MODIFIED NEWTONIAN DYNAMICS: General: Homepages: McGaugh; General: Introductory: Bothun, no date; Light and Dark in the Universe by Mordehai Milgrom [2012/03] General: Milgrom 98/10; Sanders 2001/06; Milgrom 2001/12; Sanders and McGaugh 2002/04; Scarpa 2006/01; Bekenstein 2007/01; The MOND paradigm by Mordechai Milgrom [2007/05] Einstein's Theory of Gravity and the Problem of Missing Mass by Pedro G. Ferreira and Glenn Starkmann [Science 326, 812 (2009)] New Physics at Low Accelerations (MOND): an Alternative to Dark Matter by Mordechai Milgrom [2009/06] Modified Newtonian Dynamics: A Review by Benoit Famaey and Stacy McGaugh [2011/12] 164 pp. The "Missing Mass Problem" in Astronomy and the Need for a Modified Law of Gravity by Sascha Trippe [2014/01] A historical perspective on Modified Newtonian Dynamics by R. H. Sanders [2014/04] A Tale of Two Paradigms: the Mutual Incommensurability of LCDM and MOND by Stacy S. McGaugh [2014/04] MOND theory by Mordechai Milgrom [2014/04] Mond - a review by David V. Bugg [2014/05] Dynamical Regularities in Galaxies by Stacy McGaugh et al. [2019/09] MOND vs. Dark Matter in Light of Historical Parallels by Mordehai Milgrom [2019/10] Somewhat polemical, but a good review of MOND by its inventor. From galactic bars to the Hubble tension: Weighing up the astrophysical evidence for Milgromian gravity by I. Banik and H.-S. Zhao [2021/10] General: THEORETICAL: Milgrom 2002/07; Sanders 2006/01; The Tensor-Vector-Scalar theory and its cosmology by Constantinos Skordis [2009/03] Modified Gravity and Cosmology by Timothy Clifton et al. [2011/06] Survey of many approaches. 300 pp. Tensor-vector-scalar-modified gravity: from small scale to cosmology by Jacob D. Bekenstein [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369, 5003 (2011)] Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND): Observational Phenomenology and Relativistic Extensions by Benoit Famaey and Stacy McGaugh [2012/07] MOND and its bimetric formulation by Mordehai Milgrom [2013/10] Re: DWARF GALAXIES: Brosch 98/10; Re: GALAXIES: Predictions and outcomes for the dynamics of rotating galaxies by S. McGaugh [2020/04] Re: GRAVITATIONAL LENSING: Hoekstra et al. 2002/05; The empirical laws of galaxy dynamics: From gas kinematics to weak lensing by F. Lelli et al. [2024/11] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS