KENYA URBAN SERVICES IMPROVEMENT PROJECTSExample of: The Importance of Technical Assistance |
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Nairobi, Kenya |
A series of five urban services projects implemented by the World Bank in Nairobi, Kenya have had many positive impacts on water, housing, sanitation, social services, and environmental conditions but there are several important lessons learned from the experience. The evaluation mentions the importance of interspersing technical assistance projects between investment interventions to ensure that project activities are continually improved based on experience (OED Précis, 1). A lack of technical assistance hindered the success of the housing program. On a more positive note, however, proper sequencing was important to the success of the water supply projects.
For further information:
Operations Evaluation Department. Improving Urban Services in Nairobi. OED Précis no. 115. (Washington, D.C.: World Bank, June 1996).
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What worked and why? |
What didn't work and why?
To Learn More:
Duchhart, Ingrid. Evaluation and Options for Improvement of the Environment in a Slum Upgrading Project in Nairobi, Kenya. Landscape and Urban Planning 18 (1989): 153-174. Ondiege, Peter O. Public Sector and Urban Housing Development in the City of Nairobi, Kenya: Affordability and Implicit Subsidy and Possible Alternatives. African Urban Quarterly 7, nos. 1 and 2 (February and May 1992): 90-8. Pugh, Cedric. Land Policies and Low-Income Housing in Developing Countries: A Review, with Reference to Kenya and India. Land Use Policy (January 1992): 47-63. Syaga, Paul M. and Kiamba, J.M. Housing the Urban Poor: A Case Study of Pumwani, Kibera and Dandora Estates in the City of Nairobi, Kenya. African Urban Quarterly 7, nos. 1 and 2 (February and May 1992): 79-88. WATER SUPPLY PROGRAMS: Ebrahimi, Farah. Improving Urban Services in Nairobi. OED Précis. (Washington, D.C.: Operations and Evaluations Department, June 1996). Skytta, Tuno and Landeau, Jean-Francois. Kenya: Development of Housing, Water Supply, and Sanitation in Nairobi. Report No. 15586 (Washington, D.C.: World Bank, April 1996). |