrn  000172 4a 4 00026 4501 20 188 stz |[maknum_left]  000173 aa 000044 7370 00 189 lls 36 divide by 8 and shift to negate 000174 aa 000003 7710 00 190 arl 3  000175 aa 000000 5310 00 191 neg  000176 aa 6 00072 7551 00 192 sta vector_left " number of entries in maknum hash table.  193  000177 194 maknum_scan_loop:  000177 aa 1 00000 2361 00 195 ldq pr1|0 " type is in low-order 9 bits.  000200 0a 000244 6000 00 196 tze next_entry 000201 aa 000600 3160 07 197 canq (Fixed+Float)/64,dl  000202 0a 000216 6010 00 198 tnz ok_entry  000203 aa 1 00001 7601 00 199 lprp0 pr1|1  000204 aa 000021 3160 07 200 canq (Subr+File)/64,dl " check for subrs arrays and files. 000205 0a 000220 6010 00 201 tnz ck_saf_maknum_entry  000206 aa 0 00000 2371 00 202 ldaq pr0|0 " load word with mark bit. 000207 0a 000243 6050 00 203 tpl not_ok_entry " entry not otherwise protected. 000210 aa 200000 3150 03 204 cana =o200000,du " for bignums, have to check second bit, 000211 0a 000243 6010 00 205 tnz not_ok_entry " which should be off for ptrs, but may be on in negative bignums.  000212 aa 400000 6750 03 206 era =o400000,du " turn off mark bit.  000213 aa 1 00001 7551 00 207 sta pr1|1 " store new address (segno part)  000214 aa 000022 7720 00 208 qrl 18 000215 aa 1 00001 5521 14 209 stbq pr1|1,14 " and word part in lower two bytes. 000216 4a 4 00026 0541 20 210 ok_entry:aos |[maknum_left]  000217 0a 000244 7100 00 211 tra next_entry 000220 212 ck_saf_maknum_entry:  000220 aa 000001 3160 07 213 canq File/64,dl  000221 0a 000237 6010 00 214 tnz file_maknum_entry  000222 aa 000002 3160 07 215 canq Array/64,dl  000223 0a 000235 6010 00 216 tnz array_maknum_entry 000224 aa 0 00001 7201 00 217 lxl0 pr0|1 " check array type.  000225 aa 700004 1000 03 218 cmpx0 =o700004,du " should be tsx0 ,ic if compiled subr.  000226 0a 000216 6010 00 219 tnz ok_entry " if not compiled, ok to keep in maknum table  000227 aa 0 00001 2201 00 220 ldx0 pr0|1 " otherwise check to see if already seen  000230 aa 0 77776 3501 10 221 epp0 pr0|-2,x0 " get subr header  000231 aa 0 00007 2201 00 222 ldx0 pr0|7 " get gc_mark halfword  000232 223 test_maknum_gc_mark:  000232 4a 4 00030 3001 20 224 canx0 |[gc_mark_bits]  000233 0a 000216 6010 00 225 tnz ok_entry  000234 0a 000243 7100 00 226 tra not_ok_entry  000235 227 array_maknum_entry: 000235 aa 0 00000 7201 00 228 lxl0 pr0|0 " load gc_mark_ bits  000236 0a 000232 7100 00 229 tra test_maknum_gc_mark  000237 230 file_maknum_entry:  000237 aa 0 00015 2201 00 231 ldx0 pr0|iochan.flags  000240 aa 040000 3000 03 232 canx0 iochan.gc_mark,du  000241 0a 000216 6010 00 233 tnz ok_entry  000242 0a 000243 7100 00 234 tra not_ok_entry  235  000243 236 not_ok_entry:  000243 aa 1 00000 4501 00 237 stz pr1|0 " clear type and uid word of maknum table entry 000244 238 next_entry: 000244 aa 1 00002 3515 00 239 epp1 pr1|2 000245 aa 6 00072 0541 00 240 aos vector_left  000246 0a 000177 6040 00 241 tmi maknum_scan_loop  242  000247 243 done_maknum_scan:  000247 aa 400000 2350 03 244 lda =o400000,du  000250 4a 4 00032 7551 20 245 sta |[garbage_collect_inhibit]  000251 0a 000000 3500 00 246 epp0 noargs  000252 aa 6 00000 3731 00 247 epbp7 pr6|0 " find stack base.  000253 4a 4 00034 3521 20 248 short_call |[rehash_maknum]  000254 aa 7 00036 6701 20 000255 aa 6 00030 3701 20 000256 4a 4 00032 4501 20 249 stz |[garbage_collect_inhibit]  250  000257 251 retrn:  000257 aa 6 00000 3731 00 252 epbp7 pr6|0 " make return know where stack base is.  000260 aa 7 00042 7101 20 253 return 254  000261 255 already_seen: " called with pr1 pointing at object.  256 " call is tsx7. routine returns to next  257 " instruction, having patched doubleword  258 " at pr1 if object has been moved already.  259 " if an Atsym or Cons, and not yet moved,  260 " then routine skips on return. 261  000261 aa 1 00000 2371 00 262 ldaq pr1|0 " load object to test for 0  000262 aa 000000 6000 17 263 tze 0,x7 " (uninitialized atsym or stack entry)  264  000263 aa 060077 3750 07 265 ana =o060077,dl " mask out modifier  266 "exit on non-gc'able strings, too.  000264 aa 000043 1150 07 267 cmpa =o43,dl " and check for its. 000265 aa 000000 6010 17 268 tnz 0,x7 " must be number or error.  269  000266 aa 1 00000 2351 00 270 lda pr1|0 " load type field again.  000267 aa 067700 3150 07 271 cana Atomic-Atsym,dl " see if atomic. (atsym is treated like cons) 000270 0a 000276 6010 00 272 tnz seen_atoms 273  000271 274 test_cons:  000271 aa 1 00000 2371 20 275 ldaq pr1|0,* " load car of cons.  000272 aa 000001 6050 17 276 tpl 1,x7 " mark bit not set, so not seen yet. 000273 277 unmark_return:  000273 aa 400000 6750 03 278 era =o400000,du " clear mark bit. 000274 aa 1 00000 7571 00 279 staq pr1|0 " store new location in argument. 