
Last NameFirst NameDateThesis TitleThesis Supervisor(s)
GibertSophieSep 2024Ethics and the Limits of AutonomySetiya
HillJohnSep 2024Not Function but Function Conquered: Against a Functionalist Theory of DirectivesKhoo
Odisseas ImpagnatielloMicheleSep 2024The Ethics within MetaphysicsHare
WangYuxing JocelynSep 2024Essays on attention and creative thoughtGreen
WellsElizaSep 2024Just Doing My Job: Normative Dimensions of Social RolesHaslanger
HeineJessicaMay 2024How Things Seem: Arbitrariness, Transparency, and RepresentationByrne
PearsonJoshuaMay 2024Belief is MessyWhite
ThwaitesAbigailMay 2024Knowing How, Knowing Who, Knowing What to DoHare
HintikkaKathleenFeb 2024Speech TherapyHaslanger
Brooke-WilsonTylerSep 2023Bounded Rationality as a Strategy for Cognitive ScienceGreen
WatkinsEliotSep 2023Within ‘Reason’: A Study of Normative LanguageKhoo
GrantLyndalFeb 2023Wanting to Do What’s RightSetiya
BalinAllisonSep 2022A Defense of ImpermissivismWhite
RavanpakRyanSep 2022Biological Life and the Partiality RelationHare, Skow
SchillingHaleySep 2022Practical Epistemology: Essays on What to Think and What to DoWhite
WebberMallorySep 2022Moderate Modal MetaphysicsYablo
WuXinheSep 2022Boolean-Valued Models and Their ApplicationsMcGee
RätyAnniMay 2022Inside The Moral Nexus: On Wrongs, Rights, and Normative PowersSchapiro
AthertonEmmaSep 2021Let's Talk About Sex: Sexual Ethics, Agency, and Justice Beyond ConsentHaslanger
BoulicaultMarionSep 2021Values and Science: An Interdisciplinary Feminist ExplorationHaslanger
ByrneThomasJun 2021Making EthicsHare
BalcarrasDavidSep 2020On What Language IsByrne
Baron-SchmittNathanielSep 2020Doing: An Essay on Causation, Events, and Action in the Most General SenseSkow
HodgesJeromeSep 2020Consent and ConceptsHaslanger
KoslowAllisonSep 2020Meaning Change, in Theory and in PracticeByrne
BuilesDavidMay 2020The Empirical Relevance of MetaphysicsSkow
DorstKevinSep 2019Modest Epistemology White
GrantCosmoSep 2019Foundations and philosophical applications of game theoryStalnaker
LenehanRoseSep 2019Reparations, Racial Exploitation, and Racial CapitalismHaslanger
Phillips-BrownMiloSep 2019What it Means to WantYablo
WhitePatrick QuinnSep 2019Love FirstSetiya
HesniSamiaJun 2019Normative Discourse and Social NegotiationHaslanger
MuñozDanielJun 2019What We Owe to Ourselves: Essays on Rights and SupererogationSchapiro, Setiya
BoylanDavidSep 2018Subjective ModalityStalnaker
GrayDavidSep 2018Ethics for Artificial AgentsByrne
JaquesAbbySep 2018Knowing and Doing, Well and GoodSetiya
SchultheisVirginia Sep 2018Belief and EvidenceWhite
SaillantSaidSep 2017Darwinian Humility: Epistemological Applications of Evolutionary ScienceWhite
WellsIanSep 2017Evidence and ChoiceWhite
RichardsonKevinSep 2017Grounding PluralismYablo
JennyMathiasSep 2017Taming the ImpossibleMcGee
de KenesseyBrendanSep 2017Joint Practical DeliberationSetiya
BianchiDylanSep 2017Know-How as the Cognitive Basis of SkillByrne
MandelkernMatthewJun 2017Coordination in ConversationStalnaker and von Fintel
Ortiz-HinojosaSofiaSep 2016What Imagination TeachesByrne
MillsopRebeccaSep 2016Precisifying Art PluralismHaslanger
Marley-PayneJackSep 2016Action-First AttitudesStalnaker
DoodyRyanSep 2016Doing Your Best (While Making Do with Less): The Actual Value Conception of Instrumental RationalityRayo
