During the second portion of the course, each student will research a case in one of the following three areas: green schools; community schools and neighborhood transformation; or environmental literacy, landscape literacy, and place-based education. Collectively, these cases will serve as a resource for the entire class during the third and final part of the semester: From Green Schools to Neighborhood Transformation, Creating a Model Program. The choice of case will be developed in consultation with faculty.
All assignments are due at times and dates indicated below. Late projects will receive a reduction in grade. There will be no extensions without prior, written, consent of the instructor. The presentation and documentation of the case represent 20% of the final grade.
Select the Type of Case
By Monday, October 6, select the type of case that you will research: either green schools; community schools and neighborhood transformation; or environmental literacy, landscape literacy, and place-based education. Together, we will further define the topic and discuss potential cases and readings.
Research and Present the Case(s)
By Wednesday, October 14, you must submit the title of your case (or cases), along with an abstract and preliminary bibliography (about one page in all). The abstract should describe the case(s) you plan to investigate and put it in the context of the goals of the course.
Within a week of your presentation, schedule a meeting with Anne Spirn to review the case, discuss how to narrow the topic and/or put it into a broader context, and how to best present your findings.
Be prepared to make a brief presentation of the case during the class session dedicated to the topic: 19 October for Green Schools; October 26 for Community Schools and Neighborhood Transformation; November 2 for Environmental Literacy, Landscape Literacy, and Place-Based Education. Class presentation may be in Powerpoint or from a pdf.
The final submission is due as a pdf one week after your presentation in class in order to provide time to incorporate suggestions and critique during and after the presentation. It will be posted on the class website as a resource for the entire class.