Spicy Three-Pepper Sesame Beef
Summary: Beef cooked in fragrant roasted sesame oil and spicy
Szechuan sauce, with crisp sweet bell peppers and hot white
You'll need:
- Some brand of Szechuan sauce (suggest: San-J brand, but not Joyce
Chen), available in large grocery stores and Asian food stores.
- Nice quality thin sliced meat, maybe 0.5 to 1 pound's worth.
Thin strips of sirloin tips work well. If you get just sirloin
tips, you can also cut them to your preferred thickness.
- Three bell peppers --- preferably one green, one yellow, one red.
Or go with one yellow, one orange, one red ... whatever. Four's ok too.
- Roasted sesame oil. Lots of roasted sesame oil.
- Rice.
- Black Bean Sauce (not strictly necessary)
- Sesame Seeds (optional)
Preparation: Start the rice (I hope you know how to make rice --- put
1.5 fluid cups of water in for each dry cup of rice in a lidded pot,
heat to a spitting boil, and then immediately reduce to lowest heat
setting for 15 - 20 minutes). Cut up the peppers into bite-size
pieces and put them aside. Next, cut up the thin sliced meat into
bite-size strips. Take a bowl. Put into said bowl a couple
tablespoonfuls of Szechuan sauce and a spoonful of black bean sauce
(note: Szechuan sauce is rather hot/spicy; go easy if you think you
can't handle it). Take the meat and mix it with the stuff in the
bowl, until the meat is coated.
Cooking: In a wok or fry pan, heat several tablespoons' worth of
sesame oil til hot. (Optional: heat some sesame seeds in the hot
oil.) Throw in the meat. Cook (stir-fry) until meat is cooked (a
couple minutes). Add the peppers and stir-fry for a little while (a
couple more minutes at most; how crunchy you want your peppers is up
to you, but we like ours rather crunchy).
Optional: Don't cook the peppers; add them raw on the plate.
Raw peppers make reheating leftovers much nicer, because you don't
reheat the peppers -- just keep them separate, fresh and cold, until
use. Reheated peppers get really mushy.
Serve hot meat and pepper stuff over nice hot rice. Yum. 2 or 3 servings.
Honey-Worcestershire Chicken
Summary: Sweet (honey), tangy (Worcestershire sauce) chicken
This was a big hit with my aunt from Japan....
You'll need:
- boneless, skinless chicken breast (boneless skinless thighs are OK too)
- honey (or sugar)
- Worcestershire sauce
- cooking oil
- Optional: garlic
Optional: Beat the raw chicken breast with one of those
metal cooking mallet-thingies. Chicken breast that is pounded
down will cook up very soft and tender.
Cooking: Heat oil in pan til hot. (Optional: throw in slices of
garlic). Throw on the chicken; immediately sprinkle some sauce on it.
As it cooks, spoon some honey over it too. Yes, it's messy, and yes,
it burns to the pan, but the more honey or sugar you can get on, the
tastier. Add more Worcestershire sauce, too, until the chicken looks
like it's coated in barbeque sauce. Once chicken is thoroughly cooked
(make sure it's no longer pink on the inside), serve immediately.
Steamed veggies and maybe mashed potatoes go nicely.
Summary: dangerous stuff
Actually, given the ingredients, this tea is probably quite good for
your health. Drink it when you're sick (if you're sick, you won't be
able to smell the garlic, and you likely won't have to meet people
who'll mind the garlic smell, either). You'll need:
- fresh ginger, 1 knob (ginger is good for nausea, headaches, sickness).
- garlic, 1 small clove (garlic is an all-around wonder herb)
- cinnamon, powdered (good, they say, for digestion)
- black pepper, freshly ground
- lemon juice (bottled is OK) (supposedly helps garlic do its thing)
- honey (if desired)
- hot water
- 1 stick of astragalus root (optional. The Chinese say astragalus is a good tonic for health)
- LARGE mug (16 oz. or so)
Warning: don't drink this on a completely empty stomach.
Though ginger and garlic are good for you, they do irritate the
stomach lining.
Start the water on its way to boiling. Grind/grate up the knob (small
knob; more or less depending on how much fresh ginger you can
tolerate). Grind/grate up the small clove (less if you aren't used to
fresh garlic). Put both in a mug. Add about a 1/2 teaspoonful of
lemon juice to the mush. Shake liberal quantities of the cinnamon
into the mug. Grind some black pepper over the mush, to taste. Add a
spoonful or two of honey. Drop in the astragalus stick, if you have
one. Then fill the mug with hot water. Let cool just a bit, and sip,
stirring frequently. Feel your nasal passages open up....!
If the ingredients look deadly to you, you probably don't want to try
this tea full strength. Though garlic powder is supposedly worthless
medicinally, you may substitute for the fresh garlic a dash of garlic
powder (the flavor helps balance the ginger). Also, reduce the fresh
ginger to whatever quantity looks the least deadly to you. And
remember, this recipe is assuming a large mug, not a small one!
Chicken Soup Recipes and Secrets
Summary: tips for making rich, flavorful chicken soups
Ever tried the joe-average chicken soup recipe? It goes something like:
"Take chicken carcass (leftover from a roast, or whatever). Put in
pot; cover with water. Add 1 carrot, 1 stalk celery, 1 cut onion.
Simmer gently 3 hours. Strain. Add salt to taste. (Now add any
veggies/meat you want to keep.) Serve."
I tried it. Over and over. With chicken feet. Without chicken feet.
With bay leaves and cumin and rosemary and oregano and garlic and ...
let's just say the soup usually came out OK, but missing a few crucial
flavor notes somewhere.
Well, it took a few years, but I finally found a few ways to make soup
that actually tastes good enough that MSG or magic Frankenmuth
Zehnder's Seasoning weren't necessary. Turkey works with these, too.
Here we go:
Method 1: Traditional(?) Chicken Soup
Take the same basic soup recipe as above. You need:
- Chicken. You can bake a chicken or turkey or duck, have a great meal of
it, and then use the bones (and leftover meat). Or, you can use a few
meals' worth of chicken bone accumulations from buffalo wing take
outs, KFC meals, etc., which have been frozen or otherwise kept safe. (I
have a freezer bag to which I add occasional chicken bone leftovers.)
You can also start with raw chicken parts 'n' pieces.
- Vinegar!
- Carrots
- Celery
- Onion (Note: if you're going to share with your dog, skip the onion.
Onions do bad things to dog blood.)
- Cilantro or parsely
- Other seasonings: spices, salt, pepper, garlic (whatever you want)
The steps:
- If using the remnants of a baked whole chicken, strip the bones
of any usable meat, hopefully at least 1/3 of the chicken's total
(don't forget the meat hidden on the bird's back). Set aside the meat
in the fridge; if you don't have enough, you'll have to acquire some
meat separately. Anyway:
- Put chicken carcass/chicken bits/bones in pot.
- Cover with cold water.
- Add veggies: plenty of celery (a couple stalks; make sure they're not too
bitter), and at least half an onion. Don't overdo the carrots (no
more than 2 unless you want sweet soup).
- New key tip, Fall 2002 To get the full benefit of the
carcass and richest flavor, put in a teaspoonful or three of vinegar
(some places recommend up to 2 tablespoons). The acid leaches flavor
and minerals and nutrients out of the bones and carcass (remember the
old soften-bones-in-vinegar (or egg shells) magic trick?). These
nutrients are the same stuff sold in expensive supplements to help
your joints! Also add a couple teaspoons of salt - enough to make the
broth fairly salty. This vinegar and salt treatment even seems to get
rid of the flavor problem I usually have with simmering bones for more
than 3 hours. And you won't taste the vinegar, either.
