Location: Coral Reef
Depth: 121


Answer: click here to reveal

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sun and MoonEPLHUIGN
No Four in A RowSIDDETSC
Black and WhiteNMRUAITO
Antisignal LoopLPHENTOS


Grid 1
Grid 2
Grid 3
Grid 4
Grid 5
Grid 6
Grid 7
Grid 8

Sun and Moon

Draw a loop that goes horizontally and vertically that visits each cell once. Between two same-colored circles, the loop doesn't turn, and between two different-colored circles, the loop turns exactly once. The loop may turn on circles.

Signal Loop

Draw a loop that goes horizontally and vertically that visits each cell without any black circle once. The loop goes straight through a white circle.

Statue Park

Put the five tetrominoes to the grid. Each tetromino is used once, and may be rotated and reflected. Tetrominoes may not share a side and the remaining cells must be connected side by side. All black circles must be covered by tetromino, and none of the white circles are.


Draw a loop that goes horizontally and vertically. It goes straight through a white circle but turns either before or after it, or both. It turns on a black circle but goes straight before and after it.

No Four in A Row

Put a black or a white circle in each cell such that there is no line of four circles of the same color horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Black and White

Put a black or a white circle in each cell. A 2x2 square may not have all circles of the same color. All white circles must be connected side by side, and so as all black circles.

Antisignal Loop

Draw a loop that goes horizontally and vertically that visits each cell without any white circle once. The loop turns through a black circle.

Not Alone

Put a black or a white circle in each cell. Each row and column has half of circles of each color. A circle may not be sandwiched between two circles of the opposite color. In other words, there cannot be any horizontal or vertical line of three consecutive circles where the middle one has a different color from the other two.

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