
The tracking issue for this feature is: #43036

This feature enables the repr(transparent) attribute on structs, which enables the use of newtypes without the usual ABI implications of wrapping the value in a struct.


It's sometimes useful to add additional type safety by introducing newtypes. For example, code that handles numeric quantities in different units such as millimeters, centimeters, grams, kilograms, etc. may want to use the type system to rule out mistakes such as adding millimeters to grams:

use std::ops::Add; struct Millimeters(f64); struct Grams(f64); impl Add<Millimeters> for Millimeters { type Output = Millimeters; fn add(self, other: Millimeters) -> Millimeters { Millimeters(self.0 + other.0) } } // Likewise: impl Add<Grams> for Grams {}

Other uses of newtypes include using PhantomData to add lifetimes to raw pointers or to implement the "phantom types" pattern. See the PhantomData documentation and the Nomicon for more details.

The added type safety is especially useful when interacting with C or other languages. However, in those cases we need to ensure the newtypes we add do not introduce incompatibilities with the C ABI.

Newtypes in FFI

Luckily, repr(C) newtypes are laid out just like the type they wrap on all platforms which Rust currently supports, and likely on many more. For example, consider this C declaration:

struct Object { double weight; //< in grams double height; //< in millimeters // ... } void frobnicate(struct Object *);

While using this C code from Rust, we could add repr(C) to the Grams and Millimeters newtypes introduced above and use them to add some type safety while staying compatible with the memory layout of Object:

#[repr(C)] struct Grams(f64); #[repr(C)] struct Millimeters(f64); #[repr(C)] struct Object { weight: Grams, height: Millimeters, // ... } extern { fn frobnicate(_: *mut Object); }

This works even when adding some PhantomData fields, because they are zero-sized and therefore don't have to affect the memory layout.

However, there's more to the ABI than just memory layout: there's also the question of how function call arguments and return values are passed. Many common ABI treat a struct containing a single field differently from that field itself, at least when the field is a scalar (e.g., integer or float or pointer).

To continue the above example, suppose the C library also exposes a function like this:

double calculate_weight(double height);

Using our newtypes on the Rust side like this will cause an ABI mismatch on many platforms:

extern { fn calculate_weight(height: Millimeters) -> Grams; }

For example, on x86_64 Linux, Rust will pass the argument in an integer register, while the C function expects the argument to be in a floating-point register. Likewise, the C function will return the result in a floating-point register while Rust will expect it in an integer register.

Note that this problem is not specific to floats: To give another example, 32-bit x86 linux will pass and return struct Foo(i32); on the stack while i32 is placed in registers.

Enter repr(transparent)

So while repr(C) happens to do the right thing with respect to memory layout, it's not quite the right tool for newtypes in FFI. Instead of declaring a C struct, we need to communicate to the Rust compiler that our newtype is just for type safety on the Rust side. This is what repr(transparent) does.

The attribute can be applied to a newtype-like structs that contains a single field. It indicates that the newtype should be represented exactly like that field's type, i.e., the newtype should be ignored for ABI purpopses: not only is it laid out the same in memory, it is also passed identically in function calls.

In the above example, the ABI mismatches can be prevented by making the newtypes Grams and Millimeters transparent like this:

#![feature(repr_transparent)] #[repr(transparent)] struct Grams(f64); #[repr(transparent)] struct Millimeters(f64);

In addition to that single field, any number of zero-sized fields are permitted, including but not limited to PhantomData:

#![feature(repr_transparent)] use std::marker::PhantomData; struct Foo { /* ... */ } #[repr(transparent)] struct FooPtrWithLifetime<'a>(*const Foo, PhantomData<&'a Foo>); #[repr(transparent)] struct NumberWithUnit<T, U>(T, PhantomData<U>); struct CustomZst; #[repr(transparent)] struct PtrWithCustomZst<'a> { ptr: FooPtrWithLifetime<'a>, some_marker: CustomZst, }

Transparent structs can be nested: PtrWithCustomZst is also represented exactly like *const Foo.

Because repr(transparent) delegates all representation concerns to another type, it is incompatible with all other repr(..) attributes. It also cannot be applied to enums, unions, empty structs, structs whose fields are all zero-sized, or structs with multiple non-zero-sized fields.