Array and array index expressions
Array expressions
ArrayExpression :
Expression (,
Expression )*,
An array expression can be written by enclosing zero or more comma-separated expressions of uniform type in square brackets. This produces and array containing each of these values in the order they are written.
Alternatively there can be exactly two expressions inside the brackets,
separated by a semi-colon. The expression after the ;
must be a have type
and be a constant expression,
such as a literal or a constant
item. [a; b]
creates an array containing b
copies of the value of a
. If the expression after the semi-colon has a value
greater than 1 then this requires that the type of a
fn main() {
[1, 2, 3, 4];
["a", "b", "c", "d"];
[0; 128]; // array with 128 zeros
[0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8,];
[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]; // 2D array
Array and slice indexing expressions
IndexExpression :
Array and slice-typed expressions can be
indexed by writing a square-bracket-enclosed expression (the index) after them.
When the array is mutable, the resulting memory location can be assigned to.
For other types an index expression a[b]
is equivalent to
*std::ops::Index::index(&a, b)
, or *std::opsIndexMut::index_mut(&mut a, b)
in a mutable place expression context. Just as with methods, Rust will also
insert dereference operations on a
repeatedly to find an implementation.
Indices are zero-based, and are of type usize
for arrays and slices. Array
access is a constant expression, so
bounds can be checked at compile-time for constant arrays with a constant index
value. Otherwise a check will be performed at run-time that will put the thread
in a panicked state if it fails.
fn main() {
([1, 2, 3, 4])[2]; // Evaluates to 3
let b = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]];
b[1][2]; // multidimensional array indexing
let x = (["a", "b"])[10]; // warning: const index-expr is out of bounds
let n = 10;
let y = (["a", "b"])[n]; // panics
let arr = ["a", "b"];
arr[10]; // panics
The array index expression can be implemented for types other than arrays and slices by implementing the Index and IndexMut traits.