The image show the nursery from the corner of 49th. St. and Brown, at the opening, The fence will be of wood, painted in white as the color of the houses in front of the nursery, to complete the line of the street. This fence will be just the columns and beams, showing the silohuette of the house.
The fence will allow to see from the street what is happening inside the nursery.

Second The second year we will be able to see some of the new trees planted near the nursery. The environment of the street has not change a lot yet.

Now the street is covered of a green summer color. The trees have reach their maturity. The street shows a different image.Summer

Fall On fall, the street will be painted of a yellow-orange color. And we will here the leafs on the pavement.

Some views showing the relation between the fence, the greenhouse, and the neiborhood. Site Sections
Sections The water will be collected from the rain storms from the roofs of the houses behind the nursery, with a pumping system to recycle it.
The water will go just to the front of the fence in subtle fountains, so when the people walk near the place, they will hear the movment of the water.
The front part of the fence will have a "Pergola", with some climbing plants like grapes or kiwis. This will also show different colors in the spring and summer.

ABack to Cultivating Forest Go

This page is maintained by Felipe Diez at the Graduate School of Fine Arts
Please mail any comments to:

Last Update: 12 December 1996