Hydrant #3
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age: 13
address: 4800 block of Aspen St.

Monday, 23 September
3:30 p.m.

W.R. lives across the street for Aspen Farms. He and four friends have the day off of school today -- for the Jewish holiday. The are on the street playing a game that entails a lot of running. W.R. is in eighth grade. He does not go to Sulzbereger though; he goes to a school at 58th and Walnut. Next year he will go to West Philadelphia high school. He does play footdall in the field down by Sulzberger though. He hope to play in high school. His favorite position is corner back.

W.R. mostly hangs out on Aspen Street and on the street behind it, Olive Street. He feels okay most places in the neighborhood, except down past 46th Street, where the projects are. Kids are different down there, he says. They like to start trouble. They get smart, roll on you, jump you. They ask you what you're looking at so they can start a fight. And there are always more of them than there are of you.

W.R. has never had anything happen to him there, but almost. Once when he was down in that neighborhood, a group of kids started to chase him. He outran them.

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