000275 aa 000000 7100 17 280 tra 0,x7 " return as already seen.  281  000276 282 seen_atoms: 000276 aa 002000 3150 07 283 cana Subr,dl  000277 0a 000412 6010 00 284 tnz test_subr  285  000300 aa 000100 3150 07 286 cana File,dl  000301 0a 000365 6010 00 287 tnz test_file  288  000302 aa 001000 3150 07 289 cana Bignum,dl 000303 0a 000334 6010 00 290 tnz test_bignum  291  000304 aa 004000 3150 07 292 cana String,dl 000305 0a 000307 6010 00 293 tnz test_string  294  295 "ERROR IF GET HERE.  000306 aa 000000 7100 17 296 tra 0,x7  297  298  000307 299 test_string:  000307 aa 1 00000 2371 20 300 ldaq pr1|0,*  000310 0a 000273 6040 00 301 tmi unmark_return  000311 aa 000044 7730 00 302 lrl 36 000312 aa 000003 0760 07 303 adq 3,dl " extra cells of 4 words (16 bytes to allocate)  000313 aa 000004 7720 00 304 qrl 4  000314 0a 000726 7060 00 305 tsx6 allocate_cells  000315 aa 6 00054 2521 00 306 spri2 save_pr2 000316 aa 1 00000 3521 20 307 epp2 pr1|0,*  000317 aa 2 00000 2361 00 308 ldq pr2|0 "get length.  000320 aa 000004 0760 07 309 adq 4,dl  000321 aa 0 00140 1005 40 310 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl)  000322 aa 200000 000006 311 desc9a pr2|0,ql  000323 aa 000000 000006 312 desc9a pr0|0,ql  000324 aa 1 00000 2501 00 313 spri0 pr1|0 " now store new address back.  000325 aa 1 00000 2371 00 314 ldaq pr1|0 " and set type  000326 aa 004000 2750 07 315 ora String,dl  000327 aa 1 00000 7571 00 316 staq pr1|0 000330 aa 400000 2750 03 317 ora =o400000,du " and set mark bit.  000331 aa 2 00000 7571 00 318 staq pr2|0 000332 aa 6 00054 3521 20 319 epp2 save_pr2,* " get back pr2 000333 aa 000000 7100 17 320 tra 0,x7  321  000334 322 test_bignum:  323 " a bignum is marked by having the mark bit on, and the second 324 " bit off (normally the two high-order bits are on or off together).  000334 aa 1 00000 2371 20 325 ldaq pr1|0,* " load first double-word 000335 0a 000340 6050 00 326 tpl unseen_bignum  000336 aa 200000 3150 03 327 cana =o200000,du " test second bit.  000337 0a 000273 6000 00 328 tze unmark_return  000340 329 unseen_bignum:  000340 aa 000044 7730 00 330 lrl 36 000341 aa 777777 3760 07 331 anq -1,dl " mask out length.  000342 aa 000002 7720 00 332 qrl 2 " divide by 4 (alloc multiple of 4)  000343 0a 000726 7060 00 333 tsx6 allocate_cells  000344 aa 6 00054 2521 00 334 spri2 save_pr2 000345 aa 1 00000 3521 20 335 epp2 pr1|0,*  000346 aa 2 00000 2361 00 336 ldq pr2|0  000347 aa 777777 3760 07 337 anq -1,dl  000350 aa 000002 7360 00 338 qls 2  000351 aa 000004 0760 07 339 adq 4,dl  000352 aa 0 00140 1005 40 340 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl)  000353 aa 200000 000006 341 desc9a pr2|0,ql  000354 aa 000000 000006 342 desc9a pr0|0,ql  000355 aa 1 00000 2501 00 343 spri0 pr1|0  000356 aa 1 00000 2371 00 344 ldaq pr1|0 000357 aa 001000 2750 07 345 ora Bignum,dl  000360 aa 1 00000 7571 00 346 staq pr1|0 000361 aa 400000 2750 03 347 ora =o400000,du  000362 aa 2 00000 7571 00 348 staq pr2|0 000363 aa 6 00054 3521 20 349 epp2 save_pr2,*  000364 aa 000000 7100 17 350 tra 0,x7  351  000365 352 test_file:  000365 aa 1 00000 3501 20 353 epp0 pr1|0,* get address of file block.  000366 aa 0 00015 2351 00 354 lda pr0|iochan.flags  000367 aa 040000 3150 03 355 cana iochan.gc_mark,du 000370 aa 000000 6010 17 356 tnz 0,x7 " return if marked already. 357  000371 aa 040000 2750 03 358 ora iochan.gc_mark,du  000372 aa 0 00015 7551 00 359 sta pr0|iochan.flags  360  000373 aa 0 00016 3501 00 361 epp0 pr0|iochan.function  000374 aa 6 00054 2521 00 362 spri2 save_pr2 000375 363 allocate_file_thread_block: 000375 aa 5 00002 3521 53 364 epp2 pr5|2,ad  000376 0a 000402 6070 00 365 ttf file_thread_block_made 000377 0a 000751 7050 00 366 tsx5 tally_ran_out 000400 0a 000402 7100 00 367 tra file_thread_block_made 000401 0a 000375 7100 00 368 tra allocate_file_thread_block  000402 369 file_thread_block_made: 000402 aa 2 00000 5401 00 370 sprp0 pr2|0  000403 aa 000002 2360 07 371 ldq 2,dl  000404 aa 2 00001 7561 00 372 stq pr2|1  000405 aa 6 00077 2361 00 373 ldq vector_thread  000406 aa 2 00002 7561 00 374 stq pr2|2  000407 aa 6 00077 5421 00 375 sprp2 vector_thread  000410 aa 6 00054 3521 20 376 epp2 save_pr2,*  000411 aa 000000 7100 17 377 tra 0,x7  378  000412 379 test_subr:  000412 aa 1 00000 3501 20 380 epp0 pr1|0,* " get what subr object points at.  000413 aa 000001 3160 03 381 canq 1,du " fix odd address, which arises in subr links to subrs and arrays.  000414 aa 000002 6000 04 382 tze 2,ic  000415 aa 0 77777 3501 00 383 epp0 pr0|-1  384  000416 aa 000200 3150 07 385 cana Array,dl " screen out arrays.  000417 0a 000451 6010 00 386 tnz test_array 387  000420 aa 0 00001 7201 00 388 lxl0 pr0|1 " load 2nd word of subr entry.  000421 aa 700004 1000 03 389 cmpx0 =o700004,du " tsx0 ..,ic 000422 aa 000000 6010 17 390 tnz 0,x7 " if not this value, then nothing to do. 391  000423 aa 0 00001 2201 00 392 ldx0 pr0|1 " to get to header.  