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Walking in the Wind

Designed and folded May 2022

Paper: 40cm double tissue

The goal of this model (in addition to being another figure in the series of ordinary people designs) was to create a sense of motion in an unmoving paper figure. This first requires shaping each part (sleeves, dress, hair, scarf) in a way that appears like they're being blown around by the wind--then, posing the figure in a way that someone might look while walking upwind: leaning forward, shielding their face, squinting a bit, and so on. Overall I think the illusion worked.

Technically, the only remarkable aspect is that instead of having one arm on each side of the paper (like most human figures), both arms are arranged on the right side, and one is twisted over. Although this idea sounds weird at first, I believe this is a much more effective layout.

Grid: 32x32