- The other magic ingredient is (and I think I initially read this someplace):
- dried Cilantro/Chinese Parsley
- OR, parsley
- (I wonder if coriander (cilantro seed) would work?)
- plus some celery seed (not as critical)
The trick is to dump a couple (or more?) tablespoons of dried
cilantro (or use fresh cilantro) into the simmering broth (use parsley
only if necessary). Then add any other seasonings, like cumin, celery
seed, "Italian seasonings" (rosemary, oregano, thyme, basil), garlic
(I sometimes use 4 - 5 cut up/mushed cloves), bay leaf. Add some
pepper, and don't forget the salt (add in small increments). Don't
use dill, no matter how good it tastes on roast chicken.
- Simmer for 1 - 2 hours. Signs that the soup is ready for straining:
most of the chicken bones have separated from each other; the carcass
is flexible and is largely collapsed or in pieces; larger bones are
clean and have nothing sticking to them any more. Any carrots will
mush easily with a spoon. And onions ... what onions? They've
- When ready, strain broth (I run it through a colander). Discard
the bones and pieces of very deceased vegetables (feed your garden
- Now, you have a choice: either skim off the chicken fat/oil, or
stick broth in fridge overnight, let the soup harden, and skim off the
hardened fat from the wiggly gelatinous soup. Anyway, now assume you
have the de-fatted, skimmed, strained broth simmering on the stove:
- Add some fresh small-cut carrots (no more than 1 or 2 if you
already used some in the broth), onions and celery.
- Throw in leftover chicken meat.
- Add extra spices (sure, throw in more cilantro) for
flavor and appearance.
- Let everything cook til soft (the chicken meat should be falling
apart in fibers). Make sure the salt is OK.
OK, now serve! 4 - 6 servings. Good stuff.
Method 2: Japanese Style Chicken Soup
Not so much a method, as a note. To make Japanese-style broth, the
main ingredients are: cooked chicken carcass, fresh ginger, and green
onions/scallions (and don't forget the salt). Don't let this one
boil, or it ceases to be pristinely clear. Add things like cooked
chicken, bits of fried tofu, and other such things to this soup.
Method 3: Sweet Fall Harvest Chicken Soup
Use up those holiday "wastes" in soup!
Use that turkey or chicken carcass. And those apple leavings! Ever
have too many friggin' apples, apple skins, etc., from someone's
experiment with apple-picking and making apple pies? Here's a use for
'em. Plus, get rid of surplus fall tomatoes (even indoor-ripened pink
rocks), carrots, and the like.
Use Method 1 from above, except add in the initial simmer phase:
- 2 - 3 cut up (old) apples and their peels (take out the seeds
though). Did you know there is a German apple soup recipe? Anyway...
- AND/OR A few tablespoons of apple-peel sauce (where you take
apple peels leftover from pies and run them thru a blender and then
heat through. Nasty for eating. OK for cooking.)
Also, other things:
- plenty of onion
- that pink tomato lying around from the over-harvest (optional, not
more than one or two)
- any leftover gravy (optional)
- "overharvested" veggies like cucumber, zucchini; seeds can remain.
Also works with cucumber or zucchini that has gotten too big and fibrous
to eat normally.
- leftover pumpkin? (never tried it, optional)
- Remember, you
don't need as many herbs this time, though I've had good results with
a big handful of dried carrot tops (very similar to parsley, and another
use for garden leftovers).
Let simmer, etc.
Now, in the final cooking phase (after straining, skimming, etc.), put in:
- 2 - 3 (or more) cut up carrots
- A dash of milk or cream if you want
- A tiny sprinkle of nutmeg
- Dashes of cinnamon, cloves, and other warm spices
- Pepper
- Extra cut up onions
- try adding some chopped up overgrown cucumber, zucchini, other
"overharvested" veggies (without any tough seeds).
- Chicken or turkey meat
Simmer together until everything is soft and friendly with each other
(don't forget your salt). About fifteen minutes before serving,
- Half a can of sweet corn, with all the sweet corn broth. Or, dump
the whole thing in if you want.
Heat through, serve, eat, etc.. Hey, this stuff is pretty good,
though pretty sweet. It works out well. It also makes a great soup
base for use with making Japanese-style curry.
Other Chicken Soup Tips
- Ah, vinegar! Fill a pot with chicken
(duck, turkey, cow) bones and carcass (with cartilage, bits of meat,
whatnot still attached). Cover with water. Bring to boil, then
reduce to simmer. Add a teaspoon or two of plain vinegar, and add a
couple teaspoons salt. Let simmer for several hours. The vinegar
is acidic and helps leach flavor, nutrients, and minerals out of the
bones and cartilage. You can't taste the vinegar by the time things
are done. Thanks to C. M. Shifflett for the hint! (I've since found
vinegar mentioned on the 'net, too.) The interesting part is this not
only produces gelatin, but also the compounds that help joints and
cartilage heal. Plus, the nutrients may help fight colds. Note: if
you use vinegar, I think the stock tends to come out sort of whitish.
- I have sometiems made multiple batches of rich-tasting stock from the
same set of chicken (and duck) bones - just covering with
water, adding vinegar and salt, and simmering for a few hours, then
filtering off the tasty liquid for storage and repeating the process.
As good as commercial canned soup in richness/flavor. I think these
factors may have helped: (1) a LOT of bones in the pot, packed well
(2) half the bones had been stored in the freezer, where the freezing
MAY have broken down some joint/meat tissues to good effect (3) (I
think this is the key) using plenty of salt along with vinegar -
enough to make it almost commercial-soup salty. When the stock comes
out sort of white and opaque from particulate matter in the liquid, to
me it's a good sign!
- Aside from the vinegar tip, cilantro/Chinese Parsely or parsely are
the best ways to "fill in" chicken stock flavor. Celery and/or celery
seed are second in line.
- Try adding things like hot peppers.
- Try a bit of dill.
- Need a little extra fat and you already skimmed off the chicken fat?
Add some olive oil.
- In case you didn't know: don't eat bay leaves. Too tough to be safe.
- Once finished (strained, de-fatted), a soup can be kept simmering
for quite a while. The main problem is it dries out. If you must keep
it simmering, don't forget to periodically add water.
- I don't usually simmer bones for more than 3 hours - somehow it
doesn't come out tasting good. BUT recently I have had good luck with
re-using the same set of bones/cartilage/meat scraps 4 times over,
with each session being boiled 3 hours or so, then drained and
filtered off. That's more than 12 hours total boiling. The key is
to use vinegar and a bit of salt.
- You can use the giblets in soup, but I don't simmer them for more
than about a half hour. They can make things taste odd.
- Speaking of tasting odd, make sure the veggies you put in aren't
bitter. Things that might be bitter include: celery, broccoli,
Chinese cabbage. Celery's bitterness can ruin a soup. Weird carrot
flavors, though, tend to disappear after much cooking. Taste-test
your veggies before putting in.
- Simmer, don't do a rolling boil.
- If you start from raw chicken, skim off the filmy whitish stuff
that floats up near the beginning of the simmer. It tastes nasty.
- If you put in raw chicken at any time, remember it has to cook
very thoroughly.
- Don't worry about chicken meat getting tough in soup: it tends to
soften up and disintegrate instead.
- By all means, keep taste-testing the soup as you make it, and make
adjustments. Don't forget that too little salt can make it taste
unusually thin. (But don't add too much, either.)
- Even if the soup is a little thin, a half hour of simmering will
reduce the water dilution by some large percentage. (Don't burn
your soup dry!)
- When storing the soup in the fridge: Yes, it's full of gelatin,
which will make it Jello-like. To continue the soup-making process with
hardened cold soup, just dump in a pot and heat it. It'll melt and
return to a soup-like state.
- The above spice amounts are just suggestions and guidelines. Season to
taste (though you should remember that too much cloves and nutmeg are
bad for you).
- You can stick some chicken bones in the freezer to build up a
stockpile of bones for a soup --- but remember, after a few weeks
(depending on how air-tight they were wrapped) they get freezer-burn,
which makes 'em taste absolutely horrid. Don't make the same mistake
I have!
- Experimenting with chicken soup is fun! It lets you play with your
food, and then eat the results.
Simple Beef Stew
- 1 lb stew beef (if it doesn't look fresh, don't get it)
- 2-3 carrots
- 2-6 onions, depending on size.
- 1-2 potatoes (Idaho, russet, Yukon gold)
- optional: garlic
- optional: a tomato or two
- optional: bag of frozen mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, corn)
- rosemary: 2-3 tspns or 2 sprigs (2-3 inches long)
- "Italian seasonings" or sage, oregano, rosemary, thyme
- bay leaf
- flour
- salt, pepper
- cooking oil (preferably canola)
- water
- cheap wine
- One large stew pot!
First, clean and then cut/chop your vegetables. Potatoes should be
cut into bite-sized large chunks (I clean them but don't peel them).
Important: cut ONLY HALF your onions into small pieces. In other
words, if you have 4 onions, chop up 2 of them. Leave the other 2
onions for later.
The beef preparation is a very important step. First off, it needs to
be fresh stew beef. If your beef is turning brown from age around the
edges, I suggest cutting off the brown portions and getting rid of
them -- the browning often indicates rancidity, and rancidity is bad
for your health (and tastes bad too). Next, trim off the white
membranes and any of the hard, translucent rubbery stuff that tend to
occur in meat -- the stuff that goes "boing!" if you chew on it.
Better to get it out now than have it ruin your meal later; time spent
now will greatly increase enjoyment later. The trimmings are great
stuff to fry up and feed your dog. Lastly, cut the beef into
bite-sized pieces against the grain. The long muscle fibers
are chewy, so cutting against the grain will shorten the maximum fiber
length and help make the beefy mouthfuls more tender. It's nice to
keep the maximum thickness 1/2 inch or less.
OK, next: sprinkle flour over the meat until it's fairly evenly coated
(or dredge the meat in flour). Now, pour a thin layer of cooking oil
into the pot. Heat the oil on medium to medium-high heat until a drop
of water sizzles nicely, then add the beef. Stir the beef around and
let it brown on the outside. The flour should dissolve into the oil.
Once all of the flour has dissolved and the meat has gotten some nice
browned corners and sides, add the chopped onions and garlic and let
it all cook together for several minutes. I like adding some salt and
pepper at this stage, to the point where the meat starts tasting like
it could be its own side dish.
Now that everything's all happily cooking together, throw in all the
chopped veggies and potatoes (except for the reserved onions). Add
just enough water to cover, and stir all the stuff around (but keep
the newly added veggies below the water surface). Now, let things
come to a gentle boil. Add your rosemary and generous dashes of herbs
and spices (say, a tablespoon of "Italian seasonings") and the bay
leaf. Adjust the heat down so it's just barely simmering, and let sit
like that for about forty-five minutes. If you put in a bit too much
water, leave the pot uncovered to let it boil down; otherwise, cover
the pot (and be sure to bring down the heat to the minimum needed for
simmering -- a closed pot requires less heat).
At the forty-five minute mark, take the reserve onions. (The reserve
onions are a Secret Technique to get yummy onion chunks in your final
product.) Cut them in half through their middles. Take the two
halves and lay them flat, then cut those through the centers to make
six "pie wedges" each (or four if they're small onions). Add them to
the stew, mix them in; now's the time to add a quick "glug" of wine,
too. Let the stew simmer on for another fifteen minutes. Then adjust
the seasonings, make sure the potatoes are done, REMOVE BAY LEAF, and serve!
Note: You can also add frozen vegetable mixes (peas, corn, carrots) to
this stew near the end - give it time to cook to desired
This is really quite tasty with a dollop of sour cream added per
If you double the quantities, you get enough leftovers for a few days.
Note also: Instead of water, I like to use stock made from
various bones. See the chicken soup section.
Hearty and (Relatively) Healthy Instant Ramen
As a kid growing up in a Japanese-American household, I got many a
lunch that was nutritious and hearty -- and based on instant ramen.
Yes, really. I make my own version now. It's loaded with vegetables,
has protein, and is drained of some of the excess fat and starch that
is associated with instant ramen. There's still hydrogenated oil and
lots of salt, but this might be a fast way for, say, a starving
college student to make a decent meal.
Thanks to my ramen upbringing, I've never considered just a plain bowl
of instant ramen to be an acceptable meal. It's not healthy, in any
case -- just starch, fat, and salt. Yuck.
So, here's my intant ramen serving suggestion. You'll need:
- One package instant ramen per person (I use Sapporo Ichiban
brand, regular or beef flavor) --
or split one package among two people, because the
large quantities of vegetables make up for the bulk (which
is a good thing, health-wise!)
- 3-5 leaves napa or Chinese cabbage per person (can use bok choy
- 2-3 scallions/green onions per person
- Meat: ready-to-eat Chinese-style sweet pork, or just use some
lunchmeat ham or turkey (2-4 slices per person)
- Optional: hard-boiled egg, one or 1/2 per person
- Optional: other veggies, like snow peas, cooked spinach, carrots,
broccoli, diced summer squash, veggie leftovers, etc. (Yes,
this is a great way to use up leftover vegetable stir-fries, too.)
- Optional: a slice or two of naruto fish-cake (traditional
Japanese ramen garnish)
- Seasonings: roasted sesame oil, white pepper, Japanese "hot" "pepper,"
garlic powder, garlic oil ...
You'll need two pots, or one pot and a teakettle, for fast cooking.
One batch of boiling water is for cooking the noodles; the other is
for the veggies -- heating the water in parallel is faster than doing
it in series. In other words, you can do this with just one batch of
hot water at a time, but it takes longer because you have to wait for
the water to boil again.
Vegetable preparation: Cut napa or Chinese cabbage into bite-sized
pieces, by chopping roughly 1"-1.5" apart across the leaf. Chop
scallions into thin rings -- how much thinner than about 1cm or 0.5 cm
thin is up to you. Broccoli is non-canonical, but I do use them -- I
just cut off a few florets and use those. Any other veggies, except
for snow peas, should be cut into small pieces or thin slices so they
cook quickly. (Carrots should be cut diagonally and extremely thinly,
if you do use them.) Set aside prepared vegetables and cook the
Noodle pot: Heat at LEAST the amount of water recommended for the
total number of ramen packages, but this can be guesstimated if you
know what you're doing. (Start the second pot of water/teakettle now
too!) When boiling, add noodles. Cook until the noodles are tender and
the water has turned whitish from the starch and fat. Now, drain
off the water. Easy way: add cold water to the pot from the tap.
The noodles tend to sink now. Drain water off, holding noodles back
with chopsticks. Rinse in cold water. Divide drained noodles among
serving-sizes into large bowls (chopsticks help). Do NOT put veggies
into the veggie pot until this is done.
Veggie pot: Re-using the noodle pot, after a rinse, makes for fewer
pots to wash! Add boiling water from the second pot or teakettle.