000424 aa 0 77777 3501 10 393 epp0 pr0|-1,x0 394  000425 aa 0 00007 2201 00 395 ldx0 pr0|7 " gc mark. 000426 4a 4 00030 3001 20 396 canx0 |[gc_mark_bits]  000427 aa 000000 6010 17 397 tnz 0,x7  398  399 " THREAD SUBR ONTO VECTOR THREAD  400 " AND MARK. 401  000430 4a 4 00030 2201 20 402 ldx0 |[gc_mark_bits]  000431 aa 0 00007 7401 00 403 stx0 pr0|7 000432 aa 6 00054 2521 00 404 spri2 save_pr2 000433 405 retry_subr_block_thread:  000433 aa 5 00002 3521 53 406 epp2 pr5|2,ad  000434 0a 000440 6070 00 407 ttf subr_thread_block_made 000435 0a 000751 7050 00 408 tsx5 tally_ran_out 000436 0a 000440 7100 00 409 tra subr_thread_block_made 000437 0a 000433 7100 00 410 tra retry_subr_block_thread  000440 411 subr_thread_block_made: 000440 aa 6 00077 2361 00 412 ldq vector_thread  000441 aa 2 00002 7561 00 413 stq pr2|2  000442 aa 0 00007 7201 00 414 lxl0 pr0|7 000443 aa 2 00001 4401 00 415 sxl0 pr2|1 000444 aa 0 00010 3501 00 416 epp0 pr0|8 000445 aa 2 00000 5401 00 417 sprp0 pr2|0  000446 aa 6 00077 5421 00 418 sprp2 vector_thread  000447 aa 6 00054 3521 20 419 epp2 save_pr2,*  000450 aa 000000 7100 17 420 tra 0,x7  421  422  000451 423 test_array: 000451 aa 0 00000 7201 00 424 lxl0 pr0|0 "gc mark.  000452 4a 4 00030 3001 20 425 canx0 |[gc_mark_bits]  000453 aa 000000 6010 17 426 tnz 0,x7  427  428 " NOW COPY ARRAY BODY, PYT ARRAY ON LIST, AND MARK. 429  000454 4a 4 00030 2201 20 430 ldx0 |[gc_mark_bits]  000455 aa 0 00000 4401 00 431 sxl0 pr0|0 "mark array.  432  000456 aa 0 00007 2201 00 433 ldx0 pr0|7 " get type.  000457 0a 000460 7100 10 434 tra array_handlers,x0  000460 435 array_handlers: 000460 0a 000621 7100 00 436 tra S_expr_array  000461 0a 000621 7100 00 437 tra Un_gc_array  000462 0a 000506 7100 00 438 tra number_array  000463 0a 000506 7100 00 439 tra number_array  000464 0a 000530 7100 00 440 tra readtable_array  000465 0a 000576 7100 00 441 tra obarray_array  000466 aa 000000 7100 17 442 tra 0,x7 " dead array, nothing to do. 443  000467 444 compute_size:  000467 aa 0 00007 7221 00 445 lxl2 pr0|7 " offset to bounds array.  000470 aa 000000 6350 12 446 eaa 0,x2 " get size of dope vector in words.  000471 aa 000000 5310 00 447 neg  000472 aa 000022 7710 00 448 arl 18 000473 aa 6 00074 7551 00 449 sta dope_vec_size  000474 aa 6 00054 2521 00 450 spri2 save_pr2 000475 aa 0 00002 3521 00 451 epp2 pr0|2 " get ptr to array_data_ptr 000476 aa 6 00056 2521 00 452 spri2 array_data_ptr_ptr  000477 aa 2 00000 3521 20 453 epp2 pr2|0,*  000500 aa 000001 2360 07 454 ldq 1,dl  000501 aa 2 77776 3521 00 455 csizelp: epp2 pr2|-2  000502 aa 2 00000 4021 00 456 mpy pr2|0  000503 aa 000002 6220 12 457 eax2 2,x2  000504 0a 000501 6040 00 458 tmi csizelp  000505 aa 000000 7100 16 459 tra 0,x6  460  000506 461 number_array:  000506 aa 0 00007 7221 00 462 lxl2 pr0|7 Check for external array  000507 aa 000000 6000 17 463 tze 0,7 Leave alone if so.  000510 0a 000467 7060 00 464 tsx6 compute_size  000511 aa 6 00074 0761 00 465 adq dope_vec_size  000512 aa 6 00076 7561 00 466 stq copy_size  000513 aa 000001 1760 07 467 sbq 1,dl " to get number of additional blocks to allocate.  000514 aa 000002 7710 00 468 arl 2 " divide by 4.  000515 0a 000726 7060 00 469 tsx6 allocate_cells  000516 aa 6 00076 2361 00 470 ldq copy_size  000517 aa 000002 7360 00 471 qls 2 " 4 bytes per word.  000520 aa 0 00140 1005 40 472 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl)  000521 aa 200000 000006 473 desc9a pr2|0,ql  000522 aa 000000 000006 474 desc9a pr0|0,ql  000523 aa 6 00074 2361 00 475 ldq dope_vec_size  000524 aa 0 00000 3501 06 476 epp0 pr0|0,ql  000525 aa 6 00056 2501 20 477 spri0 array_data_ptr_ptr,* 000526 aa 6 00054 3521 20 478 epp2 save_pr2,*  000527 aa 000000 7100 17 479 tra 0,x7  480  481  000530 482 readtable_array:  000530 aa 6 00054 2521 00 483 spri2 save_pr2 000531 aa 0 00002 3521 20 484 epp2 pr0|2,*  000532 aa 2 77776 3521 00 485 epp2 pr2|-2  000533 aa 0 00002 3501 00 486 epp0 pr0|2 000534 aa 6 00056 2501 00 487 spri0 array_data_ptr_ptr  000535 aa 000110 2360 07 488 ldq 72,dl " readtable size in 4 word blocks - 1  000536 0a 000726 7060 00 489 tsx6 allocate_cells  000537 aa 002220 2360 07 490 ldq 73*16,dl " number of bytes to move.  000540 aa 0 00140 1005 40 491 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl)  000541 aa 200000 000006 492 desc9a pr2|0,ql  000542 aa 000000 000006 493 desc9a pr0|0,ql  000543 aa 0 00002 3501 00 494 epp0 pr0|2 " offset of data part  000544 aa 6 00056 2501 20 495 spri0 array_data_ptr_ptr,* 496  000545 aa 2 00000 5401 00 497 sprp0 pr2|0 " thread of gc'able vectors.  000546 aa 000011 2360 07 498 ldq 9,dl " number of markable-from words. 000547 aa 2 00001 7561 00 499 stq pr2|1  000550 aa 6 00077 2361 00 500 ldq vector_thread  000551 aa 2 00002 7561 00 501 stq pr2|2 " thread in to vector list  000552 aa 6 00077 5421 00 502 sprp2 vector_thread  503  000553 aa 6 00054 3521 20 504 epp2 save_pr2,*  000554 aa 000000 7100 17 505 tra 0,x7  506  000555 507 copy_array: " called with tsx3.  000555 0a 000467 7060 00 508 tsx6 compute_size  000556 aa 6 00075 7561 00 509 stq mark_size  000557 aa 000001 7360 00 510 qls 1  000560 aa 6 00074 0761 00 511 adq dope_vec_size  000561 aa 6 00076 7561 00 512 stq copy_size  000562 aa 000001 1760 07 513 sbq 1,dl  000563 aa 000002 7720 00 514 qrl 2 " q now has 1 less than number of 4word blocks. 