Formal Forms of Verbs/Nouns/Adjectives

1. In Chapter 1, we learned that Japanese verbs can be divided
into three groups:
- Ru-verbs
- U-verbs
- Irregular verbs: i.e., suru 'to do' and kuru 'to come'
The verbal forms that we studied previously are called "informal
(or plain) forms."
In this chapter, we study formal forms of verbs.
You can change the informal (or plain) forms of verbs into
the formal ones based on the following rule:
- Ru-verbs
Drop -RU and
attach -MASU.
- U-verbs
Change the last vowel
-U to -I and attach -MASU.
nomu ->nomimasu
- Irregular verbs:You just have to remember them!
Recall that the distinction between RU-verbs and U-verbs can
be made based on the following rule:
- If a verb ends with either /-iru/ or /-eru/,
it is Ru-verb.
- Otherwise, it is U-verb.
Let's Practice! Say the formal forms of the following verbs.
Check #7!
2. Now, for Nouns and Adjectives, use
For instance:
This book is expensive.
Kono hon, takai desu.
This cake is delicious.
Kono keeki, oishii desu.
This (one) is a magazine.
Kore, zasshi desu.
This (one) is Japanese tea! (I'm telling you)
Kore, ocha desu yo.
Informal Forms of Adjectives can be made by dropping
For instance:
This book is expensive.
Kono hon, takai.
This cake is delicious.
Kono keeki, oishii.
3. For making questions, attach -ka
at the end of a sentence.
- Do you play?
Shimasu ka?
- What is (it)?
Nan desu ka?
Who is (s/he)?
Dare desu ka?
What is this (one)?
Kore, nan desu ka?
Is this delicious?
Kore, oishii desu ka?
Is this expensive?
Kore, takai desu ka?
4. Formal Forms of 'Yes' and 'No'.
In Chapter 1, we practiced the informal 'yes'
(i.e., /un/).

The formal forms of 'yes' and 'no' are:
- /hai/ (or /ee/) 'yes'
- /iie/ (or /iya/) 'no'
Let's Practice!: How would you say the following?
Do you play tennis? Yes, I do.
Do you eat Sushi? Yes, I do.
Is this cake delicious? Yes, it is.
Is this radio expensive? Yes, it is.
Do you drink sake? Yes, I do.
Now, go to this drill!