DasNilanjanSep 2016Epistemic StabilityWhite
BotchkinaEkaterinaSep 2016Issues in Objectivity and Mind-DependenceHaslanger and Yablo
AliArdenSep 2016Acting from Character: How Virtue and Vice Explain Praise and BlameSetiya
SchumacherMelissaSep 2015Causation and EvidenceSkow
SalowBernhardSep 2015Access and AnticipationWhite
LenehanRoseSep 2015Beyond Slurs: Communicating Evaluative PerspectivesHaslanger
EvansOwainSep 2015Bayesian Computational Models for Inferring PreferencesWhite
HorowitzSophieJun 2014Evidence as a Guide to TruthWhite
RochfordDamienSep 2013Agent and EnvironmentStalnaker
HagenDanielSep 2013Moral expertise and moral education:a Socratic accountHaslanger
CarrJenniferSep 2013Justifying BayesianismHolton
SliwaPaulineSep 2012Praise without PerfectionHolton
HeddenBrianSep 2012Consistency in Choice and CredenceHare
SchoenfieldMiriamJun 2012Imprecision in Normative DomainsWhite
GrecoDanielJun 2012Epistemic LevelsWhite
EmeryNinaJun 2012Chance, Indeterminacy, and ExplanationSkow
WaldenKennethSep 2011One and the Same ReasonHolton and Langton
SantorioPaoloSep 2011You and “I”, “now” and “then”, and Some Related ThoughtsStalnaker
RinardSusannaSep 2011Reasoning One’s Way Out of SkepticismWhite
Pérez CarballoAlejandroSep 2011Rationality without RepresentationStalnaker and Yablo
ManneKateSep 2011Not by Reasons AloneHolton
GrahamAndrewSep 2011The Significance of MetaphysicsYablo
AlmotahariMahradSep 2011Situating Language and ConsciousnessStalnaker
RobichaudChristopherFeb 2011What Lies Beneath? A Defense of Categorical HumilityLangton
VavovaEkaterinaSep 2010Rational Humility and Other Epistemic KilljoysWhite
UrbanekValentinaSep 2010The Non-Identity ProblemHare
KwonHongwooSep 2010Self-Identification and Self-KnowledgeStalnaker
KrupnickAriSep 2010Internalism and Armchair ReasoningStalnaker
HendersonLeahSep 2010Framework Theories in ScienceStalnaker
DoughertyThomasSep 2010Help! Not Just Anybody. Essays on Altruism and Conflicts of InterestHolton and Langton
LogueHeatherSep 2009Perceptual Experience: Relations and RepresentationsByrne
HoseinAdamSep 2009The Significance of FairnessLangton
HollandSeanSep 2009Two Approaches to Human RightsHaslanger
HoffmanGingerSep 2009Antidepressants, Bioenhancements, and the Ethics of Self-RespectHolton
GlickEphraimSep 2009Practical Knowledge and AbilitiesStalnaker
AshwellLaurenSep 2009Desires and DispositionsByrne, Holton & Langton
MossSarahJun 2009Constraining CredencesStalnaker
BriggsRachelFeb 2009Partial Belief and Expert TestimonyStalnaker
YalcinSethSep 2008Modality and InquiryStalnaker & Yablo
NinanDilipSep 2008Imagination, Content, and the SelfStalnaker
EtlinDavidSep 2008Desire, Belief, and Conditional BeliefStalnaker
KurtzRoxanneFeb 2008Liberalism and Ethical Life: On Equality, Neutrality, and CultureCohen & Haslanger
SinJessicaSep 2007Essays in the Philosophy of PsychiatryHolton
FineganJohannaSep 2007Essays on ObligationThomson
de BresHelenaSep 2007Globalizing Utilitarianism: Distributive Justice Beyond the StateCohen
BerkerSelimSep 2007The Particular and the General: Essays at the Interface of Ethics and EpistemologyThomson
BattyClareSep 2007Lessons in Smelling: Essays on Olfactory PerceptionByrne
DeckerJasonFeb 2007Modality, Rationalism, and ConditionalsYablo
