Walking on the street, I recorded what people did while they were there.
Passing each sence, I caught every patterns and images belong to them.
Talking with kids, I was led to their fields by their innocent experience.
[4 routes]

- further exploration

Mapping Experience

On September 18th, I had my first experience to Mill Creek.
On September 22nd, I met my first interviewee,a kid working in a store.
On September 23nd, I met a kid playing on the street and a community gardener.
Through mapping and interview, seeing and hearing different experience, I caught many images and patterns of this community, and I tried to combine local residents' experience and mine. Through a conceptual model, it's an exciting process to see different experiences appear before my eyes.

Try to go inside the block

A overcast afternoon, walking on a narrow sidewalk,Eric and I were clipped by iced irony fence and rush traffic. "How big 48th Street is!"

I didn't see anybody stay for a while, even nobody walked on the street. "Where is the start point of our group's path?"

A huge guy was coming right against my face in the opposite direction. I tried to escape and sidle...... "Where is Eric?"....In the back!

"Where is the start point of our group's path?"...
"Do you feel nervous?"
"Of course not

Abruptly, I changed my walking experience...after a grass slope beside the narrow way appeared before my eyes.
"Stop to draw something."
"Have you done?"

"This is our start point." "Not bad!"
Through the grass slope to a greenbelt my eyesight became broad. It became darker under trees' shadow, and it was not bad!

"Have you done?"

"Oh! 48th Street is so wide!"

"Big motorcycle!""Home, home, home...!" In the silent afternoon, any music was unusually loud and harsh.

I went into the block and found the scale was comfortable for me.

A church stands on the corner. It was silent and sacred.
"People here must be very nice."
"Red flowers!"
"Red flowers!"
"Red flowers!"

I kept walking, more and more images of local residents appeared in my eyes ...."many fantastical paintings on the wall, and cute gardening in front of houses, special pavement on houses' fronts, and people sitting and chatting on the stairs of their porches".... After turning each corner, I would find different and fantastical images.

Moms sat on the stairs and kids ran around.
"I miss my mom."

"My God! There is a lot of traffic! I need to escape. "

A dog followed me... his host said something... I didn't know.
"My God! He kissed my leg!"

I turned into the block again, and the former images of local residents appeared.....

It is a casual way of people life. People don't need to say anything more, and it happens naturally.

"Huh!" I reached an open space with disordered garbage and withered plants. It was unusually windy and desolate.
"How windy and desolate it is!"
"Our group will meet here."

"I still need to walk around."...I couldn't casually reached other place. ...Finally, I sat at the middle point of the lost space.