000564 0a 000726 7060 00 515 tsx6 allocate_cells  000565 aa 6 00076 2361 00 516 ldq copy_size  000566 aa 000002 7360 00 517 qls 2  000567 aa 0 00140 1005 40 518 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl)  000570 aa 200000 000006 519 desc9a pr2|0,ql  000571 aa 000000 000006 520 desc9a pr0|0,ql  000572 aa 6 00074 2361 00 521 ldq dope_vec_size  000573 aa 0 00000 3501 06 522 epp0 pr0|0,ql  000574 aa 6 00056 2501 20 523 spri0 array_data_ptr_ptr,* 000575 aa 000000 7100 13 524 tra 0,x3  525  000576 526 obarray_array:  000576 aa 6 00100 2341 00 527 szn gctwa_flag 000577 0a 000621 6000 00 528 tze S_expr_array " if not doing gctwa, treat as ordinary array  529  000600 0a 000555 7030 00 530 tsx3 copy_array  531  532 " now thread hash table part onto gctwa_thread, and single char atoms  533 " on vector_thread 534  000601 aa 2 00000 5401 00 535 sprp0 pr2|0  000602 aa 000777 2360 07 536 ldq 511,dl 000603 aa 2 00001 7561 00 537 stq pr2|1  000604 aa 6 00101 2361 00 538 ldq gctwa_thread  000605 aa 2 00002 7561 00 539 stq pr2|2  000606 aa 6 00101 5421 00 540 sprp2 gctwa_thread 541  000607 aa 0 01776 3501 00 542 epp0 pr0|511*2 000610 aa 2 00003 3521 00 543 epp2 pr2|3 " gctwa list cell uses 3 words, get vector list cell  000611 aa 2 00000 5401 00 544 sprp0 pr2|0 " store ptr to singl char atom table. 000612 aa 000200 2360 07 545 ldq 128,dl " size of single char atom table  000613 aa 2 00001 7561 00 546 stq pr2|1  000614 aa 6 00077 2361 00 547 ldq vector_thread  000615 aa 2 00002 7561 00 548 stq pr2|2  000616 aa 6 00077 5421 00 549 sprp2 vector_thread  550  000617 aa 6 00054 3521 20 551 epp2 save_pr2,*  000620 aa 000000 7100 17 552 tra 0,x7  553  000621 554 Un_gc_array:  000621 555 S_expr_array:  000621 0a 000555 7030 00 556 tsx3 copy_array  000622 aa 2 00000 5401 00 557 sprp0 pr2|0  000623 aa 6 00075 2361 00 558 ldq mark_size  000624 aa 2 00001 7561 00 559 stq pr2|1  000625 aa 6 00077 2361 00 560 ldq vector_thread  000626 aa 2 00002 7561 00 561 stq pr2|2  000627 aa 6 00077 5421 00 562 sprp2 vector_thread  563  000630 aa 6 00054 3521 20 564 epp2 save_pr2,*  000631 aa 000000 7100 17 565 tra 0,x7  566  567  568 " copylist is called by a tsx4, with pr1 pointing at a double-word containing  569 " some lisp object. 570 " copylist implements a modified version of Douglas Clark's linearizing 571 " garbage collection algorithm. 572 " Atomic symbols are treated as list cells for this algorithm.  573 " Other types, such as arrays, files, subr blocks, etc. are copied  574 " into the new segments, marked, and threaded onto a list called  575 " "vector thread". The lisp objects they contain are not  576 " processed by copylist.  577  000632 0a 000261 7070 00 578 copylist: tsx7 already_seen 000633 aa 000000 7100 14 579 tra 0,x4  580  000634 581 cplistlp:  000634 0a 000662 7070 00 582 tsx7 copycell  583  000635 aa 3 00002 3515 00 584 epp1 pr3|2 "check cdr of currently copied cell.  000636 0a 000261 7070 00 585 tsx7 already_seen  000637 0a 000647 7100 00 586 tra cdr_already_seen  587  000640 aa 3 00000 3515 00 588 epp1 pr3|0 000641 0a 000261 7070 00 589 tsx7 already_seen  000642 0a 000645 7100 00 590 tra car_seen_but_not_cdr  591  592 " both car and cdr not seen yet. so thread old cell onto  593 " continuation list.  594  000643 aa 2 00002 6535 00 595 spri7 pr2|2  000644 aa 2 00000 3735 00 596 epp7 pr2|0 597  000645 598 car_seen_but_not_cdr:  000645 aa 3 00002 3515 00 599 epp1 pr3|2 " proceed with cdr. 000646 0a 000634 7100 00 600 tra cplistlp  601  000647 602 cdr_already_seen:  000647 aa 3 00000 3515 00 603 epp1 pr3|0 000650 0a 000261 7070 00 604 tsx7 already_seen "check car.  000651 0a 000653 7100 00 605 tra ck_continuation " both car and cdr have been seen, so stop with current list.  606  607 " epp1 pr3|0 not needed because done just above.  000652 0a 000634 7100 00 608 tra cplistlp  609  000653 610 ck_continuation:  000653 aa 7 00000 2341 00 611 szn pr7|0 " pr7 starts out pointing to a zero word.  000654 aa 000000 6000 14 612 tze 0,x4  613  614 " NOTE: following depends on hardware not looking at high order bits  615 " in indirecting through a double-word.  616  000655 aa 7 00000 3515 20 617 epp1 pr7|0,*  000656 aa 7 00002 3735 20 618 epp7 pr7|2,* " advance through continuation list. 619  000657 0a 000271 7070 00 620 tsx7 test_cons " we know it is a cons or atsym here.  000660 0a 000653 7100 00 621 tra ck_continuation  000661 0a 000634 7100 00 622 tra cplistlp  623  000662 624 copycell:  625 " Input: pr1 -> cons or atsym ptr to copy. 626 " Output: pr2 = old address from object.  627 " pr3 = new object address.  628 " new object's car and cdr have been copied from old.  629 " pr1 -> copied address (new form of input object).  630 " old object's car points to new object, and mark bit (sign bit)  631 " is turned on.  632  000662 aa 1 00000 3521 20 633 epp2 pr1|0,*  634  000663 aa 1 00000 7261 00 635 lxl6 pr1|0 "check type (cons or atsym).  