Use about the amount of water recommended for the total number of
ramen packages (use a bit less if you like your soup more
concentrated). Once boiling, add veggies (save delicate vegetables,
like snow peas and scallions, for last; if you use broccoli or
carrots, put them in first and wait a half minute before adding
others). This is also where to add any frozen naruto slices. Once
veggies have wilted or gotten to the desired state of done-ness, add
flavor packet(s) and stir thoroughly. Immediately remove from heat.
Pour veggies and nutrient-rich broth over the noodles in their bowls,
dividing equally.
To each bowl, add sliced cooked meat or lunchmeat; add also the
optional boiled egg, cut lengthwise in two. Try adding 2-3 drops roasted
sesame oil and a bit of white pepper for seasoning.
To save leftovers, separate noodles from vegetable broth. Store both
in fridge separately.
Other ideas:
- Sometimes I try boiling an egg (OUT of its shell) with the
vegetables (using the napa cabbage leaves as a cushion). This is
risky as the yolk frequently breaks, and it also does not get
completely cooked to hard-boiled stage (actually I prefer it that way,
but it could be a health risk).
- I have been known to add diced garlic to the vegetables.
- I have been known to stir-fry mushrooms, vegetables, and onions,
and then put that on the finished ramen.
- Back at college, I saw people just make ramen, drain off the
water, and put the sauce powder on the noodles -- I suppose adding
a topping of cooked/sauteed veggies would make it similar in nutrition value
to what I've done above.
- Note: ramen noodles can and do go "off" -- discard or compost
them if they stop tasting fresh when tried without the salt broth
masking the flavor. You can, however, use the sealed sauce packet
to flavor stir-fries or boiled vegetables for a good while longer.
Lazy Person's Beef Casserole
This is loosely based on a spicy Southwestern style casserole dish my
mother found. But much, much simpler. Requires some baking.
- One large can (28 fl. oz?) of crushed tomatoes
- One can of small ripe black olives
- One pound raw ground beef
- 2 tablespoons chili powder (or less)
- 1 cup uncooked dry rice
- A bit of cooking oil
- salt, pepper, Italian seasonings, ground celery seed, onion powder,
garlic powder, paprika, grated parmesan cheese, to taste.
- (Non-lazy way: chopped/diced 2 stalks celery, one medium onion,
one bell pepper.)
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 F. Pour a few tablespoons of cooking
oil into a fry pan. Add ground beef and brown it on the stove.
(Suggest adding 1 tablespoon Italian seasonings at this stage.) Drain
off fat. Next, return pan to stove. Add the entire can of crushed
tomatoes. Add the entire can of olives, INCLUDING liquid. Add the
rice. Add the chili powder. (Suggest adding celery seed, paprika,
onion powder, etc.; if you are being non-lazy, add the chopped
vegetables instead.) Heat, stirring, til hot. Next, pour the stuff
into an oven-safe non-metallic baking dish. Cover if possible. Bake
for 40 minutes. Good with grated cheese on top; also try with
(Hint: normally you'd add the Southeastern trio of diced bell peppers,
onions, and celery to this, but we're being lazy and not
chopping anything. To compensate for their lack, paprika covers for
the peppers, celery seed for the celery, and onion powder for the onion.)
Lazy Person's Bean Casserole
This is a vegetarian version of the above Southwestern style beef
casserole. It's even easier because no stove-top cooking is involved.
- One large can (28 fl. oz?) of crushed tomatoes
- One can of small ripe black olives
- One or two cans kidney beans or other southwestern-style beans
- 2 tablespoons chili powder (or less)
- 1 cup uncooked dry rice
- A bit of cooking oil
- salt, pepper, ground celery seed, onion powder, garlic powder,
paprika, grated parmesan cheese, to taste.
- (Non-lazy way: chopped/diced 2 stalks celery, one medium onion,
one bell pepper.)
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 F. In large oven-proof non-metallic
baking dish, pour in the entire can of crushed tomatoes. Add the
entire can of olives, INCLUDING liquid. Add the rice. Add the chili
powder. (Suggest adding celery seed, paprika, onion powder, etc.; if
you are being non-lazy, this is where you add the chopped vegetables.)
Mix thoroughly. Either drizzle cooking oil over the top, or cover
with aluminum foil (if you don't mind aluminum) or other oven-safe
covering. Bake for 60 minutes (20 more minutes than with the beef
version because these are going into the oven "cold"). Good with
grated Parmesan cheese on top; also try adding Tabasco.
(Hint: normally you'd add the Southeastern trio of diced bell peppers,
onions, and celery to this, but we're being lazy and not
chopping anything. To compensate for their lack, paprika covers for
the peppers, celery seed for the celery, and onion powder for the onion.)
Tasty Olive Oil Ground Beef
Maybe I'm the only person who loves the flavor of olive oil and
beef...? Anyway, I was happy to discover that ground beef tastes
very nice without lots of tomato sauce, chili powder, cheese, or
other coverings. Strange, eh?
- 1 pound raw ground beef
- 1 onion
- 1-2 heads of broccoli
- olive oil
- salt, pepper, Italian seasonings
- Optional: hot cooked rice or sliced bread.
Chop up broccoli into very small pieces (about a centimeter to a
side). Chop up onion to about the same size. Next, brown the beef in
a thin coat of olive oil in a fry pan. Drain off excess fat. Now,
add onion and broccoli. I suggest using at least a half tablespoon of
Italian seasoning, plus plenty of pepper, and salt to taste. When
everything is hot, take off stove. Drizzle with extra virgin cold-pressed
olive oil. Serve on rice or bread. It's not fancy, but the simple
flavors mingle very well, and you can really appreciate the flavor
of olive oil and beef.
Easy Cheesy Tomato Pasta
- About 8 oz. dry short (such as rotini, ziti, etc.)
- One jar spaghetti sauce
- One 8 oz bag shredded cheese ("Mexican style" works well)
- Optional: One can pitted olives, drained
- Olive oil to taste
Cook pasta per package directions. Spread cooked past into an
oven-safe non-metallic baking dish. Add the jar of spaghetti sauce.
Add the bag of shredded cheese. Add the can of drained olives if
desired. After mixing, drizzle olive oil on top if desired. Bake
in a 350 (F) oven for approximately 20 minutes or until cheese has
melted. (Note: Do NOT let this dry out in the oven... big mistake.)
This stuff combines the tart zest of spaghestti sauce with the gooey
salty goodness of melted cheese, and is "crackalicious" and easy to
make. It is technically vegetarian. However, it violates both the
low-carb and the low-fat diets like crazy, so go easy if you need
P.S. After having a friend's VERY tasty tortilla chip dip, I might try
adding CREAM CHEESE to this!
Pseudo Mabo Dofu
This version of Mabo Tofu/Mapo Tofu is based almost wholly on
"Western" ingredients (except for the tofu and soy sauce), is not by
default spicy (though this flaw can be easily remedied), and moreover
doesn't require any special Chinese sauces (although really a good
dollop of Black Bean sauce, oyster sauce, and/or other flavorful
Chinese sauce is a good idea...).
- 1 package firm Nasoya tofu (or firmer), diced into 1-inch cubes
- 1 can beef broth
- 1 tbs. soy sauce
- 1 tbs. apple cider vinegar (or vinegar)
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 inch fresh ginger root, minced or ground
- 1-2 scallions, chopped.
- 2-4 cloves garlic, minced.
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch, dissolved in a half teacup water
- cooking oil, preferably Joyce Chen's spicy cooking oil,
or use roasted sesame oil.
Brown ground beef in thin layer of cooking oil; drain off fat. Add
ginger and garlic to the beef and let cook for a while. Then add all
the liquids, from beef broth, soy sauce, vinegar, to the cornstarch
solution (add last). Add the diced tofu. Let simmer up to five
minutes, stirring frequently to distribute the cornstarch thickener,
and then add the scallions. Heat until scallions are tender, and then
serve on freshly cooked white rice. Also not bad on bread.
