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Tools provide a resource for understanding how to carry out and perform actions. They are categorized according to the steps in project implementation. Summaries of the tool are followed by a detailed description, when available.
You can view the tools topics by clicking on the green squares in the index below.

Getting Started: Identification
Worksheet: Issues, Strategies, Features
Worksheet: Stakeholders - I
Worksheet: Stakeholders - II
Green Rectangle Selecting Type of Project
Green Rectangle Selecting Target Areas
Click green button Identifying Stakeholders
Click green button Interactive Community Planning
Green Rectangle Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA)
Green Rectangle Tradeoffs: Bertaud Affordability Model
Green Rectangle Setting Priorities
Click green button Rapid Reconnaisance/Assessment

Included are several excerpts: one is a an example of mapping with the community, another proposes simple but effective Tips for surveying in the often confusing, high density squatter areas, and the last are some cautions for understanding survey data.

Setting It Up: Definition
Worksheet: Deciding Priorities and Sequence
Worksheet: Cost Recovery
Click green button Logical Planning Framework

A 1-page summary of why a project is carried out, what the project is expected to achieve, how it will achieve the results, which factors are crucial and a sense of what it will cost. Several variations exist. Included is an example from a project by the GTZ.

Click green button Interactive Community Planning

Included is an overview of four main types, a more detailed description of each of the main types, and a detailed, step-by-step example from South Africa of how to carry out an interactive workshop.

Click green button Interactive Dwelling Design
Green Rectangle Setting Standards
Click green button Regularization of Land: Land Sharing

Included are several summaries of articles dealing with ways of carrying out land readjustment. One details an example on reblocking together with the community. A second deals with Land Sharing where the slum dwellers meet with the land owner and agree on a reorganization, and a third deals with Land Pooling.

Green Rectangle Alternative Tenure Arrangements
Green Rectangle Cost-benefit Analysis
Green Rectangle Assessing Staff and Institutional Capacity
Green Rectangle Affordability and Willingness to Pay/Willing to Access
Click Green Square Consensus Building
Click Green Square Basic Services Alternatives
Carrying It Out: Implementation
Worksheet: Post-Project Issues
Green Rectangle Monitoring Construction
Click green button Providing Technical Assistance to Homeowners
Click green button Interactive Realignment of Properties (See: Regularization of Land)
Green Rectangle Contracting Procedures for Small Companies
Click green button Community Contracting
Green Rectangle Street Addressing: The Addressage System
Click green button Providing Information to Communities

Included are excerpts on preparing handbooks, posters, and leaflets; an article on general thoughts on communication, and checklist for making public awareness posters.

Green Rectangle Working with Development Agencies
Click Green Square Checklist for Hiring consultants
Click Green Square Income Generation
Capturing Experience: Evaluation
Worksheet: Summary of Monitoring and Evaluation
Green Rectangle Assessing Projects and Programs
Click green button Indicators To See If You Got It Right
Click green button Training cum Assessing Workshop

Aleppo Case Example
This workshop is an example of a rapid, field-based, action-oriented training workshop.

Click green button Setting Up a System for Monitoring and Evaluating Program Implementation

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Reference for Administrators, Policy-makers, Decision-makers, Technical Staff and Practitioners

The sections may be accessed directly by clicking on the green square.Click button

Click button Organizations Who Can Help?
Contains a brief description of key agencies that are involved in upgrading. Each agency includes mailing address and web site URL. Organizations are grouped according to their contribution: 1) those that provide technical assistance, 2) those that provide technical assistance and funding, and 3) those that provide only funding.

Information is provided at two levels: 1) A Basic Format to rapidly capture the example, and 2) The Standard Format with full information.

Click button Web Sites Resources on the Web
Contains a listing of key web sites that offer information on upgrading. There are three major areas:
Photo, India Slum Roofs

Click button Bibliography Key References
Contains a listing of key books and reports and their Table of Contents. References may be accessed in three ways by topic, title, and when using "search", by author or title.

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