000664 aa 010000 3060 03 636 canx6 Atsym,du 000665 0a 000701 6010 00 637 tnz copyatsym  000666 638 copycons:  000666 aa 5 00002 3535 53 639 epp3 pr5|2,ad " allocate a cons cell.  000667 0a 000740 6064 00 640 ttn tally_out_on_cons  000670 aa 1 00000 2535 00 641 consalloc:spri3 pr1|0  642  000671 aa 2 00000 2371 00 643 ldaq pr2|0 000672 aa 3 00000 7571 00 644 staq pr3|0 000673 aa 2 00002 2371 00 645 ldaq pr2|2 000674 aa 3 00002 7571 00 646 staq pr3|2 647  000675 aa 1 00000 2371 00 648 ldaq pr1|0 "store new address with mark bit on.  000676 aa 400000 2750 03 649 ora =o400000,du  000677 aa 2 00000 7571 00 650 staq pr2|0 " in old cell.  000700 aa 000000 7100 17 651 tra 0,x7  652  000701 653 copyatsym:  000701 aa 2 00004 2361 00 654 ldq pr2|4 " get atsym pname length.  000702 aa 000023 0760 07 655 adq 19,dl " 15+4 (number of bytes to allocate in addition to cons part)  000703 aa 000004 7720 00 656 qrl 4 "16 bytes per 4 words.  657  000704 aa 5 00002 3535 53 658 epp3 pr5|2,ad  000705 0a 000743 6064 00 659 ttn tally_out_on_atsym 000706 660 atsymalloc: 000706 aa 5 00002 6201 53 661 eax0 pr5|2,ad " NOTE: all atsyms require at least one loop.  000707 0a 000746 6064 00 662 ttn tally_out_on_atsym_lp  000710 663 atsymalloc_lp:  000710 aa 000001 1760 07 664 sbq 1,dl  000711 0a 000706 6054 00 665 tpnz atsymalloc  666  000712 aa 2 00004 2361 00 667 ldq pr2|4 " determine size to copy.  000713 aa 000024 0760 07 668 adq 20,dl " 20 bytes of stuff precede name.  000714 aa 0 00140 1005 40 669 mlr (pr,rl),(pr,rl)  000715 aa 200000 000006 670 desc9a pr2|0,ql  000716 aa 300000 000006 671 desc9a pr3|0,ql  672  000717 aa 1 00000 2535 00 673 spri3 pr1|0  000720 aa 1 00000 2371 00 674 ldaq pr1|0 000721 aa 010000 2750 07 675 ora Atsym,dl  000722 aa 1 00000 7571 00 676 staq pr1|0 000723 aa 400000 2750 03 677 ora =o400000,du  000724 aa 2 00000 7571 00 678 staq pr2|0 000725 aa 000000 7100 17 679 tra 0,x7  680  000726 681 allocate_cells: "called with tsx6, ql contains number cells -1, returns with pr0  682 " pointing at allocated block.  000726 aa 000000 6200 06 683 eax0 0,ql  000727 aa 5 00002 3501 53 684 epp0 pr5|2,ad  000730 0a 000735 6064 00 685 ttn tally_out_on_allocate  000731 aa 777777 6200 10 686 alcellp: eax0 -1,x0 000732 aa 000000 6040 16 687 tmi 0,x6  000733 aa 5 00002 6211 53 688 eax1 pr5|2,ad  000734 0a 000731 6070 00 689 ttf alcellp  690  000735 691 tally_out_on_allocate:  000735 0a 000751 7050 00 692 tsx5 tally_ran_out 000736 0a 000731 7100 00 693 tra alcellp  000737 0a 000726 7100 00 694 tra allocate_cells 695  000740 696 tally_out_on_cons:  000740 0a 000751 7050 00 697 tsx5 tally_ran_out 000741 0a 000670 7100 00 698 tra consalloc  000742 0a 000666 7100 00 699 tra copycons  700  000743 701 tally_out_on_atsym: 000743 0a 000751 7050 00 702 tsx5 tally_ran_out 000744 0a 000706 7100 00 703 tra atsymalloc 000745 0a 000701 7100 00 704 tra copyatsym  000746 705 tally_out_on_atsym_lp:  000746 0a 000751 7050 00 706 tsx5 tally_ran_out 000747 0a 000710 7100 00 707 tra atsymalloc_lp  000750 0a 000701 7100 00 708 tra copyatsym  709  000751 710 tally_ran_out: " skips if a new segment had to be made.  000751 4a 4 00036 0541 20 711 aos |[seg_blk_cntr]  000752 aa 000000 6040 15 712 tmi 0,x5  000753 713 get_initial_segment:  000753 aa 6 00000 2541 00 714 spri pr6|0 000754 aa 6 00040 7531 00 715 sreg pr6|32  716  000755 aa 6 00060 3501 00 717 epp0 new_seg_ptr  000756 aa 6 00052 2501 00 718 spri0 args+2  000757 0a 000002 2370 00 719 ldaq onearg  000760 aa 6 00050 7571 00 720 staq args  000761 aa 6 00050 3501 00 721 epp0 args  000762 aa 6 00000 3731 00 722 epbp7 pr6|0  000763 4a 4 00040 3521 20 723 short_call |[get_lists] 000764 aa 7 00036 6701 20 000765 aa 6 00030 3701 20 724  000766 aa 6 00000 1731 00 725 lpri pr6|0 000767 aa 6 00060 6515 20 726 spri5 new_seg_ptr,*  000770 aa 6 00060 3715 20 727 epp5 new_seg_ptr,* 000771 4a 4 00042 6515 20 728 spri5 |[cur_seg] " store away new allocation segment addresses.  000772 4a 4 00044 6515 20 729 spri5 |[consptr]  000773 0a 001007 2350 00 730 lda =o2000053 " make consptr point up 2, and add in ad modifier.  000774 4a 4 00046 7551 20 731 sta |[consptr]+1  000775 0a 001010 2350 00 732 lda =o4740004  000776 aa 5 00002 7551 00 733 sta pr5|2  000777 aa 000020 3350 07 734 lca 16,dl  001000 4a 4 00036 7551 20 735 sta |[seg_blk_cntr]  001001 aa 6 00040 0731 00 736 lreg pr6|32  001002 aa 000001 7100 15 737 tra 1,x5  738  739 end  ENTRY SEQUENCES  001003 5a 000012 0000 00 001004 aa 7 00046 2721 20 001005 0a 000006 7100 00 LITERALS 001006 aa 000000 000000 001007 aa 000002 000053 001010 aa 000004 740004 NAME DEFINITIONS FOR ENTRY POINTS AND SEGDEFS 001011 5a 000003 000000 001012 5a 000026 600000 001013 aa 000000 000000 001014 55 000012 000002 001015 5a 000002 400003 001016 55 000006 000012 001017 aa 014 154 151 163 001020 aa 160 137 147 143 001021 aa 137 141 154 155 001022 aa 137 000 000 000 001023 55 000017 000003 001024 0a 001004 500000 001025 55 000015 000003 001026 aa 007 143 157 154 