the approach



context map


 The relationship the site with streets is one of the major concern for the design. The entrance of the parking is located close to Market St., which will invite more people who come to this place by car.

The entrance for pedestrians fits better at the corner of 48th and Haverford since there are residental houses and institutes on north side. Those people will come by walking. Also this entrance will draw the attention to the drivers who drives on Havaford St. This corner is where the game starts and ends.

The direction of 46th station and the view of Center City sky scrapers to the east is very important element for my concept of my design and the narravite.

I split the site into two parts by strip of water. This division line is also the important element of my design, but also used for water management pourposes.

The existing football field is maintained.



initial conceptual drawing

 neighborhood wandering.....

long, wide, winding path,

rich vegetation

irregular spacing of plants

soft edge

subway ride....

shady and narrow corridor


boundary, threshold

city exploration....

urban grid

short, narrow, tight,straight walk

hard edge


circulation plan








