Art rights
I hate to have to put in this note, but circumstances have begun to
demand it. Please, do not copy or use any of my artwork without
getting my permission. All artwork is copyright by Eri Izawa.
On a related note: 10 Big Myths about
Copyright Explained.
Current policy:
- Please don't use any of these graphics in your own server as
your own icons without (1) getting permission and (2) inserting an
"image copyright 2001 by Eri Izawa (" notice.
- The only time you don't need to include copyright notice is if
the image is used for and as a link back to my home page
- You may use images for a single person's homepage (as long as
it's not for profit), if you include the copyright notice. Also, please
let me know you're using my stuff.
- Please do NOT modify any of the images without permission.
Older Information
Note also that art is protected across international boundaries by the
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
The Convention gives the artist exclusive rights over the reproduction
of artistic works. Further, in cases of newspapers or other media
reproducing the art, the source must be clearly indicated.
Think of this art as something like software. Time and energy and
thought went into these graphics (not to mention the fact that some of
them were designed specifically for certain sites). Unlike software,
however, there is no "This was made by so-and-so" page associated with
most graphics, and so copied art will not even give proper credit to
the "author."
-rei@MIT.EDU (Eri Izawa)