collect 001027 aa 154 145 143 164 001030 55 000002 000012 001031 6a 000000 400002 001032 55 000022 000003 001033 aa 014 163 171 155 symbol_table  001034 aa 142 157 154 137 001035 aa 164 141 142 154 001036 aa 145 000 000 000 DEFINITIONS HASH TABLE  001037 aa 000000 000015 001040 aa 000000 000000 001041 aa 000000 000000 001042 aa 000000 000000 001043 aa 000000 000000 001044 aa 000000 000000 001045 aa 000000 000000 001046 5a 000017 000000 001047 aa 000000 000000 001050 aa 000000 000000 001051 5a 000012 000000 001052 aa 000000 000000 001053 aa 000000 000000 001054 aa 000000 000000 EXTERNAL NAMES  001055 aa 007 143 157 156 consptr 001056 aa 163 160 164 162 001057 aa 011 147 145 164 get_lists  001060 aa 137 154 151 163 001061 aa 164 163 000 000 001062 aa 025 154 151 163 lisp_segment_manager_  001063 aa 160 137 163 145 001064 aa 147 155 145 156 001065 aa 164 137 155 141 001066 aa 156 141 147 145 001067 aa 162 137 000 000 001070 aa 014 163 145 147 seg_blk_cntr  001071 aa 137 142 154 153 001072 aa 137 143 156 164 001073 aa 162 000 000 000 001074 aa 015 162 145 150 rehash_maknum  001075 aa 141 163 150 137 001076 aa 155 141 153 156 001077 aa 165 155 000 000 001100 aa 027 147 141 162 garbage_collect_inhibit 001101 aa 142 141 147 145 001102 aa 137 143 157 154 001103 aa 154 145 143 164 001104 aa 137 151 156 150 001105 aa 151 142 151 164 001106 aa 014 147 143 137 gc_mark_bits  001107 aa 155 141 162 153 001110 aa 137 142 151 164 001111 aa 163 000 000 000 001112 aa 013 155 141 153 maknum_left 001113 aa 156 165 155 137 001114 aa 154 145 146 164 001115 aa 013 155 141 153 maknum_mask 001116 aa 156 165 155 137 001117 aa 155 141 163 153 001120 aa 020 155 141 153 maknum_table_ptr  001121 aa 156 165 155 137 001122 aa 164 141 142 154 001123 aa 145 137 160 164 001124 aa 162 000 000 000 001125 aa 011 163 164 141 stack_ptr  001126 aa 143 153 137 160 001127 aa 164 162 000 000 001130 aa 026 147 141 162 garbage_collected_ptrs  001131 aa 142 141 147 145 001132 aa 137 143 157 154 001133 aa 154 145 143 164 001134 aa 145 144 137 160 001135 aa 164 162 163 000 001136 aa 016 156 165 155 number_gc_ptrs  001137 aa 142 145 162 137 001140 aa 147 143 137 160 001141 aa 164 162 163 000 001142 aa 007 143 165 162 cur_seg 001143 aa 137 163 145 147 001144 aa 013 154 151 163 lisp_alloc_ 001145 aa 160 137 141 154 001146 aa 154 157 143 137 001147 aa 003 156 151 154 nil 001150 aa 021 154 151 163 lisp_static_vars_  001151 aa 160 137 163 164 001152 aa 141 164 151 143 001153 aa 137 166 141 162 001154 aa 163 137 000 000 NO TRAP POINTER WORDS  TYPE PAIR BLOCKS  001155 aa 000004 000000 001156 55 000133 000044 001157 aa 000004 000000 001160 55 000051 000046 001161 aa 000004 000000 001162 55 000133 000057 001163 aa 000004 000000 001164 55 000133 000063 001165 aa 000004 000000 001166 55 000137 000067 001167 aa 000004 000000 001170 55 000137 000075 001171 aa 000004 000000 001172 55 000137 000101 001173 aa 000004 000000 001174 55 000137 000104 001175 aa 000004 000000 001176 55 000137 000107 001177 aa 000004 000000 001200 55 000137 000114 001201 aa 000004 000000 001202 55 000137 000117 001203 aa 000004 000000 001204 55 000137 000125 001205 aa 000004 000000 001206 55 000133 000131 001207 aa 000004 000000 001210 55 000137 000136 001211 aa 000001 000000 001212 aa 000000 000000 INTERNAL EXPRESSION WORDS 001213 5a 000144 000001 001214 5a 000144 000000 001215 5a 000146 000000 001216 5a 000150 000000 001217 5a 000152 000000 001220 5a 000154 000000 001221 5a 000156 000000 001222 5a 000160 000000 001223 5a 000162 000000 001224 5a 000164 000000 001225 5a 000166 000000 001226 5a 000170 000000 001227 5a 000172 000000 001230 5a 000174 000000 001231 5a 000176 000000 LINKAGE INFORMATION 000000 aa 000000 000000 000001 0a 001011 000000 000002 aa 000000 000000 000003 aa 000000 000000 000004 aa 000000 000000 000005 aa 000000 000000 000006 22 000010 000050 000007 a2 000000 000000 000010 9a 777770 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|nil  000011 5a 000220 0000 00 000012 9a 777766 0000 46 lisp_alloc_|cur_seg 000013 5a 000217 0000 20 000014 9a 777764 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|number_gc_ptrs  000015 5a 000216 0000 00 000016 9a 777762 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|garbage_collected_ptrs  000017 5a 000215 0000 00 000020 9a 777760 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|stack_ptr 000021 5a 000214 0000 20 000022 9a 777756 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|maknum_table_ptr  000023 5a 000213 0000 20 000024 9a 777754 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|maknum_mask  000025 5a 000212 0000 00 000026 9a 777752 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|maknum_left  000027 5a 000211 0000 00 000030 9a 777750 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|gc_mark_bits  000031 5a 000210 0000 00 000032 9a 777746 0000 46 lisp_static_vars_|garbage_collect_inhibit  000033 5a 000207 0000 00 000034 9a 777744 0000 46 lisp_alloc_|rehash_maknum  000035 