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To add an entry or an
annotation to this Bibliography, send e-mail to slava@mit.edu
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Mathematics: Sofya Kovalevskaya (Moscow: Mir, 1985).
- Tuve, Jeanette E. The
First Russian Women Physicians (Newtonville, Mass.: Oriental Research
Partners, 1984).
Sources in Russian:
- Dionesov, S.M. Kashevarova-Rudneva
- pervaia ruskaia zhenshchina - doktor meditsiny (Moscow: Nauka,
- Laman, N.K. Vera
Il'inichna Glebova (Moscow: Nauka, 1987).
- Likhacheva, E. Materialy
dlia istorii zhenskago obrazovaniia v Rossii. 2 vols. (St. Petersburg,
- Masevich, A.G., and A.K.
Terent'eva. "Zhenshchiny-astronomy," Istoriko-astronomicheskie
issledovaniia 23 (1991): 90-111.
- Musabekov, Iu.S. Iuliia Vsevolodovna
Lermontova (Moscow: Nauka, 1967).
- Rosin, Ia.A., and V.B.
Malkin. Lina Solomonovna Shtern (Moscow: Nauka, 1987).
Other Bibliographies:
- Bibliography of
Russian women's history
To add an entry or an
annotation to this Bibliography, send e-mail to slava@mit.edu
© 1997-2002 Slava Gerovitch