Vegetarians can skip the meat and replace the beef broth with
vegetable broth.
My preference calls for addition of at least a tablespoon of
hot chile oil, a liberal sprinkling of white pepper, another tablespoon
of vinegar, and a good splash of Szechuan sauce, oyster sauce, and a spoon
of black bean sauce. Hedonism.
The Pleasures of White Rice
If ever one gets used to Japanese food, one really gets to know the
pleasures of hot white rice. Although arguably it's not exactly
healthy compared to, say, brown rice or whole wheat or whole grains in
general, it has a culinary appeal that's refreshing. Almost anything
salty tastes good served in small quantity with a bowl of hot white
rice. (Sushi does not count because the rice is painstakingly
Many Asian cultures use hot rice as a backdrop for their foods. The
Japanese seem to treat rice as a central player; in fact a number of
their rice "dishes" are probably 90% rice, 10% anything else. I
suspect this was driven in part by poverty. You can see that sad
history in "tea rice" and "miso rice." As a note, though, for a long
time millet was the staple of poor farmers, who had to tithe away all
their rice or something like that. When they did have rice, white
rice was for the rich, brown (healther, ironically) for the poor.
- Fish and rice. This is the epitome of Japanese. One takes
a broiled small fish (usually small enough to fit on a plate whole),
garnishes with soy sauce and grated daikon radish, and eats it with
hot white rice. Yes, frequently your fish will have its head and tail
intact (some people like to eat the eyes; I've been known to examine
the tiny sharp teeth in the mouth). Chopsticks are about the only way
to pick meat off bones or delicate bones off meat without resorting to
fingers. The hot white rice is the subtle "pillow" that cushions the
sharp flavor of salted fish. One of the nicest broiled fishes is
fresh mackerel (which is also among the nicest of sushi if fresh, and
among the worst if not fresh); mackerel has a very high fat content,
and the fat liquifies when broiled.
- Hiyayakko (tofu and rice). A great summer meal, perhaps
second only to hiyashi chuuka, or Japanese cold noodles
(ironically the Japanese phrase refers to Chinese cooking). Anyway,
hiyayakko is cold cubed tofu on a plate, garnished with diced
raw scallions, a bit of bonito fish flakes (optional), and minced ginger
(optional). A small dish of soy sauce serves to dip the garnished
tofu into; then the tofu is eaten with hot rice. The cool smooth tofu
contrasts well with the warm sticky rice, and of course one has the
usual tasty soy sauce-with-rice combination. This is truly refreshing
on a hot summer day.
- Furikake. In Japanese food stores you can find "furikake,"
which are dry salty flavorings, such as tiny strips of nori seaweed,
bits of dried bonito fish, and/or tiny bits of egg crumbles, to be
sprinkled on hot white rice and eaten as-is.
- Ocha-zuke. In form, ochazuke is a lot like furikake (dry
salty flavorings sprinkled on hot white rice), but then the rice is
covered with boiling water, which dissolves some of the ochazuke to
form a salty hot broth. Ochazuke (based on the word "o-cha" for
"tea") was originally a poor man's meal: green tea poured on white
rice. The poor man's rice garnish is now sold in fancy individual
serving packets, in multiple different flavors! For properly hot
ochazuke, pour boiling water over the rice and into the bowl before
adding the topping, then drain. This helps heat both the bowl and the
rice, especially if it is leftover rice. And yes, you can avoid
commercial ochazuke and just pour green tea over your rice instead;
add salt to replicate the commercial flavor.
- Miso Shiru Rice (Miso Soup Rice). This is considered a
rather "low-class" creation, as far as I know; if you want to be
polite (I was told) never do this. This is simply miso soup poured
over rice; my impression is that it is like tea rice: born from
poverty, and in this case shunned by polite society. (Miso is a very
salty mash made from fermented soy beans and rice or barley. Miso
soup is that same stuff you get at Japanese restaurants - miso mixed
into hot water or, ideally, hot broth.)
- Sesame "furikake." A simple rice topping involves roasted
sesame seeds mixed with salt, and sprinkled on hot white rice.
- O-tsukemono (pickles). The Japanese love their pickles,
which are salty and naturally sweet (usually unsweetened). Eggplant,
daikon radish (the white radish's pickle is usually colored yellow),
Chinese cabbage (hakusai, perhaps pickled in nukamiso),
umeboshi (pickled plum/apricot flavored with shiso - very salty, very
sour), even the old pickled ginger (the sweetened sushi stuff, or the
non-sweet red "benishoga") are examples of Japanese pickles that one
can eat with hot white rice.
- Egg rice. I am not responsible for any cases of food
poisoning. Don't try this at home. Egg rice involves a raw egg mixed
with soy sauce poured onto hot white rice. It's salty, it's
egg-slimy, and it's risky to eat in this day and age. Some places
sell "eggs safe to eat raw," but eat at your own risk. (Raw egg
is used in various Japanese dishes, including Udon.)
- Natto. Natto is fermented soy beans. It is extremely slimy
(my biologist dad once said the long "strings" of slime were
"bacterial strands"), but the slimyness is reduced by judicious
application of soy sauce and hot yellow mustard. The
natto-soy-sauce-mustard is then mixed with diced scallions, then eaten
with hot white rice. Definitely an acquired taste.
- Beans and rice. Salted edamame (green soybeans, the latest
Japanese food rage to hit the US) go well with hot white rice. No, I
don't think this is a traditional meal, but there are now frozen
dinners that feature this combination.
- Meat and rice. Of course meat and rice go together. The
Japanese equivalent of Mongolian fire pot are shabu-shabu and
sukiyaki: raw meat and vegetables cooked right at the table; you pick
out cooked bits and eat with rice. Raw egg figures sometimes, but
again, don't do it if you're not prepared for the possible
- Curry rice has to be mentioned just because it is so
popular, and the substrate is the standard hot white rice. Japanese
curry is, of course, modeled on Indian curry, but has been altered to
be smoother, perhaps sweeter, and thicker. (It is also traditionally
served with a small side of Japanese pickles, sort of like Indian
chutney.) Japanese curry, complete with instructions, can be even
found in some mainstream supermarkets these days; some packages even
require no cooking. This is one of my favorite "home" dishes, and is
a comfort food for probably millions of Japanese, too. I can even
make commercial-quality Japanese curry from scratch, but it uses up
LOTS of curry powder (perhaps up to a quarter of a typical spice jar
for a typical batch) and it requires cream to come out nice and
smooth, not to mention lots of meat stock (I try to use home-made).
Just as an idea, what I put in home-made curry includes: butter and
dissolved flour (roux), meat stock, milk, cream, herbs and spices, carrots,
potatoes, a lot of onions, other miscellaneous vegetables, LOTS of
curry powder, cumin, ginger, hot pepper, white pepper, salt, soy
sauce, worcestershire sauce, apple cider vinegar, hints of warm spices
(cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves), and meat.
Vita-Mix Ideas
In the relatively short time I've had a Vita-Mix (the new "TNC"
version), I've found some nice, easy combos and have had some
successes and failures.
(Quick note on the Vita-Mix: It's expensive but extremely powerful and
durable. I know one person who kept ruining blenders until he heard
about ours and got a Vita-Mix.)