5a 000206 0000 00 000036 9a 777742 0000 46 lisp_alloc_|seg_blk_cntr  000037 5a 000205 0000 00 000040 9a 777740 0000 46 lisp_segment_manager_|get_lists 000041 5a 000204 0000 00 000042 9a 777736 0000 46 lisp_alloc_|cur_seg 000043 5a 000217 0000 00 000044 9a 777734 0000 46 lisp_alloc_|consptr 000045 5a 000203 0000 00 000046 9a 777732 0000 46 lisp_alloc_|consptr 000047 5a 000202 0000 00 SYMBOL INFORMATION SYMBOL TABLE HEADER  000000 aa 000000 000001 000001 aa 163171 155142 000002 aa 164162 145145 000003 aa 000000 000004 000004 aa 000000 111316 000005 aa 510113 575622 000006 aa 000000 112002 000007 aa 325446 625737 000010 aa 141154 155040 000011 aa 040040 040040 000012 aa 000024 000040 000013 aa 000034 000040 000014 aa 000044 000100 000015 aa 000002 000002 000016 aa 000064 000000 000017 aa 000000 000236 000020 aa 000000 000136 000021 aa 000000 000215 000022 aa 000226 000136 000023 aa 000064 000000 000024 aa 101114 115040 000025 aa 126145 162163 000026 aa 151157 156040 000027 aa 040066 056064 000030 aa 040040 101160 000031 aa 162151 154040 000032 aa 061071 070061 000033 aa 040040 040040 000034 aa 107112 157150 000035 aa 156163 157156 000036 aa 056123 171163 000037 aa 115141 151156 000040 aa 164056 141040 000041 aa 040040 040040 000042 aa 040040 040040 000043 aa 040040 040040 000044 aa 154151 163164 000045 aa 040040 040040 000046 aa 040040 040040 000047 aa 040040 040040 000050 aa 040040 040040 000051 aa 040040 040040 000052 aa 040040 040040 000053 aa 040040 040040 000054 aa 040040 040040 000055 aa 040040 040040 000056 aa 040040 040040 000057 aa 040040 040040 000060 aa 040040 040040 000061 aa 040040 040040 000062 aa 040040 040040 000063 aa 040040 040040 000064 aa 000000 000001 000065 aa 000000 000003 000066 aa 000102 000042 000067 aa 117710 106006 000070 aa 000000 111771 000071 aa 743241 200000 000072 aa 000113 000041 000073 aa 106701 741740 000074 aa 000000 110670 000075 aa 211446 200000 000076 aa 000124 000047 000077 aa 106701 741731 000100 aa 000000 110670 000101 aa 211444 000000 000102 aa 076163 160145 >spec>on>06/27/83>lisp_gc_alm_.alm  000103 aa 143076 157156 000104 aa 076060 066057 000105 aa 062067 057070 000106 aa 063076 154151 000107 aa 163160 137147 000110 aa 143137 141154 000111 aa 155137 056141 000112 aa 154155 040040 000113 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>include>lisp_iochan.incl.alm  000114 aa 076151 156143 000115 aa 154165 144145 000116 aa 076154 151163 000117 aa 160137 151157 000120 aa 143150 141156 000121 aa 056151 156143 000122 aa 154056 141154 000123 aa 155040 040040 000124 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>include>lisp_object_types.incl.alm 000125 aa 076151 156143 000126 aa 154165 144145 000127 aa 076154 151163 000130 aa 160137 157142 000131 aa 152145 143164 000132 aa 137164 171160 000133 aa 145163 056151 000134 aa 156143 154056 000135 aa 141154 155040 MULTICS ASSEMBLY CROSS REFERENCE LISTING Value Symbol Source file Line number  731 alcellp lisp_gc_alm_: 686, 689, 693.  726 allocate_cells lisp_gc_alm_: 305, 333, 469, 489, 515, 681, 694.  375 allocate_file_thread_block lisp_gc_alm_: 363, 368.  261 already_seen lisp_gc_alm_: 255, 578, 585, 589, 604.  50 args lisp_gc_alm_: 11, 718, 720, 721. 200 Array lisp_gc_alm_: 215, 385, lisp_object_types: 25.  56 array_data_ptr_ptr lisp_gc_alm_: 13, 452, 477, 487, 495, 523. 460 array_handlers lisp_gc_alm_: 434, 435. 235 array_maknum_entry lisp_gc_alm_: 216, 227. 77700 Atomic lisp_gc_alm_: 271,  lisp_object_types: 19.  10000 Atsym lisp_gc_alm_: 271, 636, 675,  lisp_object_types: 18.  706 atsymalloc lisp_gc_alm_: 660, 665, 703.  710 atsymalloc_lp lisp_gc_alm_: 663, 707. 1000 Bignum lisp_gc_alm_: 289, 345, lisp_object_types: 20.  1000 Big_fixed lisp_object_types: 29.  645 car_seen_but_not_cdr lisp_gc_alm_: 590, 598. 647 cdr_already_seen lisp_gc_alm_: 586, 602. 653 ck_continuation lisp_gc_alm_: 605, 610, 621.  220 ck_saf_maknum_entry lisp_gc_alm_: 201, 212. 6 collect lisp_gc_alm_: 37, 38. 467 compute_size lisp_gc_alm_: 444, 464, 508.  670 consalloc lisp_gc_alm_: 641, 698. consptr lisp_gc_alm_: 729, 731. 701 copyatsym lisp_gc_alm_: 637, 653, 704, 708. 662 copycell lisp_gc_alm_: 582, 624. 666 copycons lisp_gc_alm_: 638, 699. 632 copylist lisp_gc_alm_: 84, 578. 555 copy_array lisp_gc_alm_: 507, 530, 556.  76 copy_size lisp_gc_alm_: 23, 466, 470, 512, 516.  634 cplistlp lisp_gc_alm_: 128, 581, 600, 608, 622.  501 csizelp lisp_gc_alm_: 455, 458. 64 cur_atom lisp_gc_alm_: 16, 116, 119, 127. 66 cur_bucket_cell lisp_gc_alm_: 17, 118, 130.  cur_seg lisp_gc_alm_: 43, 728. 73 cur_vec_entry lisp_gc_alm_: 20, 83, 85, 111, 133.  247 done_maknum_scan lisp_gc_alm_: 243.  74 dope_vec_size lisp_gc_alm_: 21, 449, 465, 475, 511, 521. 100 File lisp_gc_alm_: 200, 213, 286,  lisp_object_types: 30.  237 file_maknum_entry lisp_gc_alm_: 214, 230. 402 file_thread_block_made lisp_gc_alm_: 365, 367, 369.  40000 Fixed lisp_gc_alm_: 197,  lisp_object_types: 15.  40047 fixnum_type lisp_object_types: 34.  736777 flag_reset_mask lisp_iochan: 42. 20000 Float lisp_gc_alm_: 197,  lisp_object_types: 16.  20047 flonum_type lisp_object_types: 35.  garbage_collected_ptrs lisp_gc_alm_: 56.  garbage_collect_inhibit lisp_gc_alm_: 245, 249. 102 gctwa_final lisp_gc_alm_: 27, 51, 106, 108, 141, 149. 100 gctwa_flag lisp_gc_alm_: 25, 40, 527.  63 gctwa_phs1 lisp_gc_alm_: 72, 91. 126 gctwa_phs2 lisp_gc_alm_: 98, 140, 180.  101 gctwa_thread lisp_gc_alm_: 26, 50, 96, 104, 538, 540. gc_mark_bits lisp_gc_alm_: 224, 396, 402, 425, 430.  753 get_initial_segment lisp_gc_alm_: 46, 713. get_lists lisp_gc_alm_: 723.  43 handle_vectors_encountered lisp_gc_alm_: 69, 138.  10 iochan.aclinfop lisp_iochan: 14. 2000 iochan.charmode lisp_iochan: 27. 13 iochan.charpos lisp_iochan: 16. 12 iochan.component lisp_iochan: 15. 35 iochan.End lisp_iochan: 40. 1000 iochan.extra_nl_done lisp_iochan: 28. 6 iochan.fcbp lisp_iochan: 13. 400 iochan.fixnum_mode lisp_iochan: 29. 15 iochan.flags lisp_gc_alm_: 231, 354, 359,  lisp_iochan: 18. 16 iochan.function lisp_gc_alm_: 361,  lisp_iochan: 34. 40000 iochan.gc_mark lisp_gc_alm_: 232, 355, 358,  lisp_iochan: 22. 200 iochan.image_mode lisp_iochan: 30. 20000 iochan.interactive lisp_iochan: 23. 0 iochan.ioindex lisp_iochan: 9. 1 iochan.iolength lisp_iochan: 10. 2 iochan.ioptr lisp_iochan: 11. 14 iochan.linel lisp_iochan: 17. 33 iochan.linenum lisp_iochan: 38. 10000 iochan.must_reopen lisp_iochan: 25. 22 lisp_iochan: 36. 20 iochan.namelist lisp_iochan: 35. 4000 iochan.nlsync lisp_iochan: 26. 32 iochan.pagel lisp_iochan: 37. 34 iochan.pagenum lisp_iochan: 39. 200000 lisp_iochan: 20. 400000 iochan.seg lisp_iochan: 19. 4 iochan.thread lisp_iochan: 12. 100000 iochan.write lisp_iochan: 21. lisp_alloc_ lisp_gc_alm_: 43, 248, 711, 728, 729, 731, 735.  77700 lisp_ptr.type lisp_object_types: 13.  lisp_segment_manager_ lisp_gc_alm_: 723.  lisp_static_vars_ lisp_gc_alm_: 41, 53, 56, 60, 184, 185, 188, 210, 224, 245, 249,  396, 402, 425, 430. maknum_left lisp_gc_alm_: 188, 210. maknum_mask lisp_gc_alm_: 185.  177 maknum_scan_loop lisp_gc_alm_: 194, 241. maknum_table_ptr lisp_gc_alm_: 184.  75 mark_size lisp_gc_alm_: 22, 509, 558.  60 new_seg_ptr lisp_gc_alm_: 14, 717, 726, 727. 244 next_entry lisp_gc_alm_: 196, 211, 238.  nil lisp_gc_alm_: 41.  0 noargs lisp_gc_alm_: 31, 246. 243 not_ok_entry lisp_gc_alm_: 203, 205, 226, 234, 236.  210400 not_ok_to_read lisp_iochan: 31. 110400 not_ok_to_write lisp_iochan: 32. 4 nullptr lisp_gc_alm_: 35, 45. 506 number_array lisp_gc_alm_: 438, 439, 461.  number_gc_ptrs lisp_gc_alm_: 53.  61400 Numeric lisp_object_types: 17.  576 obarray_array lisp_gc_alm_: 441, 526. 216 ok_entry lisp_gc_alm_: 198, 210, 219, 225, 233.  70 old_nil lisp_gc_alm_: 18, 42, 124.  2 onearg lisp_gc_alm_: 33, 719. 101 ph1_lst_loop lisp_gc_alm_: 113, 131. 117 ph1_next_atom lisp_gc_alm_: 121, 125, 129.  121 ph1_next_bucket lisp_gc_alm_: 115, 132. 77 ph1_vec_loop lisp_gc_alm_: 110, 136. 160 ph2_end_list lisp_gc_alm_: 156, 173. 141 ph2_lst_loop lisp_gc_alm_: 154, 172. 153 ph2_made_cell lisp_gc_alm_: 162, 164, 166.  146 ph2_make_cell lisp_gc_alm_: 160, 165. 137 ph2_vec_loop lisp_gc_alm_: 151, 178. 156 ph2_worthless lisp_gc_alm_: 158, 170. 530 readtable_array lisp_gc_alm_: 440, 482. rehash_maknum lisp_gc_alm_: 248.  257 retrn lisp_gc_alm_: 187, 251. 433 retry_subr_block_thread lisp_gc_alm_: 405, 410. 54 save_pr2 lisp_gc_alm_: 12, 306, 319, 334, 349, 362, 376, 404, 419, 450, 478,  483, 504, 551, 564. 166 scan_maknum lisp_gc_alm_: 143, 183. 276 seen_atoms lisp_gc_alm_: 272, 282. seg_blk_cntr lisp_gc_alm_: 711, 735. stack_ptr lisp_gc_alm_: 60.  4000 String lisp_gc_alm_: 292, 315, lisp_object_types: 22.  2000 Subr lisp_gc_alm_: 200, 283, lisp_object_types: 23.  440 subr_thread_block_made lisp_gc_alm_: 407, 409, 411.  400 System_Subr lisp_object_types: 24.  621 S_expr_array lisp_gc_alm_: 436, 528, 555.  735 tally_out_on_allocate lisp_gc_alm_: 685, 691. 743 tally_out_on_atsym lisp_gc_alm_: 659, 701. 746 tally_out_on_atsym_lp lisp_gc_alm_: 662, 705. 740 tally_out_on_cons lisp_gc_alm_: 640, 696. 751 tally_ran_out lisp_gc_alm_: 163, 366, 408, 692, 697, 702, 706, 710. 451 test_array lisp_gc_alm_: 386, 423. 334 test_bignum lisp_gc_alm_: 290, 322. 271 test_cons lisp_gc_alm_: 274, 620. 365 test_file lisp_gc_alm_: 287, 352. 232 test_maknum_gc_mark lisp_gc_alm_: 223, 229. 307 test_string lisp_gc_alm_: 293, 299. 412 test_subr lisp_gc_alm_: 284, 379. 60000 Uncollectable lisp_object_types: 21.  67500 Unevalable lisp_object_types: 27.  273 unmark_return lisp_gc_alm_: 277, 301, 328.  340 unseen_bignum lisp_gc_alm_: 326, 329. 621 Un_gc_array lisp_gc_alm_: 437, 554. 72 vector_left lisp_gc_alm_: 19, 55, 64, 75, 87, 102, 135, 147, 177, 192, 240.  54 vector_loop lisp_gc_alm_: 58, 67, 82, 88. 62 vector_ret lisp_gc_alm_: 15, 57, 66, 89. 77 vector_thread lisp_gc_alm_: 24, 49, 70, 77, 373, 375, 412, 418, 500, 502, 547,  549, 560, 562.  115 worthy_atom lisp_gc_alm_: 122, 126. NO FATAL ERRORS  ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved