YANG-BAXTER EQUATION: General: Baez 92/05; Hlavaty 97/11; Nepomechie 98/10; Deguchi 2003/04; New trends in quantum integrability: Recent experiments with ultracold atoms by X.-W. Guan and P. He [2022/07] Re: BETHE ANSATZ: Deguchi 2003/04; Re: BRAIDS: Introduction to representations of braid groups by Camilo Arias Abad [2014/03] Re: COLOUR: Hlavaty 97/11; Re: HOPF ALGEBRAS: Hlavaty 97/11; Re: INTEGRABLE SYSTEMS: Discrete integrable systems, Darboux transformations, and Yang-Baxter maps by Deniz Bilman and Sotiris Konstantinou-Rizos [2016/12] Re: QUANTUM GROUPS: Tjin 91/11; Lectures on quantum groups and Yang--Baxter equations by A. P. Isaev [2022/06] Re: QUANTUM INTEGRABLE MODELS: Hlavaty 97/11; THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS