Wrap Up

In the first day of its announced operation, the Cybersite Unreality, which experts had predicted would draw thousands of users, instead broke down in an unexpected system crash just five minutes into operation. All files were lost, apparently the victim of a virus. Programmers were busy reinstalling backup versions, but the FBI stepped in when it became apparent that all of the users who had logged into Unreality had fallen into comas. Several Megalith employees were also in deep comas. The president of Megalith could not be reached.

Meanwhile, several computer hackers have stepped forward with an unbelievable story about being trapped in Cyberspace....

Well, it was a messy solution, you figure, but at least now someone might believe you.

It's long, messy, and convoluted, but eventually the government wins control over Cyberspace and confiscates Megalith's equipment. In the "name of science," Cyberspace is closed off from the public, and only governmental agents are allowed into it. Occasionally, you hear rumors that Cyberspace was found to contain sentient beings. That does make you wonder, sometimes.

Many years pass. Talk grows of turning Cyberspace into a public recreational area, where pleasure shops and MUDs would provide for the sophisticated entertainment needs of the world, a place where "We would never have to worry about pollution or drunk driving or communicable diseases or anything like that, because we can make sure none of it ever harms our world".... And so the Cyberspace migration begins.

You aren't really surprised when rumors of strange Cyberspace accidents start to spread... and frankly, this time you don't feel like doing a thing about it.

The End

A quick note about the author.

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