
6.033--Computer System Engineering

Suggestions for classroom discussion of:

Naming in Athena UNIX

by J. H. Saltzer, March 18, 1999, revised 3 April 2001 to make terminology consistent with the notes, revised again 29 January 2005 to again make terminology consistent with the notes.

Application of the naming model to interpreting an Athena UNIX command.
Exercise:  how many name resolutions are involved in typing this:

     attach 6.033

--------------let's use the 6.033 naming model to find out---------------

1. name:  attach
naming scheme:  UNIX command name
name discovery method:  Athena documentation
interpreter:  shell
resolver:  shell
context reference:  default, from the environment
context:  the PATH environment variable
method:  search (of each context listed in PATH)
value:  /bin/athena/attach

  2. name:  PATH
  naming scheme:  environment variables
  name discovery method:  decision of the shell programmer
  interpreter:  shell
  resolver:  environment variable library
  context reference:  default, wired-in (the string "PATH" is coded in
                       the shell)
  context:  an array of environment variables and their values
  method:  table lookup

3. name: /bin/athena/attach
naming scheme:  UNIX file system
name discovery method:  result of command name search in step 1
interpreter:  UNIX file system
resolver:  UNIX directory name system
context reference:  default, wired-in
context:  the UNIX file system hierarchy on this computer
method:  path name scan
value:  inode # of attach

  4. name: attach
  naming scheme:  UNIX file system
  name discovery method:  extracted from path name
  interpreter:  UNIX directory name system
  resolver:  UNIX directory lookup
  context reference:  explicit (prefix of the path name)
  context:  /bin/athena/
  method:  table lookup
  value:  inode # of attach

  5. name:  /bin/athena/ (repeats attach, needs context /bin/)
  6. name:  /bin/ (repeats attach, needs context /)

  7. name: /
  naming scheme:  UNIX file system
  name discovery method:  extracted from path name
  interpreter:  UNIX directory name system
  resolver:  UNIX directory lookup
  context reference:  implicit, wired-in
  context:  wired-in (the inode # of the root is coded in the directory
                      name system)
  method:  table lookup (one-entry table)
  value:  inode # of root

8. name:  inode # of attach
[this takes us into the UNIX file system guts; we defer to Appendix A of
chapter 5 for details, and assume that /bin/athena/attach is launched]

9. name:  6.033
naming scheme:  Athena locker names
name discovery method:  read first 6.033 handout
interpreter:  attach
resolver:  Hesiod lookup library
context reference:  implicit, wired in ("filsys" is coded into attach)
context:  Hesiod's locker naming tables
method:  table lookup
value:  /mit/6.033

  10. name:  filsys 6.033
  naming scheme:  Athena locker name
  name discovery method:  supplied in step 9.
  interpreter:  attach
  resolver:  Hesiod lookup library
  context reference:  implicit, wired in ("" is coded in)
  method:  concatenate name with context, send to DNS
  value:  AFS /afs/ w /mit/6.033

    11. name:
    naming scheme:  DNS
    name discovery method:  result of concatenation in step 10
    interpreter:  hesiod lookup library
    resolver:  DNS
    context reference:  implicit, wired-in (use of DNS is programmed
                        into hesiod)
    context:  the set of all DNS name tables
    method:  path name scan
    value:  AFS /afs/ w /mit/6.033

      12. name:
      naming scheme:  DNS
      name discovery method:  from path name
      interpreter:  DNS
      resolver:  DNS client
      context reference:  implicit, from environment
      context:  configuration table  listing the root name servers
      method:  table lookup
      value:  IP address of a root name server

      13. name:
      naming scheme:  DNS
      name discovery method:  from path name
      interpreter:  DNS
      resolver:  DNS root name server
      context reference:  wired-in (location of name tables)
      context:  root and .edu domain name tables
      method:  table lookup
      value:  the name servers...  21600   A  21600   A 21600   A

      14. name:
      (repeats using nameserver)

      15. name:
      (repeats using nameserver)
      value:  AFS /afs/ w /mit/6.033

attach can parse that result and install a soft link (indirect name) in /mit/

Answer:  we found 15 name lookups, without exploring the depths of the
UNIX file system to see how it converts inode numbers to disk block numbers
and without following through the installation of the soft link

Something equally lengthy, involving indirect names, AFS, and printer names
occurs when we type the command
    lpr -ps /mit/6.033/handouts/

Comments and suggestions: