During the second part of the course, we will work with eighth graders at the Locke School to apply lessons learned from readings, primary documents, and fieldwork to the task of the design for a new park and community garden that commemorates the history of Mill Creek. MIT and Locke students will present their ideas to community residents for incorporation in the park, which is slated for construction in summer 2024.

During this second half of the semester, we will proceed in a series of discussions and work sessions. To make the most of the work sessions, it is imperative to come to class prepared to discuss your work-in-progress.

April 1. Commemorating Mill Creek: Proposals

Come to this class with some intitial ideas for the design and implementation of your proposal.

April 8. Work Session: Proposals

Come to this class with your work-in-progress, prepared to develop further. We will discuss during class.

April 15. Patriots Day Holiday.

April 16-19. Individual Meetings to Discuss Proposals.

April 22. Work Session: Proposals

Come to this class with your work-in-progress, prepared to develop further. We will discuss during class.

April 29. Work Session

Come to this class with your proposal, prepared to refine and finalize.

May 6. Presentation and Discussion of Final Proposals

Class presentation may be in Powerpoint or from a pdf. The file must be posted online by Sunday, May 5 at 8PM.

All assignments are due at times and dates indicated above. Late projects will receive a reduction in grade. There will be no extensions without prior, written, consent of the instructor. The proposal represents 40% of the final grade.

May 13. Presentations, Reflections, and Next Steps

Come to class prepared to reflect and discuss next steps. We will use the fist half of the class to finish presentations and discussion of proposals. Ceasar McDowell will join us in the last half of the class period to lead a process of reflection.

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