
Join Us

There are many ways to get involved with research activities at the Sloan Automotive Laboratory. In addition to cutting edge research, Sloan Automotive Lab personnel are involved in seminars, teaching and community outreach.


Sloan Automotive Lab Seminar Series

Seminar on topics related to engines, fuels, vehicle behavior, broader transportation energy questions presented by graduate students, faculty, researchers, and special guest speakers of the Sloan Automotive Laboratory.

The Spring Seminar Series starts February 9, 2017, every Thursday through May 18, 2017.

View the schedule for the fall semester.

Click here for the upcoming seminar.


2.61 Internal Combustion Engines

2.65S The Future of Vehicular Transportation: Propulsion, Fuels, and Emissions


As a working lab we do not offer regular tours. Special arrangements can occassionally be made for school groups, prospective students, etc. Contact Janet Maslow to inquire.

Research Openings

Coming soon. Information on applying for graduate studies can be found here.


The Sloan Automotive Laboratory is actively recruiting UROP students. Current projects include:

Aside from these specific projects, we are always looking for motivated and interested students to help setup equipment, run experiments and analyze data. If you would like to work in the lab, take the time to browse our people page and find a student or PI whose research interests. Send them a resume and brief statement of your interest and hands-on experience.