Hymn of True Faith and the Nembutsu

Portrait painting of Shinran by Ms Mutsu Yamashita in the 1960's.

An English translation with the original Japanese script and Romanized Japanese
by Hisao Inagaki

.Those who have no facility to read Chinese characters are advised to go to Shoshinge-eng.htm.

<Revised Feb. 25, 2002>

[1] 歸 命 無 量 壽 如 來  Kimyo Muryoju Nyorai
  I take refuge in the Tathagata of Infinite Life;

  南 无 不 可 思 議 光  Namo Fukashigiko
  I take refuge in the Buddha of Inconceivable Light.

  法 藏 菩 薩 因 位 時  Hozo Bosatsu inni ji
  Dharmakara, at the outset of his career as a Bodhisattva,

  在 世 自 在 王 佛 所  Zai Sejizaio Bussho
  Was in the presence of Lokeshvararaja, the Enlightened One.

[2] 覩 見 諸 佛 淨 土 因  Token shobutsu jodo in
  He saw the pure lands of many Buddhas, observed how they had been established,

  國 土 人 天 之 善 惡  Kokudo ninden shi zenmaku
  And examined everything, good and bad, about the humans and devas inhabiting them.

  建 立 無 上 殊 勝 願  Konryu mujo shusho gan
  He then brought forth the unsurpassed and most excellent Vows,

  超 發 希 有 大 弘 誓  Chohotsu keu daiguzei
  The Great Vows, immeasurable in scope and depth, which the world had never known.

[3] 五 劫 思 惟 之 攝 受 Goko shiyui shi shoju
  Dharmakara chose and cherished his Vows after contemplation for five kalpas.

  重 誓 名 聲 聞 十 方  Ju sei myosho mon jippo
  He further vowed that his Name would be heard throughout the ten quarters.

  普 放 無 量 無 邊 光  Fu ho muryo muhen ko
  Amida sends forth universally the immeasurable and boundless Light,

  無 礙 無 對 光 炎 王  Muge mutai koenno
  The unimpeded, incomparable and majestically flaming Light,

[4] 清 淨 歡 喜 智 慧 光  Shojo kangi chie ko
  The pure Light, the Light of Joy, the Light of wisdom,

  不 斷 難 思 無 稱 光  Fudan nanji musho ko
  The unceasing, inconceivable and ineffable Light,

  超 日 月 光 照 塵 刹  Chonichigakko sho jinsetsu
  And the Light outshining the sun and the moon; with these Lights he illumines the innumeasurable worlds.

  一 切 群 生 蒙 光 照  Issai gunjo mu kosho
  All sentient beings are shone upon by his Light.

[5] 本 願 名 號 正 定 業 Hongan myogo shojogo
  The Name promised in the Primal Vow is the Act of Right Assurance;

  至 心 信 樂 願 爲 因  Shishin shingyo gan niin
  The Vow of Sincere Mind and Joyful Faith provides the cause of our Birth;

  成 等 覺 證 大 涅 槃  Jo togaku sho dainehan
  To attain the state next to the Buddha and realize Great Nirvana

  必 至 滅 度 願 成 就  Hisshi metsudo gan joju
  Is due to the fulfillment of the Vow which assures our unfailing attainment of Nirvana.

[6] 如 來 所 以 興 出 世 Nyorai shoi koshusse
  The reason for the Buddha's appearance in the world

  唯 説 彌 陀 本 願 海  Yui setsu Mida hongan kai
  Is, above all, to expound the Primal Vow of Amida, wide and deep as the ocean.

  五 濁 惡 時 群 生 海  Gojoku akuji gunjo kai
  All beings in the evil age of the five defilements

  應 信 如 來 如 實 言  O shin nyorai nyojitsu gon
  Should believe in the truth of the Buddha's words.

[7] 能 發 一 念 喜 愛 心  No hotsu ichinen kiai shin
  If the single thought of Joy and Gratitude is awakened in us,

  不 斷 煩 惱 得 涅 槃  Fudan bonno toku nehan
  We shall realize Nirvana without severing our blind passions.

  凡 聖 逆 謗 齊 廻 入  Bon sho gyaku ho sai enyu
  When ordinary people and sages as well as those who commit the gravest offenses and abusers of the Dharma are taken into the Vow,

  如 衆 水 入 海 一 味  Nyo shusui nyu kai ichimi
  They become one in spiritual attainment, just as many rivers become of one taste upon entering the sea.