- "Orbappi" with less waste. Here's a mix based on the official
"Orbappi" juice recipe, but without as much leftovers. Try: 1
scrubbed carrot, 1 quartered orange (with white part of peel), 1
quartered apple, a handful of cut fresh pineapple (optional), 1 banana
(peeled). Other optional ingredients: a tablespoon of yogurt added at
the end, a handful of grapes. Don't add strawberries; it comes out
tasting like children's aspirin (I think). Fill 3/4 of the way (more
or less to taste) with commercial orange juice, let run on high for
over a minute. Add ice cubes near the end if wanted. The main
attraction of this is the lack of waste. No half-used oranges or
apples or bananas, plus one nutritious carrot that you can't tell is
there. No need to add sugar if you use the commercial orange juice.
- Divine Nectar. This one I think of as Divine Nectar: 1 bunch of
red grapes (large, de-stemmed), 1 nectarine OR peach (pitted). Fill
with water and/or ice cubes to the top of the grapes; add
nectarine/peach last. Let run on high for over a minute; it'll be
frothy, a bit rough from the grape peels, but otherwise tasty. The
nectarine or peach is the key ingredient.
- Cool Green Ginger Smoothie. New for
Fall 2002: In mixing stuff to feed my sick lovebird, I found this
pretty good juice. Put in blender/Vita-Mix: 2 small or one large
apple, cut up. 2-3 leaves washed raw kale (I may also add a leaf of
collard green, or a broccoli floret, and may try a leaf of carefully
washed romaine lettuce). Half or whole banana. Add small knob of
cleaned fresh ginger root (or a half-inch slice). Fill 1/2 way to top
of fruit with commercial orange juice (more or less to taste), and
blend. The result is a mellow green gingery drink. (Some pineapple
may go in well, too.) Adding a few slices of lime makes for an even
cooler, more refreshing drink. Note: adding a half carrot can add
nutritive value, but the drink comes out brownish instead of green,
and is less smooth.
- Vita-Mix is great for making insta-stew-base. Whir up some
freshly cooked corn and/or peas (with some extra water) into mush, and
either eat like mashed potatoes (hey, it's good stuff!), or add to
soups/stews for instant vegetable flavor. Things that come out
frothy, however, like fresh leeks or kale, tend to have trouble
getting mixed into soup stock. Also, I've found that it helps to cook
onions and garlic before vitamixing if you plan on eating the stuff
straight from the machine; otherwise, the blade-cooking doesn't seem
to quite cook enough pungency out of the bulbs (great if you like
garlic breath, though).
Quick Tomato Garnish
Another use of "too many tomatoes" syndrome (aside from the soup idea,
above) is a quick vaguely Italian-esque tomato salad.
- Ripe tomatoes (if pink, let ripen; hard is bad, bland is OK!)
- Fresh basil (if you have room to grow tomatoes, you can sneak in some
basil plants in the garden)
- grated cheese
- olive oil
- garlic powder
- salt, optional
Easy: just chop the tomatoes (peel if necessary) into bite-sized
pieces, drizzle on olive oil, sprinkle on the cheese and a few
shakes of garlic powder (to taste), and add torn up bits of
basil leaves. Makes eating even somewhat bland tomatoes a lot
Tomato Sauce Tip: You can make tomato sauce from normal,
non-paste tomatoes, though you will need more per unit volume final
sauce. After peeling, dice or blend the tomatoes and simmer for a
while until it's looking like sauce. Let it simmer peacefully for a
bit, and then gently pour off/skim off about 1-2 cups of the
thinnest liquid from the top, preserving the thicker stuff that tends
to settle. The thin liquid can be drunk like tomato juice or
discarded or used as soup stock (add cream for instant cream of tomato
soup!). The thick stuff that remains is a reasonably nice tomato
sauce base. Pouring off the thin liquid reduces or eliminates the
need to boil off most of the water content.
Make Your Own "Hack" Wine
This "hack" makes several servings of "homemade wine" in about a month
without any of the hassle of sterilizing, getting air locks, special
containers, etc.. It also allows one to experiment with all sorts of
different flavors in small quantities! I've only done this a couple
of times, and the results have ranged up into the "I'd drink this over
some store-bought wine anyday" range. It is easy and low-hassle,
great for lazy people like me, and really allows for experimentation!
(People who make beer can get jealous of how easy this is.) If I ever get
serious about wine, I can use this as a springboard to figure out what
I like/don't like.
As with all microbial projects, there is a chance to fail
magnificently if the stuff is contaminated.
You'll need:
- Live brewing yeast, such as beer or wine yeast (available at
brewing supply stores) ... (I've used both; I think I'll stick
with wine yeast, but either is OK for this)
- 1 to 4 glass jars (32 oz.) of store-bought fruit juice of
your choosing (some juices may not work, like mango, pineapple,
tomato). Pure juice tends to be best (see results
section for suggestions). Note: added flavoring
and oils in the ingredients may make the final wine taste funny!
Also: 32 oz. of juice will probably turn into maybe 20-25 oz. of wine,
due to pouring off, yeast slurm, etc.
- Sugar (finely ground is better)
- A drip tray big enough for your jar(s). AND/OR:
- A clean place free of fruit flies and other
contaminants, like the inside of a very tall metal pot with form-fitting
lid. (Also a good idea just in case the glass breaks or explodes.)
- Mix Ingredients. Prepare yeast as directed on package. Once
the yeast is ready, open the jars. (Remember, the less time the juice
is exposed to open air and the possibility of insects, the better.)
Pour off some of the juice to make room to add sugar. Add 1/4 to 1/2
cup of sugar to the jars -- I haven't done this often enough to have
precise recommendations, but the lower the sugar content of the juice,
the more sugar it needs. (Adding yet more sugar may help these wines
be less thin, BUT it can give the wine an unpleasant "hot" sharp
flavor.) Add yeast to the jars. Close the lids and shake the jars
thoroughly to dissolve sugar and distribute yeast.
- Put Aside. Now, put the jars in the drip tray or tall pot
(if just the drip tray, it is also possible to store them all in an
UNHEATED oven to keep safe from insects). Gently loosen the
lids so that they are covering the tops properly, yet are loose
enough to rotate freely. Next day, make sure that fermentation is
starting. (You should see lots of little bubbles starting to rise up
and accumulate at the top. Depending on juice, a thick foam may or
may not start forming at the top too -- some of the best juices do a
lot of foaming!)
- Check. The first few days, check that the lids stay on. If they are
threatening to fall off, tighten them just enough so they don't. But
NEVER tighten lids so much that gas can't escape, or else you will get
exploding jars!!
- Wait. Next, leave the jars on the drip tray in a clean dark
room-temperature place (again, inside a tall pot is nice) for as many
weeks as it takes for the fermentation to stop or at least slow down
to a near stand still (about 2-4 weeks with beer yeast). Check
periodically to make sure fermentation's going OK, that the lids are
still on, that bugs haven't gotten in, and that the jars smell
alcoholic (slightly yeast-y or "fresh bread"-y is OK too).
- Sample and Store. Once the fermentation is pretty much
over, sample the product. Note: It is normal to have scum or
slime on the mouth of the jar if there was foaming going on. The
proof is in the taste. If it tastes really strange or "off," discard
it -- it probably got contaminated. If it tastes like wine (having a
"yeasty" flavor is OK) and you're happy with it, consume as quickly
as possible, and/or carefully pour off the wine into a clean glass
container (leave out the settled yeast) and refrigerate. I've had
a lovely cherry wine go a bit "off" from sitting around too long.
Remember, these are not air-tight bottles and the wine can and will go
bad if left too long, especially after sampling and exposure to
dried-on foam and open air. Putting the wine into another bottle and
refrigerating can also help remove excess yeast (letting it settle
How to Pour Off: When you pour, first let the container settle
and then pour very gently and slowly, because there is a thick layer
of yeast at the bottom of the jar that you don't want either in your
drink or in your long-term storage container. Or, I suppose you can
try filtering the wine. While some people like the flavor of yeast,
most of us don't, and there are some concerns about the effects of too
much live yeast in the body. (BTW, yogurt is
supposedly a good way to help fight off yeast.)
Carbonation: Some of these may come out naturally carbonated.
This apparently implies there's still enough sugar to keep the yeast
busy. Either let fermentation continue (could take weeks!) or
pour off the wine and discard the settled-out yeast ... or just enjoy
the bubbles.
Weak wine: "Weak" wine may be due to insufficient sugar to produce the
expected concentration of alcohol in the finished product. If the
wine comes out weak, you can try adding fruit juices to get a "sweet
wine"-like effect (e.g., grape juice plus grape "wine" produced a nice
"sweet wine" flavor).
Clean-up: The only clean-up from the fermentation is of
your drip tray/tall pot and the rinsing of the juice jar for
recycling! (Well, OK, plus washing any secondary containers. Still,
no sterilization or airlocks needed!)
- Add yeast and sugar to juice
- Loosely close lids and wait some weeks
- Sample/drink/store
(This is what I mean by "hack" -- it's easy and it works)
Some of my results:
Good wines
(Remember to pour off into new container and refrigerate once
they're at the peak of "good")
- organic pure black cherry juice (pure juice in the bottle!)
produced a very nice cherry wine. (Yes, you do need to add table
sugar) I let this one sit too long ... it went a bit "off," but was
still very nice once refrigerated. I shoulda put it in a separate
container as soon as it was ready. Another batch I let sit for months and
it came out very nice. Foams like mad.
- organic cranberry juice ... rather nice overall. Lost a lot of
the cranberry tang, though, and still carbonated and a bit sweet even
after a month or so. (Yes, you do need to add table sugar.)
- organic blueberry juice drink (Mountain Sun Organic Mountain Blueberry)
produced a very nice blueberry wine, reminiscent of professionally
produced wine. (Yes, you do need to add table sugar.) Foams like mad.
- spiced apple juice drink ... not bad.
- organic pure grape juice (no white grape juice or other ingredients in
the juice) ... was fairly good, but needed table sugar to make a decent
wine. With sugar added it should be much better. Grape juice foams like mad.
- organic lemonade -- makes something that tastes a bit like
ginger beer without the ginger.
- organic lemon-ginger echinacea (no flavorings added) -- it's
OK, moderate ginger flavor, not quite enough lemon. Might mix
well with the above, though.
Hmmm... maybe not.
- organic strawberry-lemonade: was OK. I think I added
too much sugar (over 1/2 cup); it came out sweet and "hot"-tasting.
- organic raspberry-lemonade: maybe due to the flavorings and
other non-juice ingredients, this had some weird notes. Was OK
when mixed with strawberry-lemonade wine. I think I added
too much sugar (over 1/2 cup).
- Welch's grape juice: the wine this produced was very sharp
and had no depth. I also tried it without adding any sugar,
just to see what it would be like. Like the organic grape
juice, this stuff also foams a lot.
Haven't Tried...
- organic concord grape juice (will add table sugar)
- organic pear juice (will add table sugar)
- pasteurized apple cider
- pure raspberry juice (if there is such a thing)
Feel free to add mother of vinegar and experiment with making vinegar
(remember vinegar needs daily air and aeration, unlike wine).
Warning: mother of vinegar can contaminate wines easily, leading to
vinegar when you don't want it. Containers that contained raw vinegar
are suspect. And fruit flies love vinegar, know how to crawl under
plastic wrap, and will contaminate the entire area.
Experimental Yogurt Growing
There are three experimental aspects to growing yogurt (yoghurt):
- Different starters/cultures
- Different substrates (different types of milk or milk-substitute)
- Additives/flavors, before and after culturing. I have NOT tried this.
- Culturing temperature also plays a role in the result
Starter: I have some Natren yogurt starter that makes
some very mellow yogurts. You can also use any acidophilus-based
"probiotic" supplement (in fact, this is a good test of their
viability), or you can use "live-culture" yogurt from the store. (The
probiotic supplements are not designed to make tasty yogurt, but they
should at least make some kind of yogurt if they are alive and active.
Then again, some store-bought cultures weren't THAT tasty either.)
Substrate: Various kinds of milk and even milk-substitutes.
Soy milk works.
- Heat Substrate (Milk): [If you're just making one batch
of yogurt, heat the milk in a pot on the stove to 180 degrees F (use a
meat thermometer to check), keep there for 5 minutes, then pour into a
covered glass container for cooling. Warning: if it overheats and
boils it can make a huge frothy mess. Boiling point is above 200 F at
sea level, but even at 190 or so the milk may start frothing.] For
making a number of different experimental yogurts at once: collect a
bunch of clean jars or food-safe glass containers. Pour milk or other
substrate into each -- if you're doing different substrates, you might
want to note to yourself which one went into which container. Cover
with foil or other oven-safe lids. In the smallest and largest jars,
insert a meat thermometer. Set oven to about 200 or 250 F. You'll
need to babysit the oven and keep checking the temperature of the milk
(or milk substitute) over the course of a couple hours (good time to
catch up on reading). Heat milk to 180F, let stand at that
temperature for five minutes (says the yogurt starter instructions).
Smaller jars will reach this point first, so once they've had their
warmth you may need to remove them from the oven until the big jars
are ready.
- Cool and Add Starter: When everything has been heated,
turn off oven, open the oven door, and let everything cool for a few
hours. Yogurt culture (or starter yogurt) can then be added to each
jar when its contents reach 115 F or below. I just throw in some
spoonfuls of starter powder and stir briskly, rather than make a paste
like the starter instructions call for -- I'm lazy. If you're doing
different starters, you might want to make notes to yourself about
which went into which container -- and don't cross-contaminate your
starters! Also, replace aluminum with plastic or proper lids
(aluminum with condensation on it discolors and might contaminate the
water droplets with aluminum).
- Let It Grow: The jars sit in the OFF oven with the door
CLOSED for 8-10 hours (overnight) -- having a large number of warm
jars helps keep the temperature at the right level. Sometimes, I heat
the oven for about 5 seconds and then turn it off to raise the
temperature just a bit -- an oven thermometer is great for checking.
Don't let anything go over 115 F, or you risk killing the bacteria, so
I leave the oven light on so no one forgets and starts heating the
oven :) The temperature should be between about 90 and 115; the flavor
may be affected by either extreme. And also note: I once tried making
yogurt by adding culture to milk on a hot day with the temp in the
80's... it didn't work. Play it safe and culture it in a properly
warm environment.
Result: When you check on them next, they should be thickened
into a fragile white "solid" sitting in clear "whey"-like liquid. It
has the consistency of very soft tofu. Stick the jars in the fridge
(hope there's enough room for them -- do not freeze!).
Eat: Lazy way of eating: pour yogurt into a bowl. Add sugar.
Stir. Let sit a couple minutes to let sugar dissolve. Eat. (Or add
a bit of commercial rose water for a rich lassi-like flavor.)
Storage: Because freshly made yogurt is a "living" food and is
fairly acidic, it tends not to go bad quickly unless contaminated or
weakened -- hence, avoid air/light exposure and don't let it freeze,
but don't panic if it winds up sitting out several hours or if it sits
in your fridge for over a month. If it looks/tastes/smells fine it's
probably still edible, but if you have doubts play it safe and chuck
it. I've seen yogurt go moldy and I've smelled yogurt that's taken
on a "cheesy" odor -- I throw those out.
