Suitability for Flea Markets

in Mill Creek Neighborhood




There are four Miniature Golf course sites in Mill Creek neighborhood chosen by last rotation group. They found these sites by analyzing factors such as flooding area, accessibility from pubic transportation modes, topography, present land uses and etc.

For last 3 weeks our rotation group have worked on how can we connect those sites so that empower them as a miniature golf zone. Last week, we finalized three modes of connection which were a green belt as a linear form, landmarks as points and open spaces as areas.


 My project...

I was interested in the area mode of connecting those sites, and our area group divided four types of open spaces as vegetable a garden, a community park, playgrounds and a flea market.

The factors that we considered were schools, residential area, topography aspect, flooding zone, vacant lots, accessibility, crime and pollution(proximity from main roads).

Analyzing suitability for a Flea Market was my project.

Considered factors are proximity from residential area and flooding zone, accessibility from public transportation and vacant lots. Especially I put double weight on the proximity from residential area factor.




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