[8] 攝 取 心 光 常 照 護  Sesshu shinko jo shogo
  The Light of All-embracing Compassion always illumines and protects us;

  已 能 雖 破 無 明 闇  I no sui ha mumyo an
  The darkness of ignorance has already been destroyed by it,

  貪 愛 瞋 憎 之 雲 霧  Tonnai shinzo shi unmu
  But still the clouds and mists of greed, desire, anger and enmity

  常 覆 眞 實 信 心 天  Jo fu shinjitsu shinjin ten
  Continually cover the sky of True Faith;

[9] 譬 如 日 光 覆 雲 霧  Hi nyo nikko fu unmu
  Yet, just as the sunlight is obstructed by clouds or mists,

  雲 霧 之 下 明 無 闇  Unmu shi ge myo mu an
  Below them it is light and there is no darkness.

  獲 信 見 敬 大 慶 喜  Gyaku shin ken kyo daikyoki
  When we receive Faith, regard and revere the Dharma, and attain Great Joy,

  即 横 超 截 五 惡 趣 Soku o chozetsu goakushu
  We immediately transcend the five evil realms.

[10] 一 切 善 惡 凡 夫 人  Issai zenmaku bonbunin
   If ordinary people, whether good or evil,

  聞 信 如 來 弘 誓 願  Mon shin nyorai guzeigan
   Hear the Dharma and trust Amida's Universal Vow,

   佛 言 廣 大 勝 解 者  Butsu gon kodai shoge sha
   Shakyamuni praises them as 'men of great and superior understanding';

   是 人 名 分 陀 利 華  Ze nin myo fundarike
   Such people are called 'white lotus-flowers'.

[11] 彌 陀 佛 本 願 念 佛  Mida butsu hongan nembutsu
  The Nembutsu promised in the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha

   邪 見 ア 慢 惡 衆 生  Jaken kyoman aku shujo
    Is difficult for evil people who have wrong views and are arrogant

  信 樂 受 持 甚 以 難  Shingyo juji jin ni nan
   To receive and retain with Joyful Faith;

  難 中 之 難 無 過 斯  Nan chu shi nan mu ka shi
   Of all difficulties nothing is more difficult than that.

[12] 印 度 西 天 之 論 家  Indo saiten shi ronge
   The discourse-writers of India, the land in the west,
  中 夏 日 域 之 高 僧  Chuka jichiiki shi koso
   And noble masters of China and Japan

  顯 大 聖 興 世 正 意  Ken daisho kose shoi
   Revealed the true purpose of the Great Sage's appearance

  明 如 來 本 誓 應 機  Myo nyorai honzei o ki
  And clarified that Amida's Primal Vow responds to our need.

[13] 釋 迦 如 來 楞 伽 山  Shaka nyorai Ryogasen
  Shakyamuni, the Tathagata, while dwelling on Mount Lanka,

   爲 衆 告 命 南 天 竺  I shu gomyo Nantenjiku
  Prophesied to the assembly of monks that in Southern India

   龍 樹 大 士 出 於 世  Ryuju daishi shutto se
   A Great Being named Nagarjuna would appear in the world

  悉 能 摧 破 有 無 見  Shitsu no zaiha umu ken
   And destroy all the wrong views on 'existence' and 'non-existence'.

[14] 宣 説 大 乘 無 上 法  Senzetsu daijo mujo ho
   Proclaiming the unsurpassed teaching of Mahayana;

   證 歡 喜 地 生 安 樂  Sho kangiji sho Anraku
   He would reach the Stage of Joy and attain birth in the Land of Peace and Bliss.

   顯 示 難 行 陸 路 苦  Kenji nangyo rokuro ku
   He taught that the difficult practices are toilsome like traveling by land,

   信 樂 易 行 水 道 樂  Shingyo igyo shido raku
   And urged us to believe that the Easy Practice is pleasant like sailing on water.

[15] 憶 念 彌 陀 佛 本 願  Okunen Midabutsu Hongan
   When a thought of mindfulness of Amida's Primal Vow arises,

   自 然 即 時 入 必 定  Jinen sokuji nyu hitsujo
   At that instant we spontaneously enter the Stage of Assurance.

   唯 能 常 稱 如 來 號  Yui no jo sho nyorai go
   Always reciting only the Name of the Tathagata,

   應 報 大 悲 弘 誓 恩  O ho daihi Guzei on
   We should seek to repay our indebtedness to his Great Compassion.

