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All samples are credited to: Bruce Thompson, Apple.

Text Input
Entire Section download   94k

textinpu.sit.hqx 121k

InkForm - 1 11k

inkform.sit.hqx 16k

This example shows how to use Newton 2.0 Recognition and Ink features. This sample uses the new recConfig frames and manipulates Rich Strings (strings which can include "ink words.") Includes a custom configured RecToggle, and shows how to use features of clParagraphViews to force ink and text to a given font/size/style and do deferred recognition.

InkTranslate - 1 21k

inktrans.sit.hqx 14k

Turns stroke bundles (one form of digital ink) into points arrays, and from there into shapes to be rendered in a different view. An improvement on Different Strokes.

Keyboardin - 1 14k

keybdin.sit.hqx 19k

Keyboardin shows the basics of implementing some of the new keyboard API found in Newton 2.1 OS.

Keys - 4 13k

keys.sit.hqx 16k

This shows how to do a keyboard, including using a picture for a keycap and using strings for what the key prints out. The new version shows one of the keys which will 'modify' the visual and output components of another key.

QWERTY - 3 18k

qwerty.sit.hqx 21k

The QWERTY project shows how to implement an on-screen keyboard which does not prompt for "add-to-dictionary?" or have the "dictionary" icon. This sample project creates a keyboard which looks like the American QWERTY keyboard.

TXWord - 2 22k

txword.sit.hqx 30k

This sample shows the basics of protoTXView, the Newton 2.1 Text Editor. It also shows how to create font and size menus, do range and text manipulation, and insert graphic shapes.