SwansonEricSep 2006Interactions With ContextStalnaker
Bach-y-RitaPeterSep 2006Some Ways That a Thing Can Go Wrong: Malfunctions, Disorders and PerversionsThomson
Abdul-MatinIshmawilSep 2006Is There a Human Right to Democracy?Cohen
NickelBernhardSep 2005Truth in ExplanationHall, Stalnaker, Yablo
SveinsdottirAstaSep 2004Siding with Euthyphro: Response-Dependence, Essentiality, and the Individuation of Ordinary ObjectsHaslanger
RoskiesAdinaSep 2004Enzo and Me: Essays Concerning the Mental Lives of Humans and Other AnimalsHall
JohnJamesSep 2004Consciousness and IntentionalityByrne
DoggettTylerSep 2004Moral Properties and Moral ImaginationByrne
SofaerNeemaJun 2004Economic Inequality and Choice: A Reassessment of Ronald Dworkin’s Theory of Distributive JusticeCohen
EganAndrewFeb 2004Non-Standard FeaturesYablo
HawleyPatrickSep 2003Skepticism AvoidedStalnaker
HarmanElizabethSep 2003Moral StatusCohen
FlahertyJoshuaSep 2003The Autonomy of the PoliticalCohen
EinheuserIrisSep 2003ConventionalismYablo
SartorioCarolinaJun 2003The Causal and the MoralYablo
KoellnerPeterJun 2003The Search for New AxiomsMcGee
NewmanAnthonySep 2002Causal Efficacy and Externalist Mental Content.Byrne
McGrathSarahSep 2002Causation in Metaphysics and Moral Theory.Hall
MaitraIshaniSep 2002Silence, Speech, and Responsibility.Haslanger
HoffmannAvivSep 2002Actualism, Singular Propositions, and Possible Worlds: Essays in the Metaphysics of Modality.Stalnaker
SimonStevenJun 2002Contributions to a Physicalistic Theory of Action.Stalnaker
FriedmanAlexanderJun 2002Minimizing Harm: Three Problems in Moral Theory.Thomson
PettitDeanSep 2001Understanding Language.Stalnaker
MeyerUlrichSep 2001Mathematics, Time, and Confirmation.Stalnaker
ElgaAdamSep 2001Counterfactuals, Dispositions, and Conscious Experience: Essays on Entropy.Hall
JónssonÓlafurJun 2001Vague Objects.Thomson
RayoAgustinFeb 2001Plural Predication.McGee
HernandoMiguelFeb 2001Studies In Belief and Belief Attribution.Stalnaker
GrayAnthonyFeb 2001The Semantics and Metaphysics of Contingent Identity.Stalnaker
WhiteRogerSep 2000Probability, Explanation, and Reasoning.Stalnaker
EklundMattiSep 2000Paradoxes and the Foundations of Semantics and Metaphysics.Yablo
UzquianoGabrielSep 1999Ontology and the Foundations of Mathematics.McGee
StreifferRobertSep 1999Moral Relativism and Reasons for Action.Thomson
McKitrickJenniferSep 1999The Metaphysics of Dispositions.Byrne
BrownRachelSep 1999The Extension of Liberalism Beyond Domestic Boundaries: Three Problem Cases.Cohen
SerenoLisaFeb 1999Infinity and Experience.Stalnaker
SpencerCaraSep 1998On the Metaphysics of Belief.Stalnaker
BotterellAndrewSep 1998Analysis in Mind.Stalnaker
GraffDeliaSep 1997The Phenomena of Vagueness.Stalnaker
Maciá FábregaJosepJun 1997Natural Language and Formal Languages.Stalnaker
FeldmannJudithFeb 1997The Significance of Intuitions of Contingency for the Mind-Body Problem.Stalnaker
KermodeRobertJun 1996Three Aspects of the Nature of Linguistic Meaning.Byrne
HintonTimothyJun 1996Foundations of Egalitarian Justice.Cohen
StoljarDanielSep 1995The Content of Physicalism.Block
SzabóZoltánJun 1995Problems of Compositionality.Boolos
StanleyJasonJun 1995Meaning and Metatheory.Stalnaker
KoslickiKathrinJun 1995Talk About Stuffs and Things: The Logic of Mass and Count Nouns.Thomson
