For now, this reference is a best-effort document. We strive for validity and completeness, but are not yet there. In the future, the docs and lang teams will work together to figure out how best to do this. Until then, this is a best-effort attempt. If you find something wrong or missing, file an issue or send in a pull request.

Block expressions

BlockExpression :

A block expression is similar to a module in terms of the declarations that are possible, but can also contain statements and end with an expression. Each block conceptually introduces a new namespace scope. Use items can bring new names into scopes and declared items are in scope for only the block itself.

A block will execute each statement sequentially, and then execute the expression, if given. If the block doesn't end in an expression, its value is ():

let x: () = { println!("Hello."); };

If it ends in an expression, its value and type are that of the expression:

let x: i32 = { println!("Hello."); 5 }; assert_eq!(5, x);

Blocks are always value expressions and evaluate the last expression in value expression context. This can be used to force moving a value if really needed.

unsafe blocks

UnsafeBlockExpression :
   unsafe BlockExpression

See unsafe block for more information on when to use unsafe

A block of code can be prefixed with the unsafe keyword, to permit calling unsafe functions or dereferencing raw pointers within a safe function. Examples:

unsafe { let b = [13u8, 17u8]; let a = &b[0] as *const u8; assert_eq!(*a, 13); assert_eq!(*a.offset(1), 17); } let a = unsafe { f() };