.. _installJupyter: .. WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. PLEASE EDIT THE .py FILE DIRECTLY. Using ``music21`` with the Jupyter (iPython) Notebook ===================================================== Setting up the Jupyter environment ---------------------------------- To get ``music21`` to work it’s best to have a good pip installation first. Then you should be able to simply install jupyter (and IPython if you don’t have it): ``$ sudo pip install jupyter $ sudo pip install ipython`` Using the web-based Jupyter Notebook ------------------------------------ Start jupyter in a directory you want to save files by typing. ```$ jupyter notebook``` Now in the webbrowser you can type commands such as the ones below: .. code:: ipython3 from music21 import * .. code:: ipython3 c = chord.Chord("C4 E4 G4") c.isConsonant() .. parsed-literal:: :class: ipython-result True And that is basically it! We use ``sphinx`` for interwiki links, which, sadly, won’t show up on the notebook, but should render properly. But I did make a sphinx-markdown Notebook extension. When it’s ready, I’ll put it up. Make a directory “sphinx-markdown” in a “usability” directory in “nbextensions” (mine is at “~/Library/Jupyter/nbextensions”). And put this file there as “main.js”: [https://gist.github.com/mscuthbert/6411762f98f3536712e0] Check to see if it exists: .. code:: ipython3 import notebook notebook.nbextensions.check_nbextension('usability/sphinx-markdown', user=True) .. parsed-literal:: :class: ipython-result False Load it with: .. code:: ipython3 E = notebook.nbextensions.EnableNBExtensionApp() E.toggle_nbextension('usability/sphinx-markdown/main') .. parsed-literal:: :class: ipython-result Enabling notebook extension usability/sphinx-markdown/main... - Validating: problems found: - require?  X usability/sphinx-markdown/main .. parsed-literal:: :class: ipython-result False Save, and reload. Then test it with a markdown cell like: For more information, see, :ref:`installing IPython/Jupyter for Music21 `. And you should get this output: For more information, see, :ref:`installing IPython/Jupyter for Music21 `. :-) It works!