Conkeror User Manual


Conkeror is a Mozilla-based web browser whose design is inspired by GNU Emacs.

You can learn Conkeror's key bindings by reading the tutorial. The keyboard shortcut to visit the tutorial is Control-h t. That is, first press Control-h, then release those keys, and press t.

Overview of the Keys


key M-x command meaning
g find-url open new URL
B go-back  
F go-forward  
r revert-buffer reload
C-g abort stop
C-h i help-page Show this page.
C-h t tutorial Show the Conkeror tutorial.


C-abeginning of line
C-eend of line
C-fForward a column
C-bbackward a column
C-nForward a line
C-pbackward a line
C-vPage down
M-vPage up
M-<Beginning of document
M->End of document
C-sOpen i-search forward
C-rOpen i-search backward


C-ssearch forward
C-rsearch backward
C-gquit i-search (jump back to where i-search started)
backspaceundo search
any modifier plus a key, enter or tabclose i-search

Web Jump

In firefox this is the bookmark keyword feature. You type the keyword into the location followed by some text your browser jumps to the bookmark with the %s in the bookmark's URL substituted for this text.

Conkeror also has this feature, but it's seperate from bookmarks. Here are the built in web jumps:

googleSearch with google
imageSearch google images
scholarsearch google scholar
clustysearch the internet with clusty
bugzillasearch the mozilla bug database
clhssearch the Common Lisp Hyper Spec
emacswikisearch the emacswiki
clikisearch the Common Lisp wiki
ratpoisonwikisearch the ratpoison wiki
stumpwmwikisearch the StumpWM wiki

delicious webjumps can be added by putting the following in your rc file:

add_delicious_webjumps ("myusername");

this will create the following webjumps:

adeliciousAdd a delicious bookmark.
deliciousView your delicious bookmarks
sdeliciousSearch your delicious bookmarks
sadeliciousSearch all delicious bookmarks

Buffer Management

C-u gOpen an URL in a new buffer
C-x bSelect a buffer based on it's name.
M-pprevious buffer
M-nNext bufer
C-x kkill buffer
C-x 5 C-f, C-u C-u gOpen an URL in a new frame
C-x 5 0Close the current frame (all buffers in the frame are lost, at this point)
C-x C-cQuit conkeror

Conkeror RC File

You can customize Conkeror by creating an rc script or set of scripts, and using the form below to set the preference `conkeror.rcfile' to the path of your script. It can be set to the path of a single file or a directory. When conkeror.rcfile is a directory, all files with an extension of `.js' will be loaded from that directory (non-recursive). These scripts are plain javascript files. Conkeror loads them during startup into application scope (as opposed to loading them for each window).

Note, if you set conkeror.rcfile to a file, the path must be absolute. Conkeror will not expand ~ to your home directory. This is a current limitation, and we hope to fix it soon.

Here are three common customizations:

Universal Argument

Conkeror support the universal argument, C-u. It's a prefix binding that changes how a command behaves. In Conkeror, C-u has two main effects. The first effect is that the command will be executed multiple times. For example, typing the following:

C-u C-n

will cause conkeror to scroll down 4 lines.

C-u 12 C-n

will cause conkeror to scroll down 12 lines.

The second effect is to open in a new buffer or a new window.

C-u g RET

This opens the conkeror project web page in a new buffer.

C-u C-u n 12 RET

This opens link number 12 in a new window.

There are some commands where the effect is ambiguous. Does C-u B go back four pages in the history or does it go back one and open the result in a new buffer? I am working on adding a second universal argument that would allow you to do both.


toggle-eod-space is a slightly ugly hack that should help you read articles more smoothly. Imagine you're reading an article. You start reading the beginning. Your eyes get to the bottom of the screen, so you press Space to page down. You continue until near the end of the article. You press Space to read the last part and your browser only scrolls down part of a page, leaving where you left off somwhere in the middle of the screen and not at the top where you expected it. You spend the next couple seconds searching for where you left off. toggle-eod-space adds 1 page of blank space to the end of the web page, so your last page down is a full one. Note, toggle-eod-space turns the feature on (or off) but the space won't be added to (or removed from) the current page. It affects the subsequently loaded pages.

Ad Blocking

Conkeror can block images, scripts, etc originating from servers that match one of conkeror's adblock patterns. To add a pattern use M-x adblock-add-pattern. The pattern is a regular expression.

Conkeror Resources