The Machine Room, on the ductwork

Clinging to the ductwork with your gloved hands, you watch through the window in quiet fascination.

The room appears to be a computer room, full of all sorts of equipment. There's only one door visible, and it has a numeric pad next to it.

Two figures are within, moving around. Strange, you recognize one of them; he's a SIPB member, a guy who graduated from MIT with three degrees two years ago. Hmmm. You also recognize another one, if for no other reason that he's wearing a really tacky suit, complete with diamond tie tack; it's the president of Megalith Corp.

Suddenly the little obnoxious cube flitters into the room --- you're not sure from where --- but it seems to jabber something, and then the SIPB member hastens to the door. He types in a number code, which of course you memorize, and then steps through the door, the cube following.

The suit just sits there, looking bored.

You watch for a while longer, hoping something interesting will happen. Suddenly, you hear sounds below you.


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