Hydrant #6
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mr. n
age: 40-45
address: somewhere in Philadelphia, outside Mill Creek

Sunday, 22 September
1:00 p.m.

I meet Mr. N's son first -- he is sitting on the bench outside the Shop Rite and I want to ask him questions, only he tells me he doesn't live in the neighborhood -- doesn't even know anybody who does. The only reason he's here is because his dad is working. His dad works at Sulzberger too, he says.

His dad comes out of the store. He is pushing a row of carts. He is a Philadelphia Police Officer, the one officer assigned to Sulzberger. Three or four guys turned the assignment down before he took it. That was seven years ago. Before that he was on foot partrol in the same neighborhood.

Mr. N says he is comfortable EVERYWHERE in this neighborhood. He know all the kids from about sixth grade up to twelfth grade, since he's been around for so many years. He can walk anywhere without having a problem.

The kids respect him for a number of reasons, he says:
    -he is fair
    -he is nice to people first, then tough later just when he has to be
    -he started the job when he was older -- around 35; he didn't have anything to prove
    -his uniform
    -he respects people, so they respect him too
    -he draws lines and is clear
When Mr. N's son comes with him to work, Mr. N makes him stay at the Shop Rite. If Mr. N is with his son, Mr. N says, his son is safe anywhere too. The only place Mr. N would rather his son didn't go alone is "down by the projects, down past 46th Street".

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