My first visit was with the experiential mappers...we drove and then I walked around with Steve for about forty-five minutes...
When I first saw it I was surprised that it's so empty...not many people...I didn't see as much activity as I expected...
I felt that the trees and the plants are trying to invade the place...get out of the vacant lots...corner by corner the places are so different from each other...color is so gray...Platanus is such a gray tree...certain blocks are all white...lots of colors...bright... pink windows...this is the way that helps me think about the emptiness...
We talked with one guy at the garden...he gave us a tour of his garden and gave us some grapes he grew...he was especially interested in his watermelons...there were other people looking at us...I looked too but without saying anything to them...just talked with Steve...maybe I should have?...when I went to school in Maine I used to say hello to people in the city or at school...most people responded...in Philadelphia they usually do not so I stopped...
This place reminded me of San Francisco a bit...the houses...windows...and the vacant lots remind me of a shrine where I used to play when I was little...wild, dark and quiet...not peaceful quiet...not lonely...and there is one place that reminds me of something but I just don't know what...
This studio is good because it combines the school world with the real world. I haven't really gone that far...that often...

[ 4 routes ]