The Software reads the file "*.bdf" of Pump Tower Model in a LNG ship created by MSC Nastran and the file "*.pre" of sloshing acceleration and velocity of the corresponding tank, and, on the basis of the Morison principle, the software can accurately export the output file of the Tower Model with the proper sloshing Loads applied on for MSC Patran to calculate the stress and so on. And later, under the ABS standards, the software can automatically judge if the structure is safe or not. Calculation principle:The sloshing load varys when the LNG ship has different wolking load conditions. The following two pictures shows the difference of the sloshing loads under the 30%(left) and 70%(right) loading capacity of the liquid tank. This is key to determine what the hazard sloshing condition is.
The basic analysis procedure of the sloshing load on the pump tower in the LNG ship follows:
The main function of our software focuses on the blue part of the above scheme. Calculation Sample:We have used a specific sample to test our software. And you can see the view of the whole structure and also some details of the pump tower(FEM model in MSC Patran).
And here is the total Morison Load on the tower and also two Morison load on different elements(left: close to liquid surface, right: bottom of the tower).
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