Examples are selected to illustrate specific issues and provide insights for strategic project and program planning and development. Sufficient information is provided to highlight lessons while allowing the practitioners to judge whether they would apply to their situation. The conditions necessary for successful implementation are noted when available.
The Examples may be accessed in two ways:.
by country location
by sector (Basic Services, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Solid and Hazardous Waste, Land and Ecosystems, Environmental Hazards, and Global Environmental Challenges
Click on the Example name to go to the description.
Contributions from users are encouraged and specifically noted. Click here to go directly to a page formatted for contributions and feedback. |
Most examples are selected from:
Sustaining Cities. Leitmann, Josef. 1999. McGraw-Hill, Washington, D.C. |
Examples by Country |
Key Issue
Africa |
Kenya |
Green town environmental training |
Ecosystem degradation |
Senegal |
Improved lot project |
Access to basic services |
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
Pit latrine emptying technology |
Ecosystem degradation |
East Asia/Pacific |
Surabaya, Indonesia |
Kampung improvement program (KIP) |
Access to basic services |
Bandung, Indonesia |
Resource recovery system |
Global environmental challenges |
Karachi, Pakistan |
Innovative sewerage in Orangi Project |
Access to basic services |
Europe |
Middle East/North Africa |
Cairo, Egypt |
Household waste management (Zabbaleen) |
Solid Waste Management |
Egypt |
National scheme conserving drinking water |
Ecosystem degradation |
Karyan El Ou, Morocco |
Community sanitation program |
Access to basic services |
Latin America |
Cubatao, Brazil |
Disaster control plan |
Environmental hazards |
Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Urban rehabilitation project (Guarapiranga) |
Access to basic services |
Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Reduction of hillside geological risks |
Environmental hazards |
Examples by Sector
Access to basic services |
Senegal |
Improved lot project |
Surabaya, Indonesia |
Kampung improvement program (KIP) |
Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Urban rehabilitation project (Guarapiranga) |
Karachi, Pakistan |
Innovative sewerage in Orangi Project |
Global environmental challenges |
Bandung, Indonesia |
Resource recovery system |
Environmental harzards |
Cubatao, Brazil |
Disaster control plan |
Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Reduction of hillside geological risks |
Ecosystem degradation |
Kenya |
Green town environmental training |
Egypt |
National scheme conserving drinking water |
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
Pit latrine emptying technology |
Solid Waste Management |
Cairo, Egypt |
Household waste management (Zabbaleen) |