The general idea of the project, is 9 square terraces, divided by canals, and surrounded by a VIRTUAL fence.

The project is divided in 3 big parts:

* The Greenhouse (entrance).
* The Nursery (terraces "chinampas").
* The Community Area (the back part of the site).

PlantaThe topography of the site, help me to design it, because it has a smooth sloope (6') from bottom to the highest zone. So it allow me to create each terrace with different height. The project is detaching from each of the sides (this terraces continue with the shape of the land), so at the interior of it, the terraces become more regular (squares).
Each terrace will be planted with 16 trees (separated 9' one from the other) and they will have a place to walk on the perimeter.

They will be conected by a road from the greenhouse to the last terrace.
The water will run on the canals like a waterfall. The bottom of the canals will have a wrinkled texture, to give the water a different movement.
I'm thinking about Honey locust to be planted over there. The reason is that I want a tree that produces some shadows but also permit the sun go in. Also this tree has great colors in summer but also has a great Yellow-orange on Fall, so this will allow to dress of different colors the neiborhood in each season.

The Greenhouse, I taught as the entrance, there we will have exhibitions of exotic flowers, flowers of the season, etc. This because it will take some years to the trees to be in their very best state; so this will be a way to make the neiborhood be involved with the nursery since the begining and not wait until the trees grow. Also the Community Area is taught as a meeting place where the whole neiborhood can celebrate their parties or the seasonal holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc.).


This page is maintained by Felipe Diez at the Graduate School of Fine Arts
Please mail any comments to:

Last Update: 12 December 1996