[16] 天 親 菩 薩 造 論 説  Tenjin bosatsu zo ron setsu
   The Bodhisattva Vasubandhu composed a discourse, in which he professed

   歸 命 無 礙 光 如 來  Kimyo Mugeko nyorai
   That he took refuge in the Tathagata of Unhindered Light;

  依 修 多 羅 顯 眞 實  E shutara ken shinjitsu
   In accordance with the sutras he expounded the true merits,

   光 闡 横 超 大 誓 願 Kosen ocho Daiseigan
   And clarified that the Great Vow enables us to leap over Samsara crosswise.

[17] 廣 由 本 願 力 廻 向  Ko yu Honganriki eko
   He revealed One Mind in order to emancipate multitudes of beings

  爲 度 群 生 彰 一 心  I do gunjo sho Isshin
   Through Amida's transference of merits by the Power of his Primal Vow.

   歸 入 功 徳 大 寶 海  Kinyu kudoku daihokai
   Upon entering the Great Treasure-Ocean of Merits,

   必 獲 入 大 會 衆 數  Hitsu gyaku nyu daieshu shu
   We will unfailingly join the Great Assemblage.

[18] 得 至 蓮 華 藏 世 界  Toku shi Rengezo sekai
   Upon reaching the World of Lotus-store,

   即 證 眞 如 法 性 身  Soku sho Shinnyo Hosshojin
   We will realize True Suchness and attain Dharma- body.

   遊 煩 惱 林 現 神 通  Yu bonno rin gen jinzu
   Then, playing in the forests of evil passions, we will display supernatural powers;

  入 生 死 園 示 應 化  Nyu shoji on ji oge
   Entering Samsaric states, we will manifest accommodative and transformed bodies to save beings.

[19] 本 師 曇 鸞 梁 天 子  Honshi Donran Ryo tenshi
   Master T'an-luan was venerated by the King of Liang;

   常 向 鸞 處 菩 薩 禮  Jo ko Ransho bosatsu rai
   Facing toward his place, the king worshiped him as a Bodhisattva.

   三 藏 流 支 授 淨 教  Sanzo Rushi ju jokyo
   When Bodhiruci, the Tripitaka master, gave him a Pure Land scripture,

   焚 燒 仙 經 歸 樂 邦  Bonjo sengyo ki Rakuho
   T'an-luan burned his Taoist texts and took refuge in the Land of Bliss.

[20] 天 親 菩 薩 論 註 解  Tenjin bosatsu ron chuge
   He wrote a commentary on the Bodhisattva Vasubandhu's discourse, explaining in it:

   報 土 因 果 顯 誓 願  Hodo inga ken Seigan
   Both the cause and the effect of our birth in the Land of Recompense come from Amida's Vows;

   往 還 廻 向 由 他 力  Ogen eko yu Tariki
   The karmic energy for our birth and returning to this world originates from the Other-Power.

  正 定 之 因 唯 信 心  Shojo shi in yui Shinjin
   The cause of attaining the Stage of Right Assurance is Faith alone.

[21] 惑 染 凡 夫 信 心 發  Wakuzen bonbu Shinjin potsu
   When Faith is awakened in the minds of deluded and defiled ordinary people,

    證 知 生 死 即 涅 槃  Shochi shoji soku Nehan
    They are made aware that birth-and-death is Nirvana.

    必 至 無 量 光 明 土  Hitsu shi Muryo Komyo do
   After they unfailingly reach the Land of Infinite Light,

    諸 有 衆 生 皆 普 化  Shou shujo kai fu ke
   They will save sentient beings everywhere, so says T'an-luan.

[22] 道 綽 決 聖 道 難 證  Doshaku ketsu shodo nan sho
   Master Tao-ch'o determined that by the Path of Sages Bodhi is difficult to attain

   唯 明 淨 土 可 通 入  Yui myo Jodo ka tsunyu
   And clearly presented the Pure Land Path as the only way of salvation.

   萬 善 自 力 貶 勤 修  Manzen jiriki hen gonshu
   He disparaged practicing thousands of acts of merits with self-power

   圓 滿 徳 號 勸 專 稱  Enman tokugo kan sen sho
   And urged us to recite exclusively the Name of perfect virtues.

[23] 三 不 三 信 誨 慇 懃  Sanpu sanshin ke ongon
   He kindly cautioned against imperfect faith, which has three aspects.

   像 末 法 滅 同 悲 引  Zo matsu hometsu do hiin
   He compassionately guided those of the ages of Semblance Dharma, Decadent
Dharma and Extinct Dharma alike.

   一 生 造 惡 値 弘 誓 Issho zoaku chi Guzei
   Whatever evils we may commit throughout our lives, if we encounter the Universal Vow,

   至 安 養 界 證 妙 果  Shi Annyogai sho myoka
   We shall reach the Land of Peace and Provision and realize the Supreme Fruition.

