
“Let’s see who’s on the telly...”

Heavy metal drummer
Extraterrestrial overlord
Costumed vigilante
Science teacher

Horse race announcer
Car salesman
Porn director
Murdered actor
Vice Principal

New York City pimp
Expert in cleaning cars
Textile factory manager
Sympathetic detective
Prince of Darkness

Sheriff’s deputy
Apocalypse-surviving anesthesiologist
Bit-part actress
Pregnant cheerleader
Owner of an art gallery

Newspaper photographer
Car salesman
Young tribesman
Crewman aboard the Titanic
KISS fan

Stanford scientist
Special Agent in a Violent Crimes Unit
High school principal/Love interest
Vice-president of Research and Development
Surgeon/Love interest

Medical Intern
Celebrity publicist
Band frontman/Radio show cohost
Duplicitous courtier

Obese adolescent
Royal doctor
Former CIA spy
Former New York criminalist

Incompetent Army captain
Bus depot manager
Egotistical prosecutor

Adoptive parent
Ad agency executive
Bumbling stage actor
Mall overseer
Television addict

Half of a comedy writing duo
Convenience store clerk
Makeshift superhero
TV Cameraman
Flamboyant housekeeper

Doctor who creates a monster
Father of a computer science genius
Father of a mathematical genius
Supernatural being who fights to save Halloween

Seductress who improves a man’s luck
Psychiatrist at a police station
Madam of a brothel
Wife of an ex-gangster

Father of a star quarterback
Assistant to a drug czar
Businessman whose stepdaughter is orphaned
Man in love with a florist
Unethical sensationalist reporter