BumpusAnnJun 1995Intending, Foreseeing and the Doctrine of Double Effect.Thomson
JungDarrylFeb 1995The Logic of Principia Mathematica.Boolos
LauYen-fongSep 1994Belief in Semantics and Psychology.Stalnaker
HunterDavidSep 1994Expression, Analysis and Understanding: Three Essays in the Philosophy of Language.Stalnaker
McConnellJeffreyMay 1994Cartesian Intuitions.Block
ClappLeonardMay 1994Seeing Through Opacity: A Defense of the Russellian View of Propositional Attitudes.Bromberger
StaintonRobertSep 1993Non-Sentential Assertions.Bromberger
PicardJ.R.W. MichaelSep 1993Impredicativity and Turn of the Century Foundations of Mathematics: Presupposition in Poincar and Russell.Cartwright
WomackCatherineJun 1993The Crucial Role of Proof: A Classical Defense Against Mathematical Empiricism.Higginbotham
UlicnyBrianJun 1993Issues in the Philosophical Foundations of Lexical Semantics.Higginbotham
JeskeDianeSep 1992The Persistence and Importance of Persons.Brink
ReimerMargaretJun 1992The Semantic Significance of Referential Intentions.Cartwright
IsaacsTracyJun 1992Actions and Events: A Study in Ontology and Ethics.Thomson
SteinEdwardFeb 1992Rationality and the Limits of Cognitive Science.Block
Heck Jr.RichardJun 1991Logic, Semantics, Ontology.Boolos
GallowayDavidJun 1991Finitism: An Essay on Hilbert’s Programme.Boolos
DwyerSusanJun 1991Making “Implicit” Explicit: Toward an Account of Implicit Linguistic Knowledge.Higginbotham
AntonyMichaelOct 1990Consciousness, Content and Cognitive Architecture.Block
RuesgaAlbertJun 1990What Can Be Meant? Evaluating a skeptical argument by Donald Davidson.Higginbotham
PrevettElizabethMay 1990In Defense of a Linguistic Model for Reflective Equilibrium in Ethics.Brink
PietrowskiPaulMay 1990Meaning Naturally: A Partial Defense of Covariation Semantics.Stalnaker
PageJamesMay 1990On the Metaphysics of Numbers.Boolos
LormandEricMay 1990Classical and Connectionist Models of Cognition.Block
KayeLarryMay 1990Three Studies in Naturalized Philosophical Psychology.Stalnaker
RodriguezJorgeSep 1989Mood, Force and Explicit Performatives.Cartwright
UebelThomasJun 1989The Vienna Circle’s Debate about Protocol Sentence Debate Revisited: Towards the Reconstruction of Otto Neurath’s Epistemology.Bromberger
PattersonSarahJun 1988Content and Psychological Explanation.Block
LebedJay AaronJun 1988On Some Issues Concerning Symbols and the Study of Cognition.Block
LindMarciaFeb 1988Emotions and Hume’s Moral Theory.Cohen
SegalGabrielJun 1987In Deference to Reference.Block
SatzDebraFeb 1987Freedom Rising: A Reconstruction of Historical Materialism.Cohen
CobettoJack BernardMay 1985Reference and Beliefs: Some Problems and Theories.Cartwright
Akhtar KazmiAliFeb 1985Identity and Qualification.Boolos
GillonBrendanSep 1984The Logical Form of Quantification and Plurality in Natural Language.Higginbotham
McClamrockRonaldJun 1984Intentionality and Cognitivism.Block
WetzelLindaFeb 1984On Numbers.Cartwright
AppeltTimothyFeb 1984Psychologism with Respect to Logic: An Examination of Some Theses.Cartwright
AntogniniThomasFeb 1984Can Our Quantifiers Range Over All Conditions?Boolos
PresslerJonathanSep 1983In Defense of Ethics.Cohen
RussinoffIleneMay 1983Frege’s Problem About Concepts.Boolos
PolandJeffreyMay 1983Problems and Prospects for the Physicalist Program in Science.Fodor
