The Net Advance of Physics: The Nature of Dark Matter, by Kim Griest -- Section 6C.
Next: Accelerator Constraints
Up: Search for Wimps
Previous: Motivation for Supersymmetry
The number density of any particle which was once in thermal
in the Early Universe can be found by solving the
relevant set of
Boltzmann equations. In most cases only one is
where H is the Hubble constant, n is the number density, t is time,
velocity of the interacting particles.
We are using LSP.
The first term on the right-hand
side is the reduction in LSP
number density due to the Hubble expansion,
the second term is
reduction due to self-annihilation, and the third
term is the
increase due to particle production. The third term
can be
simplified using the fact that ``ordinary" particles such as
and electrons stay in thermal equilibrium throughout the period
during which the Wimp number density ``freezes out" (see Section
When thermal
equilibrium obtains, creation equals
annihilation, so
the second and third terms are equal. Therefore
one can eliminate
the ``ordinary particle" cross sections and
number densities and find
the usual equation
Starting at an early time when all particles were in equilibrium,
integrates this
equation either numerically or using
the standard
``freeze-out" approximation [21],
and obtains the number density
at t=0 (today). The relic abundance
is simply where
The difficult step in obtaining the current day density is usually
calculation of the annihilation cross section of two LSPs
into all
standard model particles. In order to perform this calculation,
must first determine which particle is the LSP, and then evaluate
the relevant Feynman diagrams.
Going through the list of
supersymmetric particles, one finds, basically
by process of
elimination, that only the sneutrino and neutralino
are likely
candidates. In the vast majority of models,
the neutralino is favored
over the sneutrino, so most work has concentrated on the
as dark matter candidate.
For the neutralino, several dozen Feynman diagrams contribute
including possible annihilation into quarks,
leptons, W, Z, and Higgs bosons,
and involving most of the
super-partners as exchange particles. So in order
to perform the
calculation one needs to first obtain the mass and couplings
of all
the supersymmetric particles. Since supersymmetry is broken,
mass terms are unknown, giving rise to many free parameters in the
most general supersymmetric model. Usually, in order to simplify
one considers the ``minimal"
supersymmetric model,
the model with the fewest
new particles, but still there are many
undetermined parameters.
So to further simplify, several other
assumptions are usually made.
In minimal supergravity, some GUT scale assumptions can reduce
the number
of parameters to just a few. In what follows, we use
some, but not
all, of the supergravity assumptions, and
have as a
result 5 free parameters [22].
The parameters are the gaugino mass
parameters pseudoscalar Higgs mass expectation values calculate all the masses, mixings,
and couplings, and then the
annihilation cross section. Thus after
a long calculation, one finally
obtains abundance in the range
parameters defines a potential
dark matter candidate. However,
before deciding that this is a
dark matter candidate one must ensure
that one of the many accelerator
experiments that have searched
for supersymmetric particles has
not already ruled out that model.
Relic Abundance in More Detail
is the thermally averaged cross section times the relative
to denote the
is the mass of the LSP.
the Higgsino mass parameter
, the
and the ratio of Higgs vacuum
For any set of parameters, one can
in terms of the five
parameters. If one obtains a relic
, then that set of
Next: Accelerator Constraints
Up: Search for Wimps
Previous: Motivation for Supersymmetry