
6.033--Computer System Engineering

Suggestions for classroom discussion

Topic: Andrew D. Birrell, Roy Levin, Roger M. Needham, and Michael D. Schroeder. Grapevine: An exercise in distributed computing. Communications of the ACM 25, 4 (April, 1982) pages 260-274.

By J. H. Saltzer, 29 March 1999 (Minor update, 28 March 2000 11:30 a.m.).

This may be a good opportunity to point out (or remind your class) that in systems, before you can talk about any topic you first need to have talked about all of the other topics. Grapevine involves networks, naming, protection, consistency in distributed systems, modularity, scaling, file systems, hierarchy...

This is a good example of a paper that might well be read several times, each time focusing on one aspect, largely ignoring the aspects we haven't come to yet, and reviewing those aspects we covered previously, but in the new light of the current topic. The discussion suggestions here are focused primarily on the naming aspects of Grapevine.