ChristieAndrewMay 1983Relationships Among Various Ontologies and Accounts of Modality.Higginbotham
BerkLonSep 1982Hilbert’s Thesis: Some Considerations About Formalizations of Mathematics.Boolos
CannonDouglasJun 1982With Reference to Truth: Studies in Referential Philosophy.Boolos
KrakowskiIsraelJun 1981Current Issues in the Mind-Body Problem.Block
KatzFredric M.Jun 1981Sets and Their Sizes.Boolos
Stabler, Jr.Edward PalmerFeb 1981Issues in the Foundations of Cognitive Psychology.Fodor
LevinJanet MarchelSep 1980Functionalism, Qualia, and Content.Block
KammFrances MyrnaFeb 1980Problems in the Morality of Killing and Letting Die.Herman
SmithGeorgeJun 1979Rigid Designation, Scope, and Modality.Cartwright
RabinowitzJoshuaSep 1978Emergent Problems and Optimal Solutions: A Critique of Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia.Judith Thomson
AuerbachDavidJun 1978Expressing Consistency: Godel’s Second Incompleteness Theorem and Intentionality in Mathematics.Boolos
PriorStephenJun 1977Physicalism, Intentionality, Mind: Three Studies in the Philosophy of Mind.Block
MendelsohnRichardFeb 1977Frege’s Paradox.Cartwright
FosterSusanFeb 1977Distributive Aspects of Social Justice.Herman
LevinHaroldSep 1976First Order Logic as a Formal Language: An Investigation of Categorical Grammar.Boolos
HorowitzTamaraJun 1976Apriority and Necessity.Boolos
SparerAlanFeb 1976Political Obligation and the Just State.Judith Thomson
SoamesScottFeb 1976A Critical Examination of Frege’s Theory of Presupposition and Contemporary Alternatives.Bromberger
SiegelKennethSep 1975Identity Across Possible Worlds.Boolos
KarpDavidJun 1975General Ontology.Brody
SteckerRobertFeb 1975Moral Sense Theories.Brody
LiptonMichaelSep 1974Quine’s Criterion of Ontological Commitment.Cartwright
WestonThomasJun 1974The Continuum Hypothesis: Independence and Truth-Value.Cartwright
NishiyamaYujiJun 1974The Structure of Propositions.Katz
ZaitchikAlanSep 1973The Limits of Hypothetical Contractualism.Judith Thomson
SiemensWarrenSep 1973Theories of Scientific Change: Their Nature and Structure.Bromberger
ShelleyKaranSep 1973Theories of Scientific Change: Their Nature and Structure.Bromberger
MellemaPaulJun 1973Problems in the Philosophy of Linguistics.Bromberger
HarnishRobertSep 1972Studies in Logic and Language.Katz
KirkRobertJun 1972Intermediate Logics and the Equational Classes of Brouwerian Algebras.James Thomson
FriedmanKennethJun 1972Foundation and Probability Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics.Bromberger
McEvoyPaulSep 1971The Philosophy of Niels Bohr.Graves
WhitbeckCarolineJun 1970The Concepts of Space and Time in the General Theory of Relativity.Graves
BoydRichardFeb 1970A Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Ramified Analytical Hierarchy.Cartwright
TellerPaulSep 1969Problems in Confirmation Theory.James Thomson
LeedsStephenJun 1969Arithmetical Degrees in the Hierarchy of Constructible Sets of Integers.James Thomson
ThomasStephenSep 1968Philosophical Model-Building and the Philosophy of Mind.Judith Thomson
DavisBernardSep 1968The Notion of Protomeaning.Bromberger
MartinEdwinJun 1968Quantifying into Opaque Contexts: May We or May We Not?Cartwright
BoolosGeorgeJun 1966The Hierarchy of Constructible Sets of Integers.Putnam