The Controlroom

This is an extensive terminal room, filled with humming equipment and bright computer displays. The walls are lined with monitors. Most show scenic views, of windswept seas and cascading waterfalls, but some show familiar places: Lobby 7, the Infinite Corridor, the gigantic nightlight.

The president of Megalith Corp and the hacker are both here, getting angrier as you start kicking and punching machines.

"At least," says the cube, "I used an elegant little destructive virus to destroy this stuff, not this ugly violence."

"Agreed," says the hacker. "But this will do you no good, since you can't possibly destroy Cyberspace by breaking this equipment."

The president, meanwhile, rises up from his chair, as if to stop you.

But you suddenly realize something.


Calm down and say, "OK, I'll stop. Just tell me one thing."

Exit back to my homepage.