[24] 善 導 獨 明 佛 正 意  Zendo doku myo Busshoi
   Shan-tao alone clarified the true intent of the Buddha Sakyamuni.

   矜 哀 定 散 與 逆 惡  Koai josan yo gyakuaku
   Out of compassion for those who practice meditative or non-meditative good
as well as those who commit the five gravest offenses and the ten transgressions,

   光 明 名 號 顯 因 縁  Komyo Myogo ken innen
   He clarified that the Light and the Name are the cause and condition for birth in the Pure Land.

   開 入 本 願 大 智 海  Kainyu Hongan daichikai
   When aspirants are led into the Sea of Great Wisdom of the Primal Vow,

[25] 行 者 正 受 金 剛 心  Gyoja shoju Kongoshin
   They are endowed with Faith, indestructible as diamond;

   慶 喜 一 念 相 應 後  Kyoki ichinen soo go
   After attaining a single thought of Joy of oneness with Amida,

   與 韋 提 等 獲 三 忍  Yo Idai to gyaku sannin
   They obtain the three insights, as did Vaidehi,

   即 證 法 性 之 常 樂  Soku sho Hossho shijoraku
   And will realize the Eternal Bliss of Dharma-nature.

[26] 源 信 廣 開 一 代 教  Genshin kokai ichidaikyo
   Genshin widely expounded the Buddha's lifetime teachings;

   偏 歸 安 養 勸 一 切  Hen ki Annyo kan issai
   While he devoutly sought refuge in the Land of Peace and Provision, he urged all to follow him.

   專 雜 執 心 判 浅 深  Sen zo shushin han senjin
   He distinguished between deep faith in practicing the Nembutsu exclusively and shallow faith in doing miscellaneous acts of merits,

   報 化 二 土 正 辨 立  Hoke nido sho benryu
   And so clarified the different states of attainment: birth in the Land of Recompense and birth in the Transformed Land.

[27] 極 重 惡 人 唯 稱 佛  Gokuju akunin yui sho Butsu
   Those with extremely heavy evil karma should only recite Amida's Name.

   我 亦 在 彼 攝 取 中  Ga yaku zai hi sesshu chu
   Although I, too, am in his embracing Light,

   煩 惱 障 眼 雖 不 見  Bonno sho gen suifu ken
   My evil passions hinder me from perceiving it,

   大 悲 無 倦 常 照 我  Daihi muken jo sho ga
   But his Light of Great Comnpassion never ceases to shine on me untiringly.

[28] 本 師 源 空 明 佛 教  Honshi Genku myo bukkyo
   Honen, the master of our school, was well-versed in Buddhism;

   憐 愍 善 惡 凡 夫 人  Renmin zenmaku bonbunin
   He was compassionately mindful of both good and wicked ordinary people.

   眞 宗 教 證 興 片 州   Shinshu kyo sho ko henshu
   Disseminating the teaching of the True Way throughout Japan,

   選 擇 本 願 弘 惡 世  Senjaku Hongan gu akuse
   He spread the selected Primal Vow in this evil world.

[29] 還 來 生 死 輪 轉 家   Genrai shoji rinden ge
   Transmigration in the house of Samsara

   決 以 疑 情 爲 所 止   Ketsu i gijo i shoshi
   Is definitely caused by the fault of doubt;

   速 入 寂 静 無 爲 樂   Soku nyu jakujo mui raku
   Quick entry into the Capital of Uncreated Tranquility

   必 以 信 心 爲 能 入   Hitsu i Shinjin i nonyu
   Is necessarily realized by Faith.

[30] 弘 經 大 士 宗 師 等   Gukyo daiji shushi to
   The bodhisattvas and masters of this school who spread the teaching of the Pure Land sutras

   拯 濟 無 邊 極 濁 惡   Josai muhen gokujoku aku
   Have saved innumerable beings, totally defiled and evil.

   道 俗 時 衆 共 同 心   Dozoku jishu gu doshin
   People of the present age, both priests and laymen, should with one accord

   唯 可 信 斯 高 僧 説   Yui ka shin shi koso setsu
   Only accept in faith the teachings of those virtuous masters.

[Source] Chapter on the True Practice (Part 2), Kyogyoshinsho.
[Bibliography] H. Inagaki, The Way of Nembutsu-Faith: A Commentary on the Shoshinge, Nagata Bunshodo, 1996, pp. 163-183.
[Reference] A different version of Shoshinge, "Nembutsu Shoshin Ge," contained in the Monruijusho.

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