Richard Y. Wang
Richard Y. Wang
Richard Y. Wang is a pioneer and internationally known leader in the data quality field.
He is the lead Principle Investigator of the Information Quality Program at the Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial
Development (CTPID) and Co-Director for the Total Data Quality Management (TDQM) Program at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he has been a professor for a decade.
He is also a visiting professor at the CITM, University of California at Berkeley.
Prof. Wang also served as professor at Boston University and the University of Arizona,
Tucson. He has published extensively in top journals to develop concepts, principles,
tools, methods, and techniques related to data quality.
He co-authored Information Technology in Action: Trends and Perspectives
(Prentice Hall, 1993), Data Quality Systems (CMI, 1995), Quality Information and Knowledge
(Prentice Hall, 1999), Data Quality (Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2001), and Journey to Data
Quality (MIT Press, forthcoming). Prof. Wang can be reached at 617-969-2169.

Stuart E. Madnick
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Stuart E. Madnick
Stuart Madnick has been a faculty member at MIT since 1972. He has served as the head of MIT's Information Technologies Group for more than ten years.
During that time the group has been consistently rated #1 in the nation among business school information technology programs (U.S. News & World Reports, BusinessWeek, and ComputerWorld). He is also an affiliate member of MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science, a member of the research advisory committee of the International Financial Services Research Center, and a member of the executive committee of the Center for Information Systems Research.
He has been active in industry, making significant contributions as a key designer and developer of projects such as IBM's VM/370 operating system and Lockheed's DIALOG information retrieval system. He has served as a consultant to many major corporations, such as IBM, AT&T, and Citicorp.
Yang W. Lee
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Yang W. Lee
Yang W. Lee, Assistant Professor and Joseph G. Reisman Research Professor, Management Science Group. Professor Lee holds a PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Lee's research areas include data quality, systems integration, IT-mediated institutional learning, and knowledge management infrastructure and strategy. Professor Lee co-founded Cambridge Research Group, a firm specializing in information quality and knowledge management. She is the recipient of the 1990 Distinguished Research Award from the Association of Management. Her publications have appeared in leading journals such as Communications of the Association of Computing Machinery (CACM), Sloan Management Review, IEEE Computer, NIKKEI computer, and Journal of Information Technology Management. She is also a co-author of Quality Information and Knowledge (Prentice Hall, 1999), Data Quality (Kluwer Academics Publisher, 2000), and Journey to Data Quality (MIT Press, forthcoming). She is a conference co-chair for International Conference on Information Quality. She was a visiting professor at MIT in 2001.
James D. Funk
James D. Funk
James Funk is IS Manager - Global Information Architecture at S. C. Johnson and the Practice Conference Chair
for the 6th-8th International Conference on Information Quality. A co-author of Journey to Data Quality (forthcoming, MIT Press),
Mr. Funk has extensive industry experiences in issues related to data quality management, data warehouse, and ERP/ERM implementation.
Arie Segev
Arie Segev
Arie Segev is a Professor at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, and the Director of the Fisher Center for Information Technology &
Marketplace Transformation (CITM), where he has been leading research projects and out-reach activities related to eBusiness and Information Management.
He has published extensively in those areas, serves on the editorial board of major research journals, and is on the advisory boards of several technology companies. Segev can be reached at