Here are some things I've tried or might try:
- First off, this is a good test of any "probiotic" "good bacteria"
acidophilus-based supplement. I know one expensive jar of "probiotic"
tablets did absolutely nothing -- it was dead, Jim! (I had "control"
jars of normal yogurt, which came out OK, so I knew the supplement was
bad.) Some expired Natren Megadophilus, however, could still make
yogurt (though it had an off-flavor, whether from age or what I don't
know -- it's not a yogurt starter anyway, and Natren claims their
actual yogurt starter's Lactobacillus uses the help of Streptococcus
- I've made yogurt from other store-bought yogurts. If you like
a particular commercial yogurt, try using a few tablespoons
of it as a starter. Some of them produce fairly sharp, sour notes.
If you like it, though, great.
- As a note, Natren's yogurt starter contains Lactobacillus
bulgaricus and Strepococcus thermophilus. It produces a mellow yogurt
that, once stirred, takes on the consistency of a thick lassi (Indian
yogurt drink). i.e., watery by commercial yogurt standards, but
actually very tasty, and really easy to drink.
- Normal yogurt with cow's milk -- pretty good. Fat makes it,
well, richer. I find that fat (homogenized) seems to make yogurt
thicker, less brittle, and less watery. Low-fat yogurt seems slightly
- Adding dry milk powder -- I read this makes a thicker yogurt.
Boy, does it ever (I went overboard). Nice way to add body without
adding fat. However, it also has a caramelized milk flavor, which is
fine if you like it but might drive you nuts if you don't. This is
also a good way to use dry milk powder for the lactose intolerant.
- Goat's milk -- very nice with full fat. I had a problem with
a recent batch where it came out tasting "hot" -- it tasted really
sharp. However, after adding sugar, it tasted perfectly normal (perhaps
just a tad more sour than average). I
suspect now that the "hot" was just a very sharp sour edge, perhaps something
to do with temperature of fermentation, and nothing to do with
contamination. One recent batch came out very mild, and I almost miss
the sharp note. My very last batch was absolutely wonderful - it had
the slight goat "tart" edge, and was rich and creamy and great without
- Lactose-reduced milk! It makes a thin but edible (drinkable)
yogurt. 70% lactose-reduced milk has a bit more body than 100%
lactose-reduced milk. Note: yogurt is digestible by most
lactose-intolerant people anyway, so using lactose-reduced milk is
likely unnecessary. It might, however, make yogurt digestible
for even extremely lactose-intolerant individuals(??).
- Soy milk, like Silk brand -- yes, it works. And it tastes
better than the commercial soy-milk yogurts IMHO, though my last batch
had some kinda funky whey (maybe the flavorings like vanilla don't do
too well?). Aside from any dairy stuff in the yogurt starter, this
stuff will be utterly dairy-free. But DON'T do:
- Chocolate soy milk ... this was BAD. The result was a separated goopy
mass floating in its clear "whey" liquid ... with some parts that tasted
fizzy/carbonated, almost as if infected with yeast. Some less-pleasant
chocolate notes were highlighted. It was ...icky... overall.
- Half and half or light cream -- yes, good! but don't do this if
you're concerned about your coronary health. Produces a richly textured,
full-bodied mellow yogurt. Sugar is hardly required to enjoy
cream-based yogurt. I suppose if you used grass-fed cow cream it might be healthy because of the higher percentage of omega 3s (unlike grain-fed/corn-fed, which is high in omega 6s).
- Full cream -- Produced sour cream. Imagine that! Pretty good stuff.
- Rice milk -- Don't. At least, not with Rice Dream (mind
you, I like plain Rice Dream, especially on Cheerios). I tried
it... 12 hours later it had separated out and was still totally
liquid. Yech.
- Chocolate milk? Haven't tried it. Almost afraid to try it, after
the chocolate soy milk experiment. I'm pretty sure there's a good
reason people add chocolate AFTER milk has been turned into yogurt ;).
- Almond milk? Haven't tried it.
- What else is there??
Tip: Rinsing Soap/Detergent
Ever had trouble rinsing soap or detergent (or shampoo)? Just use
At the kitchen sink, fill a sprayer/mister bottle with plain distilled
white "vinegar" (dilute acetic acid) and spray on whatever item isn't
rinsing well. The acid vinegar dissolves away the basic detergent
or soap almost instantly. (You can use citric acid too.)
This once saved me at a soup kitchen, where the only detergent was
liquid dishwasher detergent! It would simply NOT come off a humungous
plastic container until I used a bit of flavored vinegar that was
lying around. Yay!
Apparently, detergent tends to leave behind a soapy layer of film on
whatever surface it was on (according to one biologist). Although not
"toxic," it can't be too healthy, so rinse it off.
Comments on Green Tea and Good Knives
Simplest version for tea: Get Asian green tea.
I've had all sorts of Western brands of green tea in my quest for
convenient and cheap healthy fare (green tea is very good for you).
But they just aren't very good in terms of flavor. They don't taste
right. If you get green tea, whether loose leaf or in tea bags, get a
good Asian brand. The best Japanese loose leaf green teas are
somewhat pricey ($13 for 10 grams, I think), but they are rich,
delicate, smooth, aromatic, and taste like a sunny summer day.
Don't get the (insert Western brand name here) tea bag and expect to
find out what green tea should taste like.
As for good kitchen knives: Kiya Knives ... best damn
kitchen knives I've ever used. Mine was bought in Japan. The blade
is much, much lighter than in an equivalent German kitchen knife
(though it uses German steel, I think). The knife is much lighter,
easier to handle, nicely balanced, and is generally a pleasure to
And I may be confused, but I have this
impression the Japanese also have the superstition about not giving
away knives to people you care about - you need to sell the knife
(even if it's for a dollar or less). If true, bizarre.
Some Random Thoughts and Things
Apples: Braeburns and Honeycrisps are surprisingly good. Braeburns
have excellent texture for a really long time. Cortlands are great when
fresh - the flavor is superb - but texture goes downhill fast.
Salmon Head Stock: Following directions from various cookbooks, I made
salmon fish head stock (removing gills was a pain, though), though I
also used vinegar as if it were chicken stock. Although Best
Cookbook recommends against salmon, one web site for Southeast
Asian food recommends them. Taking the Asian hint, I made a light
soup with the nicely gelatinous stock, a bit of soy sauce, chopped
onions, celery, thinly sliced carrots, slices of half a fresh orange,
udon noodles that were lying around in the freezer, dried shiitake
mushrooms, mirin, some parsley from the fridge, ground cardamom, and
touches of ground ginger, chile powder, garlic powder, mustard, etc.
Actually not bad at all. Sort of wanted to try some coconut milk,
too, though.
Roast Duck and Honey: Adding a drizzle of honey to the skin of the
duck (mallard-type, not muscovy) about 20 minutes before it's done
roasting creates a nice crusty brown result. The honey tastes
amazingly good on crispy duck skin.
More about stock: I keep one or more plastic freezer bags full of
various bones in the freezer. After a meal that results in chicken
bones, or duck bones, or pork bones, or beef bones, the bones go
straight into the bag. Later, when I'm making soup, I can just add a
few to add some gelatine - or use a whole pile to make stock. (And
these days I never use bones without plenty of salt and vinegar to
leach the minerals out; I just have to let the stock heat long enough
to dissipate the vinegar.)
All full recipes, as random and non-specific as they are, are
copyright 1994, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004 by Eri Izawa (rei (at) mit.edu)
(and also Michael J. Bauer (mjbauer (at) mit.edu) for Spicy
Three-Pepper Sesame Beef, Spinach-chicken Salad, and
Honey-Worcestershire Chicken).
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