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Cadastral: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
An official register of the quantity, value, and ownership of land properties. Used by municipal authorities in apportioning taxes based on land value, and in maintaining clear legal title records to facilitate sale and utility as collateral. (Compare to Street Addressing.) |
Circulation Length/Area Served Ratio:
An index for determining relative costs of linear utility infrastructure. Total length (not area) of circulation (streets, paths, etc.) divided by total area that circulation services. By convention, lengths are in meters and areas are in hectares - this results in 3-digit indices.
The people living in a particular place and usually linked by common interests.
Community facilities/services:
Facilities/services used in common by a number of people, including schools, health, recreation, police, fire, public transportation, community center, etc (U.S.D.P.)
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM):
A method to estimate demand of urban services through consultation with users, using field observation, household surveys and 'bidding' for services which is intended to determine how much a user would be willing to pay for a specific level of service.
Costs of Urbanization:
Expenses for installation of basic utilities. They customarily include the following:
Capital: cost of land and infrastructure; Operating: recurring cost of administration, maintenance, etc.; and may be grouped into: Direct: include capital and operating costs; Indirect: include environmental and personal effects. |
Demand-Responsive Approaches (DRA), Demand-Oriented Programs:
Demand for a service that the user wants and is willing to pay for it. Programs are increasingly shifting to more open-ended and flexible approaches where the users select the specific components. See also: Affordability, Willingness-to-pay.
A measure of the intensity of occupation or use. Measured in units per area. (u/area) Units are customarily plots, dwellings, rooms or people per area. In terms of land, there are two forms:
Three types are considered:
Dwelling Type:
The physical arrangement of the dwelling unit:
Assessment of a project or program's impact AFTER the implementation is complete. (Contrast with Monitoring) |
The ratio of the dwelling area to the land area.
A socio-economic unit which often coincides with the basic kinship unit of a society. Usually several related persons living together in a form of shelter and sharing food and other basic resources.
Housing Area Ratio:
An index for comparing accommodation within a housing area. It is the ratio of the total floor area within the house to the total land within a housing area.
See also: Floor Area Ratio. |
The underlying foundation or basic framework (Websters New Collegiate Dictionary). Further differentiated as service infrastructure or utility infrastructure.
Land development techniques where a group of separate land parcels are assembled for unified planning, servicing and subdivision as a single estate, with the sale of some of the new building plots to recover the costs and the redistribution of the other plots back to the landowners.
Land Pooling is differentiated as where land is legally consolidated (pooled) by the transfer of ownership of the separate parcels of land to the agency handling the transaction and redesign, with the later transfer of ownership of the new building plots to the landowners as shown on a replotting plan. Land readjustment is where the land parcels are only notionally consolidated with the agency having the right to design services and subdivide the land on a unified basis, and then the landowners exchange their rural land parcels for their building plots as shown in the replotting plan. Plot reconstitution - another variation - is a regulatory arrangement imposed on landowners that is designed to facilitate the development of land but which requires the owners to contribute land and cash. Land remains in separate ownership and partial cost recovery is achieved through betterment tax. |
Lot coverage:
The ratio of building area to the total area of the lot (or plot). Used as comparative index.
See 'Plots'
Assessment of a project or program DURING implementation.
(Contrast with Evaluation) |
Moral Hazard:
The expectation of a subsidy is believed to encourage people to behave irresponsibly. This term is used in economics, generally with regard to loans. Bail-out packages could reduce a government's incentive to reform by relieving the pain of financial failure. Some argue that the IMF's proclivity to bail out the profligate creates a danger of "moral hazard".
See 'Plots'
A combination of the words peripherally and urban. Generally related to the urban areas that lie on the outer edges of the city. The characteristics tend to be part urban and part rural, and often the areas where squatters tend to settle.
Also 'lots' and 'parcels' commonly used. A measured piece of land having fixed boundaries and access to public circulation.
The non-linear facilities used in common by a community, including community centers, schools, health, police, fire, and public transportation. Sometimes service infrastructure used interchangeably with utility infrastructure.
(Contrast with Utility Infrastructure.) |
Slums and Squatter settlements: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Usage tends to vary according to country and region. The following differentiation is commonly accepted: (Adapted from Survey of Slum and Squatter Settlements, UNCHS-habitat, 1982, Dublin: Tycooly International Publishing Limited, and Upgrading of Slums and Squatter Settlements, UNCHS-Habitat, 1981, Nairobi.) |
Site and Services Projects:
The subdivision of urban land and the provision of services and utilities for residential use and complementary commercial use. Site and Services projects are aimed to improve the housing conditions for low income groups by providing: a) site, or plot of land, on which people can build their house; and b) services: the necessary utility and service infrastructure necessary for a functioning community. Various dwelling options are sometimes offered, ranging from floor slabs with utility connections, roofs only, 1-room cores houses, to small more complete dwelling units, tailored to the ability to pay. Utility services also vary, from communal facilities (toilets, water supply - although generally not recommended) to pit latrines and shared water standpipes, to full piped services to the individual plots. The concept became popular in the 60s and the attempt to mimic and institutionalize squatter settlements.
The act, right, manner or term of holding property, either land or dwelling. It may be legal: having formal status derived by law, or extralegal: not regulated or sanctioned by law. Four basic legal types are commonly considered:
Total Living Space:
The total area of the dwelling as well as the area outside of the dwelling which is used daily for important activities; for example, cooking, resting and at night sleeping. This can be expressed in total dwelling space, or as dwelling space per person (total living space divided by total inhabitants).
See also: Floor Area Ratio. |
The basic physical networks, including water supply, sewage disposal, electricity, circulation, street lighting, storm drainage, and telephone. Generally considered to be the domain of public agencies, but increasing small-scale entrepreneurs have been recognized as key providers. Sometimes utility infrastructure used interchangeably with service infrastructure.
(Contrast with Service Infrastructure.) |