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Biology Education Group features Anique Olivier-Mason

April 29, 2013

Upcoming Group Meeting: Dr. Anique Olivier-Mason

Dr. Anique Olivier-Mason

Title: TA Bootcamp: Preparing graduate students to teach to a diverse student body and get the most out of their teaching experience

Group Meeting Date & Time: Monday, May 6, 2013 @ 2:00 pm

Location: Koch Institute, 76-156 (small room at the back of the auditorium)

As of August 2012, Dr. Anique Olivier-Mason is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute technical instructor at MIT. Through Cathy Drennan’s HHMI Education Laboratory, she and Beth Taylor work on initiatives for “Improving Chemistry Teaching and Mentoring Nationwide.” Dr. Olivier-Mason is a laboratory-trained biologist, having completed her doctoral research in Molecular and Cellular Biology in the laboratory of Piali Sengupta at Brandeis University. Prior to Brandeis, Dr. Olivier-Mason had the unique experience of working as a criminalist for the New York City Forensic Biology Laboratory at the OCME, where she examined evidence and did DNA typing from crime-scene samples. In the Drennan Education Group, Anique will be involved in graduate student TA training at MIT and Brandeis and the development of high school teaching materials for two successful initiatives. Both initiatives take minimal class time and are designed to supplement fundamental chemistry and biology concepts: 1) a series of short videos featuring scientists from all academic levels discussing how they use basic chemical principles in their research with a focus on practical application and 2) a series of biology and medicine related examples for general chemistry lecture.

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